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Charity Anderson

Department of Philosophy

Baylor University 254.710.4232

Waco, TX 76798 charity.r.anderson@


Baylor University, Assistant Professor (2014-present)

University of Oxford, Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2012-2014)


Ph.D., Philosophy, Saint Louis University, 2007- 2012.

Visiting student, Notre Dame, Fall 2009.

M.A., Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, Biola University, 2004-2006.

B.A., Humanites, emphasis Philosophy, Biola University, 2000-2004.

Visiting student, University of Oxford, spring 2003.

Dissertation title: “Why I Can Know I Will Lose the Lottery:

A Defense of Stable Fallibilism”

Director: John Greco

Committee: John Hawthorne, Eleonore Stump


Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion


History of Philosophy, Ethics

PAPERS (all peer reviewed)

Fallibilism and the Flexibility of Epistemic Modals. (2014) Philosophical Studies. 167 (3): 597-606.

Epistemic Authority and Conscientious Belief. Critical Essay on Linda Zagzebski’s Epistemic Authority. (2014) European Journal for Philosophy of Religion. Vol 6: No 4:

Knowledge, Practical Adequacy, and Stakes. (forthcoming), co-authored with John Hawthorne. Oxford Studies in Epistemology.

On the Intimate Relationship of Knowledge and Action. (2015) Episteme.


“Divine Hiddenness: Are Glimpses Enough?” Butler Society, Oriel College, Oxford. May, 2015.

“Divine Hiddenness: Are Glimpses Enough?” Evangelical Theological Society Meeting, San Diego, November 2014. Invited talk.

“Defeat, Testimony, and Miracle Reports.” Georgetown University, October, 2014.

“Defeat, Testimony, and Miracles Reports.” Rutgers University, May, 2014. Invited talk.

“Putting Fallibilism to Work.” University of Southampton, England. Invited talk. May, 2014.

“Defeat, Testimony, and Miracles Reports.” Oxford University, March, 2014.

“Hume and Dismissing Testimony to the Miraculous.” Butler Society, Oriel College, Oxford. March, 2014.

“Knowledge, Practical Adequacy, and Stakes.” University of Edinburgh, Invited talk. October 2013.

“Putting Fallibilism to Work.” University of Geneva. Invited talk. April 2013.

“Putting Fallibilism to Work.” University of Innsbruck Workshop. April 2013.

“Knowledge, Practical Adequacy, and Stakes.” Contextualism, Pragmatic Encroachment, and Religious Epistemology Workshop. Oxford University, 2013.

“Putting Fallibilism to Work.” Theoretical Philosophy Work in Progress Group. Oxford, February 2013.

“Putting Fallibilism to Work.” APA Pacific Division, Seattle, April 2012.

“Fallibilism and the Flexibility of Epistemic Modals.” APA Central Division, Chicago, February 2012.

“On the Intimate Relationship of Knowledge and Action.” APA Eastern Division, Washington, D.C., December 2011.

“Fallibilism and the Flexibility of Epistemic Modals.” Invited presentation. Northwestern University Epistemology Brownbag. November 2011.

“Knowledge Norms: Rules, Aims, and Strategies.” Saint Louis University Graduate Student Conference, October 2011.

“Fallibilism and the Flexibility of Epistemic Modals.” Invited presentation. SCP session at the ACPA meting, October 2011.

“Concessive Knowledge Attributions, Fallibilism, and Intra-subjective Modal Flexibility.” Invited Presentation. Epistemology Workshop. University of Arkansas. September 2011.

“Hume and Religious Testimony: A Reconstruction of Hume’s Argument Concerning Miracles.” SCP, Midwest Region Conference, 2009.

TEACHING (sole instructor unless otherwise noted)

Graduate Seminar. Topics and Issues in Contemporary Epistemology, spring 2015.

PHIL 1321 Intro Topics in Philosophy: Doubt, Questioning, and the Quest for Truth. Baylor University, fall 2014, spring 2015.

PHIL 205 Introduction to Ethics, Saint Louis University. spring 2010.

PHIL 105 Historical Introduction to Philosophy, Saint Louis University. 2008-2009.

PHIL 103 Introduction to Philosophy, Biola University. 2006-2007.

Teaching Assistant under Susan Brower-Toland, Medieval Philosophy, spring 2008.

Teaching Assistant under Gregg Ten Elshof, Introduction to Philosophy, fall 2004.

High school instructor, Torrey Academy. 2004-2007.


Edward L. and Rhelda Marbry Morgan, Ph.D., Endowed Book Fund Award, 2012-2013. ($725)

Graduate Student Travel Stipend (x3), American Philosophical Association (2011-2012, $900 total)

SLU2K Research Fellowship, Saint Louis University, 2011-2012.

SLU2K Research Fellowship, Saint Louis University, 2010-2011.

James Collins Award for Excellence. Saint Louis University, 2010. (outstanding graduate student award in philosophy department)

High Honors, Torrey Honors Institute, Biola. 2004. (top 10% of honors program)


Journal Referee: Dialectica, Erkenntnis, Mind, Nous, Philosophical Studies, Philosophical Papers, Episteme, APQ, PPR.

Participant. St. Thomas Summer Seminar in Philosophy of Religion. 2012.

President. Philosophy Graduate Student Association, Saint Louis University, 2010-2011.

Invited Participant. Logos Workshop in Philosophical Theology, Notre Dame, 2012.

Invited Participant. Logos Workshop in Philosophical Theology, Notre Dame, 2011.

Invited Participant. Logos Workshop in Philosophical Theology, Rutgers, 2010.

Co-organizer. Saint Louis University Graduate Student Conference on Social Epistemology, October 2011.

Logistical Coordinator for Notre Dame’s Center for Philosophy of Religion Conference: “My Ways are Not Your Ways: The Character of the God of the Hebrew Bible.” Fall 2009.


Taken at Saint Louis University:

Virtue Epistemology (John Greco)

Skepticism (John Greco)

Knowledge and Action (John Hawthorne) (audit)

Plato’s Epistemology (Scott Berman)

Philosophical Topics in Patristic & Medieval Logic and Theology (Eleonore Stump)

Aquinas on Moral Virtues (Eleonore Stump)

Aquinas on Moral Wrongdoing (Colleen McCluskey)

Hume and Reid (John Greco)

Kant’s First Critique (William Charron)

Wandering in Darkness (Eleonore Stump)

Philosophy of Religion (Eleonore Stump) (audit)

Causal Powers in Contemporary Metaphysics (Jon Jacobs) (audit)

Taken Elsewhere:

Normative Ethical Theory (Julia Driver—Washington University)

Aristotle’s Metaphysics (Michael Loux –Notre Dame)

Topics in Christian Philosophy (Al Plantinga—Notre Dame)

Metaontology (audit) (Michael Rea—Notre Dame)

Philosophy of Religion (William Lane Craig—Biola University)

Self-Deception (Gregg Ten Elshof—Biola University)

Metaphysics (J.P. Moreland –Biola University)

Philosophy of Mind (J.P. Moreland—Biola University)

Augustine (Dave Hunt—Biola University)

Ancient and Medieval Ethics (David Horner—Biola University)

Applied Ethics (Scott Rae—Biola University)


John Greco

John Hawthorne

Eleonore Stump


Research Competency: Greek, Latin, Spanish


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