Electronic Communications Disclosure

[Pages:4]Electronic Communications Disclosure

E ffec tive D ate: A ugust 1 8, 2 0 17

Please read this Electronic Communications Disclosure ("eCommunications Disclosure") thoroughly - It contains important inf ormation about your legal rights. T his eC ommunications D isclosure c overs all of your ac c ounts, produc ts, and s ervices with Bank of A merica, M errill L ynch, P ierce, Fenner & Smith I nc orporated ("M errill L ynch") and their affiliates (c ol lectively, "we", "us ", and "our") ac c essible, either c urrently or in the future, thro ugh O nline Banking (whether ac c essed through a pers onal c omputer or mobile devic e, s ometimes referred to as "M obile Banking" or "M obile Banking app"), our webs ites , or other elec tro nic means . T his inc ludes, but is not limited to, the following ac c ount, pro duc t, and s ervice types: deposit, c redit c ard, c harge c ard, line of c redit, loan, mortgage, brokerage, inves tment advisory, ins urance and others. T he words "I ", "you" and "your" mean each ac c ount holder, product owner and/or s ervic e user identified on an a c c ount, product or s ervice.

(1 ) Y our L egal Rights

C ertain laws and regulations require us to provide s pecific information to you in writing, whic h means you have a right to re c eive that information on paper. We may provide s uc h information to you elec tron ically if we firs t pres ent this eC ommunications D is c losure and obtain your c onsent to rec eive the information electronically. Y our c onsent will als o apply to any other pers o n named on your ac c ount, produc t or s ervice, s ubject to applicable law. Sinc e c erta in of our ac c ounts, products or s ervices are provided online and us e elec tronic means to deliver s ome of this information, you mus t c ons ent to this eCommunications D isclosure in o rder to us e thes e s ervices. A t times, we may s till s end you paper c ommunicati ons, but as a bas ic proposition we need to know that you are willing to rec eive c ommunications electronically that we may otherwis e be required to provide on paper and that you have the hardware and s oftware needed to ac c ess to this information (and note t hat in Sec tion N o. 3 below, we explain how you may be able to obtain s elected disclosures or other information on paper even after you have c ons ented to this eCommunications D isclosure ).

(2 ) T ypes of E lectronic C ommunications You Will Receive

Y ou unders tand and agree that we may provide to you in elec tronic format only, s uc h as by pos ting the information on the webs ite where you ac c ess your accounts, products or s ervices, through e - mail (if applic able and if you have provided a valid e - mail addres s ), or through other elec tronic means, agreements, disclosures, notices, and other information and c ommunic ations regar ding your ac c ounts, s ervices and produc ts, the us e of our webs ites or our other elec tronic s ervices, your relationship with us , and/or other programs , produc ts or s ervices that are or may be in the future made available to you (c ollectively, "Communications"). Suc h C ommunic ations may inc lude, but are not limited to:

T his eC ommunications D isclosure and any updates ; T he O nline Banking Service Agreement, other s ervice or us er agreements for ac cess to our webs ites or other elec tronic

s ervices, all updates to thes e agreements and all dis closures, not ices and other c ommunications regarding transactions you make through webs ites or our other elec tronic s ervices;

D is c losures, agreements, notices and other information related to the opening or initiation of an ac c ount, produc t or

s ervice inc luding, but not limited to, ac c ount agreements, fee s c hedules or other dis closures or notic es that may be required by the T ruth in Savings A ct, E lectronic Fund T ransfer Act, T ruth in L ending A ct, the E qual C redit O pportunity Act, the Fair C redit Reporting Act, the G ramm L eac h Bliley Act, the Real E state Settlement P rocedures Act or other applicable federal or s tate laws and regulations;

P eriodic, annual, monthly or other s tatements, disclosures and notic es relating to the maintenanc e or operation of an

ac c ount, produc t or s ervice including, but not limited to ac c ount information, ac count activity, ac count inac tivity, payments made or due, or other s tatements, dis closures or notic es that may be required by the T ruth in Savings Act, E lectronic Fund T rans fer A ct, T ruth in L e nding A ct, the E qual C redit O pportunity Act, the Fair C redit Reporting Act, the G ramm L eac h Bliley A c t, the Real E s tate Settlement Procedures Act or other applic able federal or s tate laws and regulations;

I nves tment ac count disclosures, agreements, s tatements, trade c onfirmations, tax reporting s tatements, s hareholder

notic es, pros pectuses, s ervice notices and performanc e reports regarding ac counts, produc ts and s ervices;

A ny notic e or dis closure regarding an ac c ount, produc t or s ervice fee, s uc h as a late fee, an overdraft fee, an overlimit fee,

a fee for a draft, c hec k or elec tronic debit returned for any reas on, s uc h as ins ufficient funds fee or a fee as a res ult of a s top payment order;

A ny notic e of the addition of new terms and c onditions or the deleti on or amendment of exis ting terms and c onditions

applic able to ac counts, produc ts or s ervices you obtain from us ;

O ur P rivacy N otice and other privac y s tatements or notices (by pos ting s uch notices on our webs ite); C ertain tax s tatements or notic es that we are legally required to provide to you, s uc h as the annual I RS interest

s tatements; and

C ertain information or forms that we reques t from you and as k you to s ubmit elec tronically, s uch as s ignature cards, W -9s,

or other agreements .

