Philadelphia, June 38,—Directors SOCIAL JOTTINGS TAX LAW ABOUT THE; A ...

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P? 'V

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iGioy, paLAWAUE. Thursday. rilKE 29. 1899.



m, , TO A HORSE.

John Strong Fined In City

Court For Kicking a


At the session of the City Court this morning, John Becker was charged bv Sergeant Evans with being drunk and acting disorderly. He was fined $2 and costs. He said _. brs watch and chain bad been stolen


* a bong that is Hung,

tarty a bird! Not eoerijift ta the sky In woodlands free and meads aglow with

No room was there for songster Withe, to fly Where prison bars made mock of idls wing.

Only a bird I The prison bars Wers rent . By melody so clear and full and strong The Jealous, free bird chirped in disoontent

And fled to hide the forest shades among. '

Only a bird! Death came among group. And ,-e spoke the "earth to earth" again

We tried to sing a hymn to give us hope And comfort in the dreary hour of pain.

'Twas but a bird that put all to shame. That sang of peace and bopo. When toors made dim

The printed words, a flood of music came From feathered throat, and God's voice spake through him.

Only a bird! Yet ohildish eyes wot Now that the song is sung, the singer dead,

And elder folk shall mourn the feathered pet That, timorous, from their careless hands



Mr. KmiqtniO Protest,


Philadelphia, June 38,--Directors of the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central fiailroad Company met to day in the general offices of th<

One Precaution Taken to Make flora Wstthmes Are Vlallant.

Rome people think that time looks, burglar alarms and steel barred windows,

Pennsylvania Railroad and elected with a watchman awuko or asleep Inside

R F. Kenney president to fill the and tho police outside, might afford pro

vacancy caused by the death of tection In plenty for a bank. A visitor In

Frank Thomson, and John P. Green vice-president to succeed Mr.N Ken

ney. The new president is also at the

head of the Delaware Railroad Co.,

a large dotoctive and patrol agency the other day found that bunk authorities do

not hold to this opinion. The visitor noticed when he entered the

office that tho manager seemed to bo watching the clock with great solicitude.

having been elected to the latter Without nny warning tho young man

office soon after resigning as gener jumped up from his desk, grabbed his hat

al superintendent of the Philadel and dashed out. Tho stranger's curiosity

phia, Wilmington and Baltimore Road. He was general superinten dent for many years, and is one of the oldest officials in the Pennsyl

was aroused, and he waited until tho

ager came back. "What was the matter?" he asked. "Tho bank watchman was testing me,"

he said, and thou went on to explain the

vania Railroad service.

system. At every hour and half hour the



A melange of Interesting Notes Picked

Here and There of Wilmingtonlans

and their Many Friends.

ALLMON--BRITTON. Annie Cox Britton of Baltimore, and George BheppArd Allmon, of this city, wore.married tn Broadway M. E- Church, Baltimore, last evening. Alls* Mabel Britton, sister of the brldo, was maid of honor, aud Frank J. Williams, of this oity, was best man. The bridesmaids wore Misses Bessie llobor tson, Mildred Kenly aud Mrs Joseph William Hazeil of Baltimore and Miss Elizabeth Talley of this city. All wore white gowns auu carried

TAX LAW McrcbMla Tailoring Company la no floro. Th* Merchaoja Tailoring Company, Ju-

llua Wsyl. proprietor la In (he bands of

Sheriff Taylor. Yesterday afternoon armed with a writ obtained by Besile K. Humpbroy, owner of the property at No. 802


Markot street, where the compuuy did

business, the sheriff seized the stock of

olothlng and now has the same under tho

care of n deputy sheriff. M Iss H umpbreys Equitable Company Files

claim amounts to|075 and isfor rent.

Weyl left this city yesterday afternoon

Equity Suit Against

for parts unknown, after bavins disposed

of hlsstook on some terms to J. T. Mul- ' Collector Donahoe.

lln & Son. But before the uew purchaser

could remove the go ds from the building

the sheriff made the levy. Whether Mul-

lln & Son will replevin the stock Is as yet The Equitable Guarantee and Trust


Company through its attorney. Willard

Baulsbury, filed in Chauoery Court this

Wants an Appropriation.

morning its bill praying for au order re

William McKinney, a member of the straining Tax Collector John P. Donohoe

Phoenix Fire Company, appeared bofore from proceeding to ortleoc by law 11868.9:3

tho trustees o? tho poor yeitorday and ask ed i hat tho board make an appropriation

atullxeg!laewd ,to

be payable under the Adams bonds and mortgages held by

of f?00 to tbe compuuy on account of the the company.

. ...

~ " from him. He has been at the alms

house for the past two years. George Hurst pleaded guilty to

the charge of disorderly conduct.

His wife testified that he came home drunk and created general disorder

lias fed.

Only a bird! Ny lips the prayer repeat,

"When death

down my prison bars for

The song I' sung may echo Just as sweet And find like flavor in tho sight of thee!" --Joseph Dunecombe in Boston Transcript.

