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| |

|Job Title: Senior Pharmacy Technician – Dispensary and Clinical Services. |

| |

|Department(s): Pharmacy, Western Isles Hospital |

| |

|Job Holder Reference: |

| |

|No of Job Holders: One WTE |

| |


| |

|Working as a member of the pharmacy team performs in key result areas to provide technical support to pharmaceutical services within the Western|

|Isles NHS Board. Liaise with the Chief Pharmacist and Clinical Pharmacists to ensure good practice and recognised quality standards are achieved|

|for dispensing and clinical services. The post holder will be a key member of the pharmacy team in the review, evaluation and implementation of |

|new developments in hospital pharmacy in their field of employment. The post holder will provide cross-cover for the Senior Pharmacy Technician |

|– Procurement and Distribution during periods of absence. |

| |


| |

|The key results area for this post are: |

| |

|Day to day management of the Dispensary service ensuring compliance with ‘Medicine, Ethics and Practice A Guide for Pharmacists’ (produced by |

|the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain) – current edition and local approved dispensary procedures. |

| |

|Day to day management of the Ward Technician service provided to wards at the Western Isles Hospital to ensure compliance with local procedures |

|and to ensure the timely delivery of pharmaceuticals to the wards for patient treatment and/or discharge from hospital. |

| |

|Day to day management and development of the Medicines Management programmes developed at the Western Isles Hospital. |

| |

|Provide direction and supervision to all pharmacy assistants, technicians, pharmacists and locums when working in the dispensary service to |

|ensure work complies with local approved dispensary procedures. |

| |


| |

|Organisation chart attached |

| |


| |

|Clinical |

| |

|The post-holder will: - |

| |

|Review patient medication records at ward level to order and supply non-stock items on a designated number of wards on a weekday daily basis |

| |

|Evaluate patients’ own medication for use at ward level and for re-use on the patient’s discharge in accordance with departmental policies. |

| |

|Refer medication interventions to the clinical ward pharmacists. |

| |

|Manage the day to day running of the Medicines Management programmes developed at the Western Isles Hospital. This includes to use and re-use of |

|patients own medication in hospital and on discharge from hospital, counselling patients on their medication during inpatient stay, patients |

|self-medicating while in hospital if appropriate, one-stop dispensing and original pack dispensing initiatives as outlined in ‘The Right |

|Medicine: A Strategy for Pharmaceutical Care in Scotland’ (This document was produced by the Scottish Executive February 2002 and sets out the |

|agenda for pharmacists and the Scottish Executive to work with key stakeholders to improve the public’s health, provide better access to care, |

|deliver better quality services for patients and develop the profession.) |

| |

|Manage the dispensing of prepared cytotoxic chemotherapy for named patients ensuring that the product has been correctly stored, is in date and |

|will provide no contamination risk to any personnel approved for the administration of cytotoxic chemotherapy |

| |

|Ensure that the dispensing of medication for any clinical trial undertaken within the hospital service is carried out in accordance with current |

|national clinical trial guidelines and under the instruction of the Chief Pharmacist. |

| |

|Carry out technical accuracy checks within defined protocols for accredited checking technicians. |

| |

|Manage and co-ordinate the ordering and supply of cytotoxics for named patients taking into consideration our remote location, the storage |

|conditions and shelf life of the cytotoxic products ordered. |

| |

|Undertake an assessment of non-stock items returned from wards and departments for suitability to reuse, once completed pass these items to the |

|pharmacy assistants for returning to stock or for disposal as appropriate. |

| |

|Record interventions and report errors and near misses in Dispensary and Clinical Services. Contribute to risk management to evaluate and change |

|procedures to minimise risk, |

| |

|Ensure adequate consumable stocks for the dispensing service are available; ensure all housekeeping schedules are maintained for the dispensary |

|service. |

| |

|Provide cover for the Senior Pharmacy Technician – Procurement and Distribution during periods of absence. |

| |

|Professional |

| |

|The post-holder will: - |

| |

|Liase with prescribers, chemotherapy nurses and licensed manufacturers’ staff to maintain efficient supply chain from prescriber to supplier and |

|back to the patient. |

| |

|Be professionally, legally accountable and responsible for all aspects of your own work and identify and report any perceived shortfall to the |

|Chief Pharmacist. |

| |

|Education and Research |

| |

|The post-holder will: - |

| |

|Along with the Senior Pharmacy Technician – Procurement and Distribution provide training and supervision of the pharmacy assistants and locum |

|staff in local procedures within their own areas. |

| |

|Provide training and supervision of the pharmacy assistants undertaking SVQ Level 2 in Pharmacy Services and assess pharmacy assistant’s |

|suitability for dispensing services using an In-house competency test devised by the post-holder. |

| |

|Provide training for Clinical Pharmacists in the processes and procedures for the Dispensary to allow Clinical Pharmacists to undertake these |

