PhD training in Sweden (sandwich PhD) - Start

Budget guidelines for the sub-programs on the UR-Sweden Programme for Research, Higher Education and Institutional AdvancementTo facilitate the overall management of the Program and to ensure comparability between sub-programs, cost types shall be harmonized in budgets and financial reports of the sub-programs. Cost types, guidance to estimate the costs and/or ceiling for costs are given bellow. The budget is activity-based and arranged in the following categories: 1. PhD training in Sweden, 2. PhD training in Rwanda, 3. Postdoc fellowships, 4. Master’s training in Rwanda, 5. Dissemination and research uptake, 6. Other costs and 7. Subprogram running costs. Overhead on the Swedish side shall be calculated under each category of activity in accordance with the applicable regulations at the university with exception for the category PhD training in Sweden where overhead is included in the fixed cost of 250,000 SEK per student per year. Subprograms that are of research supporting character need to have different budget structures but shall also be activity-based. All costs have to related to the plan, be justified and specific. When salary costs are involved an estimation of the needed staff time shall be made and salary levels specified. PhD training in Sweden (sandwich PhD)In the sandwich PhD training students are enrolled in Swedish universities and do their course work there, while their research is conducted in Rwanda. Students normally have two supervisors, one in Sweden and another in Rwanda who jointly provide support. During the period of the PhD studies, which is expected to be four years on full-time or five years when on part-time (80%), students spend approximately half of their time in Sweden and half of their time in Rwanda.Supervision/facilitation of supervision Swedish side The cost for supervision by Swedish universities is fixed at a total maximum 250,000 SEK per year per student including overhead. This includes: Supervision in Sweden (200,000 SEK) to cover:Approximately 1,5-2 months’ full-time salary including social security fees (approx. 175,000 SEK)One or two visits per year to UR (approx. 25,000 SEK)Cost per student while in Sweden (approx. 50,000 SEK) to cover:Office/laboratory space for student Chemicals and consumables Access to computer with Internet connection Library services Telephone in the office, books, software etc.Insurance, if applicable Student’s participation in conferences and seminars for presentation of research results Page fee when publishing in international journals Cost for thesis printing and defense of thesis UR side Supervision is a statutory work of faculty at UR. To facilitate the PhD research by supervision at UR, the program may pay maximum 40,000 SEK per PhD student per year. This may cover travel costs and minor equipment costs related to supporting student's field work, supervisor's travel to Sweden or to the student's first conference (where the student presents a paper).Facilitation of supervision at UR is not a salary compensation or a top-up.Travel cost for students The student is entitled to travel to Sweden (round trip) with a maximum total 24,500 SEK.This includes air ticket to Sweden (max 15,000 SEK), other travel cost such as ground transport from/to airport (max 3000 SEK), 1 ticket to the region for visa/permit and DSA (max 6500 SEK) when needed. Subsistence allowance for studentsStudent’s subsistence allowance while in Sweden is paid through an arrangement between Sida and International Science Programme at Uppsala University (ISP). The amount of the allowance (including housing) is 18,000 SEK per month per student. Students are expected to spend 5 to 7 months per year in Sweden over maximum five years. A maximum of 126,000 SEK (18,000* 7) can be budgeted annually over five years. Note that this is not a scholarship, neither a salary. UR is expected to pay salary for the students who are also granted study leave for four or five years when studying full time or studying 80% and teaching 20% respectively. Field work/Laboratory work including minor equipmentCost of carrying out PhD research projects in Rwanda can include laboratory equipment, consumables, local allowances and local travel in accordance with national regulations. Real costs of the research shall be budgeted. As a guidance for budgeting the following amounts can be used: (i) for research without lab work 150,000 SEK per student, (ii) for research with lab equipment 280,000 SEK per student for the whole study period. The budgeted cost can be higher or lower but should reflect the real costs. Minor equipment (e.g. voice recorder, external disks) and books related to the PhD research can be budgeted for with a maximum of 7,500 SEK per year. All such minor equipment and books are the property of UR and UR has the right to decide how the equipment should be used after the completion of the studies.Repatriation Upon graduation the student may get a maximum of 8,000 SEK to cover extra costs connected to moving back to Rwanda (extra baggage or overweight).Recruitment