Research Design - Shodhganga

[Pages:18]Chapter 3

Research Design

3.1 Introduction

A research design is a basic plan that guides the data collection and analysis phases of the research project. It provides the framework that specifies the type of information to be collected, its sources and collection procedure (Kinnear & Taylor, 1996; Churchill & Iacobucci 2005) define research design: "it is the blueprint that is followed to complete the study" and it "ensures that the study is relevant to the problem and will use economical procedure". While conducting the present study, care has been taken to incorporate these concepts in the research deign. There are many frameworks of research design which can be classified into two major categories: Exploratory and Conclusive. The conclusive research can be further divided into descriptive and casual research (Seth Ginsburg, 2011). Figure 3.1 gives the flow diagram of research design.

Exploratory research is more to do with qualitative study while conclusive research is associated with quantitative study. The qualitative research provide insight and understanding of the problem setting, while quantitative research seeks to quantify the data and typically applies some form of statistical analysis. Whenever a new research problem is being addressed, quantitative research must be preceded by appropriate qualitative research. (Mery Klupp, 2011) In this thesis, both these research designs have been employed in different degrees.

For research objective-1, exploratory research has been employed with nonprobabilistic and judgmental sampling as the knowledge about Shale Gas is still limited globally. For research objective-2, descriptive research has been


used with non-probabilistic and judgemental sampling. For research objective3, a qualitative research has been employed.

The research questions were framed keeping the objectives of the research in consideration. The research questions are followed by formulation of research methodology, identification of sampling procedures (sampling frame, sample size), scale formation, followed by validity and reliability tests of the instrument (pilot testing), data collection and analysis of the data collected.

Hence, the research design used for this research work is exploratory research for identification of variables followed by descriptive research design ? single cross sectional design for sampling and data collection. Figure 3.1 gives the path followed in this research work.

Research Design

Exploratory Research Design

Qualitative Research

Conclusive Research Design

Quantitative Research

At one time perception

Descriptive Research

Cross Section Design

Longitudinal Design

Single Cross Sectional Design

Multiple Cross Sectional Design

Fig. 3.1: Research Design Concept (Source: Seth Ginsburg (2011) and additions by researcher)

Causal Research

Time Wise Variation


3.2. Need for the study

India's growing economy is expected to continue its increasing momentum into the foreseeable future. The economic growth has a close link with the energy requirement or to say the energy growth. To sustain this growth, the energy sector needs to prepare itself for making available required energy resources for sustainable growth.

The content of various energy resources in the overall energy basket is shown in Figure 3. 2 and Table 3.1 ( BP, 2013):

Fig. 3.2: Energy Basket Global v/s Indian - 2012

Table 3.1: Energy Basket Global v/s. Indian (BP 2013)

Energy Resource

Coal Oil Natural Gas Hydro Nuclear Renewable Total

Global (in %)

29.9 33.1 23.9 6.7 4.5 1.9 100% (12476.6 MTOE)

India (in %)

52.9 30.5 8.7 4.7 1.3 1.9 100% (563.6 MTOE)

The environmental concern for polluting fuel is on increase in India as in the global arena. More than 70% of the oil consumption and 30% of gas are imported, putting heavy burden on the country's economy.


The environmental awareness coupled with economy and efficiency in natural gas application, it's demand is huge and the assessment of the demand supply gap projection indicates that on an average two third of the demand remains unmet (Integrated Energy Policy 2006). The US success story of Shale Gas Exploration is not only a game changer but an eye opener for the professional associated with gas sector or energy sector. It is in this context that a need is urgently felt to analyze as to why India has not yet embarked on Shale Gas Exploration in the country, and therefore, this research.

3.3. Statement of Problem

India has a huge gap in the demand and supply of natural gas, its domestic gas reserves are limited and various E&P operators have found Shale Gas reserves (By accident - Joshi Technology, Cambay Basin), by experimentation (RIL in Cambay and ONGC in Damodar Basin). With the proven success of US Shale Gas program, it is not understood as to why India has not undertaken Shale Gas E&E even though India has sizable Shale Gas reserves. It is therefore felt necessary to study the various issues by leveraging the experiences of select countries like US, Canada, China, and Poland etc in this sector; which could analyse the state of Shale Gas E&E in India. Such issues when addressed will encourage Shale Gas E&E in India which then becomes a motivation to identify the factors that prevent the implementation of Shale Gas E&E in India, thereby providing solutions to the identified barriers and to encourage the exploration & exploitation in this sector in India.

3.4 Research Questions

During the literature review, the following research questions have been identified that need to be answered through this research work. Central Research Question (RQ): What are the factors that influence the Shale Gas E&E in India? Which of such factors are the barriers that prevent Shale Gas E&E in India?


