9th Grade Honors Lit: Short Story Part 1

9th Grade Honors Lit: Short Story Part 1

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. When you summarize a passage in a short story you

|a. |state the main ideas in a logical sequence. |

|b. |memorize every detail, including minor characters’ names. |

|c. |use vivid language to describe the setting. |

|d. |account for each plot point and all characters’ thoughts and feelings. |

____ 2. As you read a short story, you connect to personal experience when you

|a. |monitor your comprehension. |

|b. |think about your own experiences that are like those in the story. |

|c. |question extensively the characters’ motives. |

|d. |analyze the plot. |

____ 3. When writers use verb tense and transitions such as before, earlier that morning, or once in a short story, they communicate

|a. |mood. |c. |sequence. |

|b. |style. |d. |point of view. |

____ 4. Specific details in a short story that help readers visualize the setting, make inferences about characters, and understand the plot are called

|a. |cultural details. |c. |sensory details. |

|b. |stylistic details. |d. |concrete details. |

____ 5. The phrase “the pink triangles of their noses, convergent on the black triangles of their lips. . .” (from “The Garden of Stubborn Cats,”) helps the reader to

|a. |visualize. |c. |predict. |

|b. |analyze. |d. |empathize. |

____ 6. In a short story, the problem and solution are parts of the

|a. |setting. |c. |character. |

|b. |plot. |d. |tone. |

____ 7. As you read, you can use questioning to

|a. |determine word meanings. |

|b. |understand what has been read. |

|c. |choose a favorite character. |

|d. |use a journal to make notes. |

____ 8. When the narrator says she lived in a place where “the only off-ramp was at least five miles west and the combination store and restaurant with its dusty lunch counter was on the abandoned side of old Highway 99”(from “The Flat of the Land”) the sentence helps the reader to

|a. |analyze the setting. |c. |visualize the problem. |

|b. |understand the diction. |d. |interpret the solution. |

____ 9. When you read a short story and look for similarities and differences between characters, you are

|a. |analyzing cause and effect. |c. |comparing and contrasting characters. |

|b. |recognizing bias. |d. |determining the historical context. |

____ 10. Internal conflict refers to conflict that occurs

|a. |outside the setting of the story. |

|b. |between an outside force and a character. |

|c. |in the mind of a character. |

|d. |between two conflicting characters. |

____ 11. Flashback occurs when

|a. |a character mentions something that happened earlier. |

|b. |a story’s chronology is interrupted to describe an earlier event. |

|c. |the plot is interrupted to return to character development. |

|d. |the main character faces an internal conflict. |

____ 12. In a short story the theme is the

|a. |voice of the author. |c. |story’s universal truth. |

|b. |plot summary. |d. |story’s message. |

____ 13. Dialect refers to

|a. |the accepted form of a language. |

|b. |a variety of a language used by people from a specific geographic area. |

|c. |an author’s word choice. |

|d. |statements that are not literally true but express a truth beyond the literal level. |

____ 14. A motif in a short story is

|a. |the motivation for a character’s actions. |

|b. |a descriptive part of the setting. |

|c. |a recurring element such as an image or a theme. |

|d. |the moralistic tone used by some writers. |

____ 15. The words and word order a writer chooses is called

|a. |theme. |c. |symbolism. |

|b. |motif. |d. |diction. |

Recall and Interpret (Blues Ain’t No Mockin Bird )

____ 16. This story takes place in the

|a. |spring. |c. |fall. |

|b. |summer. |d. |winter. |

____ 17. The family in the story moves often because

|a. |they like to meet new neighbors. |c. |they like to see new places. |

|b. |people start to drive Granny crazy. |d. |people force them to leave. |

____ 18. The two men who come onto the family’s property say they are

|a. |trying to catch a chicken hawk. |c. |making a film about food stamps. |

|b. |looking for someone to fix their car. |d. |researching family farms. |

____ 19. Which of these contains an example of dialect?

|a. |“. . . the sound of twigs snapping overhead and underfoot travels clear and cold . . .” |

|b. |“. . .Smilin whispers to Camera, tiltin his head to talk secret like they was in the jungle or somethin . . .” |

|c. |“Then Granddaddy picks up the hammer and jams it into the oilskin pocket . . .” |

|d. |“And you can see the funny shadow he throws from the parlor window onto the ground . . .” |

