Foundation Phase Policy

Foundation Phase Policy

Knighton Church in Wales

November 2019

Signed …………………………………………Date ……………… (Chair of Governors)

Signed …………………………………………Date …………….. (Headteacher)


The Foundation Phase curriculum is planned as a progressive framework that spans four years [3-7 years] to meet the diverse needs of all children, including those who are at an earlier stage of development and those who are more able. A curriculum for young children should be appropriate to their stage of learning rather than focusing solely on age related outcomes to be achieved. Children should move onto their next stages of learning when they are developmentally ready and at their own pace. Educational provision for young children should be holistic with the child at the heart of any planned curriculum. This will include intellectual, physical, moral, personal and social development and cultural diversity. There must be a balance between structured learning through child initiated activities and those directed by practitioners.

Aims and Objectives

• To create a climate where children, staff and parents are happy, relaxed, confident and motivated.

• To enhance and build upon each individual learner's previous skills and knowledge and stage of development.

• To create responsible, resourceful and resilient learners.

• To give children time to reflect on their learning, to revisit their work, refine and develop where appropriate in order to do their very best.

• To provide learning experiences which foster children’s creativity, enthusiasm, confidence and capacity to learn on a variety of contexts.

• To provide learning experiences which foster self-esteem and help children to live and participate fully within their school, community and the world.

• To ensure all children feel included, secure, valued and respected regardless of ability, gender, disability, ethnicity, religion or culture.

• To ensure that the teaching challenges and supports all children.

• To ensure review processes that allow for continuous improvement in the quality of teaching and learning are in place.

Teaching and Learning

Class teachers are responsible for the organisation of planned, focused activities and developing and maintaining a stimulating environment. Class teachers are also responsible for and must plan for the deployment of teaching assistants and other additional adults to support and enhance learning.

The features of good practice that relate to the Foundation Phase are:

• The partnership between staff and parents that helps children feel secure at school and to develop a sense of well-being and achievement.

• The understanding that teachers have of how children develop and learn and how this must be reflected in their teaching.

• The range of approaches that provide first hand experiences, give clear expectations, make appropriate interventions and extend and develop children’s play, talk or other means of communication.

• The carefully planned curriculum that gives children opportunities to be actively involved in their own learning.

• Active learning that enhances and extends children’s development.

• The provision for children to take part in activities that build on and extend their interests and develop intellectual, spiritual, physical social and emotional abilities.

• The encouragement for children to communicate and talk about their learning and to develop independence and self –management.

• The support for learning, with appropriate and accessible space, facilities and equipment both indoors and outdoors.

The Curriculum and Areas of learning

A skills based curriculum has been developed within the Foundation Phase using ‘’The framework for children’s learning 3-7 years old in Wales'. All children will follow a balanced curriculum that enables them to make progress towards the Learning Outcomes in the areas of: -

• Personal and Social development, Well- being and Cultural Diversity.

• Language, Literacy and Communication skills

• Mathematical Development

• Welsh language Development

• Knowledge and Understanding of the World

• Creative Development

• Physical Development

Increasingly children’s learning will be holistic with connections made between several areas of learning at once.

Each area of learning will have continuous and enhanced provisions that will not only work towards achieving a subject specific skill but also an expectation from the Literacy and Numeracy Framework.

The LNF (Literacy and Numeracy Framework) and the Skills Framework

Children are regularly given learning experiences that allow them to develop, practise and refine their skills in thinking and I.C.T using the Skills Framework.

Each focused task that the learner engages in will have either a Literacy or a Numeracy expectation taken from the LNF that will form the learning objective in all of the seven areas of learning.


All children are provided with Religious Education in line with the National exemplar framework for Religious Education for 3-19 year olds in Wales.

Curriculum Cymreig.

Children will develop an understanding of the cultural identity unique to Wales across all Areas of Learning.


The teachers follow the children in creating medium term plans, working closely with all the other classroom adults using ‘Mantle of the Expert.’ The continuous provision is enhanced according to the children’s needs and wishes. Discussions with the children and observations, inform adults in developing the learning environment and in moving the learners on .Child initiated activities are developed from these. These are flexible to cater for the children’s level of engagement and interaction. Skills are reinforced throughout the areas at every opportunity. Skills are frequently revisited to ensure progression.


Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process. Formative assessment is done through the use of notes, marking, formal and informal observations and discussions. Summative Assessment is done termly in upper Foundation Phase. There are two formal Parents’ evenings, one in the autumn term and one in the spring term. Parents receive a written report on their child’s attainment and progress at the end of the school year, which they are invited to discuss if they so wish.

Equal Opportunities

We aim to make access to all areas of the Foundation Phase equal for all our pupils including our ALN pupils.[cross reference to policy] and our More Able and Talented pupils[cross reference to policy] .This is reflected fundamentally in all teachers’ planning. Please refer to our Equal Opportunities Policy.


The IT suite is timetabled for use and each classroom has access to other computers. All classrooms have interactive whiteboards. Videoing equipment, digital microscope, cameras and ipads are available. ICT resources will be used as appropriate.


Monitoring of teaching and learning will take place in accordance with current school policy.

Parental Involvement

Parents are encouraged to help where appropriate in areas of the Foundation Phase, giving support and sharing expertise. Class assemblies are a regular part of the calendar and there is a different focus linked to the School Development Plan after each assembly for the parents to join in with their child. We have an 'open door' policy and parents are welcomed in on a weekly basis to read with their children. We are also very fortunate to have a willing bank of parental volunteers to assist with our walks, swimming and listening to readers.

Roles and Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the class teacher to deliver the Foundation Phase Curriculum to their class.

The Foundation Phase leader will also:-

• Work alongside colleagues, providing support and guidance.

• Organise and manage resources.

• Listen to and track learners progress.

• Monitor and raise standards in according with the schools SDP.

Community Links

We believe that links with the community are beneficial in promoting children’s learning. As partners they provide valuable opportunities to support and develop children’s knowledge and understanding of the world beyond the immediate environment. This includes links with:

• Places of worship

• The community police

• The local fire service

• The library

• The school nurse

• Local sports clubs and centres

• Various local businesses

Continuous Professional Development

The Foundation phase team has an overview of requirements throughout the Foundation years, identifying and sharing good practice and organise regular INSET school based sessions in accordance with the school development plan. The team keeps up to date with new initiatives by attending relevant courses.

Policy will be reviewed in 3 years.


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