Georgetown ISD

Possible Questions on Core Psychology Final Spring 20161.In an attempt to learn something about his conscious experience, William looked at an abstract painting and wrote down all of his impressions as they came to him. This technique is calleda.introspection.b.retrospection.c.empiricism.2.The notion that unconscious motivations can influence our behavior is consistent with the views ofa.Carl Rogers.b.Wilhelm Wundt.c.Sigmund Freud.3.Sigmund Freud developed an innovative procedure for treating people with psychological problems, which he calleda.behavior modification.b.primal therapy.c.psychoanalysis.d.rational-emotive therapy.4.Freud concluded that psychological disturbances are largely caused bya.unrealistic demands from family and friends.b.personal conflicts existing at an unconscious level.5.The school of psychology that suggests psychologists should study only what can be objectively observed isa.humanism.b.behaviorism.c.structuralism.6.Recently Western psychologists have started to devote more attention to ____ as a determinant of behavior.a.intelligenceb.unconsciousc.culture7.The basic premise of evolutionary psychology is that natural selection favors behaviors that enhance organisms' success ina.establishing a territory.b.locating a source of food.c.passing on their genes to the next generation.8. Topics such as courage, tolerance, creativity, and integrity reflect the interest of the positive psychology movement in the study ofa.positive subjective experiences.b.positive individual traits.c.positive institutions and communities.9. According to the definition of psychology that appears in your textbook, psychology is botha.a science and a profession.b.a theory and an academic discipline.c.a school of thought and an occupation.10. A psychologist whose major interest focuses on how behavior changes as a function of age would probably be considered aa.physiological psychologist.b.developmental psychologist.11.Which of the following questions would a social psychologist be MOST likely to ask?a.How stable is personality over the lifespan?b.Why do we like some people and not others?c.What effect does anxiety have on test performance12.Humanistic psychologists focused attention on the importance of people'sgeneticsintelligencepotential for positive growth13.Efforts to discover whether the intelligence of children is more heavily influenced by their biology or by their home environments are most directly relevant to the debate regardinga)structuralism versus functionalism.b)nature versus nurture. c) behaviorism versus gestalt 14.The neuroscience or biological approach in psychology would be most likely to emphasize that behavior is influenced bywhere they are bornhow they were raisedwhat chemicals are in their blood15.Professor Lopez believes that severe depression results primarily from an imbalanced diet and abnormal brain chemistry. Professor Lopez favors a ________ perspective on depression.A) neuroscience B) psychodynamic C) behavior genetics 16.The distinctive feature of the psychoanalytic perspective is its emphasis onA)natural selection.C)unconscious conflicts.B)brain chemistry.17.Which psychological perspective is most likely to be concerned with identifying the powers and the limits of human thought?A) cognitive B) behavioral C) neuroscience 18.Dr. Wilson attributes the delinquent behaviors of many teens to the pressures associated with being members of street gangs. Her account best illustrates a(n) ________ perspective.A) behavior genetics B) social-cultural C) neuroscience 19.A hypothesis is a(n)A)observable relationship between specific independent and dependent variables.B)testable prediction that gives direction to research.C)set of principles that organizes observations and explains newly discovered facts.20. The awareness of self, your thoughts, internal sensations and external stimuli is defined asa.consciousness.b.hypnosis.c.sensation.21. The 24 hour biological cycles found in humans and many other species are known as ____ rhythms.a.circadianb.slow-wavec.rem22. Which of the following glands is responsible for secreting the hormone involved in adjustments to our biological clocks?a.the pineal glandb.the pituitary glandc.the thyroid23. The hormone that appears to play a key role in adjusting our biological clocks isa.melatonin.b.cholecystokinin.c.serotonin.24. What appears to be responsible for regulating the circadian rhythm?a.amount of time spent sleepingb.amount of time spent awakec.exposure to light25. The paradox concerning REM sleep is is a deep sleep; the person is easy to is a deep sleep; the brain wave pattern resembles the pattern of an alert and awake individual.c.the person is dreaming; his muscles are practically paralyzed.26. If you were awakened while you are experiencing rapid eye movements you probably would report that you hada.a headache.b.been dreaming.c.not been dreaming.27. "Manny got out of bed and began doing calisthenics during REM sleep, probably because he was dreaming about boot camp." What is WRONG with this statement?a.Sleep is a relaxed condition of the body and, as such, precludes