____ 20. This story takes place

|a. |on playground in a small town. |c. |in the woods. |

|b. |in the front yard of a house. |d. |in a farm field. |

Vocabulary (The Cask of Amontillado)

____ 21. If the weather forecast precludes an event it

|a. |makes the event more enjoyable. |

|b. |keeps the event from happening. |

|c. |changes the purpose of the event. |

____ 22. When people try to break the rules with impunity, they

|a. |do not think they will get caught. |

|b. |break very important rules. |

|c. |are afraid of being punished. |

____ 23. Explicit directions are

|a. |precise. |b. |brief. |c. |confusing. |

____ 24. When you implore a friend to come visit, you

|a. |force. |b. |beg. |c. |suggest. |

____ 25. A phrase that means the opposite of accost is to

|a. |answer truthfully. |b. |speak slowly. |c. |ask politely. |

Recall and Interpret (The Cask of Amontillado)

____ 26. The line “At length I would be avenged” helps the author create

|a. |irony. |c. |a flashback. |

|b. |suspense. |d. |a climax. |

____ 27. Which best paraphrases the following sentence from the story:

“Here I knocked off the neck of a bottle which I drew from a long row of its fellows that lay upon the mold.”

|a. |I stumbled on the moldy floor and bumped into one of the bottles. |

|b. |I broke the neck of one of the bottles so that we could drink. |

|c. |I took one of the many bottles off the shelf and opened it. |

|d. |I took a bottle from one of the men and I broke it. |

____ 28. Montresor entices Fortunato to follow him to the vaults by telling him he has a

|a. |barrel of Spanish sherry. |c. |cask of fine beer. |

|b. |jug of aged whiskey. |d. |bottle of expensive wine. |

Vocabulary (The Lady, or the Tiger?)

____ 29. To be impartial is to be

|a. |dishonest. |b. |fair. |c. |broken. |

____ 30. When the comedian took a novel approach to entertaining a crowd, she did something

|a. |repetitive. |b. |pleasant. |c. |unique. |

Recall and Interpret (The Lady, or the Tiger?)

____ 31. The princess makes a decision about telling the young man which door to open. Her decision process is an example of

|a. |plot. |c. |setting. |

|b. |internal conflict. |d. |characters. |

____ 32. To the king, the purpose of the young man’s trial was to determine whether or not the young man

|a. |was wrong to love the princess. |c. |should marry a lady of the court. |

|b. |had chosen the correct door. |d. |came from a good family. |

____ 33. The young man is certain the princess will

|a. |forgive him for marrying another. |c. |discover a way out of the trial. |

|b. |convince the king to pardon him. |d. |find out the secret behind each door. |

____ 34. If the young man opens the door with the tiger he would face

|a. |an internal conflict. |c. |a symbol conflict. |

|b. |a plot conflict. |d. |an external conflict. |

____ 35. At the end of the story, the young man

|a. |is attacked by the tiger. |c. |opens the door on the right. |

|b. |marries the princess. |d. |escapes from the arena. |

____ 36. The princess tells the young man which door to choose by

|a. |nodding her head. |c. |pointing her finger. |

|b. |moving her hand. |d. |tossing her hair. |

Vocabulary (The Leap)

____ 37. The citizens could commemorate their independence by

|a. |eating dinner. |b. |going on vacation. |c. |having a parade. |

____ 38. A person might find elevators constricting because they are

|a. |square. |b. |fast. |c. |small. |

____ 39. If a person is perpetually late, he is

|a. |sometimes late. |b. |often late. |c. |never late. |

____ 40. A word that means the opposite of tentative is

|a. |familiar. |b. |possible. |c. |confident. |

Recall and Interpret (The Leap)