cost Swedish side A maximum of total 40,000 SEK (20.000 SEK per person) for travel costs for 2 potential supervisors from Sweden can be budgeted. No salaries are covered under recruitment. Salary costs are part of the supervision cost (see point 1.1).UR sideA maximum of 7,000 SEK can be budgeted for organizing the recruitment meeting in Rwanda. No separate overhead is to be budgeted on the Swedish side under the activity of PhD training in Sweden. All overhead is included in the fixed cost of 250,000 SEK per student per year. If actual costs exceed this amount the Swedish partner is expected to cover it from its own resources.PhD training in RwandaSida supports local PhD programs that are using the model of combined coursework and research (it is PhD by coursework in the UR terminology). Under the Sida funded program students enrolled at UR on PhD by coursework shall be supervised by supervisors from UR and co-supervisors at the Swedish partner university. Students are expected to spend 1-3 months at the Swedish university at least twice during their study period. 2.1 Cost of curriculum developmentCosts for curriculum development shall be estimated based on the staff time, travel needs and other relevant costs. Travel costs including per diem shall follow regulations of the institutions involved, but only economy fare can be covered from the Sida funding regardless of the position of the traveler. Estimation of necessary staff time shall be based on mutual understanding and approach between the involved parties. The budget can include only one line for curriculum development with the calculations of the detailed costs presented in a supporting document (i.e. budget notes). At the Swedish partner university, the cost is subject to full cost compensation. For budgeting see the following guidance.Swedish sideTwo visits to attend curriculum development workshops/meetings for two persons with a total number of 5-10 working days.UR sideOrganizing maximum 4 curriculum development workshops with a maximum budget of 30,000 SEK per a full-day workshop; total maximum 120,000 SEK.2.2 Recruitment costsSame as in 1.62.3 Teaching by lecturers from the Swedish partnersTeaching by lecturers or professors from Swedish partners is subject to full cost compensation. Costs shall cover salary, travel costs (air ticket, ground transportation, accommodation and per diem), and course material. One course is estimated to require total 25 working days (including preparation, actual teaching, and assessment) and cost 140,000 SEK. Costs shall be estimated as follows:Salary: max 100,000 SEK (salary 4,000 SEK per day, max 25 days)Accommodation in Rwanda: max 1,000 SEK per day Per diem: As per national regulations in Sweden (approx. 300 SEK per day) Air ticket: 15,000 SEK2.4 Teaching by regional partners Costs of teaching by lecturers or professors from the region shall cover salary, travel costs (air ticket, ground transportation, accommodation and per diem), and course material. One course is estimated to require total 25 working days (including preparation, actual teaching, and assessment) and cost 61,000 SEK.2.5 Mission fees related to teaching by UR StaffTravel costs or mission fees related to teaching by UR staff shall be covered as per UR/national regulations. A maximum of 15,000 SEK per course including overhead may be budgeted when relevant (i.e. lecturer has to travel from his/her base to another location).2.6 Cost of quality assurance of the curriculumIf curriculum review or other quality assurance related to curriculum is planned, the real costs should be estimated connected to concrete review or quality assurance activities. Activities and the related costs should be specified (e.g. staff time and salary cost, travel costs at the Swedish side, mission fees at UR). As a guidance a maximum of 30,000 SEK at UR and maximum 70.000 SEK on the Swedish side can be budgeted.2.7 Scholarships Scholarship for PhD students for prioritized programs can be budgeted. This is subject to agreement on priorities between UR and the Embassy. 2.8 Supervision/ Facilitation of supervisionSwedish sideCo-supervision by Swedish lecturers can cost maximum 150,000 SEK per year per student, including salary (as well as fees on salary), administrative costs when the student is in Sweden (laboratory, printing, office etc.), and travel of co-supervisor to the student's country, if needed.UR side Supervision is a statutory work of faculty at UR. To facilitate the PhD research by supervision at UR, the program may pay maximum 40,000 SEK per PhD student per year. This may cover travel costs and minor equipment costs related to supporting student's field work, supervisor's travel to Sweden or to the student's first conference (where the student presents a paper).Facilitation of supervision at UR is not a salary compensation or a top-up.2.9 Travel costs studentsCost of travel to Sweden by PhD students enrolled in local PhD program 2-3 times during the whole PhD study period. This include: air ticket to Sweden (15,000 SEK); and other travel costs (3,000 SEK). Total max: 