Kennedy Institute of Ethics

HENRY S. RICHARDSONHenry.Richardson@georgetown.eduDepartment of Philosophyresidence:Georgetown University3507 Macomb St, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20057Washington, D.C. 20016(202) 687-7487EMPLOYMENT:2002-Professor of Philosophy (with tenure),Georgetown University2006-8, 2010-11Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University Law Center2006 (Jan.-Dec.)Visiting Scholar, Department of Clinical Bioethics, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health (part time)2002-2003Visiting Scholar, Department of Clinical Bioethics, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health (full time)1994-2002Associate Professor of Philosophy (with tenure),Georgetown University.1986-94Assistant Professor of Philosophy,Georgetown University.EDUCATION:1981-1986Philosophy Department, Harvard University,Ph.D. completed August 1986.1977-1981Harvard Law School, J.D. cum laude.Kennedy School of Government, M.P.P.1973-1977Harvard College, B.A. magna cum laude.GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS:John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, Guggenheim Foundation, 2019-2020.Georgetown University Senior Faculty Research Fellowship, Fall 2017Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Faculty Fellow, University Center for Human Values, Princeton University, for 2012-13National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers for 2008-9Georgetown University Senior Faculty Research Fellowship, Fall 2008Visiting Fellowship, Philosophy Program, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University (Oct. – Dec., 2008)National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for University Teachers for 1998-9, deferred to 1999-2000.Georgetown University Senior Faculty Research Fellowship, Spring 1998.Mellon Summer Scholar, Georgetown University, 1997 and 2000.Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship at the Freie Universit?t, Berlin, 1994-5.Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1991-2.Mellon Summer Scholar, Georgetown University, 1991 and 1993. Georgetown University Summer Academic Grant, 1987 and 1990.Fellowship in Ethics and the Professions, Harvard University, 1988-9.Georgetown University Junior Faculty Research Fellowship, 1988-9.National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend, Summer 1987.PUBLICATIONS:BOOKS:Articulating the Moral Community: Toward a Constructive Ethical Pragmatism (Oxford University Press, 2018). Moral Entanglements: The Ancillary-Care Obligations of Medical Researchers (Oxford University Press, 2012).NOMOS XLIX: Moral Universalism and Pluralism (co-edited with Melissa Williams; NYU Press, 2009).Democratic Autonomy: Public Reasoning about the Ends of Policy. (Oxford University Press, 2002; pbk. 2003). - Received the Herbert A. Simon Best Book Award of the Public Administration Section of the American Political Science Association, 2006.- Received the David Easton Award of the Foundations of Political Theory Section of the American Political Science Association, 2006. The Philosophy of Rawls (5 vols. co-edited with Paul J. Weithman; Garland Press, 1999).Practical Reasoning about Final Ends (Cambridge University Press, 1994; pbk. 1997).Liberalism and the Good (co-editor; Routledge, 1990; reissued, 2020, as Vol. 20 of Routledge Library Editions: Political Thought and Political Philosophy).REFEREED ARTICLES:“When Ancillary Care Clashes with Study Aims,” (as first author, with N. Eyal, J. Campbell, and J. Haberer) New England Journal of Medicine 377:13 (2017): 1212-15.“Intelligence and Transparency in Health Technology Assessment,” International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 32 (Jan. 2016): 3-6.