Additional RQ1: What practices can be adopted by Indian Shale Gas E&E industry from the experience of other countries?

Additional RQ2: What frame work India should develop for effective implementation of Shale Gas E&E in India?

3.5 Objectives of the Study

The following are the objectives of the research work: 1. To identify the factors those influence Shale Gas E&E in India. Also to identify the barriers from such factors those prevent Shale Gas E&E in India. 2. To identify the practices that could be adopted by Indian E&E from global experience. (by studying the growth of Shale Gas E&E in USA, Canada, Europe, China and Australia) 3. To formulate a suggestive framework for effective Shale Gas E&E in India.

3.6 Scope of the study

The scope of the study is restricted to Indian geographical boundary with focus on the sedimentary basins expected to contain Shale Plays.

3.7 Research Model

To find the solution of the research questions, an appropriate research model is framed. As the nature of the study is such that the target population from which information can be obtained is limited both with respect to extent and quality of information, therefore an experimental research design (quantitative research) model is used in this study (Creswell, 2009).

The questionnaire has been developed with the input from literature survey and modulated with the inputs from peers. Each variable of the questionnaire


is assessed with 7-point likert scale to get data for processing through statistical tool. The data collection is based on single cross sectional design (Figure 3.1). The research model is explained in the flow diagram Figure 3.3.

Review of Literature

Expert Review

Pilot Test

Variables Identification Design Questionnaire

Secondary Information

Instrument Reliability Instrument Validity

Questionnaire Final

Data Collection - Survey

Factor Analysis ? Data Process


Conclusions and Recommendations

Fig. 3.3: Research Model

3.8 The philosophical world view proposed in the study

The present research work has characteristics of post-positivist worldview. The research work adopts a scientific way of doing research, holds a deterministic philosophy of cause and effect (causal effect of policy - growth of exploitation of Shale Gas, etc.), and identifies the causes that influence outcomes. It is reductionist in the intent to reduce ideas into a small, discrete


set of variables that encompass business problem, research problem and research questions. Collection of data on the instrument (questionnaire) based on measures (Likert Scale) completed by participants to develop relevant understanding of causal relationship of interest, adhering to the standards of reliability and validity, use of deductive logic are some of the hall marks of this worldview (Creswell, 2009).

Similar process has been adopted in this research work making it closely aligned with the post-positivist worldview. Compared to that, the pragmatic worldview emphasizes the research problem and uses all the approaches available to understand the problem (both qualitative and quantitative methods are adopted) (Creswell, 2009). In this research work, in a limited way qualitative approaches (expert views) have been incorporated with a predominantly quantitative method of data analysis giving it a mixed method flavor of research. However, the research work is more closely linked to the concepts of post-positivist worldview ? although these worldviews are not as mutually exclusive as they appear initially (Creswell, 2009).

3.9 Strategies of Inquiry

The strategies of inquiry are the types of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods designs or models that provide specific direction for procedures in research design (Creswell, 2009). In this research work, exploratory research design (qualitative research) has been used for identifying the variables. The questionnaire containing the variables has been given to target population and the data collected using descriptive research is analyzed though statistical tool (SPSS 16.0) to identify the factors that influence Shale Gas E&E in India. Further discussion on the factors so emerged has been done to find the factors which work as the barriers to Shale Gas E&E in India.

The lesson learnt from global experience and the additional input received through the questionnaire have been utilized for implementation by Shale Gas Industry in India. How this information will be absorbed in the Indian Shale


Gas E&E has also been described. Finally, a frame- work is created taking into consideration the factors emerged from the research study and the global experience.

3.10 Research Methodology

There being three objectives of this research study appropriate research methodology has been applied to each of the objective. The methodology applied for research Objective -1 is:

3.10.1 Exploratory Research

Exploratory research (qualitative research) is employed to develop initial ideas and insights and to provide direction for any further research needed (Churchill & Iacobucci, 2005 ; Aakeret. Al. 2007). An exploratory study is essential when a researcher needs to identify problems, defines the problem more precisely and identifies any specific objectives or data requirements to be addressed through additional research (Kinnear & Taylor, 1996).

The exploratory research is highly flexible, unstructured and qualitative (Aaker et. al. 2007). Exploratory research was carried out by a study of literature survey and input from the peers.

3.10.2 Descriptive Research

Having obtained some primary knowledge of the subject matter by an exploratory study, descriptive research was conducted next. Descriptive Research renders itself to analysis using statistical tools. Contrary to an exploratory research, a descriptive study is systematic, fixed format and structured (Churchill & Iacobucci, 2005). According to Kinnear & Taylor (1996), "descriptive research is appropriate when the research objectives include (1) portraying the characteristics of marketing phenomena and



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