Compiled by Mahesh Chand, Assistant Librarian Amar Singh Yadav, Professional Assistant

Foreword by

Dr. Ramesh C. Gaur University Librarian




Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) is engaged in various Research Progrommes. As a research University it is engaged in research across broad range of disciplines, to develop knowledge and contribute to the economic growth and social development of the country. The main research programme at JNU includes Ph.D., M.Phil and M.Tech. etc. These research programs are conducted in 10 Schools, 4 Special Centres and Centres affiliated to various Schools such as School of Social Sciences, School of International Studies and School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies. Besides, JNU is also an institution of awarding degree to various research programmes conducted in JNU affiliated institutes. Since inception of JNU, over 22000 theses and dissertations have been contributed.

I joined JNU as University Librarian in October 2011. All theses and dissertations were kept in closed almirahs in different floors discipline-wise. Students were allowed to consult theses and dissertations within that room only. No issuing or photocopying was allowed. To provide access to such valuable resources following initiatives were under taken during 2012-14:

(i) All theses were reorganized from different floors to single floor subject-wise. (ii) Online cataloguing of all theses & dissertations was completed. (iii) With left-over funds in 11th 5-year Plan digitization of theses and dissertations was started.

Through INFLIBNET a grant of Rs.27.5 lakhs was arranged from UGC for digitization of all theses and dissertations. (iv) A MoU was signed with INFLIBNET Centre for uploading of Ph.D. theses under e-theses Repository Sodhganga with 3-years embargo period. (v) 5000+ digitized Ph.D. theses were provided to INFLIBNET Centre to upload on Shodhganga. (vi) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Central Library subscribed to anti-plagiarism tools ? Turnitin and it was made mandatory that all theses and dissertations should be checked using Turnitin before submission. (vii) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Central Library, JNU implemented electronic submission of theses and dissertations (no hardcopy archived). (viii) Theses and dissertations submission guidelines prepared and implemented at JNU. (ix) A Theses Tracking system for online submission of theses and dissertations with the help of CIS was developed and implemented.

(x) Various training programmes on "What is plagiarism: How to detect and how to avoid it" were organized for the faculty and students of JNU. Training programmes on reference management tools like, MENDELEY, ENDNOTE were started and continued. Besides, I am one of the members of the Committee formed by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India under UGC to draft Plagiarism Regulation 2017.

(xi) All 22000+ theses and dissertations have been uploaded on Integrated Library Management Software. At present all theses and dissertations of JNU can be accessed in electronic format by anyone in JNU;

(xii) Various author Workshops on "How to write and get it published" have been organized through the researchers of JNU, which have also been attended by researchers from other Universities;

(xiii) One national seminar, national training workshop, one international conference on Electronic Theses and Dissertations have been organized by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Central Library, JNU;

(xiv) One national workshop on Plagiarism was organized in JNU. Over 50 workshops in JNU and in different Universities and colleges have been conducted by me for creating awareness on plagiarism.

So, from close access to open access to anytime anywhere access, Central Library has revolutionized the archiving and access to research contributions of researchers from JNU. Undoubtedly, DBRA Central Library, JNU is the first library in India to initiate all these initiatives and in many ways still the only University Library in India providing such a comprehensive programme to researchers. A number of new initiatives in this regard are being explored:

(a) setting up of Data Curation Centre; (b) Training on Research Data Management; (c) Facilities to help researchers in publishing their theses; (d) Organization of research e-Bazar to popularize research at JNU.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Central Library, JNU is committed to help faculty and researchers by engaging them in a partnership to enhance both quantity and quality of research. Although JNU online catalogue (WEBOPAC) is accessible from anywhere anytime to know the details of theses and dissertation, but

such comprehensive listing will help in analyzing the research done at JNU using different parameters. This list is also available online under Research Support link at JNU Library website in PDF format.

