Topic: Title of your lesson plan

|Topic: Improvisation and Dance |

|Context: |

|WHO: Foundation |

|WHEN: Any time throughout the year |

|WHERE: In a large open space like the gym |

|WHAT: Dance Week 1 lesson 1 |

|WHY: To introduce them to movements of dance |

|Theme: Describe the micro perspective – focus on specific movement/dance content |

|What elements will be explored and manipulated, (Body, Space, Time, Weight, Force, Relationships)? |

|Body – the body will be moved in different ways on the floor and standing |

|Space – the students will use locomotion and direction to move around the room (in their space) and learn to watch out for other students to ensure they |

|do not hurt themselves or their friends |

|Time – students will be using the time of the songs beat to understand whether their movements should be fast or slow |

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|Think of the body parts being explored through movement, (Shape, movement Qualities, use of Levels, axial and locomotor Transitions, air/floor Pathways)?|

|Students will be creating their own pathways when on the floor with their body movements as well as when they are using direction to move through space |

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|Think about the use of body actions (Gesture, Locomotion, Elevation, Falling, Turning, Stillness) and physical skills being explored? How can I be |

|inclusive of all abilities? |

|As this lesson will focus on improvisation on how they believe the music should be displayed all students can be easily included |

|Beginning off on the floor will ensure students will feel comfortable before moving into a standing position and movement around in the space. |

|Students will use elevation in their own improvisation activity as well as getting off the floor |

|Stillness in their final pose |

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|How will you design the Culminating Dance - Choreographic principals for structuring and organizing movement patterns into a spatial arrangement, |

|(Unison, Canon, Contrast) |

|Students will be creating their own 10 to 15 second dance routine working in teams together |

|The next lesson can be focused more on choreography |

|Curriculum Links - |

|Dance |

|Use fundamental locomotor and non-locomotor movements, body parts, bases and zones to explore safe movement possibilities and dance ideas (VCADAE017) |

|Use choreographic devices to organise movement ideas and create dance sequences (VCADAD018) |

|Use simple technical and expressive skills when presenting dance that communicates ideas to an audience (VCADAP019) |

|Respond to dance, expressing what they enjoy and why (VCADAR020) |

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|Health and Physical Education: |

|Practice fundamental movement skills and movement sequences using different body parts and in response to stimuli in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings|

|(VCHPEM064) |

|Identify and describe how their body moves in relation to effort, space, time, objects and people (VCHPEM067) |

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|Personal and Social Capability |

|Develop a vocabulary and practise the expression of emotions to describe how they feel in different familiar situations (VCPSCSE001) |

|Practise the skills required to include others and make friends with peers, teachers and other adults (VCPSCSO005) |

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|Assessment |

|I will be ensuring the students have a safe dance practice with a warm up and stretching. |

|I will be observing their behaviours and taking photos of the teams final pose. |

|WHAT – |HOW – |

|Warm up – Discussion |Pace and length of each activity: |

|To begin ask the students to find a space on the floor and sit down looking at the |Warm up and introduction will go for a total of 20 minutes |

|teacher. |Development will go for 20 minutes |

|Ask the students who has danced before? |Culminating dance will go for 20 minutes |

|When did you dance? | |

|Did you enjoy dance? Why/why not? |Management of children in the space safely |

|What is dance? |Students will be able to move freely within the white lines of the |

|What does dance look like? |gym. |

|What does a dancer look like? |They will need to concentrate when moving around for the activities|

|(the teacher can explain inclusive dance where everyone gets involved, discuss |that they do not bump into eachother. |

|misconceptions with dance ie dancers don’t have to look like anything or dance like | |

|anything) |Establishing rules and expectations of behaviour |

|(Discuss interpretation, what does it mean?) |Students will need to hear out for my whistle (1 blow to stop and |

| |look, 2 blows to begin movement, 3 blows emergency need to line up |

| |at the door) |

|Improvisation of movements: |I will constantly refocus the students through the lesson to ensure|

|To begin get the students to lay in a space on the ground and ask them to close their|they are staying on task |

|eyes | |

|Ask the students to move their head in a gentle shaking like saying no or yes |Safe dance practice of physical skills,? |

|Ask the students to stop moving and refocus, with their eyes closed ask them to move |Less about physicial skills and more about finding themselves as a |

|their arms how in a gentle manner, then refocus come back to center then do legs ect…|dancer |

|Ask the students to be as long as possible |I will be observing their direction, movement and understanding of |

|As short as possible |beat (being able to know when you should go faster or slower in |

|Refocus their attention |time with the music) |

|Get the students to slowly bring themselves up from the floor (still with eyes shut) |I will also be observing teamwork and social skills |

|then back down to the floor. | |

| |Aesthetic Awareness |

|This warm – up can be extended to get the students to go in different beats and use |How will you develop their movement response? |

|different music. As this is foundation level and this will be their first dance |The teacher will be continuously giving feedback to the students to|

|lesson this warm up will not be using different music but will be using nature |assure them that they are on the right track |

|sounds. () |The teacher will start to introduce terms such as space, direction,|

| |locomotion, beat and movement |

| |The teacher will also discuss dance and dancers as well as |

| |inclusive dance and improvisation to music |

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|Development - Exploration individual then with groups | |

|The students will now hop off the floor and find their own space in the room. The | |

|teacher will play a range of different snapshots of music and the students are to use| |

|locomotion, direction and movement around the room to interpret the music in their | |

|own way. | |

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|Music 1 – Happy | |

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|Music 2 – Hip Hop () | |

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|Music 3 – Adele () | |

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|At the end of all the snap shots ask the students to freeze and sit on the floor. | |

|Ask: | |

|How did you use movement to get around the room? | |

|What actions did you use? | |

|Did you move in a fast beat or slow beat? | |

|What music did you like best and why? | |

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|Culminating Dance - Presentation | |

|Get the students to form groups of 4. | |

|Ask the students to listen to a piece of music and interpret that music how they | |

|would like. They need to work together and listen to everyone’s ideas. | |

|Depending on level of the students you may perform this dance to the class or just to| |

|the teacher. | |

|Teachers feedback will involve asking questions on how they worked together? Did they| |

|all agree on the moves? Did they enjoy it? | |

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Adele – Hello, 2015, YouTube, AdeleVEVO, 22nd of Oct, retrieved 20th of April,

Brain Breaks – Children’s Dance song – Hip Hop Slow – Kids songs by the learning station, 2014, YouTube, TheLearningStation, 14 of Feb, retrieved 20th of April, < >

Pharrell Williams – Happy ( Despicable Me 2 – Lyric Video), 2013, YouTube, PharrellVEVO, 18th of June, retirved 20th of April,

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2014, Health and Physical Education – Foundation, retrieved 20th of April,

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2014, Dance – Foundation, retrieved 20th of April, .

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2014, Personal and Social Capability – Foundation, retrieved 20th of April,

Zen Spirit: Japanese Music Relaxing Songs and Sounds of Nature, 2015, YouTube, Buddha Tribe, 10th of Feb, retrieved 20th of April,


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