Captain Green, the new vice-pres watchman inside the bank pushed a but

ident. is first vice-president of the ton that rang a bell in the agency. This

Pennsylvania Railroad. The Philadelphia and Baltimore

Central Railroad runs from West

button w?is at tho rear of tho bank. At a

quarter before and a quarter after every hour he toi:ohed a button in the front of

the bank that rang a bull in an entirely

Philadelphia to Octornra Junction, different office. Tho manager of tho offleo

bunches of sweet peas Tbe ushers were Baldwin Springer. Charles B. Dubell aud Albln Forrest Pyle of this city. William T. Westbrook, Jr., of Philadelphia and Lawrence A. Naylor aud Charles T. Mor

ris of Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Allmon

will be at home at No. Uu6 Adame st.oet, ihis city, after a two weeks' trip north.

free itmbulauoe.

The bill alleges that payment by tbe

He s&ld that it would take this sum for company is illegal, and that the law ex-

tbe maintenance of

man, the driver aoUng the payment is unconstitutional.

ar.d two horseB and that the ambulance Chancellor Nicholson has granted the re

would then answer rails in the surround liminary injunction prayed for, and has

ing oountrv within six eight miles of fixed Thursday, July 6 at 10 o olook os the

tho city. If Vie board grants the nppro- time for argument.

priation the Levy Court will mako itt to Mr Donohoe accepted service on the suit


about the house. William Dale, William Thomas-

and Georgianna Laws, colored, were charged with keeping a clisorderly house.

William Rice testified that the parties live in a building1 between Sixth and Seventh and Jackson and Van Buren streets. Profanity and vulgar language disturb the neigh bors. According to his testimony,

,, swearing matches are supreme. The women who resort to the build-

ings use the most of the bad language. The language of the vo man on trial needs to be improved and not approved.

George W. Watson, of No. 1012 West Seventh street, testified that general disorder prevails at the house. Dale causes no trouble. Carrie Bayard visits Thomas and then profanity and obscene language

are the order. Winfield Stars, of No. 615 Jack son

street, testified that it was a gen eral "open house." He has heard the disorder on Sundays and week

days. William'Homewood testified that

the two men rent the house and he

knew nothing of the other tenants.

Each man rents two rooms. The Court said the evidence was

that this was a disorderly house. The renter of a house must see that disorder should not :ut* in the


A Del Scute nnd DniiR-eroua Operation Interesting;!v ** "scribed.

The cobra is passionately fond of music ami is no mean critic thereof. As a rule,

it only hears the bagpipe, but If there be any instrument which it loves more than another it is tho violin. It is this ainiablo

weakness that sometimes.renders it a posi

tive danger to the steal householder in India. By a reciprocity of causation this love of music in tho cobra works for its

own destruction, For if a cobra takes up its abode iu the neighborhood of dwell? ing houso it is customary to send for a

couple of professional snake charmers. One of them strikes up a tune near tho

place where tho cobra is supposed to bo.

No matter what tho creature


doing at tho time, even if it lie out vislfc-

ing to spoak, at some neighboring houso, it is k attracted by the music. It emerges slowly from its hiding place

and strikes up an attitude in front of tho

player. There it 4s kept engaged with tho

music till the other

gradually creeps

behind with a handful of line dust. At a


ient, when the tobra is

standing motionless, this


throws the dust over tho head and eyes of

the snake. Immediately the cobra falls its full

length upon the ground--for one brief sec ond, but that second is enough. Like a lightning flush--nay, with ono and tho same motion with which ho cast the dust --he seizes the prostrate cobra by tho neck just below tho head. In fierce anger tho snako winds and winds its body round tho

of its captor, but to no purpose. It

near Port Deposit. Md. It is con took down tho time to tho minute when

trolled and operated by the Phila tho bell rang. If tho boll at the bock of

delphia, Wilmington and Baltimore the bank failed to ring within five min


utes of the hour or half hour, it tho duty of tho manager to make all speed to

Aguiualdo Asks About rianlla.

tho bank. When he got there, ho must

Manila Juue 29. actually sco tho watchman and speak to

One of the Filipinos lu Manila ?olved him. If within iivo minutes after reach

a verbal message direct from Aquiuoldo, who is at Tat lac. instructing him to make

complete a report as possible regarding both the military aud political situation

iu Mcolla. Agutnaldo wants to obtniu from a L< ill*

pitio source knowledge of tho f.trenglb of

ing the bank he did not see tho watch* , ho ,-as to call tho polico. If the

manager failed to go to the bank prompt ly when it was his duty to do so, tho

watchman must report him, receiving a

reward therefor. Tho object of having the

tho American army, tho health of the bank connected with two offices v ;s to

troops, urd what General Otis' intontlons lessen the possibility of collusion between