“Capabilities and the Definition of Health: Comments on Venkatapuram," Bioethics 30(1) (2016): 1-7. “Moral Entanglements: Ad Hoc Intimacies and Ancillary Duties of Care,” Journal of Moral Philosophy 9 (2012): 376-409. “Relying on Experts As We Reason Together,” Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 22 (2012): 91-110. “Estlund’s Promising Account of Democratic Authority,” Ethics 121 (2011): 301-34.“Interpreting Rawls: An Essay on Audard, Freeman, and Pogge," The Journal of Ethics 15 (2011): 227-51. “Public Health Doctors’ Ancillary-Care Obligations,” Public Health Ethics 3 (2010): 63-67; doi: 10.1093/phe/php025.“Liberalism, Deliberative Democracy, and ‘Reasons that All Can Accept,’” with James F. Bohman, Journal of Political Philosophy 17 (2009): 253-74.“Our Call: The Constitutive Importance of the People’s Judgment,” Journal of Moral Philosophy 5 (2008): 3-29.“The Ancillary-Care Obligations of Medical Researchers Working in Developing Countries,” PLoS Medicine 5(5) (2008): e90 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0050090 (with 14 co-authors)“Gradations of Ancillary-Care Responsibility for HIV-AIDS in Developing Countries,” American Journal of Public Health 97 (2007): 1956-61. “The Ancillary-Care Responsibilities of Medical Researchers,” Hastings Center Report 34 (Jan.-Feb. 2004): 25-33 (with Leah Belsky).“Medical Researchers’ Ancillary Clinical Care Responsibilities,” British Medical Journal 328 (2004): 1494-1496 (with Leah Belsky).“Autonomy’s Many Normative Presuppositions,” American Philosophical Quarterly 38 (2001): 287-303.“Specifying, Balancing, and Interpreting Bioethical Principles,” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 25 (2000): 285-307. - Reprinted with slight revisions in James F. Childress, Eric M. Meslin, and Harold T. Shapiro, eds., Belmont Revisited: Ethical Principles for Research with Human Subjects (Georgetown University Press, 2005): 205-227.“Beyond Good and Right: Toward a Constructive Ethical Pragmatism,” Philosophy & Public Affairs 24 (1995): 108-141. “Degrees of Finality and the Highest Good in Aristotle,” The Journal of the History of Philosophy 30 (1992): 327-352. “Commensurability as a Prerequisite of Rational Choice: An Examination of Sidgwick’s Position,” History of Philosophy Quarterly 8 (1991): 181-198.“Specifying Norms as a Way to Resolve Concrete Ethical Problems,” Philosophy and Public Affairs 19 (1990): 279-310. - Reprinted in The Philosopher’s Annual, Vol. XIII - 1990: 209-40. - Reprinted in Ethics and Medical Decision-Making, ed. Michael D. Freeman (Ashgate Publishing, 2001; reissued 2018 by Routledge Publishing, N.Y.): 169-192.- German translation in Prizipienethik in der Biomedizin: Moralphilosophie und medizinische Praxis, ed. Oliver Rauprich & Florian Steger (Campus, 2005): 252-90.“Measurement, Pleasure and Practical Science in Plato’s Protagoras,” The Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1990): 7-32.“The Logical Structure of Sittlichkeit: A Reading of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,” Idealistic Studies 19 (1989): 62-78.INVITED ARTICLES AND CHAPTERS:“Non-Cognitivist Trumpism: Partisanship and Political Reasoning,” forthcoming in the Journal of Social Philosophy. "Only in the Ballpark of Paternalism: Arrogance and Liberty-Limitation in International Humanitarian Aid," in Michael N. Barnett, ed.,?Paternalism Beyond Borders?(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017): 47-74. “Locating Medical Researchers’ Ancillary-Care Obligations within the Division of Moral Labor,” in S. Matthew Liao and Collin O’Neil, eds., Current Controversies in Bioethics (N.Y.: Routledge, 2017): 15-28. “Using Final Ends for the Sake of Better Policy-Making,” Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 16 (2015): 161-72.“Democratic Autonomy and Democratic Authority,” in Robin Celikates, Regine Kreide, and Tilo Wesche, eds., Transformations of Democracy: Crisis, Protest, and Legitimation (Rowman and Littlefield, 2015): 235-56. “Mapping out Improvements in Justice: Comparing vs. Aiming,” in Rutgers University Law Journal 43 (2012): 211-41.