60,000 SEK per student for the whole study period.2.10 Subsistence allowance for students while in Sweden studentStudents are eligible to receive subsistence allowance for the time they are in Sweden. This is 18,000 SEK per month (including accommodation) up to 3 months per year, maximum three times during the PhD training. Total maximum 162,000 SEK per student for the whole period. The allowance is paid through an arrangement between Sida and International Science Programme at Uppsala University (ISP).2.11 Conference attendance – PhD studentsPhD students enrolled at UR within the framework of the Sida funded program can get support for attending maximum two conferences in the study period. Cost of the conference attendance can be a total maximum 60,000 SEK per student (max 30,000 SEK per conference) for the whole study period. Note: in accordance with UR regulations support can be given only for conference attendance where the student has a paper accepted for presentation.2.12 Field work/Laboratory work including minor equipment Same as 1.4. 2.13 Overhead related to costs under PhD training in RwandaBudgeting for overhead costs is applicable on the Swedish side only. It should be calculated in accordance with the regulations of the university. Principles of calculating overhead and the percentage used should be clearly detailed in the budget notes. Postdoc fellowship (sandwich)Postdoc fellows in a sandwich mode are expected to be part of a bigger research team at the Swedish university and spend 2-3 months per year in Sweden doing research full time, while in Rwanda they pursue their research part-time (depending on UR regulations) ideally also in a research team. The postdoc fellowship can be no longer than two years. Note that UR is planning to revise its rules regarding postdoc. No Sida funded postdoc fellowship can commence before the rules have been finalized and Sida has taken a position on what the UR rules imply for the Program.3.1 Mentorship costMentorship costs related to sandwich postdoc may be budgeted on the Swedish side, but this needs to be justified and estimated staff time/ salary needs to be specified. In some cases, there will be no need to budget for mentorship costs, while in other cases it might be justifiable. For a 2-year period the mentorship cost can be annually maximum 125,000 SEK including salary costs (including fees on salary), administrative costs when the postdoc is in Sweden (laboratory, printing, office and library access etc.), and travel costs for the mentor for travel to Rwanda; total maximum 250,000 SEK for two years. 3.2 Travel costs – postdocCost of the postdoc fellow’s travel to Sweden (round trip): maximum 15,000 for air ticket, and 3,000 SEK for other travel costs per year. Maximum twice during the two-year postdoc. Total maximum 40,000 SEK.3.3 Conference attendance – postdocConference attendance can be budgeted for conferences where the postdoc has a paper accepted for presentation; maximum 30,000 SEK once during the postdoc fellowship.3.4 Subsistence Allowance in Sweden – postdocSubsistence allowance of the postdocs while in Sweden is paid through an arrangement between Sida and International Science Program at Uppsala University (ISP). The amount of the allowance (including housing) is 18,000 SEK per month per fellow; maximum three months per year, total maximum six months during the two-year fellowship.3.5 Field work/Laboratory work including minor equipmentFull cost of field work and lab experiments (in Rwanda and/or in Sweden) can be budgeted; but if the project gets funding from other sources, this should be deducted. As a guidance for budgeting: 120,000 SEK/postdoc for the whole maximum 2-year postdoc period for research without lab experiments280,000 SEK/postdoc for the whole maximum 2-year period for research with lab experiments3.6 Overhead related to costs under Postdoc fellowshipBudgeting for overhead costs is applicable on the Swedish side only. It should be calculated in accordance with the regulations of the university. Principles of calculating overhead and the percentage used should be clearly detailed in the budget notes.Master’s training in Rwanda4.1 Cost of Curriculum DevelopmentSame as 2.14.2 Teaching by Swedish partnersSame as Teaching by Regional PartnersSame as Mission fees related to teaching by local staff Same as 2.5. 4.5 Supervision Master’s thesisCost per thesis supervised by Swedish lecturers is maximum 35,000 SEK. Note that supervision of Master students by Swedish partners is accepted only in exceptional cases. Clear justification has to be given in the program plan why external supervision is needed. Note: Organizing training on supervision for UR faculty could be considered instead of having Swedish partners doing the supervision.4.6 Cost of curriculum reviewSame as ScholarshipsScholarship for Master students is 1,500 SEK per month for maximum 8 months per year (total max 12,000 SEK). Applies to special cases where the need for scholarships can be justified.4.8 Student FeesThe Program can pay tuition fees where the need for scholarships can be justified.4.9 Field work/Laboratory work Fieldwork in connection with thesis can be supported. As a guidance 5,000 SEK per student can be budgeted. If real costs are higher the support to field work or laboratory work can be increased. 