-696817-936434 MY PHILOSPHY IN LIFE020000 MY PHILOSPHY IN LIFE Life. A single word, but has an ineffable explanation. We were born with the freedom to choose what we wish to do in this world – only having a guide, which is God. What is life? It’s almost impossible to explain. There are so many points in life that we have to view and only enough time to conclude it all. Who we are, what we believe, what we want to achieve – those are the subjects we need to find out about our entity, yet there are so many factors that conflict with what we think of this life. Some examples are our family, culture and how we were raised to be. There’s always a thing or two that passes by us and makes us question all our thoughts and beliefs. What if we changed that? What if we forget all these factors and look at life as it really is? All from the beginning. The inescapable question is – what is my philosophy in life?214376069370300 As I stated from the above paragraph, we need to somehow find my philosophy, but how? We will start from the top. We need to find out who I am and how I see myself as a person. According to a quiz, I’m actually an ambivert. Someone who feeds off the energy of other people, but also can be reserved and stoic at times. My personality adapts to engaging social interactions, but I am also capable of intense thought. I am literally a combination of introverted and extroverted. I’m not saying that I let quiz results define me; I’m trying to say that I agree. I know who I am and I know that I’m like this. In fact, I’m someone who is quite stubborn, I never lose hope. In the words of President Barack Obama, “I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists – despite all evidence to the contrary – that something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting,” Being stubborn has always been the only trait that has kept me going, to not lose hope on myself, to believe that I wasn’t so completely alone. It helped me still believe that God truly has a plan for me, but it’s not the right time, not yet. Last but not the least, I see myself as a person who is a leader. This year, I’m not one and every time I’m with my group, I feel slightly uncomfortable. It’s weird for me not to be a leader since I feel like it has always been in my genes. However, the position doesn’t mean I can’t be one. It doesn’t take you to be a leader to be a true servant leader. I don’t need the position, as long as I know I’m doing my part to help. I know that one day, I can be a true Christian servant leader. Another question I need to answer is “what are my beliefs”? This is extraordinarily hard. I believe in many things, so I can’t possibly pick one!I believe that each day we are given the choice to walk in the path of light or darkness.2174240132454900This is because everyday we are in the face of temptation, that everyday there are many obstacles to conquer. We can choose whether to cheat or to accept the challenge. We can always lose ourselves, for we have not yet learnt how to fully control our thoughts and emotions. We are still young, and the youth can be easily brainwashed or persuaded by evil. We have to be rock stone hard and not waver from the Lord.I believe that the ones we love can build us. At the same time, they can break us.This is one of my beliefs, for I have been hurt numerous times by the people I love. I have also hurt them a great amount of times too. With love, comes pain. The struggle is holding on through the pain, to keep loving them no matter what. An example is Jesus. Albeit he loved the people with his whole heart, he got hurt by them too. The best types of relationships are the ones where you and the other have been through so much, yet are still inseparable. Only then can you say that you have truly loved someone. Only then can you say that you know what love is.I believe that one day; humanity will get the life that was always meant for them. The life based on God’s will. Where the City of God can be found here on Earth. Where there is Paradise.This I believe in, for I haven’t lost hope yet. There is still a chance that we could redeem ourselves – our sins and mistakes. Hope and faith has not gone from me. Despite the pandemonium on earth, with just the right leaders and solutions, we could build this Earth into a place free from evil. We can purify mankind. These are my beliefs. Lastly, I also believe that all achievements are based on beliefs. If we believe we can achieve, we achieve. Although, we cannot just achieve through beliefs. We have to act and work hard to succeed. Speaking of achievements, we have to know where it all originated from. How can we achieve for something that is very dear to us if we do not plan for it; if we do not aim. The process of fulfilling or aiming for an accomplishment is called 2143760135953500 “goals”. I, too, have my own goals. What are these you ask? As I am a student, I still have the typical goal of getting high grades per year. My reasons for this goal is that 60% of me wants to make my parents proud, and the other 40% is for my future. It’s more about my parents because I feel that they do everything just to pay for our tuition (which is really expensive), and to feed us. Every. Single. Day. They work very hard. Wasting their pain and endurance like that is something I dare not attempt to do, something I cannot bear to do. My parents love me, and I will not waste their love by being some ignorant and selfish child to them. Why live when you’re no use at all? Why let them suffer for no reason? When my parents are in pain, I’m in pain. To see them proud and happy makes me happy. If I could give that to them, I would. And, I would do it through school. I’ll be the best daughter I can be. I cannot guarantee that I would be, but I will certainly try my best and give all. What am I doing to complete this goal? What I always do. Be devoted to my studies and most excellent job in all my works. Always participate in activities and always being a servant leader in spite of the fact that there are no witnesses. I will try to do my finest job in picking the light over darkness. Another one of my goals is being the best person – daughter, sister, friend, cousin, class mate and whatnot – that I can be. Make people pleased that they are somehow, affiliated with me. I want to be the best I can be and at the same time, live my life to the fullest. The way God would want. He would want us to be happy, but in goodness. This goal is actually one without end, for reaching your full potential is infinite. We are infinite. We will never stop feeling, never stop discovering. It makes this goal even tougher. It will never be accomplished. It’s just a continuous goal. There’s always more than what you think is perfect. Always.218583135115500Those are my 2 main goals in life and every day I keep trying and aiming. I know what you’re thinking, why do I have only 2 goals? This is due to the fact that most of my life revolves around education. 5 days out 7 days, which is a week, is school. In one day, school takes up around 13 to 15 hours – preparing, going home is all included. The rest of the hours are used for doing homework and sleeping, which gives me scarcely enough time to catch up with family and friends. The other reason for my second goal is that even if I don’t have much time reserved for these people, I want to be the best I can when I do. I want to satisfy them and create a feeling in them as if I was there when I’m not. I want to be the greatest Rae Estomata for them, for the people I love. When they think of me, they will remember the good days and nothing of negativity. They will be happy.We have just completed what we need to determine my philosophy, yet keep in mind that this is not complete. I haven’t lived until the end, and as time passes we change. Maybe my beliefs will change, maybe my goals will change. There is no end. Now let me answer the original question. What is my philosophy in life? Life is a book. We feel; we hurt. In a book there’s always a problem. Life always has that. It’s what makes it exciting – the adventure the characters have to go through just to solve this problem. The difference is ours has an endless number of sequels. The first book is discovery. That is when we are toddlers. The 2nd book is adapting to change – as we grow older. The 3rd book is when we realize that life is not sunshine and rainbows. We have problems to face and in the book, we experiment on ways to solve them. The 4th book is when we know how to solve these problems and the books after that are arduous dilemmas following suite. Furthermore, we develop each time a problem comes hurtling at us. There’s always a villain too; it may be others, it may be ourselves. The most important factor in a book similar to reality is that 2240915755412000there is a hero. The goal in our book of life is to be that hero. Be the hero to your life. Although, not all books have sequels. Sometimes, it’s only one. It finished early. That’s why we have to make the most of that book. Make the most of life. ................

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