|duties effectively during periods on lone working (on-call and Saturday working) and periods of reduced staffing (public-holidays). |

| |

|Provide training and feedback to the Senior Technician – Procurement and Distribution on the policies and procedures within Dispensary and |

|Clinical Services to allow for effective cross-cover to take place during periods of absence. |

| |

|Provide ongoing training to nursing staff at ward level on the processes involved in the Medicine Management programmes developed in the Western |

|Isles Hospital, this will normally be small groups but on a regular and frequent basis. |

| |

|Participate and contribute to other departmental training initiatives. |

| |

|Attend and maintain skills with regard to mandatory Health and Safety Training e.g. Lifting and Handling, Fire Training etc. |

| |

|Organisational |

| |

|The post-holder will: - |

| |

|Prioritise and delegate workload according to deadlines and turn around times. |

| |

|Be responsible for overseeing the dispensing of discharge prescriptions for other hospitals in the Western Isles and ensuring that appropriate |

|transport links are used to ensure the prescription arrives in time for the patient’s planned discharge. |

| |

|Maintain departmental patients records for all patients receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy supplied from the Pharmacy, Western Isles Hospital. |

| |

|Maintain records to allow effective co-ordination of supplies of repeat prescriptions for patients based in community but supplied by secondary |

|care. |

| |

|Work with the Senior Technician – Procurement and Distribution in response to quality exceptions and drug alerts. |

| |

|Liase with the Chief Pharmacist to discuss operational matters and developments within the dispensary service and to agree objectives to improve |

|efficiency. |

| |

|Maintain workload and management information systems. |

| |

|Write and review Standard Operational procedures for the Dispensary and ward clinical services. |

| |

|Participate in rota to cover public holidays |

| |

|Communication |

| |

|The post-holder will: - |

| |

|Provide medication counselling to patients, carers or parents regarding prescriptions and overcoming any communication apparent barriers at the |

|Pharmacy and at ward level. The information communicated can be of a very complex nature requiring additional explanation to be provided to |

|ensure comprehension by the personnel concerned. |

| |

|Liase with ward staff and other healthcare personnel regarding stock and supply issues and the application of any pharmaceutical procedures. |

| |

|Respond to queries within scope of technical knowledge. |

| |

|Communicate effectively and efficiently with department staff to ensure the service performs effectively. |

| |

|Managerial |

| |

|The post-holder will: - |

| |

|Be responsible for the management of the ward technician clinical service. |

| |

|Be responsible for training and supervision of the Pharmacy Technician – Dispensary and Clinical Services work in the Dispensary and Clinical |

|services. |

| |

|Manage the Dispensary service including dispensing prescriptions, ward non-stock items and Controlled Drugs, ensuring all protocols both local |

|and national are followed. |

| |

|Manage the workload to cope with peaks and troughs in dispensary and clinical services activity. |

| |

|Audit the safe and accurate storage of pharmacy items as part of the dispensary and clinical service. |

| |

|Work with the Chief Pharmacist and Clinical Pharmacists to implement and maintain a one stop dispensing service at the Western Isles Hospital |

|within protocols. |

| |

|Work with the Chief Pharmacist and Clinical Pharmacists to implement and maintain a use of patient’s own medication programmes within protocols |

|include re-using patient’s own medication of discharge from hospital. |

| |

|Work with the Chief Pharmacist and Clinical Pharmacists to implement and maintain a patient’s self medication programme within protocols. |

| |

|Attend departmental meetings, keep informed of local and national developments and communicate information. |

| |

|Participate in the personal development planning and review process. To maintain and update technical knowledge through continuous education. |

| |

|In the absence of the Chief Pharmacist (meetings etc) assume physical responsibility for the pharmacy department ensuring the safety of the staff|

|and contents during this time. |

| |

|11.Undertake other duties appropriate to the post at the request of the Chief |

|Pharmacist and with the agreement of the post-holder. |

| |


| |

|Physical Demands of the Job |

| |

|The post-holder requires a good level of manual handling skills. The job also involves a moderate amount of walking (to and from wards), and also|

|requires long periods of standing. |

| |

|The post-holder requires a good level of manual handling skills for the lifting of packs, boxes and heavy fluid boxes on a regular but not daily |

|basis most boxes being over 10Kg with some over 15kg. |

| |

|Mental Effort |

| |

|The post-holder is required to carry out duties accurately and consistently. |

| |

|The post-holder requires a good working knowledge of all the functions of the technical services posts, not just Dispensary and Clinical |

|services. |

| |

|The post-holder is required to be flexible in their work to cope with peaks and troughs of the various elements of the post. |

| |

|The post-holder must be adaptive to be able to leave current tasks in a safe manner and move onto urgent jobs as the service demands. |

