Jennifer Johnson, 1st Grade - Kathy Sanderson

Kathy Sanderson, 1st Grade

|Reading Unit 2.4 The Big Circle |

|[pic]Targeted Skills for the Week Phonics: long o, contractions Comprehension Skill: Sequence Comprehension Strategy: Monitor/Fix Up |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Read Naturally Daily (we do 2-3 stories a|QUESTION OF THE DAY, 86a |QUESTION OF THE DAY, 88a |QUESTION OF THE DAY, 106a |QUESTION OF THE DAY, 110a |

|week to focus on phonics, fluency, and |What makes you grow? |What jobs do you share? |What would you like to see in a museum? |How are these animals like a community?|

|content knowledge) |Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 86b |Read Naturally (we do 2-3 stories a week |Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 106b |Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 110b |

|QUESTION OF THE WEEK, 84l |1.13.B.2.c |to focus on phonics, fluency, and content|1.13.B.2.c |1.13.B.2.c |

|How do animals work together to survive? |Big Book A Frog in the Bog |knowledge) |Read Aloud Anthology "Grandma Elephant's in |Read Aloud Anthology "Grandma |

|1.6.B.1.c |Amazing Words crater, holler |Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 88b |Charge" 1.6.B.1.c |Elephant's in Charge" 1.6.B.1.c |

|Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 84m |Phonemic Awareness, 86b |1.13.B.2.c |Amazing Words bluff, boisterous |Amazing Words Review |

|1.13.B.2.a ; 1.13.B.2.c |Blend and Segment Phonemes |Big Book A Frog in the Bog |Phonemic Awareness, 106b |Phonics, 110c |

|Sing with Me Big Book, Song 10 |Phonics, 86c–86d1.2.b |Amazing Word swamp |Identify and Isolate Sounds |[pic]Review Long o (CVCe) and |

|Amazing Words enemy, extinct, protect |[pic]Introduce Contractions n't, 'm, 'll |Phonemic Awareness, 88b |High-Frequency Words, 106c |Contractions |

|Phonemic Awareness, 84m |[pic] |Blend and Segment Phonemes |Practice down, inside, now, there, together |n't, 'm, 'll [pic] |

|Distinguish Long/Short Vowel Sounds |Spelling, 86e |Phonics, 88c–88d |[pic] |High-Frequency Words, 110c |

|Phonics, 84n–84o |Dictation |[pic]Long o (CVCe) and Contractions n't, |Phonics, 106c–106d |Review down, inside, now, there, |

|[pic]Introduce Long o (CVCe) [pic] |[pic]Decodable Reader 20 |'m, 'll [pic] |[pic]Long i and Digraphs [pic] |together [pic] |

|Spelling, 84p |Grouping Options 84f–84g Review |Spelling, 88d |[pic]Word Reading [pic] |Spelling, 110d |

|Pretest |High-Frequency Words |Practice |Spelling, 106e |Test |

|[pic]Decodable Reader 19 |Check Comprehension |[pic]The Big Circle, 88e–105 |Partner Review |[pic]Leveled Readers |

|Grouping Options 84f–84g Review |Reread for Fluency |Grouping Options84f–84g Introduce |[pic]"Class Paper," 106–1091.6.B.1.c |Monitor Progress, 110e–110g |

|High-Frequency Words |High-Frequency Words, 86–87 |Selection Words baby, circle, herd, meat,|[pic]Leveled Readers |Read the Sentences |

|Check Comprehension |Introduce down, inside, now, there, |triceratops |Grouping Options84f–84g Categorize Words |Read the Story |

|Reread for Fluency |together [pic] |Review High-Frequency Words |Reading Across Texts |Writing and Grammar, 110–111 |

|Build Background, 84r–85 |Interactive Writing, 87a |down, inside, now, there, together [pic] |Fluency, 109a |Develop Organization/Paragraphs |

|Communities in Nature |List 1.8.5.B.5.c |Fluency, 105a |Read with Accuracy and |1.8.5.B.5.c |

|Listening Comprehension, 85a–85b |Grammar, 87b |Read with Accuracy and Appropriate Rate |   Appropriate Rate |Use Days, Months, Holidays1.3.a [pic] |

|[pic]Sequence [pic] |Practice Days, Months, Holidays 1.3.a |[pic]Vocabulary, 105b |Writing Across the Curriculum, 109b |Research/Study Skills, 111a |

|Shared Writing, 85c |[pic] |Categorize Words 1.3.a |Journal Entry 1.8.5.B.5.c |Periodical/Newsletter |

