Western International University Material

Axia College Material Trephene Brown

Appendix B

Philosophical Approaches to Ethical Decision Making Matrix

Determine the ethical course of action for the following three scenarios from the perspective of each of the three philosophical approaches: consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics. Then, complete the matrix below by writing a few sentences stating the ethical course of action and the reasoning from that approach’s perspective. Clearly differentiate the reasons for each of the three approaches.

Keep in mind that, although rationale might differ, the ethical course of action for a given scenario might be the same for each philosophical approach. Be sure to state the ethical course of action as well as the rationale behind it, according to the philosophical approach.

Scenario 1

The mayor of a small seaside town faces a tough decision. A prominent developer has submitted a proposal to build a large mall and resort in the town. This development is estimated to bring $150 million in tourism each year and several hundred new jobs to the community, which badly needs the economic boost. The proposed location of the new development, however, is a site that now houses the only nursing home and senior citizens’ recreation center in the area. Both the nursing home and recreation center would have to be demolished, affecting 100 seniors and 30 employees. There is no other location in town where the new development can be built. How should the mayor decide: in favor of economic prosperity or in defense of his elderly citizens?

Scenario 2

Catalina works for a regional sales branch of a large pharmaceutical company. Individual employees as well as the entire branch receive incentive packages if they reach certain sales goals. If a sales rep meets his or her individual goals, he or she receives a large bonus check at the end of the year. Likewise, if all the sales reps meet their goals, the entire branch receives brand new equipment, vacation packages, and larger bonuses.

It is two weeks until the end of the fiscal year, when reps report their sales. Every sales rep in the branch has met his or her individual sales goal, except Catalina; she is three sales short. A friend encourages her to report three additional sales and then, come next year, report that three of her sales had been cancelled. “There’s a loophole in the company policy that makes it so they can’t take away your bonus after you’ve already received it,” her friend tells her. “Plus, if you don’t meet your goal, none of us get new equipment or vacation. You’ll ruin it for all of us!” Should Catalina report and then cancel those three sales so she and her coworkers can receive their bonuses?

Scenario 3

Malcolm came home to his apartment one evening after a long day at work. He lives near campus with three other students at the university. Malcolm turned the corner into the kitchen to find one of his roommates sitting at the table with another man whom Malcolm didn’t recognize. On the table were several small bags of what appeared to be…drugs? It took Malcolm by surprise, so much so that he froze in his tracks. His roommate and the other man quickly stuffed the bags into a backpack, exchanged a wad of bills, and the man brushed past Malcolm and out the front door. Dumbfounded, Malcolm stared at his roommate, who approached him and, almost threateningly, said, “You didn’t see anything. Got it? Don’t think I won’t know who squealed if anyone finds out about this.” What’s Malcolm to do: report his roommate to the police or keep quiet?

|Scenario 1 |Consequentialism |Since the development project is too big for anywhere else in town, the mayor |

| | |should build a nursing home for the senior citizens and then demolish the old |

| | |nursing home. |

| |Deontology |The mayor should accept the proposal he has an obligation to the people of his |

| | |city. The city is in financial distress and needs the help from this project. The|

| | |decision is good for everyone in the community. He should base his decision on |

| | |the positive effect it will have instead of the negative one, |

| |Virtue Ethics |The decision to have both the nursing home and the new project was to assure that|

| | |no one gets left behind and because both of these are very important to the |

| | |community. |

|Scenario 2 |Consequentialism |Catalina should report the sales. Everyone else will miss out on extra bonuses |

| | |because of her. The positives outweigh the negatives. Plus everyone won’t be mad |

| | |at her. |

| |Deontology |She should report the sales and then cancel them. She has an obligation to her |

| | |co-workers. They are a team and she did not meet her sale quota like the rest of |

| | |her co-workers did. Why should co-workers suffer because of her? |

| |Virtue Ethics |Catalina should not report the 3 sales than she did not make. It is not right to |

| | |lie in order to receive bonuses and vacation packages. Her reputation would be in|

| | |question and if she is found out her moral character will be questioned with her |

| | |employer. |

|Scenario 3 |Consequentialism |The incident should be report to the appropriate authorities. If he does not |

| | |report it, this situation can get really out of hand. |

| |Deontology |Malcolm should report his roommate to the police. He has an obligation to his |

| | |friend. He needs to think of what is best for his roommate, not about the threats|

| | |that were made by the roommate |

| |Virtue Ethics |The decision to not report the problem can become very dangerous, drug substance |

| | |on campus can be deadly to everyone around. It is never ok to do drugs moreover |

| | |on school campus. |


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