____ 41. The author uses a flashback when she

|a. |talks about her sewing. |c. |describes her mother as sightless. |

|b. |tells the story of the fire. |d. |writes about Mr. and Mrs Avalon. |

____ 42. The narrator is telling the story

|a. |about twenty years after the fire. |c. |at least 100 years after the fire. |

|b. |a few days after the fire. |d. |a year or two after the fire. |

____ 43. Which of the following events in the story happens first?

|a. |Anna meets the narrator’s father. |c. |Anna learns to read and write. |

|b. |Anna tours Europe. |d. |Anna’s baby dies. |

____ 44. The narrator describes three specific events for which she owes her mother her existence. Which is NOT one of these three events?

|a. |Anna survives the circus tent accident. |

|b. |The narrator goes to live with her mother. |

|c. |Anna meets the doctor in the hospital. |

|d. |The narrator is saved from a burning house. |

Vocabulary (The Most Dangerous Game)

____ 45. To discern a building is to

|a. |view it clearly. |b. |walk up to it. |c. |like the way it looks. |

____ 46. Which word means the opposite of condone?

|a. |overlook. |b. |condemn. |c. |understand. |

____ 47. When a task is imperative it is

|a. |urgent. |b. |impossible. |c. |unpleasant. |

____ 48. A zealous person has

|a. |enthusiasm. |b. |intelligence. |c. |compassion. |

Recall and Interpret (The Most Dangerous Game)

____ 49. Which is NOT an example of an external conflict?

|a. |Rainsford vs. Ivan |c. |Rainsford vs. his own fear |

|b. |Rainsford vs. the sea |d. |Rainsford vs. Zaroff’s hounds |

____ 50. What does General Zaroff believe are the qualities of the ideal game for hunting?

|a. |large size, intelligence, and speed |c. |warm-blooded, naive, weak |

|b. |wit, endurance, and strength |d. |courage, cunning, and reason |

____ 51. Which line creates suspense?

|a. |“I had no wish to go to pieces.” |c. |“I was bitterly disappointed.” |

|b. |“I have invented a new sensation.” |d. |“I’m a hunter, not a murderer.” |

____ 52. How does General Zaroff “help Providence a bit”?

|a. |He uses his hounds to hunt human beings. |

|b. |He has Ivan cook a huge meal. |

|c. |He turns on lights that cause ships to crash. |

|d. |He shoots his pistol into the air. |

Vocabulary (Sweet Potato Pie)

____ 53. A futile attempt is

|a. |successful. |b. |difficult. |c. |unsuccessful. |

____ 54. The color red is ubiquitous in Lola’s house means

|a. |red can be seen everywhere. |

|b. |red is hard to find. |

|c. |red is under everything. |

Recall and Interpret (Sweet Potato Pie)

____ 55. At the beginning of the story, Buddy reflects that Charley

|a. |was the youngest child. |c. |rarely helped their parents. |

|b. |never had a childhood. |d. |ran away from home. |

____ 56. Buddy is encouraged to go to school so he can

|a. |bear his share of the eternal burden. |c. |stop stuttering. |

|b. |ease the economic strain on the family. |d. |break the chain of poverty. |

____ 57. Read the following sentence: “His face was so lit up with pleasure that in spite of the inroads of time, he still looked like the Charley of years gone by, excited over a new litter of kittens.” This sentence shows that Charley

|a. |was very happy to see his brother. |

|b. |was surprised Buddy came to visit.. |

|c. |thought Buddy had brought kittens. |

|d. |worried a lot, like he did when they were kids. |

Vocabulary (The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant)

____ 58. A person who is pensive is

|a. |confused. |b. |upset. |c. |thoughtful. |

____ 59. A dubious excuse is

|a. |doubtful. |b. |sensible. |c. |reassuring. |

____ 60. A person who does something surreptitiously is

|a. |obvious. |b. |sneaky. |c. |loud. |

____ 61. A person demonstrates inhibition by

|a. | acting silly. |b. |pouting. |c. |holding back feelings. |

Recall and Interpret (The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant)