physical activity.b.Research shows that no dreaming takes place in REM sleep.c.Research shows that we are virtually paralyzed in REM sleep.28. Which of the following statements represents a current hypothesis on the evolutionary bases of sleep?a.Sleep helps restore energy and other body resources depleted by waking activities.b.The immobilization associated with sleep reduces exposure to predators and other dangers.c.Sleep allows us to live out our unconscious wishes and desires.23. Individuals with partial sleep deprivation or sleep restriction experiencea.impaired attention.b.impaired motor coordination.c.impaired attention, motor coordination, and decision making.24. The most common known sleep disorder isa.sleep apnea.b.night terrors.c.insomnia.25. Which of the following statements regarding the use of sleeping pills is accurate?a.They are a good long-range solution for insomnia.b.They reduce the proportion of time spent in slow-wave sleep.c.They gradually become less effective with continued use.26. One hypothesis regarding the cause of crib death in babies is that they stop breathing during sleep, a sleep disorder known asa.narcolepsy.b.sleep apnea.c.night terror.27. Iris has been asleep for less than an hour. Her parents are surprised when she walks into the living room, and they tell her to go back to sleep. The next day Iris does not remember getting up after she went to bed. From this description it appears that Iris experienceda.a night terror.b.somnambulism.c.a nightmare.28. The theorist who advanced the wish-fulfillment idea about dreaming wasa.Cartwright.b.Hobson.c.Freud.29. A systematic procedure that typically produces a heightened state of suggestibility is known as what?a.mesmerizationb.hypnosisc.hallucinations30. A drug that depresses central nervous system activity is referred to asa.a hallucinogen.b.a amphetamine.31. Adam has just consumed a substance that provides him with increased alertness and energy, along with reduced fatigue. However, it also makes him more talkative, increases his blood pressure, reduces his appetite, and makes him restless. Adam has likely amphetamine.c.LSD.32. Marsha believes that all news reporters are cynical, doubting individuals who would sell their souls for an exclusive story. In this case, Marsha's beliefs about the traits and behaviors of news reporters are one example ofa. the fundamental attribution error.b. a confirmation bias.c. stereotypes.33. Patty is a member of a jury and she has voted "guilty." All the other jury members have voted "not guilty." At this point in time, the other jury members should classify Pattya. as a member of their in-group.b. using a confirmation bias.c. as a member of their out-group.34. Eric has joined a new fraternity. If the other fraternity members now consider Eric as part of their in-group, they are more likely toa. view him in negative terms.b. pay less attention to his actions and ideas.d. view him in a positive light.35. According to evolutionary psychologists, we tend to view members of out-groupsa. as role models.b. as superior to us.d. in terms of negative stereotypes36. Tally just heard that her neighbor, Rupert, was involved in an automobile accident. If Tally concludes that Rupert's reckless driving habits caused the accident, she hasa. made an internal attribution.b. made a self-serving attribution.c. made an external attribution.37. Inferences that people draw about the causes of events and others' behaviors are known asa. prejudices.b. attributions.c. stereotypes.38. Attribution refers toa. positive feelings toward another person.b. the process of forming impressions of others.c. inferences that people draw about the causes of their own behavior and the behavior of others.39. A father suggests that his son's low marks in school are due to the child's laziness. The father has madea. an external attribution.b. an internal attribution.40. Tina recently lost over half the money she had put away for her retirement. If Webster concludes that Tina lost the money because the stock market took a significant downturn, he hasa. made an internal attribution.b. been influenced by an illusory correlation.c. made an external attribution.41. Celine just heard that her neighbor, Rodney, was involved in an automobile accident. If Celine concludes that Rodney's children distracted him for a few seconds and that was the reason for the accident, she hasa.made an external attribution.b.made an internal attribution.42. Jane's eight-year-old son brought a note home from school stating that he was involved in a fight at recess. Which of the following is an example of an external attribution that Jane might make to explain her son's behavior?a. he's just like his fatherb. he always gets in fightsc. the other child probably started the fight and he was protecting himself43. . The fundamental attribution error refers to the tendency toa. use external attributions in explaining the behavior of others. Such as “that guy is rich because he won the lottery”b. use internal attributions in explaining the behavior of others. Such as “that guy is rich because he is smarter than everyone