A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology

A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology

Edited by

Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen, Stig Andur Pedersen and

Vincent F. Hendricks

A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

A companion to the philosophy of technology / edited by Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen, Stig Andur Pedersen, and Vincent F. Hendricks.

p. cm. -- (Blackwell companions to philosophy) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4051-4601-2 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Technology?Philosophy. I. Olsen, Jan Kyrre Berg. II. Pedersen, Stig Andur, 1943? III. Hendricks, Vincent F. IV. Title. V. Series.

T14.C5745 2009 601--dc22


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Notes on Contributors




Part I History of Technology


1 History of Technology


Thomas J. Misa

2 Definitions of Technology


Richard Li-Hua

3 Western Technology


Keld Nielsen

4 Chinese Technology


Francesca Bray

5 Islamic Technology


Thomas F. Glick

6 Japanese Technology


David Wittner

7 Technology and War


Bart Hacker

Part II Technology and Science


8 Technology and Science


Don Ihde

9 Science and Technology: Positivism and Critique


Hans Radder

10 Engineering Science


Louis L. Bucciarelli



11 Technological Knowledge


Anthonie W. M. Meijers and Marc J. de Vries

12 The Interplay between Science and Technology


Bart Gremmen

13 Instruments in Science and Technology


Mieke Boon

14 Social Construction of Science


Harry Collins

15 Social Construction of Technology


Wiebe E. Bijker

16 Theory Change and Instrumentation


Joseph C. Pitt

17 Biology and Technology


Keekok Lee

18 Nuclear Technologies


William J. Nuttall

19 Engineering Design


Peter Kroes

20 Cybernetics


Andrew Pickering

21 Chemistry and Technology


Helge S. Kragh

Part III Technology and Philosophy


22 Introduction: Philosophy and Technology


Val Dusek

23 Semiotics of Technology


Robert E. Innis

24 Critical Theory of Technology


Andrew Feenberg

25 Cyborgs


Evan Selinger

26 Simulation


Evan Selinger

27 Technology as "Applied Science"


Robert C. Scharff

28 Technological Artifacts


Peter-Paul Verbeek and Pieter E. Vermaas


29 Technical Practice Bart Gremmen

30 Technological Pragmatism Larry Hickman

31 Hermeneutics and Technologies Don Ihde

32 Analytic Philosophy of Technology Maarten Franssen

33 Technological Rationality Lorenzo C. Simpson

34 Phenomenology and Technology Iain Thomson

35 Expertise Evan Selinger

36 Imaging Technologies Don Ihde

37 The Critique of the Precautionary Principle and the Possibility for an "Enlightened Doomsaying" Jean-Pierre Dupuy

38 Technology and Metaphysics Jean-Pierre Dupuy

39 Large Technical Systems Erik van der Vleuten

40 Sociotechnical Systems Maarten Franssen and Peter Kroes

41 Information Technology Luciano Floridi

Part IV Technology and Environment

42 Technology and Environment Mary Tiles

43 The Precautionary Principle Andy Stirling

44 Boundary-work, Pluralism and the Environment Jozef Keulartz

45 Global Warming Sir John Houghton

contents 172 175 180 184 189 195 202 205

210 214 218 223 227

233 235 248 263 270



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