4.10 Overhead related to Master’s training Budgeting for overhead costs is applicable on the Swedish side only. It should be calculated in accordance with the regulations of the university. Principles of calculating overhead and the percentage used should be clearly detailed in the budget notes. Dissemination and research uptake5.1 Conference attendanceIn general conference attendance should be supported centrally from the Research management subprogram (Research Directorate). If the specific research training subprogram supports conference attendance, this should be done in accordance with set rules on selection of grantees. As a guidance, 30,000 SEK per conference attendance can be budgeted.5.2 Regular scientific seminarsIn principle organizing regular scientific seminars should be integral part of the UR academic operation. However, to help the establishment of a research culture, scientific seminars can be supported. It may include mission fees (when relevant) and organization costs. 5.3 Policy interactionMeeting costs for policy interaction can be budgeted with a maximum 7,000 SEK per meeting. No consultancy fees may be covered.5.4 Publication feeThe total cost of publication fee can be budgeted. However, it is the responsibility of the researcher to ensure that his/her paper is not published in predatory journals. (The Research Directorate at UR maintains a list of predatory journals and has the mandate to advise on publication). Sida in general advocates for open access and publishing in open access journals is encouraged. If publication fee paid to predatory journals has to be refunded to Sida. 5.5 Short courses5.5.1 Cost of curriculum development of short coursesWhen budgeting for curriculum development of short courses activities should be defined and costs justified. Short courses should relate to the research supported. As guidance, 100,000 SEK on the UR side and 50,000 SEK on the Swedish side can be budgeted.5.5.2 Organization costs of short coursesAs a guidance, 48,000 SEK on the UR side, and 50,000 SEK on the Swedish side (including travel) can be budgeted.5.6 Overhead related to Dissemination and research uptakeBudgeting for overhead costs is applicable on the Swedish side only. It should be calculated in accordance with the regulations of the university. Principles of calculating overhead and the percentage used should be clearly detailed in the budget notes. Other costsAll other costs that are not covered under the standard budget lines need to be specified in detail and approved at the annual planning meetings. If other costs include salaries on the Swedish side, the budget notes should contain information on the estimated staff time and salary level used for the cost calculations.Subprogram running costs7.1 General managementCosts for managing the subprogram can be budgeted as follows. Swedish sideSub-programs with three Swedish collaborating departments are allowed to budget for a maximum of 100,000 SEK per year for coordination (salary for approximately 1-2 months full time for administration/management with all costs included). For subprograms with four or more Swedish partners the budget can be maximum 150,000 SEK. Any deviation from these ceiling needs to be justified. Costs need to be specified. If salary costs are included staff time and salary needs to be given. UR sideCoordination costs at the UR side be maximum 60,000 SEK per year. This is to cover indirect costs at UR related to the Program.7.2 TravelThe budget line Travel under General management cost related to travels of Team Leaders between Rwanda and Sweden, and on the UR side for in-country travels. Note that both review and planning meetings are going to be held in Rwanda, with one planning meeting taking place in Sweden after the second or third program year. Travel costs can be budgeted as follows.Swedish sideTwo trips to Rwanda annually to attend program planning and review meetings, maximum total 50,000 SEK per year. For consortiums with more than two Swedish partners maximum 75,000 SEK per year. UR sideMaximum 40,000 SEK per year for in-country travel of team leaders (and deputy team leaders when relevant) as per university regulations. For the whole full five-year program an additional 2-3 trips to Sweden can be budgeted (30,000 SEK per trip), total maximum 90,000 SEK. 7.3 AuditFor Swedish partners who receive funds only for supervision of Sandwich students, the cost for auditing is covered within the annual 250,000 SEK. For Swedish partners with sandwich students and funds for other activities, as well as for subprograms with no sandwich students, auditing has to be budgeted for separately on a yearly basis. Cost of audit is estimated to be 20,000 per year, unless cost is known to be higher. On the UR side audit is budgeted under program coordination.7.4 ConsumablesAt the UR side a maximum of 40,000 