June 2, 2020

The City Council of Forrest City, Arkansas met in regular session on June 2, 2020. Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Alderman Williams offered prayer after which the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The following answered roll call: Mayor Williams, Records Clerk Manning and City Council members: Poteat, Reeves, Oswalt, Williams, Metcalf, Evansingston and Fields. Alderman Capps, Attorney Wright and Clerk Cochran were absent.

Alderman Reeves made a motion to approve the minutes of May 19, 2020 regular meeting. Alderman Metcalf second the motion. Roll Call: Alderman Reeves, Poteat, Williams, Metcalf and Fields—All Ayes. Alderman Oswalt and Evansingston—Abstained. Motion Passed.








Stuart Springs Nature Trail-Rebid

Mayor Williams stated that within the package given to the council, it contained an email regarding the bid for Stuart Springs also a resolution for support. He stated that a suggestion was made to rebid the project because of the cost that would be incurred by the City. In the rebid, the sidewalk will be a deductive alternative. The project would be broken in two different phases. Phase-One would be the completion of the walking trail and Phase-Two would be the completion of the sidewalk. Mayor Williams stated that the city was able to rebid the trail part of it. The Phase-Two would require a resolution. Regarding the Phase Two, the City would apply for a separate Tap Grant for the sidewalk portion. The resolution shows the council expressing willingness to accept the application for the Phase Two part of the project.

Alderman Metcalf asked if the city would be responsible for the 20 percent of the matching grant that is received. Mayor Williams answered yes.

After discussion, Mayor Williams read a Resolution Expressing the Willingness of City of Forrest City, Arkansas To Utilize Federal-Aid Transportation Alternatives Program Funds in its entirety.

Alderman Oswalt made a motion to accept the resolution as read. The motion was second by Alderman Poteat. Discussion, Alderman Metcalf expressed his concerns regarding the state of the city during the COVID-19 pandemic and that the resolution should be tabled at this time. Roll Call: Alderman Reeves, Poteat, Oswalt, Williams and Evansingston—All Ayes. Alderman Metcalf and Fields—No. The motion passed.

Resolution-Forrest City Is Essential: In Support of Fair, Direct Federal Emergency Support to Reopen and Rebuild Local American Economics

Mayor Williams stated that the Arkansas Municipal League had asked the supporting cities to adopt a resolution because Congress is looking at a secondary stimulus package that would impact cities because of revenues that was lost due to COVID-19 pandemic. The resolution shows support from the City of Forrest City. If it is adopted, it would be sent to our legislative body to be presented at congress as they work on the secondary package that includes municipalities with populations under 500,000.

After discussion, Mayor Williams read a Resolution Forrest City Is Essential: In Support of Fair, Direct Federal Emergency Support to Reopen and Rebuild Local American Economies in its entirety.

Alderman Williams made a motion to except the resolution as read. The motion was second by Alderman Fields. Roll Call: All Ayes. The motion passed.

June 2, 2020 Minutes Cont.

Speed Control Measurers-Discussion

Mayor Williams stated that they have received many calls regarding speed control measures neighborhoods. Mayor Williams stated that the City received a grant from the Arkansas Department of Obesity, an Arkansas Drop Grant. They allowed monies to be spent on speed control measures mainly for school zones. The speed control measurers included temporary speed bumps that can be move around and place radar signs that shows how fast cars are traveling in certain areas. Due to the pandemic and the schooling closing, the city was able to utilize the speed bumps in other areas. Mayor Williams stated that the city has been receiving calls regarding the process of getting speed bumps. He stated that for example, residents on Trenton Road presented a signed petition asking for speed bumps in their neighborhood and the petition was turned in to city hall. It shows the interest in speed bumps in that neighborhood. Mayor Williams stated that is a good start for getting speed bumps in neighborhoods, if it is deemed feasible by the Public Works Director and the Police Chief. After which, the city will go through the procedure of putting some type of speed control measures. The city is looking at the temporary type of speed bumps currently. The ones that can be moved place to place as needed. There is a template at city hall that people can use to get the needed signatures.

Alderman Oswalt asked the Mayor if there were a required number of signatures. Mayor Williams stated no. Alderman Oswalt then asked if there were anything that would prevent a speed bumps from being installed. Mayor Williams stated, for example, if it was in a curve or if it was in a line of sight that would be something which prevents a speed bump to be place. He also stated the Public Works Director and the Police Chief would decide where the most effective place to install speed bumps on a street.

After further discussion, Alderman Reeves asked what the time frame is for getting the projects done. Mayor Willems stated that it depends on the availability.

Alderman Fields expressed her concerns for the sufficiency of temporary speed bumps.

Sanitation Rate Change Proposal

Mayor Williams stated that Public Works Director Jason Evansingston, Parks and Recreation Director Kenneth Taylor and Forrest City Water Utility Manager Calvin Murdock put together a proposal for the a more uniformed procedure regarding commercial sanitation rates. Mayor Williams went over the proposal highlighting the proposed additional daily rate charge of $10.00 for usage after the allotted days. The purpose is to cut down on bins siting at sites not being utilized. Effective date would be July 1, 2020 if the proposal is approved. The proposal also has changes for the roll offs. Along with the charge for tonnage, additional daily rate charge of $35.00 past the initial rental rate will be charged. The city will also be charging per dump. Alderman Oswalt and Alderman Poteat both expressed concerns regarding the rate changes.

After lengthy discussion, Mayor Williams asked for a motion to accept the new rate changes.

Alderman Reeves made a motion to table the rate change proposal until next council. The motion was second by Alderman Fields. Roll Call: All Ayes. The motion passed.


Alderman Oswalt made a motion to approve and pay the General Fund bills in the amount of $21,631.67. The motion was second by Alderman Fields. Roll Call: All Ayes. The motion passed.


Alderman Fields made a motion to approve and pay the Street Fund bills in the amount of $2,690.13. The motion was second by Alderman Evansingston. Roll Call: All Ayes. The motion passed.


Alderman Poteat moved to approve and pay the Solid Waste Fund bills in the amount of $7,462.48. The motion was second Alderman Reeves. Roll Call: All Ayes. The motion passed.

June 2, 2020 Minutes Cont.


Alderman Williams made a motion to approve and pay the Forrest City Water Utility bills in the amount of $47,054.13. The motion was second by Alderman Fields. Roll Call: All Ayes. The motion passed.


Mayor Williams started his update by saying happy anniversary to his wife of 22 years. Mayor Williams stated that a COVID-19 testing would be held at the Forrest City Civic Center on Saturday, June 6, 2020 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. He thanked all the sponsors for the testing. He also addresses the unrest situation with the death of Gorge Floyd. He stated that there has been some peaceful protest in the City of Forrest City. He encouraged the citizens of Forrest City to not let other people come into our city and cause destruction and riots like what has happened in other cities. He stated that this is a time where we come together and listen to each other from a communication standpoint. We would be stronger on the other side of it. Mayor Williams stated that he is a believer of the quote, “Out of time of great adversity, becomes great times of opportunity”.

Alderman Fields made a motion to adjourn. The motion was second by Alderman Poteat. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

For additional context, reference the June 2, 2020 tape.


Cedric Williams, Mayor


Donna Manning, Records Clerk


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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