Phonemic awareness lesson plans 1st grade


Phonemic awareness lesson plans 1st grade

A ratio is a numerical comparison of two or more quantities that indicates their relative sizes. Help sixth-grade students demonstrate their understanding of the concept of a ratio by using ratio language to describe relationships between quantities in this lesson plan. This lesson is designed to last one standard class period or 60 minutes. These are the key elements of the lesson: Materials: Pictures of animals Key vocabulary: ratio, relationship, quantity Objectives: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the concept of a ratio by using ratio language to describe relationships between quantities. Standards met: 6.RP.1. Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. For example, "The ratio of wings to beaks in the bird house at the zoo was 2:1 because for every two wings there was one beak." Take five to 10 minutes to do a class survey. Depending on the time and management issues you may have with your class, you can ask the questions and record the information yourself, or you can have the students design the survey themselves. Gather information such as: Number of people with blue eyes compared to brown eyes in the class Number of people with shoelaces compared to fabric fastener Number of people with long sleeves and short sleeves Start by showing a picture of a bird. Ask students questions such as, "How many legs? How many beaks?" Then follow these steps. Show a picture of a cow. Ask students: "How many legs? How many heads?" Define the learning target for the day. Tell the students: "Today we will explore the concept of ratio, which is a relationship between two quantities. What we will try to do today is compare quantities in ratio format, which usually looks like 2:1, 1:3, 10:1, etc. The interesting thing about ratios is that no matter how many birds, cows, shoelaces, etc. you have, the ratio--the relationship--is always the same." Review the picture of the bird. Construct a T-chart--a graphical tool used for listing two separate viewpoints of a topic--on the board. In one column, write "legs," in another, write "beaks." Tell the students: "Barring any truly injured birds, if we have two legs, we have one beak. What if we have four legs? (two beaks)" Tell students that for birds, the ratio of their legs to beaks is 2:1. Then add: "For every two legs, we'll see one beak." Construct the same T-chart for the cows. Help students see that for every four legs, they'll see one head. Consequently, the ratio of legs to heads is 4:1. Use body parts to further demonstrate the concept. Ask students: "How many fingers do you see? (10) How many hands? (two)" On the T-chart, write 10 in one column, and 2 in the other. Remind students that the goal with ratios is to get them to look as simple as possible. (If your students have learned about greatest common factors, this is much easier.) Ask students: "What if we only had one hand? (five fingers) So the ratio of fingers to hands is 5:1." Do a quick check of the class. After students write the answers to these questions, have them do a choral response, where the class gives answers orally in unison for the following concepts: Ratio of eyes to heads Ratio of toes to feet Ratio of legs to feet Ratio of: (use survey answers if they are easily divisible: shoelaces to fabric fastener, for example) As students are working on these answers, walk around the class so that you can see who is having a hard time recording anything, and which students write their answers down quickly and confidently. If the class is struggling, review the concept of ratios using other animals. Choosing the best homeschool curriculum for this homeschool year involves understanding what will be covered in each of the 7th grade lesson plans. Time4Learning breaks this down for parents in easy-to-understand charts for each core subject: math, language arts, science, and social studies. We know that homeschool parents have a lot on their plate. Our aim is to take the stress and complication out of planning out 7th grade lessons. Time4Learning has already mapped out a comprehensive, standards-based homeschool program that your student can dive into from the moment your subscription begins. Some parents like to create their own lesson plans for other subjects they'd like to incorporate in their homeschool. For those parents looking put together their own lesson plans for seventh grade as a whole, or to include supplemental subjects here's how you can start: Decide on the length of your plan (full year, semester, quarter or month). Create a timeline that includes the desired lessons. Set a schedule for your lessons (weekly, daily) Start a plan for each individual lesson (tools, materials, approach) Set learning targets for each. Get familiar with the recommended activities. Gather the materials needed. Evaluate your student's mastery on each concept. The Time4Learning 7th grade lessons in math incorporate 25 chapters and over 570 individual multimedia activities. Your student learns all the fundamental math standards for seventh grade through a combination of animated lessons, instructional videos, quizzes and tests. Topics covered in our 7th grade lessons include: Reading and writing whole numbers and decimals in expanded form Applying properties of rational numbers to solve problems Solving real-world problems including discounts, simple interest, taxes, and tips Finding the greatest common factor and least common multiple of two or more numbers Solving and explaining problems involving perimeter, area, circumference Comparing units of measurement within a system (metric or customary) Over 200 video, multimedia activities, and interactive assessments are included in Time4Learning's seventh grade language arts curriculum to ensure that student instruction is varied and engaging. Students will focus on further advancing their writing, comprehension, and literature skills with a program that correlates to all state standards. Topics covered in our 7th grade lessons include: Applying their knowledge of word origins and word relationships Identifying idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes in prose and poetry Determining the theme of a text as well as the author's purpose Organizing