else.”44. Ralph watches as a customer with at least 40 items lines up at his express checkout line. He decides the customer must be a real "idiot" to miss the sign that indicates Ralph's checkout line is an express line with a limit of 10 items. Ralph's attribution for the cause of the customer's behavior is a.the fundamental attribution error.b.drawing an illusory correlation.c.a self-serving bias.45. Observers tend to attribute other peoples’ behavior to ____ factors and tend to attribute their own behavior to ____ factors.a.situational; dispositionalb.dispositional; situational46. Putting group goals ahead of personal goals and defining one's identity in terms of the group is calleda.collectivism.b.functionalism.c.individualism47. A positive or negative evaluation of an object of thought or idea opinion.b.a schema.c.a preference.48. If someone is prejudiced (they have a negative attitude) but they always behave in a positive way would mean that attitudes are:a.very reliable predictors of behavior.b.poor predictors of behavior.d.very reliable predictors of behavior in women but not men.49. In the 1930’s the sociologist August LaPiere's attended restaurants with Asian Couples. The restaurants all had segregation policies, but he found that in only one instance did the employees of the restaurant behave rudely toward his companions. This study from the 1930s demonstrated that:a.attitudes did not predict behavior very well.b.attitudes did predict behavior very well.c.while attitudes did predict behavior, behavior did not predict attitudes.50. A recent anti-smoking campaign on television showed graphic images of the internal effects of smoking. Twelve-year-old Kandice has seen a number of these ads, and they made her feel nauseated. Now she finds that she has developed an unfavorable attitude toward smoking. In this case, Kandice's attitude appears to have developed as a result ofa.observational learning.b.operant conditioning.c.cognitive dissonance.51. Which of the following individuals is noted for developing the theory of cognitive dissonance?a.Albert Bandurab.Daryl Bemc.Leon Festinger52. Cognitive dissonancea. is a state of tension produced when attitudes of the individual conflict with the attitudes of the group.b. is a feeling of discomfort experienced by the group when individuals do not behave alike .c. occurs only when cognitions are unrelated to each other.53. Which of the following statements regarding the influence of culture on conformity and obedience is MOST accurate?a. Conformity and obedience appear to be unique to American culture.c. Collectivistic cultures tend to encourage more conformity than individualistic cultures.c. Studies of conformity and obedience have yielded virtually identical results across a variety of cultures.54. Harboring negative thoughts and feelings about a person simply because of his or her membership in a particular group judgmentc.prejudice55. People tend to see the good traits among the members of the ____ but only the negative traits of the; out-groupb.out-group; in-groupc.majority; minority56. Your waiter seems to be doing everything wrong. He has forgotten to take your drink order. He delivers someone else’s food to your table. He does not come out and say it, but his facial expressions seem to say he’d rather be someplace else. If you assume his behavior is caused primarily by ____________, your assumption is consistent with the fundamental attribution error. a. situational factors he can control b. situational factors beyond his control 57. A stereotype is best characterized as a type of ____________. ? a. schema b. channel factorc. theory of mind58. In an individualist culture, a person’s sense of self tends to be based largely on a. personal achievements. b. political or religious values. b. bringing credit to his or her family. 60. According to the medical model,a . all mental illnesses are caused by biological factors.b. all mental illnesses can be treated using drugs.c. abnormal behavior can be thought of as a disease.d. all physical illnesses have a psychological component.61. The terms "mental illness" and "psychopathology" are MOST closely associated with which model of abnormal behavior?a.the learning modelb.the humanistic modelc.the medical modeld.the psychodynamic model62. Prior to the 18th century, people who exhibited abnormal behavior were thought to bea.possessed by evil spirits and were treated through exorcism.b.mentally ill and were treated through exorcism.c.mentally ill and were treated through verbal psychotherapy.d.possessed by evil spirits and were treated through drug therapy.63. A major criticism of the medical model made by Thomas Szasz is evidence exists to support the efficiency of the medical model's treatment approaches.b.the model is not well understood by its practitioners.c.uniformity of behavior patterns cannot be established from the medical model viewpoint.d.most abnormal behavior reflects a moral judgment about what is socially acceptable or unacceptable behavior.64. Dr. Underhill is reviewing the records from a patient who has just been referred for treatment. He