|Advice |Speaking and Listening, 87c |[pic]Sequence [pic] |Grammar, 109c | |

|Grammar, 85d[pic] |Participate in a Discussion |[pic]Monitor and Fix Up |Review Days, Months, Holidays1.3.a [pic] |Workbook |

|Introduce Days, Months, Holidays | |[pic]Cause and Effect [pic] | |Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c |

|1.3.a |Workbook |Trait of the Week, 105c |Workbook | |

|Workbook |Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c |Introduce Organization/Paragraphs |Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c | |

|Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c | |Grammar, 105d[pic] | | |

| | |Write with Days, Months, Holidays | | |

| | |1.3.a | | |

| | |Workbook | | |

| | |Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c | | |

|COS Objectives for November |

|1.3.a Demonstrate vocabulary skills including sorting words into categories. Examples: categories, |1.10 Use a word that names a person, place, thing, or animal as the subject of a sentence |

|synonyms, antonyms, homonyms |1.10.B.3 Identifying singular and plural nouns |

|1.6.B.1.c Identifying problems and solutions in a variety of texts |1.13.B.2.c Making connections to literature read aloud ex. .text to world |

|1.8.5.B.5.c Using expository mode of writing | |

Kathy Sanderson, 1st Grade

|Reading Unit 2.5 Time for Science: Life in the Forest |

|[pic]Targeted Skills for the Week Phonics: long u, long e, inflectional endings |

|Comprehension Skill: Author’s Purpose Comprehension Strategy: Preview the Text |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Read Naturally Daily (we do 2-3 stories a| |QUESTION OF THE DAY, 114a |QUESTION OF THE DAY, 116a |QUESTION OF THE DAY, 132a |

|week to focus on phonics, fluency, and |QUESTION OF THE DAY, 114a |What kind of surprise would be fun to |What would you like to do or see in a |How do you think a forest is a |

|content knowledge) |What kind of surprise would be fun to |find? |forest? |community? |

|QUESTION OF THE WEEK, 112l |find? |Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 114b |Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 116b |Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 132b |

|How do plants and animals live together? |Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 114b |1.13.B.2.c |1.13.B.2.c |1.13.B.2.c |

|1.6.B.1.c |1.13.B.2.c |Big Book A Frog in the Bog |Big Book A Frog in the Bog |Read Aloud Anthology "Why Beavers Love |

|Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 112m |Big Book A Frog in the Bog |Amazing Words inhale, slimy |Amazing Word sludge |   Wolves" |

|1.13.B.2.c |Amazing Words inhale, slimy |Phonemic Awareness, 114b |Phonemic Awareness, 116b |Amazing Words capture, creature |

|Sing with Me Big Book, Song 11 |Phonemic Awareness, 114b |Add Final Phonemes /t/, /d/, /ed/ |Blend and Segment Phonemes |Phonemic Awareness, 132b |

|Amazing Words environment, require, |Add Final Phonemes /t/, /d/, /ed/ |Phonics, 114c–114d |Phonics, 116c–116d |Blend and Segment Phonemes |

|thrive |Phonics, 114c–114d |[pic]Introduce Inflected Ending -ed [pic]|[pic]Long u (CVCe), Long e (CVCe), |High-Frequency Words, 132c |

|Phonemic Awareness, 112m |[pic]Introduce Inflected Ending -ed [pic]|Spelling, 114e |[pic]Inflected Ending -ed [pic] |Practice around, find, food, grow, |

|Substitute Phonemes |Spelling, 114e |Dictation |Spelling, 116d |under, water [pic] |

|Phonics, 112n–112o |Dictation |[pic]Decodable Reader 22 |Practice |Phonics, 132c–132d |

|[pic]Introduce Long u (CVCe),Long e |[pic]Decodable Reader 22 |Grouping Options 112f–112g Review |[pic]Life in the Forest, 116e–131 1.6.B.1.c |[pic]Long o and Contractions n't, 'm, |

|[pic](CVCe) [pic] |Grouping Options 112f–112g Review |High-Frequency Words | |'ll [pic] |

|Spelling, 112p Pretest |High-Frequency Words |Check Comprehension |Grouping Options |[pic]Word Reading [pic] |

|[pic]Decodable Reader 21 |Check Comprehension |Reread for Fluency |112f–112g Introduce Selection Words |Spelling, 132e |

|Grouping Options 112f–112g Review |Reread for Fluency |High-Frequency Words, 114–115 |bear, forest, hummingbirds, leaves, |Partner Review |

|High-Frequency Words |High-Frequency Words, 114–115 |Introduce around, find, food, grow, |squirrels, woodpecker |[pic]"A Mangrove Forest," 132–135 |