informative/explanatory writing by definition, classification, cause and effect, comparison and contrast Quoting and paraphrasing information from sources Understanding and using all parts of speech, including plural nouns, possessive nouns, verb tenses, adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, and conjunctions 10 chapters with over 350 activities are included in our earth science curriculum, the recommended course for 7th graders. Topics covered in our 7th grade lessons for science include: Earth and its organisms. The different minerals and their formation. Plate tectonics, seafloor, volcanoes and erosion. Structure and composition of Earth's atmosphere. Earth's resources, land, energy, air, water and the human impact on each. The solar system, planets and other objects. Star systems and galaxies. Space exploration. Each one of our social studies courses for middle school include more than 7 chapters and anywhere between 300+ and 600+ activities per course to broaden your student's knowledge of the world. Lessons will vary depending on the curriculum you choose. But here's a sample of what is covered in our world cultures and geography course, one of the recommended courses for 7th grade. People and their environment. Economic and political geography. Physical geography and cultural foundations in Africa. Physical geography and cultural foundations in the Middle East. Physical geography and cultural foundations in India and Southeast Asia. Physical geography and cultural foundations in Europe. Physical geography and cultural foundations in Latin America and the Caribbean. Physical geography and cultural foundations in the U.S. and Canada Physical geography and cultural foundations in Australia and Oceania. One of the reasons that Time4Learning is such a valuable homeschooling tool is because our curriculum takes care of all the lesson planning for an entire grade level. Our program requires no special preparation; your 7th grader can log in and begin learning from the first day of your subscription! Parents can preview all the 7th grade lesson plans for each subject. Each one includes: Name of each lesson and activity Description and objective Activity type (scored, non-scored, test) Activity number Number of chapters, activities, quizzes within each subject Time4Learning provides all the lesson planning for second grade students so parents can focus on other aspects of homeschooling. However, parents have the ability to make modifications to our existing lesson plans or create their own. If you love to create your own lesson plans, below are a few tips on getting started: Set some objectives for each lesson. Make sure to write an outline and include any materials needed to complete the lesson. Create a timeline for your lessons. Make sure to include introductions before the lessons such as asking questions to engage your students. Have some basic facts ready to present the information you are giving your students. Assign activities to measure your student's knowledge on each lesson. Encourage students to ask questions and allow plenty of time to clear up any confusions. Wrap up lessons by going over them again. Your second grader will be building on what he or she has learned in math this year. The numerical foundation of kindergarten and first grade will be used to practice solving real world problems. They will be using their grasp of numbers to compare, measure, order, and interpret data. They will also build fluency with math facts. Time4Learning's lesson plans for second grade math cover 18 chapters with over 200 lessons, activities, worksheets, and assessments. Examples of math lesson plans your second grader will cover include: Zero as a Placeholder Estimate Sums and Differences Add and Subtract Money Horizontal and Vertical Lines Seasons and Temperatures Your second grader is becoming an independent reader, but they still need support in decoding unfamiliar words and understanding and summarizing what they are reading. They will begin writing simple stories this year and will build their knowledge and use of grammar conventions. Time4Learning's second grade language arts lesson plans and language arts extensions cover 31 chapters with over 500 lessons, activities, printables, and assessments. Examples of language arts lesson plans your second grader will cover include: Context Clues -ing Endings Plurals Identifying Cause and Effect Prefixes and Suffixes Second grade students will demonstrate an understanding of scientific inquiry, including the skills, processes, and tools necessary to conduct a simple scientific investigation. This year they will learn more about life science, weather, matter, and magnetics. Time4Learning's second grade science lesson plans include over 180 lessons, activities, games, printables, offline experiments, and assessments. Examples of science lessons plans your second grader will encounter are: Energy Sources STEM Skills Offline Grouping Animals Water Cycle Earth's Solid Crust During this year, second grade students will get familiar with citizens' rights and responsibilities. They will also build map and globe skills and connect U.S. symbols to what they represent. Second graders will recognize the importance of different jobs in their community, as well. Time4Learning's second grade social studies lesson plans serve as a jumping off point for helping your child learn about their community, nation, and world and their place in it. Examples of lesson plans included in the four chapters are: Happy Birthday Mr. Presidents Continents Let's Meet Needs Helping Hands in the Community Comprehensive lesson planning tools are available in your parent dashboard. You can drill down through your child's curriculum to view: Chapter lessons with detailed descriptions of the content covered Non-scored activities, quizzes and printable quiz answer keys Lesson worksheets and answer keys covering the materials presented Easy access to additional chapters within each subject The Lesson Planning area of the dashboard also allows you to plan out your homeschool year, if you desire. Parents who want more input into their child's schedule can use the optional tools to generate a detailed todo list of lessons and activities for each student.

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