Mary Kay - UnitNet Inc

Mary Kay




Professionalism & Ethics

* Always dress professionally at every Mary Kay function. Mary Kay asks that we don’t wear pants. This means skirts or dresses. Professional looking clothing fits properly. Not too tight or not too loose. I recommend you purchase a black skirt and then wear that every week with different tops. Please remember that most Mary Kay events have guests, and they need to see Mary Kay as a professional organization.

* Be on time. This is very important. Lateness is simply rude to your director and the other consultants who are on time. Arrive early when you have guests at the meeting, so that we can start on time. You will want to have your facial all set up before the meeting time begins.

* Submit your weekly accomplishment sheets. This is how you get recognition and is a crucial way in which we communicate. I can’t help you if I don’t know what you are doing. This form will also help you track your income and be very useful with your taxes.

* Always portray a positive attitude. We never discuss bad days or weeks during the unit meeting. Talk to your director about this privately. Mary Kay says, “Attitude is everything, and that you can do everything right with the wrong attitude and fail or do everything wrong with the right attitude and still succeed!” To stay positive, call your director often, spend time with positive people, listen to Mary Kay CDs, and read inspirational books!

* Don’t steal customers! That goes for recruiting another consultant’s customer as well. Always remember the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” When you meet another consultant’s customer always refer her back to her consultant. She may purchase from you at a party to help the hostess but do not follow up with her. Practice the Go-Give Spirit and ask yourself, if Mary Kay were in my situation what would she do?

* Do not borrow or purchase product from another consultant. This is a Mary Kay by- law and you could lose your buying power for violating your agreement. This is also not fair to the consultant whom you’re borrowing from, the company, or your unit.

* Portray your products as the best-selling brand. If our products are seen at garage sales, or flea markets it not only hurts our image but it also deprives our customers of professional, personal contact and the opportunity to try before they buy. It also violates your Mary Kay Agreement and you could lose your buying power.

* If you make a promise, keep it! Find a way or make a way. You can count on me and I expect the same from you. This also goes for your customers as well. Deliver products when promised. Keep your word and you will keep your customers. Pride yourself in being a woman of your word.

* Return all phone calls. A professional woman returns phone calls whether they are pleasant or not. Use proper phone etiquette and always ask the person you are calling if this is a good time. I suggest also changing your voicemail to say that you’re a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant.

* As your Director I will match my time with your effort. It is your responsibility to attend Mary Kay functions regularly. If at any time you decide Mary Kay is NOT for you, please be up front and honest about it.

People I Know

In My Family





Through My Children


Day Care Workers

Scout Leaders

Classmates/Playmates Parents


At Work



Fellow Bus/Carpool Riders


As Social Friends

Current Neighbors

Old Neighbors

Church Friends

Fellow Hobby Enthusiasts

Fellow Club Members

College Friends

Birthday/Holiday Card List

Old Friends

New Friends

Casual Acquaintances

Personal Telephone Directory

As Professionals







Postal Workers

Who Sell To Me


Nail Tech


Gas Station Attendant/Auto Mechanic



Dry Cleaners/Carpet Cleaners


Booking Tips

➢ Set up a time to make phone calls with your recruiter.

➢ Approach every call with a positive expectancy and enthusiasm.  Enthusiasm is contagious. 

Practice what you are going to say. Follow your script even if it feels uncomfortable.  Call me if you would like to practice it first.

➢ Try to book within the week & never more than 3 weeks out unless its the only availability that you have.

➢ Before making any phone calls, highlight the dates and times you want to work in your date book and only book those days.

➢ Be excited and confident when you call.

➢ Smile! Smile! Smile!

➢ Always give her two choices, don’t just ask her what is good for her!

➢ Book the one on one appointment first then ask her to invite girlfriends once you have the date confirmed.  This way if she doesn't want to have girlfriends then you can fall back on the original arrangement of the one on one facial.

➢ Call all the names on your contact list. Do NOT pre-judge!

➢ If someone does not want to commit to a date, just set a tentative date in pencil and change it later if necessary.

➢ Remember that the two key words when asking are HELP and TRAINING.  Women are helpers and will help you before they will help themselves.

[pic] Remember: Don’t prejudge!! If you don’t ask, they’ve already said NO! Take these dialogues and make them your own. Book your Power Start… I know you can do it!