?gurding Ihe carrying ou of opera

tions during the rainy season. Tho Filipino to whom the mossnge

sent has been steadfastly friendly io the Americans. He has been frequently re quested to join Aguiualdo, but has ref us-

ed to do so. The fact (hat the rebel leader has sent

tho watchman and tho managers. But this was not all. An outside watch-

was also ployed. He was the rogular special watchman who ? employed by the property owners of the neighbor-

hood. It w hi* duty to meet tho inside watchman at the front door every hour

such a request is capable of a double inter- and then to go to tho back door and jet

pro1 at ion. Possibly Aguiualdo desires to

know what his chances

Id bo in tbe

event of his surrender, or It is possible

that ho wants to obtain information to

the ports opened by order of General,

tho inside man. Then there j burglar


?cry window, door and vault

door. Tho stranger went to a bank officer and

through which he might obtain provisions asked him whether all these precautions

and other supplies for his army and at tho were nccc.-:sary for tho detection of rob-

game time ship the produce or the country. bopy. The request for information, coining as * * Not for detection," he raid, "but for

it docs direct from Aguiualdo settles tho reports that have been circulated to the effect that he was asdnated by friends of General Luua In revenge for tho kill ing of t he lutter by some of Aguiualdo s

men presumably by hi* order.

prevention. Tho burglar who tries to break into this bank at night is insane. Ho has not tho slightest chance in the

world, and he knows it. Then, too, we Are can gain any headway in

tho building whilo tho watchmen ktipt

$20,000 Verdict for Widow.

so thoroughly awuko. Of course

Paris, June 28. -- The suit for fireproof theoretically, but wo do not even

damages brought by Madame Resal trust thut. "--Chicago Inter Ocean.

Those present from tbis oity wore: Miss

Martha Allmon, Miss Elizabeth Talley, Mrs. Elizaboth Allmon, Mrs. Anna H. Pyle, Baldwin Springer, Charles B. Du bell, Frank J. Williams and Alblu Forrest




Mia* Lottie O'Hanleynnd William W

Wulker were

riud in St. Paul's

Church, Fomtband Jackson streets, yes

terday by Hev. Father Conley. Miss Bis-le

Gromy was bridesmaid aud Timothy Ring

best man. Tho bride was attired in white gandie

with satin ribbons, and carried b filial

rose*. The bridesmaid

attired in a

pretty white lawn dross trimmed with

Duchesne lace. Aftor the ceremony a re ception was held at I lie home of the bride's


, No. couple


Lancaster avenue. the recipients of


erous handsome presents, 'hey loft last

night on the 5.28 express for Atlantic City

where they will spend a week or ten days.

They will make their future home at No.

917 Lancaster avenue.


A quiet wedding took plucoou Wednes day morning at the bride's home, iu Clay ton. The contracting parties wore Mr. B.

1). Jester, merchant nt 116 East Fourth street, Wilmington, Del., aud Miss Cnrrlo G. ?milb, daughter of Joseph G. Smith of Clavton. Tho Jcoremouy was performed by Kev. B. F. Jester of Bay View, Cecil countv, Md., a member of Maryland Con ference of tho M. P, Church and a former pastor of tho M. P. Church in Clayton, nud also of the First M. P. Church, at.

Seventh nud Walnut streets, Wilmington. Immediately after the ceremony tho happy couple took the 8 45 train for Wilmington, and will resldo ut No. 004 Eust Eiovoulh

the Trustees of tiro Poor. No notion

this afternoon. The nortoc of the trust


company'!* to test the law. Already over 110,000 ha* boon collected uudor tbe law,

Sunday School Excursions.

and of this amount the county bus re

The Sunday Schools of West Presby ceived its share. The actiou of City Coun

terian nud the First M. P. Churches on their unuual outings today. The for

cil in demanding its share of the mouey will lead to another suit against the coll

mer school is at Bi uudy wine Springs Park ectors by tho city but tho si ep has not as

aud the latter school ut National Park yot been taken.

The ruin of the early morning prevented

many excursionls s going to the springs, but about hundred went this afternoon.

Tomorrow the Suuday Schools of Grace and S'. Pnuls School will pionio

The Equitable Company is only one or

the companies and iudivudals who Lave

refused to pay their tax as prescribed by

tho lnw Several weeks ago Collector

Donohoe made a formal demand


Hraudywino Springs, and the Suuday company for the 61868.22 but the company

School of Asbury National Park.

refuses to pay.

, ., , .

Then Mr. Donahoe expressed his inten

Congressman John Henry Hoffecker tion of bringing suit to recover the was iu this city this morning. Mr. Hoff- amount and thereby bringing the law in

eckor being nsko.l if lie kuew Anything of to tho court and having its constitutional the bugs that were repotted to he Dies* ity passed upon, but the action of tho com tifui timt they had interfered with tho pany while also aiming at the constitu farmers in harvesting their crops, said tionality of the law, relieves Mr. Donahoe

that be supposed lb w a newspaper from bringing suit.


Split In The Junior Order.


received in thi9 city

yesterday of a threatened split in the Jun

ior Order United Aiuerioan Mechanics the

national convention of which was held

last week. The report comes from Harris

burg. Pa. In speaking of tho rumor, a prominont member of tho ordor iu this

Serge Suits Serge

city, said:

"Whlio it is true that thore have been

rumors of a split in the older, the dissat

isfaction has been confined to members of

Light - weight, strong, cool and

the order residing in whut is known as tho middle district of Pennsylvania, they

were decidedly in tho minority in tbe con

ot good colors. vention, aud bocause they were outvoted

Serge is a


in their efforts to secure control of the ; tonal council, became Unsatisfied and

mer cloth. We threatened to withdraw.





