Indiana Academic Standards 20141st Grade English/Language ArtsElectronic Resources Indiana Academic Standards 2014Electronic ResourcesREADING: Foundations1.RF.1: Develop an understanding of the five components of reading (print concepts, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, and fluency and comprehension) to build foundational reading skills.Print Awareness: An Introduction-Article Metalinguistic Awareness and Reading Comprehension with Riddles-Article Strategies-Resources Student Center Activities To Differentiate Reading Instruction- Guide Links Reading Kit First Grade Activities-Lessons Alphabetic Principle-Article Is Reading? Decoding and the Jabberwocky's Song-Article Portfolios: Using Poetry to Teach Reading-Lesson Plan: Students are expected to build upon and continue applying concepts learned previously.1.RF.2.2: Students are expected to build upon and continue applying concepts learned previously.1.RF.2.3: Recognize the components of a sentence (e.g., capitalization, first word, ending punctuation).Punctuation Penguins-Lesson the Correct Sentence-Website Capitals- Website: Learn and apply knowledge of alphabetical order.ABC Order-Website Games-Website Order-Website Zoo-Website: Students are expected to build upon and continue applying concepts learned previously.1.RF.3.2: Blend sounds, including consonant blends, to produce single- and multi-syllable words.Playing with Word Sounds: Stretch and Shorten-Article Awareness Activities-Lessons: Add, delete, or substitute sounds to change single-syllable words.Big Ideas in Beginning Reading-Phonemic Awareness-Professional Development: Distinguish beginning, middle (medial), and final sounds in single-syllable words.How Now Brown Cow: Phoneme Awareness Activities-Article Songwriting to Build Awareness of Beginning Letter Sounds-Lesson Plan Phonemic Awareness With Phoneme Isolation-Lesson Plan: Segment the individual sounds in one-syllable words.Phonemic Activities for the Preschool or Elementary Classroom-Article Awareness-Website Awareness-Article HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Segmenting Words 1 –Lesson Plan HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Segmenting Words 2 –Lesson Plan HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Segmenting Words 3 –Lesson Plan HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Segmenting Words 4 –Lesson Plan HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Segmenting Words 5 –Lesson Plan: Use letter- sound knowledge of single consonants (hard and soft sounds), short and long vowels, consonant blends and digraphs, vowel teams (e.g., ai) and digraphs, and r-controlled vowels to decode phonetically regular words (e.g., cat, go, black, boat, her), independent of context.Resource Room-Resource 1st Grade Language Arts Skills Builders-Resource Digraphs-Resource Ideas in Beginning Reading-Alphabetic Principle-Professional Development long and short of it!-Lesson Plan Phonics-Lesson Plan Generalizations in Chrysanthemum-Lesson Plan In Context-Lesson Plan: Decode one- syllable words in the major syllable patterns (CVC, CVr, V, VV, VCe), independent of context.Resource Room-Resource Awareness:Syllables Pop-Up Counting Quiz-Resource Phonics Activities- Lesson Plan Combinations Activities-Lesson Plan Instruction-Anita Archer-Video: Apply knowledge of final –e and common vowel teams (vowel digraphs) for representing long vowel sounds.Magic E: Decoding/encoding with CVC & CVCE-Lesson Plan Teams Predictable-Lesson Resource Lists for Long Vowels-Resource: Recognize and read common and irregularly spelled high- frequency words by sight (e.g., have, said).Dolch Words- Resource’s 300 Instant Sight Words-Resource Folk Tales: Vowel Influences on the Letter G-Lesson Plan Vocabulary Down By the Bay-Lesson Plan: Read words in common word families (e.g., -at, -ate).Meet the Word Families-Article the ig in Pig: Helping Children Discover Onset and Rime- Lesson Plan Sorts for Beginning and Struggling Readers-Lesson Plan Wizards: Students Making Words-Lesson Plan: Read grade- appropriate root words and affixes including plurals, verb tense, comparatives (e.g., look, -ed, -ing, -s, -er, - est), and simple compound words (e.g., cupcake) and contractions (e.g., isn’t).Prefixes and Suffixes Activities-Lesson Plan Verbs-Resource Word and Picture Cards-Resource Word Cards-Resource Word Sample List-Resource Memory Match-Student Website the Contraction-Student Website and Superlatives-Resource: Orally read grade-level appropriate or higher texts smoothly and accurately, with expression that connotes comprehension at the independent level.Fluency Instruction-Article Is Guided Oral Reading?