is carefully considering the symptoms that have been documented, and is attempting to identify the type of psychological disorder the individual is most likely to have. Dr. Underhill is currently focusing ona.etiology.b.prognosis.c.diagnosis.d.histology.65. A a forecast about the probable course of an illness.b.involves distinguishing one illness from another.c.refers to the apparent causation and developmental history of an a plan for treating an illness.66. Behavior that interferes with an individual's social or occupational functioning may be considered to bea.deviant.b.maladaptive.c.personally distressing.d.insane.67. Behavior that does not coincide with cultural norms may be considered to bea.deviant.b.maladaptive.c.personally distressing.d.insane.68. Behavior that causes anxiety or concern for the affected individual may be considered to bea.deviant.b.maladaptive.c.personally distressing.d.insane.69. If a psychological disorder results in an individual having difficulty completing routine or necessary everyday activities, the individual's behavior would MOST likely be considereda.personally distressing.b.incompetent.c.maladaptive.d.deviant.70. Which of the following is a common stereotype about psychological disorders?a.Psychological disorders are curable.b.Psychological disorders are a function of biophysiological factors.c.People with psychological disorders are violent and dangerous.d.People with psychological disorders are not very different from normal people.71. The most common psychological disorders in the United States area.schizophrenic disorders.b.personality disorders.c.mood disorders.d.substance use disorders.72. Epidemiology is the study ofa.the distribution of mental or physical disorders in a population.b.treatments for psychological disorders.c.sudden "epidemics" involving specific mental or physical cultural values affect judgments of abnormality.73. In regard to psychological disorders, prevalence refers toa.the percentage of a population that exhibits a disorder during a specified time period.b.the number of people who are experiencing any psychological disorder at a given point in time.c.the reliability of the diagnosis of psychological disorders.d.the percentage of a population that has ever been treated for a psychological disorder.74. Using the DSM-IV listings and lifetime prevalence, it is estimated that ____ of the population will experience a psychological disorder at some time in their lives.a.less than 10 percentb.approximately 27 percentc.approximately 44 percentd.close to 60 percent75. Which of the following is NOT one of the three most common types of psychological disorders?a.mood disordersb.schizophreniac.substance (alcohol and drug) use disordersd.anxiety disorders76. All of the following are considered anxiety disorders EXCEPTa.generalized anxiety disorder.b.conversion disorder.c.phobic disorder.d.obsessive-compulsive disorder.77. The cartoon character Charlie Brown, with his extreme dread, pessimism, worrying, and brooding, could be diagnosed as havinga.a generalized anxiety disorder.b.a phobic disorder.c.obsessive-compulsive disorder.d.panic disorder.78. The disorder that is characterized by worry and fear, muscle tension, trembling, faintness, and difficulty in concentrating is known as aa.conversion disorder.b.paranoid disorder.c.dissociative disorder.d.generalized anxiety disorder.79. The anxiety disorder in which an individual experiences numerous emotional attacks characterized by overwhelming terror that occur suddenly and unexpectedly is known asa.a generalized anxiety disorder.b.a phobic disorder.c.obsessive-compulsive disorder.d.panic disorder.80. The difference between a phobia and a normal fear is that a phobiaa.involves a cognitive component as well as behavioral characterized by an increase in heart rate.c.interferes with everyday behavior.d.only take place when the actual object is present.81. Dave washes his hands at least 50 times per day, even though his hands are rarely dirty. Dave's behavior is an example obsession.b.a phobia.c.a compulsion.d.a delusion.82. An unwanted thought that repeatedly intrudes upon an individual's consciousness is calleda.a obsession.c.a compulsion.d.a hallucination.83. An anxiety disorder that typically follows a very painful event, and is characterized by a reliving of that event, avoidance of stimuli associated with the event, or numbing of general responsiveness isa.generalized anxiety disorder.b.conversion disorder.c.panic disorder.d.posttraumatic stress disorder.84. The anxiety disorder characterized by persistent, uncontrollable intrusions of unwanted thoughts and urges to engage in senseless rituals or behaviors isa.posttraumatic stress disorder.b.generalized anxiety disorder.c.obsessive-compulsive disorder.d.panic disorder.85.The class of disorders in which people lose contact with portions of their consciousness or memory resulting in disruptions in their sense of identity is known as thea.somatoform disorders.b.psychosomatic disorders.c.anxiety disorders.d.dissociative disorders. ................

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