` The majority of those connected with this element, iu the order rcsidoin L

many suits, we castor and Harrisburg. Nothing lie


-f M,


house. A line of $26 and costs was

imposed. In the case of Frank Fisher,

charged with assault and battery on George W. Shuck, Penn Adams testified that Shuck called at his house last Saturday night. Shuck accused Fisher of striking him in

the mouth. A fine of $10 and costs

was imposed. John Strong was charged with

unnecessary cruelty to a horse.

-Jf'W.JdUL -Uul** saw Strong last Friday morning at Thirteenth and Walnut street, kick

the horse several times, It was driven by Howard Reed and reared

up. Mrs. E. Walsh deposed she saw

the horse kicked by Strong. Mrs. M. E. Mercer gave similar

testimony. For the defense three witnesses

deposed they did not sec Strong1

kick the horse. Harry Abele sold the horse to

Strong-. It will lie down, kick, do anything, and is a bad one in gen eral. The Court imposed a fine of

$10 and costs.

Jdtva Man love was arrested last

evening by Policeman Maloney and

r Davidson, charged


two gold watches from Lewis Ski lit.

Manlove was trying to dispose (>f

the timeoieccs when arrested. HJ M as before Judge Ball i the City Court last flight and Skint identified

the watches as his property. Manlove was held in $200 bail for the

upper court on the charge of lar ceny ancf'flOO bail for the court

the charge of carrying- a razor. At the request of the defendant

company, the case of the State vs. the Wilmington Electric Light Com pany was postponed until next Mon day evening. The company is charged with placing an obstruc tion across the pavement at Tenth

and Market streets.

cannot turn its head to bile. If it be de as a result of the loss of her hus sirable to extract the f.rngs at onco, the band try the sinking of the French


captor presses his thumb on the throat of

tho cobra and thus compels it to open Its nth; then the fangs arc drawn with a

pair of pinchers. If, however, the operator desires to keep tho snako intact for the present, the late musician offers his aid

and, forcibly hiding tho coils, places tho body of tho cobra i basket, all but the head (which is still held by the other

Line steamer La liourgogne in col

lision ?ith the British ship Cr nrtyshire. July 4. 18`)S, off Sable Is land, Nova Scotia, has resulted in a verdict against the company for

100,U00 francs (about $20,000). Madame Kesal is debarred by the

terms of the verdict from claiming

There I* Nothing Like It, lrnle?? It

De u Ride a PI Em; I lie.

Wo wore promised first Russian cxperienco in tho shape of a troika ride. A

troika is a superb affair. It makes the

tiny sledges which take tho placo of calls


>d for all ordinary purposes

look even more like toys than usual, but

an), and presses do the lid to prevent tho cobra fro wriggling out. Then suddenly the captor thrusts tho head in and

SmiTf) flpvrn tho lid. In tho auuvo d? iption two me

needed to raptur the snake, but a v expert chi r may do tho feat single

any money lost.withM. Kesal hid) may hereafter be recovered.

The court found the company re sponsible for the acts ot the Bour

tho sledges ?o great fun and so cheap

that it is an extravagance to ;nlk. A

jourso costs only 20 kopecks--10 cents.

Tho sledges set so low thut you can

reach out and touch tho

j with y

gogne's captain, who was declared hand, and they are so small that the horso

t 1 be at fault in not bringing his is in your lap nnd tin. coachman in your

handed, though it is highly dangerous.

This is the 3thod employed: While play-

ing with

hand he throws the dust

sideways with the other and captures the

snako with that hand. Of course the

ship to a standstill after tbe collis ion, in losing time in launching the boats and in not furnishing the

passengers ith lifeboats.

pocket. He simply turns in his seat to iiook the fur robo to tho back of j sent --only it has no buck. If you fall, you

fall dear to tho ground. The horse is far, far above y in i

whole action is liko u lightning flush, and

half ?ond's delay the merest bungling either i throwing tho dust in catching tho snake at tho proper plue may prove fatal tlio operator.--World

Wide Magazine.

Hr. Schirmer's New Position. Gerhaid Schirmer, formerly of

this city, but >w of Dover, where for several years he has been super intendent of the Prudential Insur ance Company, has resigned to be

humble position, and there is


room that two people e with difficulty

stow thomsolvos in tho

seat. If

brother and sister a husband and wife

drive together, tho , in sheer self do-

fe *, is obliged to put his


tho woman matter how distasteful it

e Queer Insurance C-n

come secretary and general mana

A good story is told of a betting man ger of the Industrial Accident In-

who was in the habit of regularly purchas- i

lug a railway insurance ticket whcnqypg-1

he wont on hi


,surance `office ut

of the .United Dover.