“Secondary Researchers’ Duties to Return Incidental Findings and Individual Research Results: A Partial-Entrustment Account,” with Mildred K. Cho, Genetics in Medicine 14 (2012): 467-72, doi:10.1038/gim.2012.12.“On the Sites of Remedial Justice: Colleges, Clinics, and the State,” in Martha C. Nussbaum and Zoya Hasan, eds., Equalizing Access: Affirmative Action in Higher Education in India, United States, and South Africa (Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2012): 21-43. “Public Opinion, Happiness, and the Will of the People: Policy-making in a Democracy,” in Beyond the Ballot Box (Thimphu, Bhutan: Centre for Bhutan Studies, 2010): 25-59.“Public Opinion and Popular Will,” in D. Kahane, et al., eds., Deliberative Democracy in Practice (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2010): 177-193. “Incidental Findings and Ancillary-Care Obligations,” Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics 36 (2008): 256-70.“Discerning Subordination and Inviolability: A Comment on Kamm’s Intricate Ethics,” Utilitas 20 (2008): 81-91.“The Social Background of Capabilities for Freedoms,” Journal of Human Development 8 (2007): 389-414. “Rawlsian Social Contract Theory and the Severely Disabled,” The Journal of Ethics 10 (2006): 419-462.reprinted in Flavio Comim and Martha Nussbaum, eds., Capability, Gender, Equality: Towards Fundamental Entitlements (Cambridge University Press, 2013): 57-95.“Republicanism and Democratic Injustice,” Philosophy, Politics, and Economics 5 (2006): 175-200.“Precis” and “Response to Pettit, Estlund, and Christiano,” in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (2005): 187-195, 218-230, in a symposium on my Democratic Autonomy.“Incommensurability and Basic Goods: A Tension in the New Natural Law Theory,” in David S. Oderberg and Timothy Chappell, eds., Human Values (Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2004): 70-101. “Thinking about Conflicts of Desire,” in Peter Baumann and Monika Betzler, eds., Practical Conflicts: New Philosophical Essays (Cambridge University Press, 2004): 92-117.“Satisficing: Not Good Enough,” in Michael Byron, ed., Satisficing and Maximizing: Moral Theorists on Practical Reason (Cambridge University Press, 2004): 106-130.“Em Defesa de uma Democracia Qualificada” (an adaptation of chap. 4 of Democratic Autonomy; in Portuguese), in Jean-Christophe Merle and Luiz Moreira, eds., Dereito e Legitimidade (S?o Paolo: Landy Editora, 2003): 174-194. “Some Limitations of Nussbaum’s Capacities,” QLR [Quinnipiac Law Review], 19 (2000): 309-332.“The Stupidity of the Cost-Benefit Standard,” The Journal of Legal Studies 29 (2000): 971-1003. - reprinted in M. D. Adler & E. A. Posner, eds., Cost-Benefit Analysis: Legal, Economic, and Philosophical Perspectives (University of Chicago Press, 2001): 135-167.- reprinted in Public Ethics, A. Palumbo & R. Bellamy, eds. (Ashgate Publishing, 2010; reissued by Routledge [N.Y. and London], 2016): 365-397. “Institutionally Divided Moral Responsibility,” in Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (1999): 218-249 and in Ellen Frankel Paul, et al., eds., Responsibility (Cambridge University Press, 1999): 218-249.“Administrative Policymaking: Rule of Law, or Bureaucracy?” in David Dyzenhaus, ed., Recrafting the Rule of Law: The Limits of Legal Order (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 1999), 309-330. “Truth and Ends in Dewey,” The Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Suppl. Vol. 24 (1998): 109-147.“Nussbaum: Love and Respect,” Metaphilosophy 29 (1998): 254-262.“Democratic Intentions,” in J. Bohman and W. Rehg, eds., Deliberative Democracy (MIT Press, 1997), 349-382. - a shortened version appeared in The Modern Schoolman 74 (1997): 285-299. - a partial version appeared as “The Normative Fruitfulness of Democratic Deliberation,” in Julian Nida-Rümelin, ed., Rationality, Realism, Revision (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1999): 717-723.