____ 62. By watching Sheila Mant, the narrator learned

|a. |her favorite songs. |c. |all her moods. |

|b. |what she liked to eat. |d. |her dogs’ names. |

____ 63. The narrator never goes anywhere without

|a. |a bathing suit. |c. |his spaniel. |

|b. |a fishing rod. |d. |his canoe. |

____ 64. Concerning fishing, Sheila

|a. |thinks it is dumb. |c. |wishes her dad would let her fish. |

|b. |loves to bass fish. |d. |thinks it sounds fun. |

____ 65. When the narrator’s fishing line zips off what does NOT occur to him?

|a. |Sheila Mant must not know. |

|b. |He must cut the fishing line. |

|c. |It was the biggest bass he had ever hooked. |

|d. |It was a big bass. |

Vocabulary (The Gift of the Magi)

____ 66. An imputation is a(n)

|a. |forgery. |b. |release. |c. |accusation. |

____ 67. The value of the vase has depreciated, which means it has

|a. |risen. |b. |fallen. |c. |stayed the same. |

____ 68. To show prudence means to show

|a. |great daring. |b. |great strength. |c. |good judgement. |

Recall and Interpret (The Gift of the Magi)

____ 69. At the beginning of the story, Della’s problem is that

|a. |her hair is in tangles and she can’t comb it. |

|b. |she doesn’t have enough money to buy Jim a Christmas present. |

|c. |she thinks Jim will be home too late for dinner. |

|d. |she owes the butcher a lot of money. |

____ 70. Della gets a small amount of money ($1.87) by

|a. |saving all year. |c. |selling a watch. |

|b. |finding it under the couch. |d. |holding a bake sale. |

____ 71. What is Della’s solution to her problem?

|a. |She chooses to skip Christmas. |c. |She decides to make Jim a big dinner. |

|b. |She goes to talk to the banker. |d. |She decides to sell her hair. |

____ 72. Jim’s problem at the end of the story is that he

|a. |can’t find his watch. |c. |forgot to buy a present for Della. |

|b. |no longer has his watch. |d. |has stolen some combs. |

____ 73. What does Della do after she has her hair cut?

|a. |She buys a watch chain for Jim. |

|b. |She runs home. |

|c. |She strolls through the city. |

|d. |She buys a wig. |

Vocabulary (The Scarlet Ibis)

____ 74. To careen around a track is to

|a. |drive fast. |b. |swerve. |c. |keep in a straight line. |

____ 75. To reiterate instructions means to

|a. |say more than once. |b. |leave out important parts. |c. |set them aside for later. |

____ 76. Something that is balanced precariously is

|a. |secure. |b. |immovable. |c. |unsteady. |

Recall and Interpret (The Scarlet Ibis)

____ 77. When Doodle learned to crawl, he

|a. |finally became one of the family. |c. |wanted a new name. |

|b. |wouldn’t leave the bedroom. |d. |didn’t seem like part of the family. |

____ 78. The narrator was excited when Doodle looked at him and smiled because he

|a. |took it as a sign that Doodle was “all there.” |

|b. |thinks Doodle laughed at his joke. |

|c. |believes he’ll get a reward. |

|d. |can now invite friends over. |

____ 79. What was the second thing Daddy built for Doodle?

|a. |a tree house |c. |a wagon |

|b. |a scooter |d. |a go-cart |

____ 80. As the narrator is teaching Doodle to walk, he gets Doodle to keep trying by

|a. |threatening to leave Doodle in the swamp if he doesn’t continue. |

|b. |drawing a picture of them as old men and Doodle still riding in the go-cart. |