States, with

to do, and his train wr*,J"J| Scnont danger. His disgust knew''^^ unds. "Horo

The Weather. To-morrow promires to be fair, with

have I been betting.o, this coming off all slight rise of tomporat . Somewhat

my life,"


that it has similar conditions will probably prevail

I've not g?t a hot


There is? i sadly dramatic history as- The thermometer at W C. Taylor's

Mated virli insuranco ticket. A gen- drugstore, 802 King street, registered to


relinked prior to starting

day follows:

ft j

V, and, s is frequently done,

10 o'clock 1 o clock

may bo. Not that she would ever b

scious of whether ho did it not, for the

amount of clothes Is obliged to wear

In Russia destroys any sense of touch.

The horses sharp shod, but in

quite different lrom

The spikes

their shoes !> an inch long and dig into

tho ice with perfect sc ?ity, but it makes

tho horses look as if they


heels. Eve

ico like sheer glass they

go at a gallop and never slip. It Is

derful, aud the exhilaration of it is like

driving through an air charged with

chanipagno, like the wino caves of Rlntz.

Driving in tho country we could not toll

postc homo t*> his wife from tho depar-

turo station. Tho ticket


simultaneously with

intimation fr

the railway company announcing that ho

had lost his life In a railway accident.

In the cose of the Tay bridge disaster

insurance tielret 'us discovered uixm

tho body of of tbe victims. The ticket

had been reduced absolute pulp by tho

action of tho sea water, but under

croscope the printing could still bo traced.

The company thereupon admitted the

claim and duly paid

tho amount of

the Insurance monoy.--Railway Magazine.



how fast wo were going, but in town,

Harvest Prices.

Tho attendance of buyer* at Mock and

Potter's sale of

thePAssinore farm

Monday the 26th Inst., was not no

whizzing past other carriages, hearing tho shouts of tho idvosjilc, "Troika," and see ing the people scatter nnd tho sledges turn out (for a troika has tho right of way), wo


nl, the highest prlco

tell- realized at what a pac

ing tor 'farm. Their next public sale will bo

Monday, July 17.

The New Officers.

Officer Conn

(1 Wiuthrop who

appointed a few days ago ill go duty

ginc waf

sledge, and following


five other sledges currying hogs-

fire heads of water. After thut. drive I thought I knew just it felt ride a engine.--Lilian

Dell it


street. . -


Arthur Coo, ono of Upland's prom Inent

young men, and Miss Cora Dyer, of Ches

ter, were married at 4 p. in. yesterday, at

iho residence of tho bride, by lt-v. F. C.

Woods, of the Upland Baptist Church.

'I he happy couple left for Washing;on, D.

C., where they will spend u week, taking

in the sights of tho national capital.


Washington they will journey to

Richmond, Va., whore they will sojourn

with reiniives for a bilof period. On their

return home they will reside in Chester.

Those present from Wilmington

Mr. and Mrs Alfred Pyle, Mr. and Mrs. J.

Courgen, Jacob Courgen, Hannah Courson,

Mary Couroeu, Sadie Coursuu.


WTilliam W. Itlclmrd*on, sou of IT. A. Rlchftfnon, tho well known canner of Dover, aud Mis* Alena Atkins, daughter of tho late Idate Treasurer, Charles H.

Atkins, wore married in Milton at to-day. The wedding was a quiet only the immediate m unbars of the fami lies being prorent. Mr. and Mrs, Itiehan ?

rill leave New York Saturday for a

European tour.


In honor of the successful completion of

the primary school course by her daughter

Pearl, Mrs. Harry Fo igh, of No. 912 Van

Buren street,

'tained tbe tench ot

public sclicol No. 15 yesterday at the closo

of the session, and an hour was spent in

a delightful manner. The teaohor* wore

also tho guosts of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.

Coxo, and thoroughly enjoyed tho courto-

feies extended thorn.


Mis* Blanche Wold in anil Rjv. William Frederick Lewis will be ?ried this ovenin/ In Glace M. E. Church.

The wedding of Miss Km Pal ker aiul S ?te Senator Robert MnVarlin will take

this evening nt. tho homo of tho bride's mother, No. 102 E Second street.


Mire Bertha Moncktou and Irving F,.

Dicket , both of this city, were quietly ?iod tit. the parsonage of Bethany Bap

tist Church, last ovenlug, by Kev. O. G.

Buddingion. Tbe maid of honor was

Miss Viola Moncktou,a sister of the brldo.

Tho Lost

was John Adams.


never sold


done by them in ibo direction of a withdraw al from tho national council until

ter ones lor the their annual mooting, which takes place




in September. They could then away from tho national body and

break refuse

have style and to pay their per capita tax. Whllo such a


every quality.

good Men's

their part is to be deplored, if it

doe* occur it will hnv

material effect

tho strength of tbe genoral body.

Suits, g7.50.J10

$12.50 and $15, all sixes, regu

The Tandem Fork Broke.

lars, stouts

and slims;


William It. Gffodley, a well known wheel man, was painfully injured on tho

Odd Serge Coats, single and Hazel Dell track taut night. While riding

double-breasted; g2.50,33 and

a tandem with William H. Hollot nDd pacirout forkk oGflltlhooumianonhlfnioveb-mroilkoe trhro,witnheg

g4, for single-breasted; 33, S4

and 35, for


both riders and several others who following slncrlo wheels in a heap.


