[Pages:2]PHILOSOPHY AND VALUE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 1. The early education profession is important because

children develop so greatly through their first years and having proper support and education will lead to a more successful and fulfilling life.

2. Quality early education means there are teachers who are there for the whole family, not just the child they are serving. It means that there are lessons being implemented, starting with infants. There is a purpose to watching children, we are not babysitters, we are educators.

3. To ensure a successful early educational experience, children should have their basic physiological needs are met. If a child is not secure then there is going to be more of a struggle when it comes to being able to focus on learning

4. Children learn best by experiencing things themselves. I believe that children should have hands on experience. This can mean that they might not do a project as you intended, but they are learning no the less. It will also teach you about how a child learns and what they may be interested in. I believe they also learn a lot about themselves through risk taking. Though it may be scary at times for teachers and parents to watch their children take extreme risks, kids will learn more about themselves through that experience than they would if they did not try.

5. The physical environment of the early education classroom should feel very comfortable, but be open at the same time. Most of the classroom should be at eye level for the children, there should be areas where risk taking can happen as well.

6. The most important quality that a teacher can have is communication with other staff, children, and parents. In all of my experiences, the times where there was difficulty was when there was not proper communication tools and techniques in place. Being able to listen and understand where a family is coming from will exponentially help in giving the child the best care and learning experience possible. Communication can include observation of children, which can help in knowing and understanding a child's characteristics and needs.

7. The most important thing a teacher needs to know about a child is his/her home environment. This can help in understanding why a child might be acting out, or why the are acting really shy. Once you know and understand this information, you are more equipped to work with the child and the family.

8. Play is important for young children because that is when a lot learning occurs through self play and peer interactions. Child directed learning is key to development; observing it can tell a teacher where

they may need to supplement educational learning for that child.

9. Curriculum and classroom planning are important because creating an easy flow of the classroom can make learning easy and fun for children and teachers. If you are flying by the seat of your pants, more than likely you will not meet the educational standards required. This can also help you if a lesson does not work out and you need other ideas, then you will already have some backup plans ready to be implemented.

10. Schedules and routines in an early childhood setting are important because overall it helps to build confidence, independence, and an overall happier child. Schedules and routines helps with cooperation and eliminates some anxiety a child may have. It gives them a sense of security when something unexpected happens they can be more equipped to deal with it. They can also help to promote consistency between families and preschools.

11. Active participation of families in an early childhood program is important because families are key to development and growth. Having families and staff on the same page will greatly increase the chances that we are being consistent with the child. I also think that families have a lot to offer, they all come from different backgrounds with a variety of different experiences that all children (and teachers) could learn from. It also provides more family ownership in the child's educational future.

12. I want to work with and teach young children because I truly enjoy every moment I am with them. I find joy working with children. It is so amazing to see when how much they are developing and growing - not just physically, but mentally as well. It is amazing to see that I am one of the ones who is helping them along the path of becoming someone who contributes positively to society.


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