Script For Your First Appointments:

“Hi. This is (your name), I’m soooo excited! Oh, by the way, do you have a minute to talk? Great, I just started teaching skin care with Mary Kay. My director has challenged me to select sharp-looking women that I know. You were one of the first people I thought of. I need help to practice on peoples’ faces. Would you mind if I practice on your face? Have you ever been pampered with a Mary Kay facial? (make sure they don’t already have a MK consultant) I have _____________ or _______________ available this week. Which is better for you?


If YES: Turning it into a Class/Party: “Great! I also need to practice with a group of women. Would you mind inviting a few friends? I will bring you a special gift for having friends. I will call you on ______________ to get the names and phone numbers of your friends that said they are coming. Thanks for all your support in my new business with Mary Kay.


If she says NO to a facial: “You will not need to buy a thing, I just need to practice”

If she still says NO: ”Would you know of anyone who would enjoy being pampered with a free facial?”

If she wants to check the date with her friends first try this: “Well why don’t we pick 2 times which work for you, and then you can check with your girlfriends tomorrow. If it won’t work for them, we can re-schedule.” Set the tentative date for the class and follow up the next day with her to confirm that date and get her guest list.

Overcoming Booking Objections

Get familiar with these common objections and make these scripts your own.

No, we don’t want you to be pushy, but wimpy is not good either! Shoot for pleasantly persistent!

1. Objection ~ “I don’t have the time.”

Response ~ “I know how you feel. I am a very busy person also, but do you know what I have found? The busiest people get the most done. Our facial will only take 45 minutes and it sounds like you could use a little pampering. Now what part of the week is best for you, during the week or weekends? Wednesday or Thursday?…Afternoon or evening?… 7:00 or 7:30?…Great…”

2. Objection ~ “I don’t know anyone.”

Response ~ “Well, I can understand how you feel, but you know what, I have found that this is a great way to meet your neighbors or the people at your church…now what part of the week is best for you?”…..(follow format above).

3. Objection ~ “I just bought brand ‘X’ or I only use…”

Response ~ “That’s great, you obviously know something about skin care. I can appreciate your knowledge and would really enjoy your comments on our skin care program…now what part of the week is best for you?”

4. Objection ~ “I have already tried Mary Kay.”

Response ~ “Great, when did you have a complimentary facial? Our products have changed dramatically; I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Now which part of the week is best for you?”

5. Objection ~ “I have company coming from out of town”

Response ~ “Fantastic, not only will they enjoy getting together, but I know that your (relative) will appreciate your thoughtfulness in arranging their complimentary Mary Kay facials. You may want to ask a few friends too. Now which part of the week is best for you?”

6. Objection ~ “The kids will be home from school.”

Response ~ “That’s great, I bet there will be times when you will want to get away and do something special for yourself. I have a special gift for the person who will be babysitting the kids!”

7. Objection ~ “I tried that once and it broke me out/or I am allergic.“

Response ~ “How long has it been since you tried the products? We have all new formulas in the last couple years. There is a large variety of items in our line; I am sure you could try the body care or glamour products. Now what part of the week is best for you?”

8. Objection ~ “I’m not a make-up person.”

Response ~ “Great because in Mary Kay teach skin care. Taking care of our skin is so important and during this hot/cold weather your skin will really appreciate the needed care. Now what part of the week is best for you?”

The Perfect Party

Reasons to coach your hostess:

Helps us build a relationship with the hostess

Insures a more profitable party

Increases likelihood the class will hold

Helps hostess understand what to prepare and what your need will be

Helps keep hostess excited about the products she can earn for FREE!

Three areas of coaching:

1. Initial Coaching -occurs when you send the Hostess Packet

• Hostess Credit

• Look Book

• Sales slips

• Samples

• Team Building Brochure and/or CD

• Business card

2. Telephone Coaching -occurs when you call hostess in 2 days for the guest list

3. Pre-Class Coaching -occurs when you arrive 30 minutes before the party

Pre-profiling Your Party

(this allows you to start building the relationship, confirming the guests attendance, ensuring the appointment will hold, AND allows you time to ask your director any specific questions about products or sensitivities/allergies etc and what to use and not to use prior to the day of! Write the answers on the back of the customer profile card. Fill in the front with skin type, name and phone #, put at her seat at the party/facial and she will fill out the rest that day.