I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Vice-Chancellor, Rectors, Registrar, Finance Officer, Controller of Examinations, Director CIS, all Deans of Schools and Chairpersons of Special Centres and Centres, all faculty and researchers, officers and Staff of JNU for their fullest cooperation and support in improving the library facilities, particularly, access to theses and dissertations. Thanks to Mr. Mahesh Chand, A.L.(SG), Mr. Amar Singh Yadav, Prof. Asstt. and other staff in ETD section for this tremendous work. I also take this opportunity to thank my entire library team for making Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Central Library as one of the bests in India and also providing the facilities at par with any best University Libraries of the world. I am sure, researchers will find it a useful tool and will also be happy to glance through it for different purposes. It will also be helpful to the budding researchers in selecting the topic for the research.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,





List of Abbreviations Sample Entry Introduction School of Arts & Aesthetics School of Biotechnology School of Computational and Integrative Sciences School of Computer and Systems Sciences School of Environmental Sciences School of Information Technology School of International Studies

Centre for African Studies Centre for American and West European Studies Centre for Comparative Politics & Political Theory Centre for Canadian, US & Latin American Studies Centre for East Asian Studies Centre for European Studies Centre for Inner Asian Studies Centre for International Legal Studies Centre for International Politics, Organisation & Disarmament Centre for International Trade & Development Centre for Russian, Central Asian and East European Studies Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies









23 24

25 41

42 94

95 96

97 309

97 98

99 113

113 115

116 123

123 134

134 137

137 137

138 140

141 176

176 178

178 189

189 199

Centre for South, Central, Southeast Asian and Southwest Pacific Studies Centre for Studies in Diplomacy International Law and Economics Centre for Soviet and East European Studies Centre for West Asian and African Studies Centre for West Asian Studies Group of Comparative Political & Political Theory *School of International Studies *Indian School of International Studies School of Language Literature and Culture Studies Centre of African and Asian Languages Centre of Arabic and African Studies Centre for the Chinese and South East Asian Studies Centre for English Studies Centre for French and Francophone Studies Centre of German Studies Centre of Indian Languages Centre for Linguistics Centre of Linguistics and English Centre of Persian and Central Asian Studies Centre of Russian Studies Centre of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian & Latin American Studies Centre of Spanish Studies Group of Philosophy

School of Life Sciences School of Physical Sciences

199 241 241 254 254 262 263 282 282 286 286 287 287 309 310 317 318 493 318 319 319 330 330 331 331 342 342 348 348 352 352 452 452 457 457 473 473 483 484 487 487 488 488 489 490 493

494 573 574 591

Part II

School of Social Sciences Centre for Economic Studies and Planning Centre for Historical Studies Centre for Philosophy Centre for Political Studies Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health Centre for the Study of Regional Development Centre for Studies in Science Policy Centre for the Study of Social Systems Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies

Centre for the Study of Law and Governance Special Centre for Molecular Medicine Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Central Drug Research Institute Centre for Development Studies Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants International Centre for Genetic-Engineering and Biotechnology Institute of Microbial Technology Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics Military College of Telecommunication Engineering National Institute of Immunology National Institute of Plant Genome Research Nuclear Science Centre Raman Research Institute Author Index Supervisor Index

592 854 592 620 620 669 669 674 674 705 705 722 722 774 774 779 779 837 837 854 855 859 860 866 867 871 872 918 919 968 969 979 980 981 982 1009 1010 1040 1041 1045 1046 1046 1047 1098 1099 1108 1109 1109 1110 1123 1124 1251 1252 1310



Centre of African and Asian Languages Centre of Arabic and African Studies Centre for African Studies Centre for American and West European Studies Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Centre for Comparative Politics & Political theory Centre for the Chinese and South East Asian Studies Centre for Canadian, US & Latin American Studies Central Drug Research Institute Centre for Development Studies Centre for East Asian Studies Centre for Economic Studies and Planning Centre for English Studies Centre for European Studies Centre for French and Francophone Studies Centre of German Studies Centre for Historical Studies Centre for Inner Asian Studies Centre for International Legal Studies Centre of Indian Languages Central Iinstitute of Medicinal-and Aromatic Plants Centre for International Politics, Organisation & Disarmament Centre for International Trade & Development



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