-Article's Theater: Giving Students a Reason to Read Aloud- Article Ideas in Beginning Reading-Fluency -Professional Development Fluency through Group Literary Performance-lesson Plan Strategies and Examples-Fluency-Resource! The Internet Application for Creating Curriculum-Based Assessment Reading Probes-Teacher Tool Academic Standards 2014Electronic ResourcesREADING: Literature1.RL.1: With support, read and comprehend literature that is grade- level appropriate.Hooking Struggling Readers: Using Books They Can and Want to Read-Article Challenge of Challenging Text-Article Words Bookmark-Resource(Bookmark).psf.pdfSuper Six Comprehension & Good Reader Strategies-Resource Teacher Café-Reading Comprehension Strategies-Resource Place- Graphic Organizers to Grow By with Whootie Owl-Lesson Resource: Ask and answer questions about main idea and key details in a text.Revisiting Read-Aloud: Instructional Strategies that Encourage Students' Engagement with Text-Article Strategies to Teach Students Text Comprehension-Article Teaching for the Primary Grades: "We Can Do It, Too!"-Article Reading Strategies with Henry and Mudge-Lesson Plan: Retell stories, fables, and fairy tales in sequence, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.Reading Ring-Student Website of Peter Rabbit-Resource: Using key details, identify and describe the elements of plot, character, and setting.Strategies that Promote Comprehension-Article Maps-Lesson Resource Talk: Julius, the Baby of the World-Lesson Plan Theatre With Jan Brett-Lesson Plan Stew - Teaching Character, Plot, and Setting-Lesson Resource Book Template-Lesson Resource: Make and confirm predictions about what will happen next in a story.It Doesn’t Have to End That Way: Using Prediction Strategies with Literature-Lesson Plan With Meaning Chapter 8: Inferring-Article Comprehension Strategy-Article Predictions-Web Site: Identify the basic characteristics of familiar narrative text genres (e.g., fairy tales, nursery rhymes, storybooks).Reading Adventure Packs for Families-Lesson Resource’m Reading Online Starfall-Student Website Frames/Story Maps-Lesson Resource Map-Student Interactive World Knowledge: Motivating Children to Read and Enjoy Informational Text-Article Nonfiction Text Features-Lesson Resource Study: From Fiction to Facts-Lesson Plan’s Build a Snowman-Lesson Plan! Bear's Sleeping: Learning About Nonfiction and Fiction Using Read-Alouds-Lesson Plan: Identify who is telling the story at various points in a text.Character Map-Lesson Resource Journal for Corduroy: Responding to Literature-Lesson Plan and Castles: Interacting With Fractured Texas Tales-Lesson Plan: Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.Map it Out Exploring how illustrations contribute to the telling of a story-Lesson Plan Skeletons: Teaching Plot Structure with Picture Books-Article Frames-Lesson Resource: Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in parison-Contrast Charts-Lesson Resource Fiction and Nonfiction with "Little Red Riding Hood Text" Sets-Lesson Plan Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade-Article Cross-Curricular Activities-Article Two Character-Lesson Resource Plan: Cause and Effect-Lesson Plan Academic Standards 2014Electronic ResourcesREADING: Nonfiction1.RN.1: With support, read and comprehend nonfiction that is grade-level appropriate.Reading Informational Texts Using the 3-2-1 Strategy-Lesson Plan Strategies and Examples-Resource Study: From Fiction to Facts-Lesson Plan Geographic Kids-Resource Place Graphic Organizers-Resource Education-Resource for Literacy-Student Support: Ask and answer questions about key details to clarify and confirm understanding of a text.Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How-Graphic Organizer Reasons to Use Informational Text in Primary Grades-Article: Summarizing Informational Texts-Lesson Plan Informational Texts Using the 3-2-1 Strategy-Lesson Plan Frog Beyond the Fairy Tale Character: Searching Informational Texts-Lesson Plan: Retell main ideas and key details of a text.Main Idea: The Great Kapok Tree-Lesson Plan: A Journey in Nonfiction-Lesson Plan Educators-Main Ideas-Lesson Ideas: Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.The Case for Informational Text-Article of Events-Student Website: Know and use various text features (e.g., table of contents, glossary, illustrations) to locate and describe key facts or information in a text.Finding Nonfiction Features-Lesson Plan of a Book: Nonfiction-Resource The Parts Of A Book-Resource Features-Resource Guide-Article it Out Exploring how illustrations contribute to the telling of a story-Lesson Greeting Cards to Motivate Students and Enhance Literacy Skills-Lesson Plan a Story: Stepping from Pictures to Writing-Lesson Plan Inferences, Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing-Lesson Plan: Identify how a nonfiction text can be structured to indicate order (e.g., sequential) or to explain a simple cause and effect relationship.Cause and Effect-Graphic Organizer and Effect-Resource: Standard begins at second grade1.RN.4.1: Identify the reasons the author gives to support points in a text.How to Make Your Own Picture Book-Lesson Resource Fact to Fiction: Drawing and Writing Stories-Lesson Plan Idea Of A Whole Passage-Articles: Identifying Details-Article Doesn’t Have to End That Way: Using Prediction Strategies with Literature-Lesson Plan: Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic.Venn Diagram Rubric-Tool Diagram, 2 Circles-Graphic Organizer, Contrast, Comprehend: Using Compare-Contrast Text Structures with ELLs in K-3 Classrooms-Article and Contrasting Little Red Riding Hood Stories-Lesson Plan and Contrast-PowerPoint: Standard begins at sixth grade.Indiana Academic Standards 2014Electronic ResourcesREADING: Vocabulary1.RV.1: Use words, phrases, and strategies acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to literature and nonfiction texts to build and apply vocabulary.Word Study Instruction in the K-2 Classroom-Article Expressions for Everyday Events-Lesson Plan Uses: The 100 Most-Frequent Words in Written English-Teacher Resource Pictures-Teacher Resource Teacher Café-Vocabulary Strategies-Resource: Instructional Guidelines and Classroom Examples-Article Literacy Component: Morphology-Article Decoding-Article Words Cast Their Spell-Article: Demonstrate understanding that context clues (e.g., words and sentence clues) and text features (e.g., glossaries, illustrations) may be used to help understand unknown words. HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Identify and Define Multiple Meaning Words in Context-Instructional Routine HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Using Context Clues to Determine Word Meaning-Instructional Routine for Determining the Meaning of a Word-Lesson Plan Clues Challenge-Lesson Plan: Define and sort words into categories (e.g., antonyms, living things, synonyms).Word Analysis-Category Sort-Student Activity: Standard begins at sixth grade.1.RV.2.4: Recognize and use frequently occurring affixes, and roots and their inflections, as clues to the meaning of an unknown word.Word Study with Henry and Mudge-Lesson Plan: Standard begins at second grade.1.RV.3.1: Identify words and phrases in stories, poems, or songs that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses (touch, hearing, sight, taste, smell).Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein was published in 1974.-Lesson Plan: Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a nonfiction text.Teaching word identification- Article: Standard begins at third grade.Indiana Academic Standards 2014Electronic ResourcesWRITING1.W.1: Write routinely over brief time frames and for a variety of purposes and audiences.Teaching Elementary School Students to Be Effective Writers-Practice Guide to Read Evidence for How Writing Can Improve Reading-Practice Guide Support Quick Guide to Reaching Struggling Writers, K–5-Study Guide Instruction for Writing-Article Personal Narratives Into the Classroom-Article Writing Using A Frame-Anita Archer Video.: Write all uppercase (capital) and lowercase letters legibly, and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately.Want to Improve Children’s Writing? Don’t Neglect Their Handwriting-Practice Guide Practice Sheets-Lesson Resource: Students are expected to build upon and continue applying concepts learned previously.1.W.3.1: Write logically connected sentences to make a proposal to a particular audience (e.g., a parent, classmate, etc.) and give reasons why the proposal should be considered.Persuasive Writing in the Primary Grades-Workshop Help Desk Map Planning Sheet-Lesson Support Writing: What Can Writing in Family Message Journals Do for Students?