SEK can be budgeted annually for consumables for printing, paper, and minor equipment related to management and administration of the subprogram.7.5 Overhead related to Subprogram running costsBudgeting for overhead costs is applicable on the Swedish side only. It should be calculated in accordance with the regulations of the university. Principles of calculating overhead and the percentage used should be clearly detailed in the budget notes. Other considerations Costs that are not covered by the above cost types can be put either under 6 Other costs, or as a new cost type (Other – XXX) under the relevant category. For example, for a training on Master’s supervision a cost can be inserted 4.11 Other – Master’s supervision training. Costs have to be justified and the way it was estimated presented in the budget notes.Subprograms that are of research supporting character need to have different budget structures. These shall also be activity-based with costs clearly linked to the activities in the plan. All costs need to be justified and specific. When salary costs are involved, and estimation of the staff time shall be made and the salary levels specified. Principles for calculation shall be part of the budget notes. Coordination is budgeted under General management (point 7.1). Any deviation from the given ceiling (100,000 SEK for consortium of three Swedish universities, and 150,000 for four or more Swedish universities) needs to be justified. Costs need to be specified. Estimated staff time as well as salary need to be given. Since financial reporting will be done against the budget, it is expected that Swedish university partners use a proper time reporting system making it possible to establish the actual time devoted to the program management. Organization of conferences cannot be budgeted in the Research Training projects (sub-programs). Regular postgraduate conference will be organized centrally and its budget shall be included in the budget for the subprogram on Research management. Only economy class fares are eligible for all travels and travelers, regardless of the position of the traveler. Costs for visa, insurance and vaccination may be also part of the travel costs.Conference participation can be funded only if it involves paper presentation. Participation of PhD supervisors can be funded when it is the first time for the student to present paper at a conference.Unforeseen may not be used in the budget prepared for Sida.Both UR and Swedish partners are encouraged to allocate own resources to the Program; this can be made visible in the program budget and the subsequent financial reports.Budgets have to be prepared for the period 2019-2024 in a way that shows both the annual budgets and a total for the whole period. Suggested structure of the budget for the research training subprograms2019-20202020-20212021-20222022-20232023-2024TotalBUDGET LINEURISPSwedish uniURISPSwedish uniURISPSwedish uniURISPSwedish uniURISPSwedish uniURISPSwedish uni1. PHD TRAINING IN SWEDEN1.1 Supervision/ Facilitation of supervision???1.2 Travel Costs ???1.3 Subsistence Allowance???1.4 Field/Lab work incl. minor equipment???1.5 Repatriation Fee ???1.6 Recruitment Costs???Total PhD training in Sweden2. PHD TRAINING IN RWANDA PHD PROGRAM RUNNING COSTS2.1 Cost of Curriculum Development???2.2 Recruitment Costs???2.3 Teaching by Swedish Partners???2.4 Teaching by Regional Partners and Other Partners Outside UR???2.5 Mission Fees Related to Teaching by Local Staff???2.6 Cost of Curriculum Review & Quality Enhancement???STUDENT SUPPORT2.7 Scholarship2.8 Supervision/ Facilitation of Supervision???2.9 Travel Costs – Student???2.10 Subsistence Allowance – Student???2.11 Conference Attendance - Student???2.12 Field/Lab Work incl. Minor Equipment???2.13 Overhead (PhD training in Rwanda)???Total PhD training in Rwanda3. POSTDOC FELLOWSHIPS3.1 Mentorship Cost???3.2 Travel Costs – Postdoc???3.3 Conference Attendance – Postdoc???3.4 Subsistence Allowance – Postdoc???3.5 Field/Lab Work incl. Minor Equipment???3.6 Overhead (Postdoc)???Total Postdoc4. MASTER’S PROGRAMRUNNING COST4.1 Cost of Curriculum Development???4.2 Teaching by Swedish Partners???4.3 Teaching by Regional Partners???4.4 Mission Fees Related to Teaching by Local Staff ???4.5 Supervision Master’s Thesis ???4.6 Cost of Curriculum Review & Quality Enhancement???MASTER’S STUDENT SUPPORT4.7 Scholarships???4.8 Student Fees???4.9 Field/Lab Work???4.10 Overhead (Master's)???Total Master’s5. DISSEMINATION AND RESEARCH UPTAKE5.1 Conference Attendance???5.2 Regular Scientific Seminars ???5.3 Policy Interaction???5.4 Publication Fees???5.5 Short courses???5.5.1 Cost of Curriculum Development of Short Courses???5.5.2 Organization Costs of Short Courses???5.6 Overhead (Dissemination)???Total Dissemination6. OTHER COSTSOther Costs???7. SUBPROGRAM RUNNING COSTS7.1 General Management???7.2 Travel???7.3 Audit???7.4 Consumables???7.5 Overhead (General management)???Total subprogram running costsTOTAL???TOTAL (annually for the subprogram) ................

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