Page 2 Board of Education



PO BOX 249

Whitney Point, NY 13862

Date: February 5, 2008

James DiMascio called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Present Absent

James DiMascio President X

Sara Benscoter Vice President X

Stephanie Champney Member X

Joseph Silvanic Member X

Kathleen Driscoll Member X

Mary Ellerson Member X

Carol Eaton Superintendent of Schools X

Laura Lindsley District Clerk X

Mary Hibbard Assistant Superintendent X

Others in attendance:

Steven Klock, Carolyn Crane, Sheryl Wright, Rick Crowe, JoAnn Sexton, Jaysree Whitelaw,

Kierstin Luschwitz, Ben Wilcox, Cindy Lawrence, Joy Rupert, Jenna Rupert, Jennifer Potsko,

Andy Palmer, Murphee Hayes, Jennifer Cucci, Renee Korb, Jeanette Feeney, Dan Sweeney,

Jerry Mackey, Maynard Swenson, Lili Swenson, Rich Kratz, Jeff Isaacs, Dan Hibbard, Gayle Hibbard

Dr. Eaton recommended the Minutes of the meeting held on January 15, 2008 and the Executive meeting on January 29, 2008 be approved.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Joseph Silvanic

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED


Dr. Eaton commended:

• Heather Pudish, middle school social worker, for her participation and leadership in the FAST (Families and Schools Together) program for the school. Letter is attached.

• The Middle School and Intermediate School instrumental students and teachers for their outstanding concert performances on January 23, 2008.

• The participation of the Caryl E. Adams School in the StarLab program once again this year.

• Intermediate students for their participation in the recent TV filming of the Rock On Café advertisement on television news.

• Murphee Hayes for the State Education training that she recently led for physical education teachers and health teachers, regarding new health and physical education requirements for curriculum to serve the students

• Jeffrey Detrick, High School Librarian, for the High School Library Newsletter that he generates for staff (brochure is attached)

• All the middle and high school students who recently appeared on the honor rolls in the local newspapers

• The exceptional Senior Basketball night that gave recognition to the modified players as well as the seniors. Congratulations to all for a successful evening.


None, other than the letter mentioned above for Mrs. Pudish


Follow-up from November 2007, the Lunch Purchase Policy for First Reading, (attached) will be

postponed for Second Reading at the beginning of the next school year.

Comments from the Public

Bill Priscott:

• Discussion regarding basketball program, league schedule for next year

• Requested consideration for Honors program in English, Science, and Social Studies

• Budget concerns – the decline in student enrollment considered in eliminating bus routes and teaching positions


a. Facilities Update: Current Renovation Phase and Planning for the Second Renovation Phase

Dr. Eaton, Mrs. Hibbard and Mrs. Lindsley reviewed our renovation planning progress that has occurred since the last Board meeting on January 15, 2008. Recent updates were attached to this agenda as they became available. Information regarding the potential timeline for the Second Project was presented, with updates regarding information on requirements for State Education Department review. The first part of the process for the Board to move forward on the Second Renovation Project is to approve the development of the “intended scope of the project,” with preliminary work and completion of State Education Department requirements, including the SEQR process. Therefore the following resolution recommendation from Dr. Eaton:

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the process to develop the intended scope of the Second Renovation Project, with preliminary work and completion of State Education Department requirements, including the SEQR process, with required timelines.

Moved by Kathleen Driscoll Seconded by Sara Benscoter

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED


a. Winter Sports Report

Ms. Murphee Hayes, Athletic, PE and Health Director reported on the participation of students in the Winter Sports’ programs. The report is attached. Numbers are consistent with previous years. Due to the MAC League denying Whitney Point participation, the Athletic Department is developing a strategic plan, identifying the strengths and weaknesses within the program. The athletes and students should be commended for their positive attitudes during difficult seasons. At the Board’s request, Ms. Hayes will attempt to contact similar districts regarding trends these districts are experiencing. Discussion pursued regarding commitment from students, parents, coaches, administration and Board to the athletic program.

b. Grocery Bid 1/1/08 - 2/29/08

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the attached grocery bid covering the period from 1/1/08 through 2/29/08.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Mary Ellerson

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

c. Paper Bid 1/1/08 – 8/15/08

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the attached paper bid for 1/1/08 through 8/15/08.

Moved by Kathleen Driscoll Seconded by Joseph Silvanic

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

d. Budget Transfer from 2007-08

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the budget transfer of $5,000.00 to cover increased unemployment claims.

Moved by Joseph Silvanic Seconded by Mary Ellerson

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

e. Resolution for the Bus Vote

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the vote on Tuesday, March 25, 2008 for 3 transit and 2 transit mini-busses, not to exceed the cost of $380,000.00. This request will maintain the districts schedule of replacing busses.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

f. Change in the Date of the Board’s Budget Hearing Date

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the change in the date of the annual budget hearing from Tuesday May 6th to Tuesday May 13th. The annual vote is held on Tuesday, May 20, 2008. All legal requirements will be maintained.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

g. Changes Orders for Renovation 1

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of change orders for SWBR, EC28, EC29, EC30,

GC58, MC15 and MC16.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Mary Ellerson

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

h. Committee on Special Education

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the attached recommendations from the Committee on Special Education.