“Desire and the Good in De Anima,” in Essays on Aristotle’s “De Anima”, ed. M. Nussbaum and A. O. Rorty (Oxford University Press, 1992): 381-399.“The Problem of Liberalism and the Good,” in Liberalism and the Good, 1-MENTS, INTRODUCTIONS, CONSENSUS PAPERS, AND GENERAL-AUDIENCE WRITINGS:“Partial Entrustment in Pragmatic Clinical Trials” (with Mildred Cho), American Journal of Bioethics 20 (2020): 24-26.“Well-Being and the Capability Approach: Reflections on Robeyns,” Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 20 (2019): 357-361.“Values and Principles for Social Progress,” The Newsletter [of the International Institute for Asian Studies] 18 (Autumn, 2018): 32-33. “Comment on ‘A Capacity-Based Approach for Addressing Ancillary-Care Needs: Implications for Research in Resource Limited Settings,’” Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (2012): 677-8.“Introduction” to NOMOS XLIX: Moral Universalism and Pluralism (co-edited with Melissa Williams; NYU Press, 2009).Participants in the 2006 Georgetown University Workshop on the Ancillary-Care Obligations of Medical Researchers Working in Developing Countries, “The Ancillary-Care Obligations of Medical Researchers Working in Developing Countries,” PLoS Medicine 5(5) (2008): e90 (sole drafter, working with 14 fellow participants). “Long as You Love Me, It’s Alright?” Philosophical Studies 116 (2003): 183-195 (contribution to a book symposium on Christopher McMahon’s Collective Rationality and Collective Reasoning). “Bioethics: Root and Branch,” an essay on Gert, Culver, & Clouser’s Bioethics: A Return to Fundamentals, in The Hastings Center Report (September-October 1999): 40-42.“The Problem with Simply Promoting Agency: Comment on Cummiskey,” in M. Boylan, ed., Gewirth: Critical Essays on Action, Rationality, and Community (N.Y.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999).“Rescuing Ethical Theory,” in a symposium on Michael Slote’s From Morality to Virtue in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 54 (1994): 703-708.“Commentary on Broadie [on Aristotle on Practical Intellect],” The Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, Vol. III, ed. John Cleary (University Press of America, 1988), 253-61.BOOK REVIEWS: of Ingrid Robeyns, Well-being, Freedom, and Social Justice: The Capability Approach Re-examined, in Feminist Economics 25 (2019): 204-209. of Jonathan Seglow, Defending Associative Duties, in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2014): . of Philip Kitcher, Science in a Democratic Society, in Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 24 (2014): E106-E109. of Rainer Forst, The Right to Justification, in Ethics & International Affairs 26 (2012): 483-6. of Alastair MacIntyre, Philosophical Essays, in Ethics 118 (2008): 564-9. of Roger Crisp, Reasons and the Good, in Mind 117 (2008): 473-6. of Fred d’Agostino, Incommensurability and Commensuration, in Australasian Journal of Philosophy 83 (2005): 129-132. of Candace Vogler, Reasonably Vicious, in The Journal of Philosophy 101 (2004): 211-215. of John S. Dryzek, Deliberative Democracy and Beyond, in Philosophical Quarterly 54 (2004): 343-5. of Alan H. Goldman, Practical Rules, in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, online via [2002.07.08]. of Onora O’Neill, Towards Justice and Virtue, in Mind 108 (1999): 598-601. of Elijah Millgram, Practical Induction, in Ethics 109 (1999): 448-451. of Ian Shapiro, Democracy’s Place, in American Political Science Review (Dec. 1997). of Marcia Baron, Kantian Ethics Almost Without Apology, Ethics 107 (1997): 746-749. of David Schmidtz, Rational Choice and Moral Agency, International Journal of Philosophy 29 (1997): 140-141. of Gilbert Harman and Judith Jarvis Thomson, Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity, in Philosophical Books 38 (1997): 218-221. of Sarah Broadie, Ethics with Aristotle, in Mind 101 (1992): 358-61. of Alasdair MacIntyre, Whose Justice? Which Rationality?, in