(3 ) Setting Y our E lectronic Communications P references

A fter you c ons ent to this eCommunications D isclosure, you may s till be able to s et your preferenc es to rec eive c erta in c ategories of C ommunic ations in (1 ) both elec tronic and paper format; (2 ) elec tronic format only; or (3 ) paper format only. Setting your C ommunic ations preferences may not be available for all produc ts, ac counts or s ervices. For more information on the availability of your elec tronic c ommunications preference management options, please refer to the appropriate elec tronic c ommunications preferenc e page on the webs ite where you ac c ess your C ommunications. I f you dec ide to rec eive s ome C ommunications in pap er and s ome elec tronically, the C ommunications that you rec eive electronically will be governed by this eC ommunications D isclosu re.

(4 ) T ypes of C ommunications Y ou Will Receive in P aper

T his eC ommunications D isclosure does not apply to any c ommunic ations that we determine, in our s ole dis cretion, that we are required to deliver in paper form under applic able law or that you s hould rec eive in paper rat her than elec tronic form.

Suc h c ommunic ations s hall be mailed to the primary addres s we s how for you in our rec ords or otherwis e delivered as required by law or the governing agreement.

(5 ) H ardware and Software Requirements

For Online and Mobile Banking:

Y ou will need a c omputer or mobile devic e with internet access and brows er, a c ompatible operating s ystem, and/or a c ompatibl e Bank of A meric a M obile Banking app to ac c ess the C ommunications. While you may be able to ac c ess and retain the C ommunic ations us ing other hardware and s oftware, we rec ommend that you us e the lates t version of the s upported brows ers or M obile Banking app available, keep your s ecurity s ettings up to date and that you enable J avaScript. I n c ertain c ircumstances, we may need to bloc k c ertain brows ers and s oftware from ac c essing O nline Banking and M obile Banking due to pos sible s ecurity ris ks and may not be able to inform you in a dvanc e.

P lease refer to Brows er and O perating System Requirements for a c urrent lis t of brows ers and operating s ystems c ompatible with Bank of A meric a's O nline Banking webs ite and M obile Banking App.

For Merrill Lynch or Merrill Edge websites:

Y ou will need a c omputer or mobile devic e with internet access and brows er, and a c ompatible operating s ystem to ac c ess the C ommunic ations. While you may be able to ac c ess and retain the C ommunications us ing other hardware and s oftware, we rec ommend that you us e the lates t version of the s upported brows ers, keep your s ecurity s ettings up to date and that you enable JavaScript. I n c ertain c ircumstances, we may need to bloc k c ertain brows ers and s oftware from ac c essing M errill L ynch or M err ill E dge webs ites due to pos sible s ecurity ris ks and may not be able to inform you in advanc e.

For the lates t list of brows ers and operating s ystems we c urrently s upport, s ee our Rec ommended Brows ers page.

M os t C ommunications provided within our webs ites are provid ed either in H T ML and/or P D F format. For C ommunic ations provided in P D F format, A dobe Reader 6 .0 or later vers ions is required ? A free c opy of A dobe Reader may be obtained from the A dobe webs ite at adobe.c om.

I n c ertain c ircumstances, s ome Communicati ons may be provided by e - mail. Y ou are res ponsible for providing us with a valid e - mail addres s to ac cept delivery of C ommunications. A t our option, we may als o pos t the emailed C ommunications within our webs ites . I n this s ituation, you agree that onc e we email the C ommunications to you and pos t them within our webs ites, that we have delivered the C ommunications to you in a form that you c an retain.

T o print or download C ommunic ations you mus t have a printer c onnected to your devic e or s uffic ient hard -drive or other s torage s pac e to s tore the C ommunications.

(6 ) H ow to Withdraw Y our C ons ent to this eC ommunications D isclosure

Subjec t to applic able law, you may withdraw your c ons ent to this eCommunications D isclosure by c alling the appropriate toll- free c us tomer s ervice phone numbers . P lease access the "Contact U s" link on the applic able webs ite where you ac c ess your C ommunic ations to find the appropriate phone number. Y ou will not be c harged a fee for withdrawal of your c ons ent.

