St. Francis Preparatory School

Philosophy of Life Final ExamName _____________________________________Date ______________________________________Part 1 Multiple Choice (25 questions, 3 points each = 75 points)1) What does philosophy mean?A) The study of GodB) The love of wisdomC) The search for knowledgeD) The study of humanity2) Although philosophers tend to disagree on some of the deep questions they study, what is one point that philosophers do agree on?A) People should only think about the questions that really make a difference in life.B) Philosophy is a superior field of study to theology (religion).C) Philosophical thinking is important and helps people to understand more about what life is about.D) Having strong faith or religious beliefs can impede (prevent) you from being a developed philosophical thinker, so philosophy and religion should never overlap.3) Which branch of philosophy seeks to discover knowledge is and how a person acquires knowledge?A) EthicsB) MetaphysicsC) TheologyD) EpistemologyE) Ontology4) Which philosophical perspective states that are definitive truths in the world and that there are certain things or qualities that make something true all of the time regardless if a person disagrees with these truths?A) SubjectivismB) ObjectivismC) IndividualismD) Pragmatism5) Which philosophical perspective would tend to agree with the statement “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” that beauty is completely up to each person’s own perception?A) SubjectivismB) ObjectivismC) IndividualismD) Pragmatism6) Which philosopher explained that the most pure and highest form of love called “agape,” meaning self gift, is when a person completely gives of him or herself without wanting anything in return? This agapic love is what brings us closest to God.A) PlatoB) MontaigneC) CS Lewis7) Which philosopher believes that love is based on how a person feels? A person doesn’t need to justify or explain why he or she feels love because it is completely subjective.A) PlatoB) MontaigneC) CS Lewis8) Which philosopher believed that love is rational, objective and something we experience when we recognize the highest form of beauty and goodness in another person?A) PlatoB) MontaigneC) CS Lewis9) Which theory about knowledge believes that knowledge is best acquired through life experiences? The best way to know something is to observe it or go through it yourself.A) RationalismB) PragmatismC) EmpiricismD) Cynicism10) Which theory about knowledge tends to focus on practical knowledge, and that humans should focus on answering questions that make a difference in their lives?A) RationalismB) PragmatismC) EmpiricismD) Cynicism11) Which theory about knowledge claims that knowledge acquired through intellectual and abstract ideas is just as valid as any other form of knowledge and might even be more accurate?A) RationalismB) PragmatismC) EmpiricismD) Cynicism12) Which philosopher believed that the primary virtue that leads to goodness is wisdom? He believed that if people know the good then they are more likely to choose the good. A) AristotleB) NietzscheC) St. AugustineD) Socrates13) Which philosopher developed what is known as the “The Cave Theory” in order to show the process of how coming to new knowledge can be difficult to adjust to at first but ultimately acquiring wisdom is the way to really see truth in the world?A) SocratesB) Lao TzuC) DanteD) Plato14) What did St. Augustine say is the ultimate root of evil that he called the “Great Choice?”A) People realize that nothing in life will satisfy them and treat all life and creation as if it is meaningless, usually causing them to do horrible thingsB) People try to commit to so many things in life that they don’t devote enough attention or love to the things that matter.C) People think they are so superior to others and can treat them in harmful waysD) People devote themselves completely to one thing that will completely satisfy them like money or power, and take advantage of others to acquire more. 15) Which Christian thinker depicted the root of evil to be the vice of pride and envisioned Satan to be a rebellious character who revolted against God?A) MiltonB) DanteC) AugustineD) CS Lewis16) Which Christian thinker thought that despair (having no hope) was the root of evil and imagined Satan to be a rather pathetic figure who is deeply upset and frozen in his own tears?A) MiltonB) DanteC) AugustineD) CS Lewis17) The religious skepticism theory uses what evidence to show that God doesn’t exist?A) There is no physical evidence to prove the existence of GodB) If God existed then he wouldn’t allow so much suffering to happen especially to good peopleC) So many people pray to God but still don’t have their prayers answeredD) There are so many different religious and beliefs about God that there is no way people can show which beliefs are better18) Which Christian Philosopher came up with the theory of absolute dependence, that we did not bring ourselves into existence, that God did, and he is the one that gives purpose and meaning to life?A) SchleiermacherB) Nietzsche C) DanteD) CS Lewis19) Which Christian philosopher came up with the idea of the 4 different types of love to express the main ways that people show love?A) MiltonB) DanteC) AugustineD) CS Lewis20) Which philosopher developed the theory called virtue ethics, that ethical living is based on moderation and finding balance?A) SocratesB) AristotleC) AugustineD) DanteMatching column: For questions 21-25 choose the philosophy that best fits the description. Each answer is only used once.A) HumanismB) SkepticismC) Utilitarianism/HedonismD) StoicismE) Categorical Imperative (Immanuel Kant)________ 21) Which ethical philosophy states that human beings are naturally selfish, basically incapable of choosing to be good and will make decisions out of their own self-interests?________ 22) Which ethical philosophy states that all human beings should have certain rights and that people should look out for each other’s well-being because we are all human?________ 23) Which ethical philosophy states that when you evaluate a person’s choice, you should focus on their intent and their immediate action in the moment. You should not worry about the outcomes or consequences that you can’t control?________ 24) Which ethical philosophy looks at the cause of suffering to be desire, and that human beings will attain happiness through living a simple life with few possessions?________ 25) Which ethical position states that a decision is right if it brings about the most amount of good for the greatest number of people and tries to quantify goodness?Part 2 Written Question (25 points):Directions: Choose 1 out of the 2 written questions to answer, either number 26 or 27. Please type or write your answer in complete sentences.26) This semester we looked at both the Christian and Buddhist perspectives on suffering. A) Explain Buddhist tradition on suffering in life. What does Buddhist philosophy suggest is the best way to overcome or deal with suffering? B) Explain Christian tradition on suffering in life. What does Christian philosophy suggest is the best way to overcome or deal with suffering?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________27) The Trolley ProblemA trolley has lost control of its brakes, and the driver has no way of stopping the train as it hurtles down the tracks on a very steep hill. A bit farther down the hill, you are standing and watching the episode unfold. You notice that a little farther down from where you are standing, five workmen are stuck on the tracks. The trolley is headed straight for them and if something isn't done, these five men will die. Right next to you, you notice there is a lever that will make the trolley move onto another track. However, upon looking at this second track, you see that there is one person stuck on it. If you switch the direction of the trolley, the five workers from the first track will survive, but the one man on the second track will die. What do you do?Question: How would a person who follows A) Consequentialism (Teleology) and B) Deontology respond to this dilemma? Make sure to answer both parts of the question and fully explain your answers.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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