American Political Science Review 83 (1989): 1366-7.ENCYCLOPEDIA AND DICTIONARY ENTRIES:Entries on “Avoidance, Method of,” “Capabilities,” “Deliberative Rationality,” and “Truth” for the Rawls Lexicon, ed. J. Mandel and D. Riedy (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2015).Entry on “Reflective Equilibrium” for the New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2012-13: Ethics and Philosophy (Detroit: Gale, 2013), Vol. IV, pp. 1315-6.Entries on “Ancillary-Care Obligations” and “Practical Reasoning” for the International Encyclopedia of Ethics, ed. Hugh LaFollette (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 2013). Entry on “Practical Reasoning” for The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Utilitarianism, ed. James Crimmins (London and N.Y.: Bloomsbury, 2013): 433-438. Entry on “Nussbaum, Martha” for the Encyclopedia of Global Justice, ed. Deen Chatterjee (Springer Verlag, 2011).Entry on “Demokratie” for the Handbuch der politischen Philosophie und Sozialphilosophie ed. S. Gosepath, W. Hinsch, & B. R?ssler (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2008): vol. 1, 206-211.Entry on John Rawls for The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, (12,000 words; posted 2006).Entry on “Deontological Ethics” for the 2nd ed. of The Encyclopedia of Philosophy (MacMillan, 2006).Entry on “Reasoning, Moral” for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, at (2003; rev. 2007, 2012, 2018).- reprinted in Troy D. Williamson, ed., The Ethics Reader, Vol. 1 (Waco, Texas: TSTC Publishing, 2009), pp. 103-34.Entry on “Commensurability” for The Encyclopedia of Ethics 2d ed., Lawrence C. Becker & Charlotte B. Becker, eds. (Routledge, 2001): 258-262.Entry on “Nussbaum, Martha” for the Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, 2d ed. (1999). Entry on John Rawls for The Companion to American Thought, (Blackwell’s, 1998).RECENT AND SELECTED LECTURES AND CONFERENCE APPEARANCES:Delivered a series of three lectures on “Rawls’s Hegelian Theory of Justice and the Complex Dialectic of Non-ideal Theory” at the Dept. of Philosophy and Religion, Peking University, Beijing, China, Nov. 12 - 15, 2019. “Social Progress – a Compass: A Brief Overview,” Conference, A Better Future for Our Planet, University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, June 17, 2019.“Partisanship, Trumpism, and Democratic Reasoning,” Workshop on New Challenges for Democratic Regimes, Research Group on Law & Philosophy, University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, June 14, 2019.“Partisanship, Trumpism, and Democratic Reasoning,” XXIVth World Congress of Philosophy, Beijing, China, Aug. 15, 2018.Panelist, session on “Diversity in Philosophy Journals,” Pacific Division Meeting, American Philosophical Association, Mar. 29, 2018.“The Division of Moral Labor,” Department of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania, Feb. 27, 2018.“Medical Researchers’ Ancillary-Care Responsibilities: Basis and Limits,” Bioethics Seminar Series, University of Pennsylvania, Feb. 27, 2018.Day-long book-manuscript seminar on Articulating the Moral Community, Dept. of Philosophy, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, Nov. 13, 2017. “The Non-Ideal Speech Situation,” keynote address to the Dutch Philosophical Association (OZSW), Nov. 10, 2017. “Fragmenting Social Choice for the Sake of Agency and Participation,” presented at a Metaforum workshop, KU Leuven, Belgium, Nov. 8. 2017.“Indeterminacy-Reducing Moral Progress,” and “Comments on Moody-Adams,” conference on the Dialectics of Progress: Critical Theory and Social Change, New School for Social Progress, New York City, Oct. 26, 2017. “Fragmenting Social Choice for the Sake of Agency and Participation,” annual conference of the Human Development and Capability Association, Cape Town, South Africa, Sept. 7, 2017.