Odd Serge Trousers, left from Goodley was rendered unconscious by the

suits, 32, $2.50 and 331


fall and remained iu that condition for several hours. He s conveyed to bis

Suits with single and double- homo No. 125 West Eighteenth streo\ lu

breasted Coats,,


a carriago where Dr. Willard found that the only Injuries w

Springer n sevetre

glo and 312.50; for single- sculp wound and b'ulses about tho back.

breasted Coat Suits,



The accident will keop Mr. Goodley lined to his bed lor several days.

and 312.50; for double, Hoys'

Odd Serge Coats, 32, $2 50

Increase in B. and O. Stock.

and 33;

Hoys' short pants

According to tho progr tho special etlng yesterday of the stockholders of

serge suits, 34 and 35; odd the Haiti

and Ohio Railroad Com-

trousers 75c and



pany authorized un increase of tho prefer red stock from 140.000,00.) to t60.000.000.

hinds of hlanne1, Wash Ton- and of the oomiuon stock from 165,000,000

gee, Mohair, Alpaca and Cot ton Coats for hot weather

to 145,000,0.0. This Jnorause, as has al ready been announced, Is for the purpose of carrying out the pain of reorganization

wear. '

or tho Baltimore aud Ohio Southwestern Railway.

Closed evenings at 6 except

Captain Chamber's Case.

Tuesdays and Saturdays.

Captain Ilobort Cham bar* will nsk tho

Police Commission at It* meeting this




& SONS ?

evening to postpone the houriqg inhls cuse until July lO.h. Tho reason for tbl? re




quest is that Captain Chambers wbnts Mr. Hart to bo present as he being a


Market, butcher would help the other members.



The Horn l actory.

Building Inspector Cassidy and Mr. Talley hold a conference this morning

the Horn Carriage factory. Tho front French street and tho adjoining houso will be taken dov * well as frame dwellings Walnut street.

Recovered The Iilng.

Miss Elizabeth H. Johnson, of No. 215 East Fifteenth street lost a valuable breast pin last December. Dotoctive Wltsll recovered it its owner yesterday.






Fine rielons. Thin rlnod, tweet, ripe, high flavored Oeorgla Watermelons have just been receivod and'are for sal**, wholesale and retail il Cartridge & Wharton, Fourth uud ui streotd.

flEElNUa lO-.NIJtir.

?Oity Council.

Oamp 2, P. (). S. A.

Wilmington Lodge, A. O. U. W.

Columbia Lodge, A. O. L. VV.

Wawaset Gun Club,

fienuhlicau Invincible*,

?3yiuWinaLsoh'ilnggutIo.nOHoOm. munion,

^ , MY*jrty Lodge A. O. G. If.


C. 11.

Keokuk Tribe Imp'd O. U. 5L

2nd ward Single Tax < Hub.

Bib ward Single Ti

Palestine Castle, A. O. K M. a

7th ward Single Tax Olul

Lady First


'* Foreign Missionary doty.

Hay Result in Deutn.

If you d 't got Yorger, fit 119 Shiploy

to make good scroeus for 3 r doors

and windows to keep

qUltOJ -I



ilpporto.l l.v ILn.ibln.on Jc J,


(Incorporated Under the Laws of Delaware.)

CAPITAL STOCK,$150,ooo Divided Into 30,000 Shares at $5 Per Share. Full Paid and Non Assessable.

Tho POMP ;Y is fo d fo

tali nither,

in ufa.

il al.

pur, iide*

Ii. glue old




di 11 1 a

nl -I ns tbe 1 firmly hi idled

riy Ind.



Tin- "1H th





r m >/ y? l

?f tub vned

lhe p

i' I PR--BRITTON--On Wednesday aft* noon, Jimo 28, utSt. Peter's imrsonufie. ! Hev. Father Conm*!l, Mr. Truman Hcnul MUnClimi A. Britton, both of this citv.


famed for his realization of

lovely and subtle color, Il WIlfi a thick

panel, small, but beautiful i tho tonal

BURT* ?N--WATSON -On Wertn**8ilay

sehe !. One day, taking tho picture out

ing, Juno 28, by tho Rev. A N. Koigwi D of the f *, it s discovered that there

]). Edward U Button uii.1 Uluru E. Watson, both of ibis city.

was another picture the back of tho wood, a ?gleet ed work that tho painter


WOOD WARD-la Ne *rt.( ?*,h Inst. .O oo.

T. W< .rd ?d

Helati mx.'CtfuHy i


Id I


i I family

d the funeral fron

?|>< 8

n Friday af b.( W O* W Pro. flugit


Atutiisou Prof. Kallu St Ohio .

C< Jeutral Pacific.

Tob Com

Con Tob Pro

U!. . Sc Ohio.

01 B:& Q......

Chico. & N W .

