Buying Food on Sale: A Mixed Methods Study with Shoppers ...

Buying Foods on Sale: A Mixed Methods Study with Shoppers at an Urban Supermarket


Appendix. Food category definitions and examples of items included or excluded by the coding rules for each groupa

|Category |Food Category Definition |Examples of included Food and Drink Items|Examples of excluded Food and Drink |

| | | |Items |

|Fruit |Any fruit based item - fresh, |Apples, strawberries, peaches, 100% fruit|Fruit items with >100 kcal/100g: |

| |canned, frozen, dried, whole, |juices |avocados, jams, raisins |

| |cut-up, pureed, or 100% juice | | |

|Vegetable |Any vegetable based item - raw, |Peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, green peas, |Vegetable items with >100 kcal/100g: |

| |cooked, fresh, frozen, canned, |white potatoes, canned tomatoes, dry navy|baked beans, potato salad, sweet |

| |dried, whole, cut-up, pureed, |beans |potatoes |

| |mashed varieties, legumes, or 100%| | |

| |juice | | |

|Low-fat dairy |Foods made from milk that retain |Non-fat or 1% milk, yogurt, cottage |Low-fat dairy items with >100 |

| |their calcium content with < 1% |cheese |kcal/100g: |

| |milk-fat. Foods made from milk | |fat-free or low-fat cheese, Milk |

| |with little to no calcium, such as| |based-desserts |

| |cream cheese, cream, and butter, | | |

| |are not included. | | |

|Sweet snacks |High-energy food items consumed |Cookies, muffins, cake/brownie mixes, ice|Sweet snack items with < 225 |

| |outside a meal with a sweet taste |cream, frozen yogurt, jelly, chocolate |kcal/100g: |

| |- baked goods, |sauce, chocolate chips, granola bars |sorbet, Jell-OTM, fat-free pudding |

| |ready-to-make/ingredients, frozen | | |

| |treats, milk-based desserts, | | |

| |candy, sweet toppings; > 225 | | |

| |kcal/100g. | | |

|Savory snacks |High-energy food items consumed |Potato chips, pretzels, beef jerky, |Savory snack items with 225 kcal/100g. | | |

|Sugar-sweetened |Any non-dairy beverage with >10 |Soda, sports drinks, fruit punch | |

|beveragesb |calories per serving excluding | | |

| |100% fruit juice | | |

|Grain-based snacksc | Grain-based foods sometimes eaten|Sweetened cereals, pizza, frozen hot/lean|Non-sweetened hot cereals and |

| |as snacks; > 225 kcal/100g |pockets, burritos, bagel bites, |ready-to-eat cereals with ................

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