Call the guests and introduce yourself and ask them a few questions from the profile card. Get them excited and build a rapport with them. Let them know the time, date, and type of pampering party. Tell them if they arrive on time they will be treated to our wonderful Satin Hands Pampering Treatment.

Here is a great script that you can use:

“Hi ____________ this is____________with Mary Kay, _(Jane’s ) __friend, do you have a quick minute? I just wanted to give you a call to introduce myself, I’ll be the consultant doing Jane’s Party of Tuesday night at 6:30 at her house. We have a seat reserved for you and well be starting right at 6:30 so you can come a few minutes early so you won’t miss the great hand treatment! Would you mind answering a few questions for me about your skin so I can have the correct products out for you that night for you?

1. What type of skin do you think you have? Normal-Dry, or Combination-Oily?

2. Do you have any sensitivies or allergies?

3. Have you ever used any Mary Kay products? Which Ones? How long ago? Do you have a consultant?

4. Are you currently using a Skin Care Program? What one? Are you satisfied with it?

5. Is there anything you would want to improve about your skin or learn that night that I could teach you

Make sure you tell them that for their first facial with you, the focus will be on the skin care. If they like to wear color, to come with it on and you will work around their own eye makeup and add a little cheek & lip color.

Avoiding Postponements:

Keep in mind the average consultant has a 50% cancellation rate!

Here are a few tips to help you to prevent them:

1. Learn to book for the next 2-3 weeks only: Women naturally procrastinate, If we allow it, the hostess will want to book 2 or 3 months away. Give her a sense of urgency by telling her you need her help, or that you are offering a great hostess special for that particular month.

2. Overbook: Set yourself up for success! If you want to hold 3 appointments for next week then you have to book 5-6 for those 3 to hold.

3. Double book: In order to over book with a full schedule you may want to book 2 or even 3 appointments for the same day and possibly the same time. Use your intuition. You can hold 2 parties at your home or at your weekly MK event.

4. Dovetail: When over and double booking, if by some miracle more than one party actually holds, you can give one away to another consultant or better yet, a team member. In doing so you will also be paid 15% of her sales, on top of the 50% you have earned at your appointment. Now that is working smart!

5. Thank your hostess in advance: Write her a brief note as soon as you book the appointment. It will remind her of the appointment she made with you and it will also let her know how much you appreciate her. This works with guests you invite to model too!

6. Proper coaching: Let your hostess know exactly what to expect. Get your hostess’s guest list and teach her how to invite guests or do it yourself! Take control of your business. You will learn more about this at training.

7. Never let an appointment get off your books: In the event that a hostess does call to cancel, immediately reschedule for as soon as possible, or tentatively set a date.


Satin Hands Pampering Treatment

Please help me complete my challenge by trying the Satin Hands Pampering treatment and giving me your response!

Please fill out name and telephone number, and share your response to this product by circling 1, 2 or 3 to indicate:

1) I would like to order the set at $30.00

2) I would like to earn this product FREE

3) I am not interested in this product at this time

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Bringing Guests to Weekly Events –

How To Coach a Guest

• Do inform your guests ahead of time how everyone will be dressed and what to expect at the MK event. Tell them, for instance, that everyone will be dressed professionally and that information about the opportunity will be shared.

• Do pick up your guests and personally drive them to the event.

• Do put Mary Kay on the back burner while in the car and spend time gathering personal information about your guests to see how Mary Kay can best meet their needs.

• Do have guests fill out a customer profile card before the meeting starts.

• Do introduce your guests to the Sales Director before the event and to as many other Consultants as possible.

• Do sit close to the front.

• Do let other Consultants introduce their guests to the Sales Director first before you talk to the Sales Director about other business.

During the Mary Kay event:

• Don’t introduce your guests in a way that will make them feel uncomfortable. For example don’t say, “This is Nancy Jones, one of my customers. I sure hope she signs up tonight!”

• Do introduce them in a positive and affirming way. For example:

▪ I am so pleased to present Nancy Jones. Nancy was one of my very first hostesses, and she’s been using our products for more than two years, can’t you tell? She has such a positive attitude and loves to look her best. Nancy, would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself?

• Do be prepared with one of these statements to use wherever appropriate when portions of the marketing plan are presented:

▪ You love the product!