|Check Comprehension |Introduce around, find, food, grow, |under, water [pic] |Review High-Frequency |1.6.B.1.c |

|Reread for Fluency |under, water [pic] |Interactive Writing, 115a |   Words[pic] |[pic]Leveled Readers |

|Build Background, 112r–113 |Interactive Writing, 115a |Math Story 1.8.5.B.5.c |around, find, food, grow, under, water |Grouping Options |

|Communities in Nature |Math Story 1.8.5.B.5.c |Grammar, 115b |Fluency, 131a |112f–112g Multiple-Meaning Words 1.3.a |

|Listening Comprehension, 113a–113b |Grammar, 115b |Practice One and More Than One [pic]1.10,|Attend to Punctuation | |

|[pic]Author's Purpose [pic] |Practice One and More Than One [pic]1.10,|1.10.B.3 |[pic]Vocabulary, 131b |Reading Across Texts |

|Shared Writing, 113c |1.10.B.3 |Speaking and Listening, 115c |Multiple-Meaning Words 1.3.a |Fluency, 135a |

|Report 1.8.5.B.5.c |Speaking and Listening, 115c |Describe a Photo or Illustration |[pic]Author's Purpose [pic] |Attend to Punctuation |

|Grammar, 113d |Describe a Photo or Illustration | |[pic]Preview the Text |Writing Across the Curriculum, 135b |

|Introduce One and More Than One | |Workbook |[pic]Cause and Effect [pic] |Captions 1.8.5.B.5.c |

|[pic]1.10, 1.10.B.3 |Workbook |Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c |Trait of the Week, 131c |Grammar, 135c |

|Workbook |Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c | |Introduce Voice |Review One and More Than One [pic] |

|Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c | | |Grammar, 131d |1.10, 1.10.B.3 |

| | | |Write with One and More Than One [pic] |Workbook |

| | | |1.10, 1.10.B.3 |Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c |

| | | |Workbook | |

| | | |Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c | |

|COS Objectives for November |

|1.3.a Demonstrate vocabulary skills including sorting words into categories. Examples: categories, |1.10 Use a word that names a person, place, thing, or animal as the subject of a sentence |

|synonyms, antonyms, homonyms |1.10.B.3 Identifying singular and plural nouns |

|1.6.B.1.c Identifying problems and solutions in a variety of texts |1.13.B.2.c Making connections to literature read aloud ex. .text to world |

|1.8.5.B.5.c Using expository mode of writing | |

Kathy Sanderson, 1st Grade

|Reading Unit 2.6 Time for Science: Honeybees |

|[pic]Targeted Skills for the Week Phonics: long e (ee, e), syllables VCCV |

|Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast Comprehension Strategy: Preview |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Read Naturally Daily (we do 2-3 stories a|QUESTION OF THE DAY, 140a |QUESTION OF THE DAY, 142a |QUESTION OF THE DAY, 160a |QUESTION OF THE DAY, 162a |

|week to focus on phonics, fluency, and |Would you like to have a frog for a pet? |What do you know about bees? |Why do you think a community needs a leader |How can insects be like a community? |

|content knowledge) |Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 140b |Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 142b |to be in charge? 1.6.B.1.c |Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 162b |

|QUESTION OF THE WEEK, 138l |1.13.B.2.c |1.13.B.2.c |Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 160b |1.13.B.2.c |

|How is a community of insects like a |Big Book A Frog in the Bog |Big Book A Frog in the Bog |1.13.B.2.c |Read Aloud Anthology "The Ant Parade" |

|community of people? |Amazing Words creep, slither |Amazing Word romp |Read Aloud Anthology "The Ant Parade" |1.6.B.1.c |

|Oral Vocabulary/Share Literature, 138m |Phonemic Awareness, 140b |Phonemic Awareness, 142b |1.6.B.1.c |Amazing Words Review |

|1.13.B.2.c |Blend and Segment Syllables |Blend and Segment Syllables |Amazing Words eagerly, wander |Phonics, 162c |

|Sing with Me Big Book, Song 12 |Phonics, 140c–140d |Phonics, 142c–142d |Phonemic Awareness, 160b |[pic]Review Long e: e, ee and Syllables|

|Amazing Words individual, industrious, |[pic]Introduce Syllables VCCV [pic] |[pic]Long e: e, ee and Syllables VCCV |Identify and Isolate Phonemes | |

|special |Spelling, 140e |[pic] |High-Frequency Words, 160c |VCCV [pic] |

|Phonemic Awareness, 138m |Dictation |Spelling, 142dPractice |Practice also, family, new, other, |High-Frequency Words, 162c |