| |

|Emotional Effort |

| |

|The post-holder will be required to dispense medication for terminally ill patients and counselling the patient or their carer on the medication |

|as required. |

| |

|The job may expose the post-holder to verbal aggression in times of supply problems or delays in prescription preparation out with our control. |

|An example of this is patients on detoxification regimes who seek to obtain additional supplies of medication from the department by complaining |

|that they received insufficient medication for the treatment period prescribed by the doctor. |

| |

|Working Conditions |

| |

|The post-holder requires a good working knowledge of computers and keyboard skills. |

| |

|The post-holder is required to work around substances that have the potential to be harmful if not properly handled or disposed of in accordance |

|with the manufacturer’s guidance on the safe handling of products or local waste management procedures. |

| |

|The post-holder is required to handle potentially harmful and dangerous substances in a safe manner bearing in mind the correct storage and |

|handling requirements identified by the manufacturers. |


| |

|Confidentiality |

| |

|This involves taking the necessary precautions when transmitting information only disclosing it to those who have the right and the need to know it.|

| |

|All personal health information is held under strict legal and ethical obligations of confidentiality. NHS Staff must follow guidance (NHS Code of |

|Practice on Protecting Patient Confidentiality) before disclosing any patient information. All staff must respect confidentiality of all matters |

|that they may learn relating to their employment, other members of staff, patients and their families. |

| |

|Health and Safety: |

|Assist in maintaining own and others’ health, safety and security. |

|This involves: |

|Complying with Board health and safety policies, procedures and participating in mandatory training. |

|Maintaining a safe working environment and reporting any issues of concern as appropriate. |

| |

|NHS Western Isles attaches the greatest importance to the health and safety of its employees. It is the Board policy to do all that is reasonable |

|to prevent personal injury and hazard to health by protecting staff and others including the public from foreseeable hazards compatible with the |

|provision of proper services to patients. The Board expects its entire staff to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of |

|others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work. More detailed information is given in departmental safety policies where appropriate.|

| |

|Ensure own actions support equality, diversity and rights. |

|This involves: |

|Acting in ways consistent with the Board’s policies and procedures. |

| |

|Treating those you come into contact with equitably and with respect. |

| |

|(c) Recognising the need for aids or adaptations. |

| |

| | |


| | |

|I, (Print Name)…………………………………………………….. confirm that the job description(s) /person specification(s) attached have | |

|been discussed with me and are an accurate and up-to-date account of the duties and responsibilities and | |

|skills/qualifications required to undertake the post. | |

| | |

|Job Holder’s Signature: | |

| | |

| |Date: |

|Head of Department Signature: | |

| | |

| |Date: |


|Job Title: |Senior Pharmacy Technician – Dispensary and Clinical Services |

| | |

|Department: |Pharmacy |

| | |

|Location: |Western Isles Hospital |

| | | |


| |Two years recent post-qualification hospital | Staff supervision and training. |

|EXPERIENCE |experience. | |

| | |Working through change. |

| |Procedure writing. | |

| | |Recent practical experience of ward|

| | |and dispensary work. |

| |SVQ Level 3 Pharmaceutical Science (or equivalent) | |

|QUALIFICATIONS |and Dispensary Checking Technician qualification. |E.C.D.L. |


|RESEARCH |Candidates without checking technician accreditation| |

|PUBLICATIONS |in dispensary services must be willing to undertake | |

| |training. | |

| |High level of competency in dispensing, ward |Familiarity with the ‘Ascribe’ |

|KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS |services and cytotoxics. |computer system. |

| | | |

| |Excellent communication and organisational skills. |Use of patient’s own medication. |

| | | |

| |Computer literate to produce documents, tables, |Use of Self-medication programmes. |

| |spreadsheets and databases. | |

| | |Use of One-stop dispensing. |

| |Ability to prioritise tasks. | |

| | |Use of Electronic Prescribing. |

| |Work under pressure to meet deadlines. | |

| | | |

| |Initiative. | |

| | | |

| |Accuracy and attention to detail. | |

| | | |

| |Responsible and accountable for their own work. | |

| | | |

| |Customer service issues. | |

| | | |

| |Current practice and developments in hospital | |

| |pharmacy. | |

| | | |

| |Computerised dispensing/distribution/stock control | |

| |systems. | |

| |A pro-active approach. | |


| |Self-motivated. | |

| | | |

| |Positive attitude to change. | |

| | | |

| |Maintain good working relationships with staff. | |

| | | |

| |Able to work with minimum supervision and also as | |

| |part of a team. | |

| | | |

| |Ensure confidentiality at all times. | |

| |Provide cross-cover for the Senior Technician – | |

|OTHER |Procurement and Distribution. | |

| | | |

| |Work on rota to cover public holidays. | |

| | | |

| |Flexible regarding works hours and job description | |

| |review to accommodate the needs of the service. | |





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