▪ Do you realize how much you’ve spent with me this last year?

▪ You owe it to yourself and your family.

▪ There’s never been a better time to be a part of Mary Kay.

▪ You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

▪ We would have so much fun together!

▪ I would love for us to team up together!

▪ I will help you every step of the way.

After the event:

• Do bring your guests to the Sales Director before leaving so that she can assess their interest in hearing more about the opportunity. Tell your guest “We need to say goodbye to my Director”.

• Do save any questions you might have for your Sales Director until after she’s said goodbye to all the guests.

• Do ask your guests on the drive home if they had fun, what they liked, what appealed to them most and if they had any questions; then give them a team-building packet.

• Do call your Sales Director after the event to discuss your guest’s interest level.

Suggested Dialogue:

Hi_________! I just started my business with Mary Kay and we have a fabulous guest event on __________at______ where we get together to do Model Makeovers. I would love for you to come and be a face model! You will get a FREE facial and glamour makeover! It is at____________. Is there any reason why I couldn’t pick you up or would you rather meet there? Great! You are welcome to bring a friend if you know someone who would enjoy this. I need to RSVP to my Director by so I can reserve a spot for you (and your friend). Can I count you as a YES?!

Set Up for Guests:

Your Director should have a set up for you to bring and if not,

Put the following items in a large bag:

• Mirror/tray (face case) with your label on the back

• Disposable foam tray, facial cloth, profile card, beauty book with insert (stamped with your name on it)

• Look book (optional), sales receipt, a pen, recruiting brochure

• Look card or 3 eye colors, cheek color & lipstick sample,

• Eye line sample, lip liner sample, lip gloss, sponge tip applicator

• 2-3 cotton balls and Oil Free Eye Makeup Remover

• Mascara wand & your mascara (labeled)

• Skin care products, applicators

• Calculator

Follow your Directors instruction on how to set up or put the products in the Styrofoam tray in the this order:

Benefits Of Starting Your Business

With Inventory

❖ YOU WILL HAVE A DISPLAY – If a woman, including yourself, can see it and feel it, she will value it more and want it.

❖ HIGHER PARTY SALES - Cosmetics is an “emotional” buy and women will purchase more if they are going to take their order home with them rather than simply placing an order to be delivered in a couple of weeks.

❖ YOU WILL SAVE MONEY ON SHIPPING & HANDLING – The shipping and handling is $8.75 flat rate no matter what you order. If you have an inventory you will not need to order more then one or two times per month to restock your inventory.

❖ WORK SMART, NOT HARD – Carrying an inventory is a much better use of YOUR time – Here is the difference in what you will accomplish in an hour with or without an adequate inventory.

With Inventory:

1) Sell the product

2) Collect the full amount due.

3) Deliver the product on the spot.

4) Schedule the follow-up appointment

5) You can give her products immediately rather than waste valuable time and money on delivering or shipping.

Without Inventory:

1) Sell the product.

2) Hopefully, collect at least half of the balance due.

3) Go home and hope to find her home two weeks later to deliver the products to each customer, and collect the balances due.

4) Refresh her as to how to use the product.

5) Schedule her follow-up appointment. (You are delaying a future booking for 2 weeks)

❖ LOWER CANCELLATIONS – If they order the product and don’t receive it, they are more likely to cancel the order on you rather than return the product.

❖ BETTER CUSTOMER SERVICE – Occasionally a product will be placed on back order for an indefinite period of time. Women will reorder just as they are running out. They will need their product right away. With an inventory, you will not keep your customers waiting, therefore providing her with better customer service.

[pic] LOWER FRUSTRATION – The company statistics point out that women who begin their business with full inventory are more successful than those who do not. You will get to take a full 50% profit and be better prepared to deal with a growing customer base.


Attend your Weekly Success Meeting/Workshop

5 weeks in a row!

Return this voucher with the dates listed on the back

to earn your

MK Black Bag Collection Money Bag &

MK Black Bag Collection Checkbook Cover

Remember those who “show up” “GO UP!”

"Each of us should have a philosophy about how we conduct ourselves with others. A long time ago, I chose as my standard the Golden Rule: 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' Some might consider the Golden Rule corny and old-fashioned, but no one can deny its simple truth. Imagine how much better our world would be if everyone lived by this creed."


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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