“Medical Researchers’ Ancillary-Care Responsibilities Defended—With Examples from HIV/AIDS Research,” at the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal/Durban South Africa, Aug. 24, 2017, and at the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal/Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, Aug. 25, 2017. “The Non-ideal Speech Situation: Democratic Reasoning in Partisan Times,” Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, Cluster of Excellence in the Formation of Normative Orders, Workshop on “Normative Orders in Transition,” June 1, 2017. “Medical Researchers’ Ancillary-Care Obligations Defended, With Examples from Mental-Health and Behavioral Research,” Data Safety Monitoring Board Symposium, National Institutes of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD, April 3, 2017.“The Inter-complication of Law and Morality” at the Prof. Gosepath’s colloquium at the Free University, Berlin, June 6, 2016; at Prof. Rainer Forst’s colloquium at the Goethe University Frankfurt, June 7, 2016; and at the Workshop on Natural, Moral, and Legal Rights, University of Stirling (Scotland), June 9, 2016.“A Political Conception of Domination” at the Workshop on the Meanings of Non-Domination,” Cluster of Excellence in the Formation of Normative Orders, Goethe University of Frankfurt, June 2, 2016. “Locating Medical Researchers’ Ancillary-Care Obligations within the Division of Moral Labor” at a workshop on Current Controversies in Bioethics, New York University, May 22, 2015.“Using Final Ends for the Sake of Better Policy Making” as a keynote address at the Society for Applied Philosophy, Oxford, England, June 27, 2014 and as the presidential address at the annual meeting of the Human Development and Capability Association, Athens, Greece, Sept. 3, 2014.“Articulating the Moral Community,” Eighth Moral Philosophy Conference, Rungsted, Denmark, June 27, 2013“Engaging the Public in Moral Reasoning,” Workshop in Biotechnology and Healthcare co-sponsored by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTSU) and the University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, June 5, 2013.“Articulating the Moral Community,” at the Conference on Social Norms, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, April 28, 2013 and at the Dept. of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria, May 31, 2013. “Comments on Weithman’s Why Political Liberalism?” in an Author-Meets-Critics session, Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Atlanta, GA, Dec. 30, 2012 “The Ancillary-Care Obligations of Medical Researchers,” in semi-plenary session at the principal annual meeting of Public Responsibility in Medicine & Research (PRIM&R), San Diego, Dec. 5, 2012“Democratic Autonomy and Democratic Authority,” at a workshop on Law and Morality sponsored by the Dept. of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh, Dec. 1, 2012“Against the Necessity of Moral Rationalism,” Workshop on Moral Rationalism sponsored by the Philosophy Dept., Princeton University, Nov. 16, 2012. “Moral Entanglements: The Ancillary-Care Obligations of Medical Researchers,” in the Decamp Bioethics Seminar series at Princeton University, Oct. 23, 2012. “Moral Entanglements in Daily Life, Medical Research, and Other Professions,” Safra Center on Ethics, Harvard University, Oct. 18, 2012.“Fairness and Political Equality: India and the U.S.,” University of Utah Law School, Sept. 28, 2012.“Directing Rights: A Liability Theory” at a workshop on rights at Stirling University (Scotland) Mar. 23, 2012“Creating New Moral Norms: The Possibility of Moral Authority” at the University of Delaware, Nov. 18, 2011.“Moral Entanglements: The Example of Medical Researchers’ Ancillary-Care Obligations” at the Bioethics Colloquium at New York University, Oct. 28, 2011.“Avoidance, Engagement, and Reflection: Rawls on the Role of Theory in Moral Progress,” at a workshop marking the 40th anniversary of Rawls’s Theory of Justice, University of Cologne, Germany, July 5, 2011.