For O nline Banking, if you withdraw your c ons ent to this eCommunications D isclosure, we may s top providing you with C ommunic ations electronically and we may terminate your O nline Banking ac cess.

For M errill L ynch or M errill E dge Advisory C enter c lients, if you withdraw your c ons ent to this eCommunications D isclosure, w e may s top providing you with C ommunic ations electronically.

For M errill E dge Self-D irected I nvesting c lients, if you withdraw your c ons ent to this eCommunications D isclosure, we may s top providing you with C ommunic ations electronically and we may terminate your relationship and/or ac count with us . For M errill E dge Self- D irected I nvesting c lients whos e ac counts transitioned to M errill E dge from Banc of A meric a I nvestment Services, I nc ., if you withdraw your c ons ent to this eCommunications D isclosure, we may s top providing you with C ommunic ations electronically.

I n any of the s ituations discussed above, your withdrawa l of c ons ent is effective only after you have c ommunicated your withdrawal to Bank of A merica, M errill L ynch, and/or M errill E dge, as applicable, by c alling the appropriate c ustomer s ervice phone numb er(s) and we have had a reas onable period of time to ac t upon your withdrawal. I f you s eparately provided your c onsent to this eC ommunications D isclosure to Bank of A merica, M errill L ynch, and/or M errill E dge, you mus t s eparately withdraw your c ons ent by c alling each of the entities to whom you provided your c o ns ent. Y our c onsent s hall remain in forc e until withdrawn in the manner provided in this s ec tion.

Remember that you may be able to s et your C ommunic ations preferences as described in Sec tion 3 above without withdrawing your c ons ent to this eCommunications D isclosure.

(7 ) C ons ent C overage; C ertain N otices From Y ou A re N ot C overed.

A pplicable law or c ontrac ts s ometimes require you to give us "written" notices. Y ou mus t s till provide these notices to us on paper. Y our c ons ent here does not relate to thos e notices.

(8 ) O btaining C opies of E lectronic C ommunications.

Y ou may print or make a c opy of C ommunic ations by us ing the "Print" button (or otherwis e us ing your printing func tionality) o r s aving a c opy ? do this when you firs t review the C ommunic ations bec ause after s ubmission we do not nec es sarily keep them all in a plac e that you c an ac c ess. For c ertain produc ts, ac counts, or s ervices, we will, upon reques t, provide you with a paper c op y of any C ommunic ations provided electronically by us to you purs uant to this eC ommunications D isclosure, provided we rec eive your reques t within 1 2 months after the date the C ommunic ation was firs t made available to you elec tronically. Y ou may reques t a p aper c opy of thes e C ommunications by c alling us at the appropriate toll- free c ustomer s ervice phone number for your ac c ount, produc t or s ervice. P lease refer to the H elp & Support P age within the O nline Banking or the M errill L ynch webs ites or the "C ontact Us" link on the Bank of A merica webs ite to find the appropriate c us tomer s ervice phone number.

Be s ure to s pec ify your ac count, s ervice or produc t identification number, as applic able, the s pecific Communication for whic h you are reques ting a paper c opy, and the addres s to whic h it s hould be mailed. We may c harge fees for paper c opies of the C ommunic ations.

(9 ) U pdating Y our C ontact I nformation

I n the event that your e - mail addres s or other c ontact information is c hanged, you mus t notify us of s uc h c hanges immed iately through one of the following methods :

For O nline Banking, ac cess the H elp & Support page within O nline Banking and c lick the appropriate links on "Y our P rofile

I nformation" to update your c ontact information. N ote: T he H elp & Support page is not yet available if you are ac c essing O nline Banking through a mobile - optimized experience (e.g., M obile Banking App or bofa.mobi). Y ou will need to log in to O nline Banking us ing a des ktop brows er to ac c ess this page.

For M errill L ynch webs ites, ac c ess the P rofile page and c lick on the appropriate links on the "P ersonal I nformation" page to

update your c ontac t information; or

C all the appropriate toll- free c ustomer s ervice phone number and c ommunic ate the c ontact information c hanges.

I f you fail to update or c hange an inc orrect or invalid e - mail address or other c ontact information, you unders tand and agree that any C ommunic ations s hall nevertheless be deemed to have been provided to you if they were made available to you in elec tronic form on our webs ites , e - mailed to the e- mail address we have for you in our rec ords , or delivered through other electronic means.

(1 0 ) Retain C opies for Y our Rec ords

We rec ommend that you print or download a c opy of this eC ommunications D isclosure, the applicable s ervice or ac c ount agreement

and all other C ommunic ations to retain for your permanent rec ords; if you have not already plac ed a c opy of our P rivacy P olic y in your rec ords , you c an obtain another c opy of our privac y notice .


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