Moved by Mary Ellerson Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

i. Field Trip Requests

Grade Five Philadelphia Excursion

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the annual grade five trip to Philadelphia, PA, to be conducted on Friday, June 13, 2008.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Joseph Silvanic

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

Drama Club Trip

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the Drama Club trip to dinner and the Barber of Seville Opera at the Forum Theater on May 2, 2008. Information is attached.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Mary Ellerson

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

French Club Trip

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the French Club trip to Quebec City, Canada, May 14-18, 2008. Information is attached.

Moved by Kathleen Driscoll Seconded by Joseph Silvanic

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

j. Appointment of the WPCSD Superintendent

The Board of Education has been considering the replacement of Dr. Eaton since her intentions were made known to us in the fall of 2007. Mr. DiMascio and other Board members discussed the rationale and criteria used by the Board to arrive at their decision. Dr. Eaton commended Mrs. Hibbard for her loyalty and dedication to the community and her 30 years to the Whitney Point Central School District. Mrs. Hibbard thanked all for their support and looks forward to continuing to work with the Board on district initiatives.

Be it resolved that Mrs. Mary Hibbard be appointed to the position of Superintendent of Schools for the Whitney Point Central School District, commencing July 1, 2008, for a three year term, pursuant to the completion of contract negotiations with the Board.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Sara Benscoter

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

k. Elimination of the Position Title, Assistant Superintendent

The restructuring of the administrative team began last year with the change in job title from Assistant Superintendent for Business to the title of Business Manager, held by Mrs. Laura Lindsley. This elimination of Assistant Superintendent position is consistent with this previous adjustment.

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the elimination of the title of Assistant Superintendent for the Whitney Point Central School District effective, June 30, 2008.

Moved by Joseph Silvanic Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

l. Addition of the Position, with the Title of Director of Curriculum and Instruction

The inclusion of this position will replace the position above, fulfilling many of the same responsibilities and will include some additional responsibilities as well. The new job description is under construction at this time.

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the creation of the position of Director of Curriculum and Instruction for the 2008-09 school year, commencing July 1, 2008.

Moved by Kathleen Driscoll Seconded by Mary Ellerson

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

m. Retirement Resignation

Dr. Eaton recommended Board acceptance of the retirement resignation of Mrs. Jay Whitelaw, Whitney Point Intermediate School Principal, effective August 31, 2008. The Board expressed their greatest appreciation to Mrs. Whitelaw for her service. Dr. Eaton thanked Mrs. Whitelaw for her service to the district and working with her staff for curriculum progress in the Intermediate building.

Moved by Mary Ellerson Seconded by Stephanie Champney

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

n. Elimination of the Position of Whitney Point Intermediate School Principal

Due to the declining enrollment throughout the school district throughout the last five-year period, the consolidation process for the both schools at the Route 11 Building, began last February 2007. As a part of this process, the discussion regarding the elimination of one of the administrative positions at that site occurred, due to the enrollment decline.

Dr. Eaton recommends Board approval of the elimination of position of Whitney Point Intermediate School Principal, commencing September 1, 2008.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

o. Elimination of the Position of Whitney Point Middle School Principal

Due to the 4-8 consolidation of both schools at the Route 11 Building, it is necessary to eliminate the position of Middle School Principal, effective June 30, 2008.

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval for the elimination of the position of Middle School Principal, effective June 30, 2008.

Moved by Joseph Silvanic Seconded by Sara Benscoter

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

p. Appointment of the 4-8 School Principal

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of Mr. Dan Sweeney for the position of grades 4-8 school principal, commencing July 1, 2008. Board extends its greatest appreciation to Dan, Jay and staff for the work they have accomplished on the consolidation process. Dr. Eaton extends her recommendation and appreciation to Mr. Sweeney and commends him on his commitment and work at various levels throughout the district.

Moved by Kathleen Driscoll Seconded by Mary Ellerson

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

q. Recommendation to Advertise and Hire for the Assistant Principal to the 4-8 Consolidated School

The current position of Assistant Principal for the Middle School has remained vacant for this current school year, with Ms. Jo-Ann Sexton serving as a teacher on special assignment to assist the middle school principal. With the consolidation of both Rte. 11 schools, it will be necessary to fill the Assistant Principal’s position to support the staff, students and Principal.

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the advertising for and the hiring of grades 4-8 Assistant Principal, as a 10.5-month employee.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED


Dr. Eaton recommends Board approval of the request for Dylon Ballard, grade 10, to attend the

Whitney Point Central School District, as a tuition-paying student.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Sara Benscoter

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

Public Comment

Jerry Mackey – the webpage not current with Board minutes

For Your Information

February 1, 2008 Enrollment Report

Article on the State of the School Superintendency

Executive Session

None required

Future Board Dates:

February 26, 2008: Facilities Planning Committee Report

CEA Shared Decision Making Report

PE/Athletic Department Report

Budget 2008-09 Overview

Reports on Renovation Projects I and II

March 4, 2008: Budget 2008-09 Presentation

Reports on Renovation Projects I and II

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Mary Ellerson

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

Laura Lindsley

District Clerk

Whitney Point Central School District

Board of Education

Executive Session

February 5, 2008

James DiMascio called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Position Present Absent

James DiMascio President x

Sara Benscoter Vice-President x

Joseph Silvanic Member x

Stephanie Champney Member x

Kathleen Driscoll Member x

Mary Ellerson Member x

Dr. Carol Eaton Superintendent x

Laura Lindsley District Clerk x

Mary Hibbard Assistant Superintendent x

Personnel and contractual issues discussed

A motion was made to adjourn the Executive Session at 7:00 p.m.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

Laura Lindsley

District Clerk


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