|c. |telling Doodle he’ll have to get a guide dog. |

|d. |saying he will tell all the school children he stopped trying. |

____ 81. What did the narrator do when he and Doodle showed their parents that Doodle could walk?

|a. |He couldn’t watch. |c. |He ran and hid. |

|b. |He smashed the go-cart. |d. |He began crying. |

Short Answer

82. After you reread the passage from “The Cask of Amontillado,” paraphrase the last sentence.

83. The following passage is from “The Interlopers.” After you read it, explain a cause and an effect in the passage.

The two enemies stood glaring at one another for a long silent moment. Each had a rifle in his hand, each had hate in his heart and murder uppermost in his mind. The chance had come to give full play to the passions of a lifetime. But a man who has been brought up under the code of a restraining civilization cannot easily nerve himself to shoot down his neighbor in cold blood and without a word spoken, except for an offense against his hearth and honor. And before the moment of hesitation had given way to action a deed of Nature’s own violence overwhelmed them both. A fierce shriek of the storm had been answered by a splitting crash over their heads, and ere they could leap aside a mass of falling beech tree had thundered down on them.

84. Reread the passage from “The Gift of the Magi.”. What is the narrator implying when he says, “. . . of all who give gifts these two were the wisest.”?

Analyze and Evaluate (Blues Ain’t No Mockin Bird)

85. Find three lines in the story that show examples of dialect.

Analyze and Evaluate (The Cask of Amontillado)

86. List three things that Montresor does that show the reader that Montresor carefully planned his revenge on Fortunato.

Analyze and Evaluate (The Lady, or the Tiger?)

87. Summarize these lines:

It was the duty and the privilege of the person on trial, to walk directly to these doors and open one of them. He could open either door he pleased: he was subject to no guidance or influence but that of the aforementioned impartial and incorruptible chance.

Analyze and Evaluate (The Leap)

88. Identify two places in the story where the narrator uses flashbacks. For each flashback, include one line from the text that helps the reader identify the section as a flashback.

Analyze and Evaluate (The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant)

89. Write a sentence describing what kind of person you think Sheila Mant is.

Analyze and Evaluate (The Gift of the Magi)

90. After Della has her hair cut, what is she afraid of?

Analyze and Evaluate (The Scarlet Ibis)

91. This line foreshadows, or hints at, the end of the story. What does the narrator mean when he writes, “I did not know then that pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death.”


Evaluate and Connect (The Cask of Amontillado)

92. The last line of the story explains that it was written half a century, or 50 years, after the event. Have Montresor’s feeling or beliefs changed since the night he murdered Fortunato? What does this tell you about Montresor’s character? Write a paragraph that answers these questions. Use details from the story to support your answers.

Evaluate and Connect (The Lady, or the Tiger?)

93. Do you think the princess directed the young man to the door with the tiger or the lady? Use examples from the story to support your answer.

Evaluate and Connect (The Most Dangerous Game)

94. At the beginning of the story Rainsford says, “The world is made up of two classes - the hunters and the huntees. Luckily, you and I are hunters.”

After his experience on the island with General Zaroff, do you think Rainsford will ever hunt again? Write a paragraph explaining why or why not.

9th Grade Honors Lit: Short Story Part 1

Answer Section


1. ANS: A PTS: 1

2. ANS: B PTS: 1

3. ANS: C PTS: 1

4. ANS: D PTS: 1

5. ANS: A PTS: 1

6. ANS: B PTS: 1

7. ANS: B PTS: 1

8. ANS: A PTS: 1

9. ANS: C PTS: 1

10. ANS: C PTS: 1

11. ANS: B PTS: 1

12. ANS: D PTS: 1

13. ANS: B PTS: 1

14. ANS: C PTS: 1

15. ANS: D PTS: 1

16. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 69

OBJ: analyzing dialect and setting STA: R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: setting | Blues Ain't No Mockin Bird

17. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 71

OBJ: analyzing concrete details STA: R.II-3 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: concrete details | comprehension | Blues Ain't No Mockin Bird

18. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 70

OBJ: analyzing concrete details STA: R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: concrete details | comprehension | Blues Ain't No Mockin Bird

19. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: pp. 69-74

OBJ: analyzing dialect and setting STA: 9.2 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: dialect | Blues Ain't No Mockin Bird

20. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: pp. 69-74

OBJ: analyzing dialect and setting STA: R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: setting | comprehension | Blues Ain't No Mockin Bird

21. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 57

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Cask of Amontillado

22. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 57

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Cask of Amontillado

23. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 59

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Cask of Amontillado

24. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 61

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Cask of Amontillado

25. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 58

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Cask of Amontillado

26. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 57

OBJ: analyzing mood and suspense STA: R.III-2 | 9.2 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: suspense | The Cask of Amontillado

27. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 57

OBJ: paraphrasing STA: R.II-5 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: paraphrasing | comprehension | The Cask of Amontillado

28. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 58

STA: R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1 KEY: comprehension | The Cask of Amontillado

29. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 15

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Lady, or the Tiger?

30. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 16

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Lady or the Tiger?

31. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: pp. 14-19

OBJ: identifying external and internal conflicts STA: R.III-2 | 9.1

TOP: Unit 1 Part 1 KEY: internal conflict | The Lady or the Tiger?

32. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 17

OBJ: analyzing plot STA: R.III-2 | 9.1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: plot | comprehension | The Lady or the Tiger?

33. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 18

OBJ: analyzing plot STA: R.III-2 | 9.1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: plot | comprehension | The Lady or the Tiger?

34. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: pp. 14-19

OBJ: identifying external and internal conflicts STA: R.III-2 | 9.1

TOP: Unit 1 Part 1 KEY: external conflict | The Lady or the Tiger?

35. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 19

OBJ: analyzing plot STA: R.III-2 | 9.1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: plot | comprehension | The Lady or the Tiger?

36. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 19

OBJ: analyzing plot STA: R.III-2 | 9.1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: plot | comprehension | The Lady or the Tiger?

37. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 47

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Leap

38. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 50

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Leap

39. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 50

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Leap

40. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 52

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Leap

41. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: pp. 46-52

OBJ: analyzing author's use of flashbacks STA: R.III-2 | 9.2

TOP: Unit 1 Part 1 KEY: flashback | The Leap

42. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: pp. 46-52

OBJ: analyzing author's use of flashbacks STA: R.I-2 | 9.1

TOP: Unit 1 Part 1 KEY: flashbacks | comprehension | The Leap

43. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: pp. 46-52

OBJ: identifying sequence STA: R.I-2 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: sequence | The Leap

44. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 32

STA: R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1 KEY: comprehension | The Leap

45. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 27

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Most Dangerous Game

46. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 31

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Most Dangerous Game

47. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 36

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Most Dangerous Game

48. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 36

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: vocabulary | The Most Dangerous Game

49. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: pp. 24-40

OBJ: analyzing suspense and conflict STA: R.III-2 | 9.1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: external conflict | internal conflict | The Most Dangerous Game

50. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 31

OBJ: analyzing suspense and conflict STA: R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: suspense | comprehension | The Most Dangerous Game

51. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: pp. 24-40

OBJ: analyzing suspense and conflict STA: R.III-3 | 9.2 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: suspense | The Most Dangerous Game

52. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 32

STA: R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1 KEY: plot | comprehension | The Most Dangerous Game

53. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 151

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | Sweet Potato Pie

54. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 151

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | Sweet Potato Pie

55. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 149

OBJ: analyzing theme STA: R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: comprehension | theme | childhood | Sweet Potato Pie

56. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 152

OBJ: analyzing theme STA: R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: comprehension | theme | education | Sweet Potato Pie

57. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 154

OBJ: identifying the hero of a story | analyzing theme STA: R.II-2 | 9.2

TOP: Unit 1 Part 2 KEY: theme | hero | inference | meaning | Sweet Potato Pie

58. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 178

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | The Bass | The River | and Sheila Mant

59. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 181

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | The Bass | The River | and Sheila Mant

60. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 182

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | The Bass | The River | and Sheila Mant

61. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 182

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | The Bass | The River | and Sheila Mant

62. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 178

OBJ: analyzing motif and plot STA: R.I-1 | 9.1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: plot | comprehension | The Bass | the River | and Sheila Mant

63. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 179

OBJ: analyzing motif and plot STA: R.I-1 | 9.1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: plot | comprehension | motif | The Bass | the River | and Sheila Mant

64. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 182

OBJ: analyzing motif and plot STA: R.I-1 | 9.2 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: motif | plot | comprehension | The Bass | the River | and Sheila Mant

65. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 182

OBJ: analyzing motif and plot STA: R.II-2 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: motif | plot | comprehension | characterization | The Bass | the River | and Sheila Mant

66. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 123

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | The Gift of the Magi

67. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 125

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | The Gift of the Magi

68. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 126

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | The Gift of the Magi

69. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 123

OBJ: identifying problems and solutions STA: R.I-1 | 9.1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: problems | comprehension | The Gift of the Magi

70. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 123

OBJ: analyzing plot STA: R.I-1 | 9.1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: plot | comprehension | The Gift of the Magi

71. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 125

OBJ: identifying problems and solutions STA: R.I-1 | 9.1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: problems | solutions | comprehension | The Gift of the Magi

72. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 127

OBJ: identifying problems and solutions | analyzing plot STA: 9.1

TOP: Unit 1 Part 2 KEY: problems | solutions | plot | comprehension | The Gift of the Magi

73. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 125

OBJ: analyzing plot STA: R.I-2 | 9.1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: plot | comprehension | The Gift of the Magi

74. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 164

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | The Scarlet Ibis

75. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 170

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | The Scarlet Ibis

76. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 170

OBJ: expanding vocabulary STA: R.IV-1 | 9.6 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: vocabulary | The Scarlet Ibis

77. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 163

OBJ: analyzing characterization STA: R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: characterization | comprehension | The Scarlet Ibis

78. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 163

OBJ: analyzing characterization | comparing and contrasting characters

STA: R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: characterization | comprehension | compare | contrast | The Scarlet Ibis

79. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 164

STA: R.I-2 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2 KEY: comprehension | The Scarlet Ibis

80. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 166

OBJ: analyzing characterization STA: R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: characterization | comprehension | The Scarlet Ibis

81. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 167

OBJ: analyzing characterization STA: R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: characterization | comprehension | emotions | The Scarlet Ibis


82. ANS:

Possible answers:

On the fourth side of the crypt, the bones had been thrown on the ground carelessly and were lying in a large pile.

PTS: 1

83. ANS:

Cause: the men hesitate when they see each other.

Effect: while they hesitate, a beech tree falls on them.

PTS: 1

84. ANS:

Possible answer: The narrator implies that the willingness to sacrifice your most beloved possession for someone you love is wisdom. So the two people in the story were wise because they both sacrificed their most precious possession to buy something for their spouse.

PTS: 1

85. ANS:

Answers will vary. Possible answers include:

•What was they doin?

•Me standin there wonderin how Cathy knew it was “of course” . . .

•But she knew it was on account of people drivin Granny crazy . . .

•She teaches steady with no let-up.

•Was a crowd cause this man was goin to jump, you understand.

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: pp. 69-74 OBJ: analyzing dialect and setting

STA: 9.2 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1 KEY: dialect | Blues Ain't No Mockin Bird

86. ANS:

Answers will vary. Possible answers include:

• He digs a new niche in one of the rooms in his vault and installs chains inside.

• He carries a trowel under his cloak.

• He prepares bricks and mortar to close the hole.

• He arranges to lure Fortunato during carnival season, when Fortunato is likely to be drunk and his judgment is likely to be impaired.

• He makes up a story about having a pipe of Amontillado, knowing that Fortunato loves wine and manipulates Montresor by mentioning the possibility of having Luchesi taste the wine instead.