-Lesson Plan Writing-Strategy Guide Critic Notebook-Lesson Resource Model for Persuasive Writing-Graphic Organizer : Develop a topic sentence or main idea, provide some facts or details about the topic, and provide a concluding statement.Science Notebooks-Lesson Resource Teacher's Guide to Using Newspapers to Enhance Language Arts Skills-Lesson Resource in Nonfiction: A Guided Inquiry Journey-Lesson Plan Diagram, 2 Circles-Graphic Organizer Hamburger-Lesson Resource Chart-Graphic Organizer Hamburger Paragraph-Graphic Organizer Idea-Graphic Organizer: Develop topics for stories or poems, using precise words to describe characters and actions and temporal words to signal event order, with ideas organized into a beginning, middle, and ending.National Writing Project-30 Ideas for Teaching Writing-Article“The Answer to Better Writing? Better Questions!”-Lesson Support Writing-Class Mascot Lesson Resource Words and Phrases-Lesson Resource Are Storyboards-Article Board-Lesson Resource and Graphic Organizer Fact to Fiction: Drawing and Writing Stories-Lesson Plan a Story About Me: Young Children Write Autobiographies-Lesson Plan the Circle: The Craft of Circular Plot Structure-Lesson Plan Family Message Journals-Lesson Plan, Middle and End Story Map-Graphic Organizer Starters-Student Resource Those Teeth-Lesson Plan: Apply the writing process to –With support, develop, select and organize ideas relevant to topic, purpose, and genre; revise writing to add details (e.g., sentence structure); edit writing for format and conventions (e.g., correct spelling of frequently used words, basic capitalization, end punctuation); and provide feedback to other writers.Use available technology to publish legible documents.Shared Writing-Strategy Guide Tips for Teaching the Conventions of Writing-Article Conferences-Article Workshop: Helping Writers Choose and Focus on a Topic-Lesson Plan Stories 2: Revising-Lesson Plan Writing Road: Reinvigorate Your Students' Enthusiasm for Writing-Article Ways to Use Digital Cameras-Lesson Support Wish- Lesson Plan Photos of Curious George: Exploring Character Through Images-Lesson Plan Experiences, Individual Impressions: Buddies Create PowerPoint Stories-Lesson Planning Cubes-Lesson Resource: With support, conduct simple research on a topic.Identify several sources of information and indicate the anize information, using graphic organizers or other aids.Make informal presentations on information gathered.Four Simple Steps to Small-Group Guided Writing-Lesson Plan Resource, bugs, bugs-Lesson Resource and Writing About Whales Using Fiction and Nonfiction Texts-Lesson Plan or Fiction: Learning About Worms Using Diary of a Worm-Lesson Plan Stories 1: Prewriting and Drafting-Lesson Plan Stories 2: Revising-Lesson Plan on a Class Book: Exploring Before-During-After Sequences-Lesson Plan the Think-Pair-Share Technique-Strategy Guide Question and Answer Books through Guided Research-Lesson Plan in Nonfiction: A Guided Inquiry Journey-Lesson Plan: Demonstrate command of English grammar and usage, focusing on:What Is the Difference Between Social and Academic English?-Article: Nouns/Pronouns – Writing sentences that include common and proper nouns and personal pronouns.Sentence Quest: Using Parts of Speech to Write Descriptive Sentences-Lesson Plan Dunk-Student Website Pronouns-Student Website and Plural Nouns-Student Website: Verbs – Writing sentences using verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future.Balloon Verb Game-Website Verbs- Resource Out Verbs and Prepositions-Lesson Support: What ARE You Doing?-Lesson Resource Verbs-YouTube Verb Agreement-Student Website: Adjectives/ Adverbs –Standard begins at second grade.1.W.6.1d: Prepositions –Standard begins at fourth grade.1.W.6.1e: Usage – Writing complete simple declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in response to prompts.How to Identify the Four Types of Sentences-Article Different Kinds of Sentences - The Peacock’s Feathers-Lesson Resource : Demonstrate command of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, focusing on:1.W.6.2a: Capitalization – Capitalizing the first word of a sentence, dates, names of people, and the pronoun I.ABC School Help Capitalization Lessons-Lesson Resource Capitals-Student Website: Punctuation –Correctly using a period, question mark, and exclamation mark at the end of a sentence.Using commas in dates and to separate items in a series.Pumpkin Punctuation-Lesson Plan Strategies for Commas in the First Grade-Article Chameleon-Student Website: Spelling –Spelling unknown words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions.Correctly spelling words with common spelling patterns.Correctly spelling common irregularly- spelled, grade- appropriate high- frequencywords.