“Mapping Out Improvements in Justice: Comparing vs. Aiming” at the Oxford Political Philosophy Colloquium, June 20, 2011. “Creating New Moral Norms: The Possibility of Moral Authority” at the Ohio State-Maribor-Rijeka Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 13, 2011.“Secondary Researchers’ Duties to Return Incidental Findings and Individual Research Results: A Partial-Entrustment Account” (based on a new paper in progress, co-written with Mildred Cho) at a conference sponsored by the University of Minnesota Consortium on Law and Values, Bethesda, MD, May 20, 2011.“Mapping Out Improvements in Justice: Comparing vs. Aiming” at a workshop on the philosophy of Amartya Sen, Rutgers University Law School, Camden, NJ, April 16, 2011.“Relying on Experts as We Reason Together” at the conference on Science, Knowledge, and Democracy, University of South Carolina, April 2, 2011.“Creating New Norms: The Possibility of Moral Authority,” Dept. of Philosophy, Georgia State University, March 11, 2011.“Moral Entanglements: Intimacies and Ancillary Duties of Care” to a seminar of the faculty at the Dept. of Philosophy, Georgia State University, March 11, 2011. “Creating New Moral Norms: The Possibility of Moral Authority,” at the 75th anniversary conference for Theoria, Stockholm, Sweden, Oct. 1, 2010. “Normative Consent, Authority, and the Duty to Obey,” at the Centre for the Study of Equality and Multiculturalism, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Sept. 29, 2010.“Mapping Out Improvements in Justice: Comparing vs. Aiming” at a workshop on the philosophy of Amartya Sen, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, July 1, 2010. “Normative Consent, Authority, and the Duty to Obey,” at the Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association in New York City, Dec. 29, 2009. “Public Opinion, Happiness, and the Will of the People: Policy-Making in a Democracy” as a keynote address, Conference on Deepening and Sustaining Democracy in Asia,” Paro, Bhutan, October 12-14, 2009. “Revising Moral Norms: A Challenge for Peircean Pragmatism and Other Ideal-Endpoint Views” at a Conference, “Historicity and Validity of Norms,” sponsored by the Goethe-University, Frankfurt in Bad Homburg, Germany, July 2-3, 2009. “Moral Entanglements: Intimacies and Ancillary Duties of Care” at the Sixth Moral Philosophy Conference, Rethymno, Crete, June 28, 2009. “HIV Care in a Malaria Trial? The Special Obligations of Medical Researchers” as a King’s Lecture in Ethics, King’s College, London, March 18, 2009 “Dividing the Responsibility for Global Distributive Justice” at a Workshop on Global Governance, Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland, March 13, 2009 and at York University, UK, March 16, 2009.“HIV Care in a Malaria Trial? The Special Obligations of Medical Researchers,” to the Philosophy Dept., Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland, March 11, 2009 “Revising Moral Norms: A Challenge for Pragmatism” at a workshop, Towards the Center of Pragmatism, University of Zurich, Switzerland, Oct. 14, 2008; and at the (Philosophy) Faculties Seminar, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, Nov. 7, 2008. “Medical Researchers’ Ancillary-Care Obligations: The Partial-Entrustment Model,” at a plenary session of the annual Human Research Protection Programs meeting of Public Responsibility in Medicine & Research (PRIM&R), Boston, MA, Dec. 2, 2007 and at the ICMR-NIH Western Regional Workshop on Bioethics, National AIDS Research Institute, Pune, India, Sept. 8, 2008. “Ancillary Care and Incidental Findings” at the annual conference of the Food & Drug Law Institute, Bethesda, MD, 4/13/07. “Deliberative Democracy and ‘Reasons All Can Accept’” at a conference marking the publication of Samuel Freeman’s Justice and the Social Contract, University of Pennsylvania, Mar. 25, 2007.“Rawlsian Social Contract Theory and the Severely Disabled” with Martha Nussbaum at the Law & Philosophy Workshop, University of Chicago, Mar. 5, 2007.