|Substitute /[pic]/ for /e/ |[pic]Decodable Reader 24 |[pic]Honey Bees, 142e–159 |some, their [pic] |Review also, family, new, other, |

|Phonics, 138n–138o |Grouping Options 138f–138g Review |Grouping Options |Phonics, 160c–160d |some, their [pic] |

|[pic]Introduce Long e: e, ee [pic] |High-Frequency Words |138f–138g Introduce Selection Words |[pic]Long u, Long e (CVCe); Ending-ed [pic] |Spelling, 162d |

|Spelling, 138p |Check Comprehension |cold, flowers, honey, nectar, worker |[pic]Word Reading [pic] |Test |

|Pretest |Reread for Fluency |Review High-Frequency |Spelling, 160e |[pic]Leveled Readers1.6.B.1.c |

|[pic]Decodable Reader 23 |High-Frequency Words, 140–141 |   Words[pic] |Partner Review |Grouping Options |

|Grouping Options 138f–138g Review |Introduce also, family, new, other, |also, family, new, other, some, their |[pic]"The Ants Go Marching," 160–161 Leveled|138f–138g Monitor Progress, 162e–162g |

|High-Frequency Words |some, their [pic] |Fluency, 159a |Readers 1.6.B.1.c |Read the Sentences |

|Check Comprehension |Interactive Writing, 141a |Read with Accuracy and Appropriate Rate |Grouping Options |Read the Story |

|Reread for Fluency |Description 1.8.5.B.5.c |[pic]Vocabulary, 159b |138f–138g Antonyms 1.3.a |Writing and Grammar, 162–163 |

|Build Background, 138r–139 |Grammar, 141b |Antonyms 1.3.a |Reading Across Texts |Develop Focus/Ideas 1.8.5.B.5.c |

|Communities in Nature |Practice Nouns in Sentences 1.10, |[pic]Compare and Contrast [pic] |Fluency, 161b |Use Nouns in Sentences 1.10, 1.10.B.3 |

|Listening Comprehension, 139a–139b |1.10.B.3 [pic] |[pic]Preview |Read with Accuracy and |[pic] |

|[pic]Compare and Contrast [pic] |Speaking and Listening, 141c |[pic]Author's Purpose [pic] |   Appropriate Rate |Research/Study Skills, 163a |

|Shared Writing, 139c |Retell a Message |[pic]Trait of the Week, 159c |Writing Across the Curriculum, 161c |Picture Dictionary |

|Facts 1.8.5.B.5.c | |Introduce Focus/Ideas |Elaboration 1.8.5.B.5.c | |

|Grammar, 139d |Workbook |Grammar, 159d |Grammar, 161d |Workbook |

|Introduce Nouns in Sentences 1.10, |Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c |Write with Nouns in Sentences 1.10, |Review Nouns in Sentences 1.10, 1.10.B.3 |Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c |

|1.10.B.3 [pic] | |1.10.B.3 [pic] |[pic] | |

|Workbook | | | | |

|Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c | |Workbook |Workbook | |

| | |Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c |Journal 1.8.5.B.5.c | |

|COS Objectives for November |

|1.3.a Demonstrate vocabulary skills including sorting words into categories. Examples: categories, |1.10 Use a word that names a person, place, thing, or animal as the subject of a sentence |

|synonyms, antonyms, homonyms |1.10.B.3 Identifying singular and plural nouns |

|1.6.B.1.c Identifying problems and solutions in a variety of texts |1.13.B.2.c Making connections to literature read aloud ex. .text to world |

|1.8.5.B.5.c Using expository mode of writing | |

Kathy S. Sanderson, 1st Grade

|Reading Unit 2 Review/Assessment |

|[pic]Targeted Skills for the Week Phonics: Review all short and long vowels Read stories to reinforce phonics, high frequency words, comprehension skills, remediation of skills from assessment |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Read Naturally Daily (we do 2-3 stories a|Read Naturally Daily (we do 2-3 stories a| | | |

|week to focus on phonics, fluency, and |week to focus on phonics, fluency, and | | | |

|content knowledge) |content knowledge) | | | |


|COS Objectives for November |

|1.3.a Demonstrate vocabulary skills including sorting words into categories. Examples: categories, |1.10 Use a word that names a person, place, thing, or animal as the subject of a sentence |

|synonyms, antonyms, homonyms |1.10.B.3 Identifying singular and plural nouns |

|1.6.B.1.c Identifying problems and solutions in a variety of texts |1.13.B.2.c Making connections to literature read aloud ex. .text to world |

|1.8.5.B.5.c Using expository mode of writing | |


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