-website and Spelling: Practical Ideas for Parents-Article 10 Resources on Spelling and Word Study-Article Activities and Games-Student Websites Bee-Student Website Academic Standards 2014Electronic ResourcesSPEAKING & LISTENING1.SL.1: Listen actively and adjust the use of spoken language (e.g., vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes. Building a Sentence: A First Grade Lesson Plan the Think-Pair-Share Technique-Strategy Guide Personal Narratives Into the Classroom-Article Quest: Using Parts of Speech to Write Descriptive Sentences-Lesson Plan HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Lionel's Tall Tales Sentence Generator-Student Website Centers-Teacher Resource HYPERLINK "" \l "anchor_385" \t "_blank" Practice Reading Short Sentences – Focus on Fry Words-Student Website.: Participate in collaborative conversations about grade-appropriate topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. Literature Circle Resource Center-Article: Standard begins in third grade. 1.SL.2.3: Listen to others, take turns speaking about the topic, and add one’s own ideas in small group discussions or tasks. Creating Class Rules: A Beginning to Creating Community-Lesson Plan Clock Buddies-Teacher Resource: Ask questions to clarify information about topics and texts under discussion.Let's Talk About Stories: Shared Discussion With Amazing Grace-Lesson Plan: Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges. Reciprocal Teaching for the Primary Grades: "We Can Do It, Too!"-Article: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. Comprehension Strategies-School Tube Comprehension Instructional Routine: Answering Higher Level Questions-Lesson Resource Instructional Routine: Asking and Answering Lower-Level Questions-Lesson Plan Comprehension - First Grade-Instructional Routines: A Journey in Nonfiction-Lesson Plan Talk: Julius, the Baby of the World-Lesson Plan Questioning, The Mitten-Lesson Plan And Speaking Strategies-Lesson Plan for Teaching Children to Ask and Answer Questions-Teacher Resource Conversational Skills-Article Photos to Teach Conversation Skills-Article W's Chart-Graphic Organizer Organizers-Lesson Resource, What, When, Where, Why, and How-Graphic Organizer: Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says to clarify something that is not understood. Active Participation Instruction-Anita Archer-Video Retell-Anita Archer-Video Beaches-Lesson Resource 2: Table of Contents and Index-Lesson Plan Name Bingo with Chrysanthemum-Lesson Plan Guide (K-2)-Lesson Resource“Important Points”-Graphic Organizer : Speaking audibly and using appropriate language, recite poems, rhymes, songs, and stories, with careful attention to sensory detail when describing people, places, things, and events. Tips for Teaching Poetry-Resource Rhymes: Developing Phonemic Awareness-Lesson Plan HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Oral Language and Listening Comprehension Lesson Using Literature-Teacher Resource Table Activity - Describe me – Places-You Tube Video Audibly-Student Resource of Emotion (Classic Sesame Street)-You Tube Video and Response-Teacher Resource Management-Teacher Video Time: Sharing Personal Stories-Article and Tell Ideas-Article Free Feelings and Emotions Worksheets- Lesson Resource Emotions through Art Lesson 2—Everybody Needs Somebody- Lesson Plan Pictures-Article: Add drawings or other visual displays, such as pictures and objects, when sharing information to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Calvin's Final 1st Grade Presentation - How Plants Make Food-Sample Presentation a Story: Stepping from Pictures to Writing-Lesson Plan Pictures-Lesson Activity Making-Lesson Activity for First Grade Students-Lesson Resource: Give and follow three- and four-step directions. Indiana Academic Standards 2014Electronic ResourcesMEDIA LITERACY1.ML.1: Recognize the role of the media in informing, persuading, entertaining, or transmitting culture.1.ML.2.1: Demonstrate understanding of media by asking and answering appropriate questions about what is read, heard, or viewed.1.ML.2.2: Standard begins in fifth grade. ................

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