“Beyond the Balance of Reasons: The Constitutive Importance of the People’s Judgement” to the Dept. of Philosophy, University of Chicago, Feb. 16, 2007.“Special Obligations of Beneficence: The Case of Medical Researchers’ Ancillary-Care Obligations” at the Legal Theory Workshop, McGill University, Feb. 2, 2007“Capabilities for Freedoms: Trust, Respect, and the Constitution,” keynote address at the annual meeting of the Human Development and Capabilities Association, Groningen, Holland, Aug. 30, 2006.“Our Call: The Constitutive Importance of the People’s Judgment” as a symposium paper at the Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Dec. 29, 2005.“Creating New Moral Norms” at the Colloquium on Moral and Political Philosophy, Universitaet van Amsterdam, June 13, 2005.“Gradations of Ancillary-Care Responsibility: Provision of Anti-retrovirals to Trial Subjects in the Developing World” at an Advanced Workshop on Research Ethics, Kiwengwa, Tanzania, Dec. 2, 2004. PROFESSIONAL SERVICEExecutive Committee, American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division (2018-2021).Editor (in chief), Ethics (2008 - 2019).Associate Editor, Ethics, 2005-8.The American Philosophical Association’s Delegate to the American Council of Learned Societies, 2014-present.One of the two Coordinating Lead Authors of the framing normative chapter of the report of the International Panel on Social Progress, 2015-7. President, Human Development and Capability Association, 2014-16(President-Elect, 2013-14).Chair, Local Organizing Committee, Human Development and Capability Association 2015 annual meeting, hosted by Georgetown University.Member of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), a UNESCO body, 2010-13.Rapporteur of COMEST (elected), 2011-13.American Philosophical Association, Committee on Journal Practices, 2010-11.Editor at Large, Human Development and Capability Association, 2007 - 2010Nominating Committee, American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, 2006.Editorial boards: Ethics; Journal of Social Philosophy; Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy (online); Journal of Human Development and Capabilities; AJOB Empirical Research; “Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality” series, Springer Verlag. UNIVERSITY SERVICEFaculty Chair, Reflective Engagement Initiative, 2008 - 2011Honor Council, 2007-8Faculty Senate, 1997-9, 2000-2Research Council, 1997-9DEPARTMENTAL SERVICEDeputy Director of Philosophy Admissions, 2018-19Philosophy Admissions Committee, 2017-18Kennedy Institute of Ethics Search Committees, 2009-10, 2014-15Placement Committee, 2006-Graduate Program Committee, 2000-2006Chair, speaker’s committee, 1997-9Chair, Friday colloquium series, 1999-2002Director of Undergraduate Studies, 1990-1, 1992-3Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies, 1995-6DISSERTATION STUDENTSMentor to Minerva San Juan (defended Oct. 1991), Whitley Kaufman* (defended May 1996), Harrison Keller (defended August, 2002), Justin Weinberg* (defended December, 2004), Daniel Levine (defended March, 2005), Patricia Flynn (defended April, 2006), Robert Leider* (defended July 2009), Nate Olson (defended July 2012), Luke Maring (defended June 2012), Ann Lloyd Breeden (defended Oct. 2013), Travis Reider (defended May 2014), Daniel Threet* (defended April 2019), Clark Donley.*Ph.D. with distinctionReader for Aaron Mackler, Robert Mayhew, Frank Chessa, Andrew Cohen, Kim Mattingly, Kathy Taylor, Jeremy Koons, Lauren Deichman, Stephen Hanson, Gerry CurtisBridgeman (Vanderbilt U.), Jennifer Walter, Jeremy Snyder, Carin Ewing, Michael Ferry, Lauren Fleming, Karim Sadek, Marcus Hedahl, Kelly Heuer, Kyle Fruh, Tony Manela, Chong Un Choe, Anne Jeffrey, Gordon Shannon, Colin Hickey, David Golemboski, Jake Earl.12/19 ................

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