Cligo.M. ft St. P

Chuo. If. 1. ft P-

4J C C & 3t. L

Del. ft Hudson

D., L. ft W.


Id'H 1 1.1

Man. (Jon --11

Mis*. Pur-i


New .Tere< yt NJC& Hu<

.118 ,. li)V;

N V O fit W?*s. ?

Nor. Pac. (Join 1.

Nor. Pac. Pref



PCO & People's





Bay Btui


Head 1st Pro... -. ?H)

Head 2d Pro......... 84

Pacific . ?88

SoutheruR. (


KoutlieruK Prof. 51

T? ft,*

Union 1

, I Pro.. L 8 I


UM> BlwJtric.. ?tol's l ET.


Fed Ptool Coin__ Wabash (J

Fed Bteoi Pro...... 8lj* Wabash Pro

-1 * J`, Wwlm-n.UiUon ? to

Loan.* N' .0#4 W*j. KCom.. ?4

Metro. - - -tie

it i. h I re....... -1.*

Th C< H-r


of largilimited Coin pan

?i 1




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cr share. Sn

In ;;l

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are confidm mt tlii ock will 1


Bo add 1 ?d d , 1NCOKP

. Subscripts

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ilad'-lpliia B<

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?d by cl

$1 for ? pnyabl alio

' Ibm ID day 1 Ik'l

bid, tin- bal ft-i date of



.1 n lists to I





loud for j





Lei. Cons. T


Cam. I 1 lo... M

I Is Gh

Ml.... ?. Pitis.

Oh Eh Dial

A . 18? ,1 Bleel.

Philr ?Hphia Tri M?-h Heading............ . . lu Heading 1st. Pro Heading 2d Pro. . Storage Bat Cc ,ld'.i Storage But Pi UnitedGas in >1117

Lehigh Valley -- Mar*deu. PennMfg Co Poiiasylvan'ii. Penu Idee Vo... ?

Union Tract ( f P..W8




W ft C



gstlons! Bmk of Did......

Natl N

al Bank.... uual Biuk

m 112


VS'ii ft B'wia i Nat'i B

Uuion NationalUx.

Farmers' Bank

Kq'ittablo (* liar TV

; T I! ? I) *p. Co..



Wilmingtonft Nortin Wiimmgton City Has




04 ^ D14U2 .'W'i 111

Wllmingt011 Coal U?* Wihaingtou City Elsctrie

Has a i |iinr1.,. .f high-grade or

Hu ll 1-

lhe world') richest

dTK it* 3 prop

i?-H adjoining one of th-- gi-'-uL-.*t

three tl till jckliolders.

Hum no debt!

no preferred ?k

lie comer belts 1


laying bi 3 will

ndI i

tl in nay other >ppoi

ihe 0to MAKE MONEY i prise is bet w? *


a II

divlden I. If you wImIi a good b)^


Whil h, this a life-time for


wily the oppartuuit making aud uhu I


taken advantage of before the pri

ced wlilcli may be done any (lay.

For quo

d other information



-?'o. 1530 Chestnut SL

fhilado'phiai I'a.

i)nice d Brsidenoe.

toi West Seventh st.

Telephone call ,ui. Ti ant attention crtvjn to nigh: nill 1.

In tho Chinos

?guo, In San Fre

of the strange Rights Isanti

be if life size dolls, which burned

?.company tho corpses their ervanta

to tho next world.


Undertaker and Embalm;d Residence,

Whoever pays y

court than he

is accustomed to pay either intends to do-


finds y jeessary to him.--

214 West Ninth street.


Tclephouo 611. >t, attention given l!l*

Tho A O H. contost for Bilk hat clones on Monday, July il. All member* will


ploaso make returns secretaries.

lheir respective

Lndert.ik; r Office and Residence

City Treasurer Elect William L. Ha

iti this afternoon by Charles C. KurlZ. Ho will t; ke charge of

722 King street.

his office Saturday.


Pft National Councillor FrankPlerson a* presouteil with a gold badge valued at 175 by the National Convention.

Undertaker and Einbalmer.

Judge Bradford hoard argument ti**riay

607 Shipley street.

iu "tho- case of Blorde vs. Tho Joseph Bun-

Cull* attended promptly.

croft & Sons' Company. Mayor-elect Fahey will be Inducted into

office at 6 o'clock


Wilmington &


R. R.

but will not iissuino his official dutios til after midniglit.