• He tells his servants that he won’t be home until morning so that they will leave the house.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: pp. 57-62 OBJ: analyzing mood and suspense

STA: R.I-1 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1 KEY: suspense | The Cask of Amontillado

87. ANS:

Answers will vary. A sample answer is:

• The person on trial had to open one of the doors. His fate was left entirely up to chance.

PTS: 1 DIF: A REF: p. 19 OBJ: summarizing passages

STA: R.II-5 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1 KEY: summarize | The Lady or the Tiger?

88. ANS:

Answers will vary. Possible answers include:

• The house fire when the narrator was seven: “I was seven the year the house caught on fire.”

• The lightening storm and circus accident: “That, I think, was the likely situation on that day in June.”

PTS: 1 DIF: C REF: pp. 46-52 OBJ: analyzing author's use of flashbacks

STA: R.III-2 | 9.2 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1 KEY: flashback | The Leap

89. ANS:

Accept any reasonable answer the student supplies. Possible answers include:

• She is self-centered - she does not ask the narrator any questions about himself and she talks only about herself.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: pp. 178-184 OBJ: connecting to personal experience

STA: 9.2 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2

KEY: characterization | description | The Bass | the River | and Sheila Mant

90. ANS:

Accept any reasonable answer. Possible answer:

• Della is afraid Jim won’t like her without long hair.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 126 OBJ: interpreting literary symbols

STA: R.II-2 | 9.2 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2 KEY: symbols | The Gift of the Magi

91. ANS:

Answers will vary. Possible answers include:

• His own pride was wonderful because it helped him help his brother learn to walk, among other things. His pride also hastened his brother’s death because he pushed him too hard.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: p. 166 OBJ: analyzing characterization

STA: R.II-2 | 9.2 TOP: Unit 1 Part 2 KEY: pride | foreshadow | The Scarlet Ibis


92. ANS:

Accept any reasonable answer that the student has supported in his/her response. Answers may include:

• By the boastful way he tells the story, it is clear that Montresor’s feeling have not changed since the night of the murder. Some people who do cruel things grow to regret them and feel remorse later in their lives. However, after 50 years, Montresor shows no signs of remorse. He even makes a cruel joke in the last paragraph when he says, “My heart grew sick” and then points out that the cause was simply the dampness in the catacombs, and not the act of burying someone alive.

PTS: 1 STA: R.II-2 | 9.2

93. ANS:

Accept any reasonable answer that the student has supported in his/her response. Possible answers may include:

The door with the tiger:

• The princess hates the lady he would have to marry and can’t stand the thought of seeing them together.

• Given her “semibarbaric” nature, perhaps she can live through watching the young man be killed by a tiger.

• The text that describes the princess’s horror at seeing the young man with the other lady is longer than the text describing her horror at seeing him killed by the tiger.

The door with the lady:

• The close connection of the princess and the young man, as shown in their ability to understand each other just through distant eye contact would make her want to save his life.

• The princess was able to find out the secrets of the doors using her power and wealth. If the young man was alive and married to another woman, the princess might also be able to find a way to be near him.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: pp. 14-19 OBJ: writing an interpretive essay

STA: 9.7 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1 KEY: interpretive essay | analyze | The Lady or the Tiger?

94. ANS:

Accept any reasonable answer that the student has supported in his/her response. Possible answers may include:

• Rainsford will never hunt again. His own experience as a huntee showed him the full meaning of terror. He will probably never want to put another creature through the experience--even an animal because it’s unlikely he will be able to forget this experience. It would be very hard for him to hunt without reliving his own panic and fear.

• Rainsford will hunt again. His love for hunting is strong and he believes it’s the best sport in the world. Although he was terrified while being hunter, the experience of beating Zaroff was probably exhilarating for him. It will make him want to hunt and have that feeling again.

PTS: 1 DIF: E REF: pp. 24-40 OBJ: writing an evaluative essay

STA: R.II-2 | 9.2 TOP: Unit 1 Part 1

KEY: evaluate character | characterization | The Most Dangerous Game


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