TI ME T \ HLIt IN KFKEC I'. M A Y J I, ' J ii

* 1-. W imiugtou (Kre.'ih Strei .Moutoh-n




villa,.'tiurti M,l>)

*ut daily oil

\V e villo

day, a Lit


biiuday* oaiy a- i

I il For Wayumburg

tlou, Springfield

Intormodiato stati duly, except Baadaj

at A .;.'u a. ia.,2 15 and t. )d p iu ?'sundiy.iouly rtSeofuCCnodlnIsKtuhme.npmitCioonAneyta.nIdOSoI.n,ldsCaainotitv$yc.1i.a0Wu0iilpt,heOrevhbeoiorxy,. For Sale by N. B. Danfort,h, Second and Market Streets

Solid Gold Spectacles $2,001 eieewei^ |8.-- . ^ Steel Spectacles SOc. i elsewhere $1.00 ^


IS IN WILMINGTON, EVERY FRIDAY, ____________ ,, ||,, Office, 600 MARKET ST. .o Ion* oecupM l>v him. Sw,?ciotini, lm- kindly favors of pall onairr ho has rrclvc.l from tlio host churns ? lic rcssSnTccVKnulJlvininovnith.'ism,11anthdorsoecofrlvoouFl.RldEEwIithho Hadra.lrclaochhic,. konrowwhloosdorjco,TnnsdnIronc*an..snmosrloilnlsccooiwnfaortrltn>nl him iu nivln? sREMEMKEA. HO CHEHSEfortramWr.i v,TM ovot "'if'5'"!'? V. U. TODESTA & C0,, Optical Srcclallsts. nJ N. ninth St.. atflTC Arch, mtla.7n>




/ ?

A. /I



An Article in The Sun Says

Chief Dolan Is Sacrific- __

- ing the Captains.


Tho Sun published the following article

to-day about the Polioe foroe: The polloo force of this city Is In a state

of demoralization and disorganization us a result of the evident intention of Polioe Commissioners Pyle and Clarkson to drive every Democrat from tbe position

now held by him. The department is completely In the air.

So confident ore the men that plots have been laid for them with a direct purpose of obtaining an excnee to order their dis

missal. that every officer from tbe cap tains down to the patrolmen are In a state of uueasluees that is couduolve of disor



) ,* ?

ganization. Tho attention of every reputable citizen


has been directed to the workings of tbe

Police Commission durlug tbe last two

weeks and disapproval is evident among

nearly all.


Yesterday the Absence of Police Com missioner A. J. Hart was frequently men tod on. Mr. Hart bad gone to Hot

Springs, Vo. This :s believed to be a part



of tho deep laid scheme now lu the course of operation. Ic was said yesterday by

several prominent mea that Hart has left

Commissioners Pyle uud Clarkson alone

la the conduct of ihclr own plans with the

idea chat he can return when these two ,

Commissioner* have thrown out tbe Dem

ocrats aud say that he had no haud in it


not present to protest against

such action. Mr. Hart's political friends expect him

to stuy at Lis post and face the music and

unless lie ran satisfactorily explain bis present action hi* political associates claim


that he wil( be politically dead.

The source of the entire trouble seems tolleiu Commissioner Pyle. It is open

ly charged that Pyle is trying to trade the

polico department for the re-electlou of

his brother lsaftp us city auditor. For the

success of his plan, it Is claimed, he de

pends largely on CWef of Police John F.

Dolan aud right there is wtWf* the most astonishing incident In connetJMw* with-*--** ^

ilie whole agitation figures.

It is bJlieved by many that Chief Dolan

Is sacrificing his two captains, Messrs.

Kaue aud Chambers, nndlfneod bathe

whole force, to save hlimelf.

This claim is made by close students of

the situation at polico headquarters. Tiioy

say that Pylo and Clarkson have deoldea

to prostitute tho department, to throw out

the Democrats, even at the expanse of ere-

ntlug disorganization in the force aud

have set to work to do it nt ODce. Their

original plan included Chief DoIau, but

Pylo found be usoilod Dolan to


City Audltorship for his brother, Iu no-

cordance with tills Pyle wlU


head and in return the Chief will be

pouted to present Commissioner Pylo with

sufficient counollinauio iufluenco to insure

the re-election of Isaac Pyle.

This me of; tho police department to

settle porsonivl grudges ami pay political

ilebt9 is condemned by the reputablo oltl-

___ of the town. But the fact that is be

ing done iu evident. All tho while Ser

geant Masreyand Black are spending the

time boosting their game for appointment

chief and captain respectively.

This prostitution of Wilmington's ex

cellent police force is iloplored by the

jorlty of Its citizeut. Iu fact there is a

decided movement among prominent men

of all clasBOs irrespective of party affilia

tions to protest against this prostitution.

The effect of Commissioners Pyle and

Clarkson's determination to pay their po

litical debts by dismissing men from ths

police force is disorganizing the foroe.

This is not denied, ns evidence* of it exist

y bund. The men in unfer

tain ood. They constantly


lookout for trap * set by tbe


In view of this ibo men cannot gi cili-

cieut service. It is believed that all this agitation will

ovonluallv load to City Coauoil, where tion will bo taken against Commissioner

Pyle aud Clarkson. These mon can't dis

organize the police department and g-)t

away with it. It appears to be simply a

matter of tbe prostitution of the depart*

mont and popular sentltnont. Is against that. Should Commissioner Pyle|*)ioceed

ill bis deal with Chief Dolan at thV sacri

fice of Captain Kano and Chambers, and

should ho be upheld In it by Commlsdoner

Clarkson it is bollevad tlmt the two com

missioners will bo charged with causing

t he disorganization of tho police force aqd

will be thrown out of the commission by






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