Dyslexia Battery—Test Options

Component SkillNorm-Referenced TestCriterion Referenced MeasureListening ComprehensionWIAT-III – Listening ComprehensionWJ-III Listening ComprehensionWoodcock Language Proficiency Battery- Listening Comp. subtestDAB-3Oral and Written Language Scales (OWLS) Reading ComprehensionWIAT III - Reading Comprehension (passage)WJ-III – Passage Comprehension (cloze) Word RecognitionWIAT III - Word ReadingWJ-III – Letter Word IdentificationWIST -Word Identification and Spelling Test SpellingWIAT III – SpellingWJ-III SpellingWISTDevelopmental SpellingAnalysis (DSA) from Word JourneysWords Their Way Spelling InventoryWilson Assessment of Decoding and Encoding (WADE)Decoding WIAT III - Pseudoword DecodingWJ-III Word Attack Decoding Skills Test (DST) – Phonic Patterns SubtestWADEAutomaticity of Word Reading/DecodingTOWREReading Fluency *GORT-4 Rate, Accuracy, Fluency (passage)WJ-III Reading Fluency (sentence level)WIAT-III Oral Reading Fluency (passage)DIBELS and AIMSweb (screening and progress monitoring only)Graded Reading Passages Phonological AwarenessComprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP)Phonological Awareness Test (PAT-2) Lindamood Auditory Conceptualization Test – 3rd Ed. (LAC-3) – manipulation taskInformal tasks – segmenting, blending, manipulating, etc.Written ExpressionTest of Written Language (TOWL-4) for 6th grade+WJ-III Written Expression subtestsWIAT-III Written Expression subtestsStory prompt (write for 5 minutes)Naming SpeedCTOPP Rapid Naming Subtests (letters, digits, objects, colors)CELF-4 Rapid NamingRAN/RAS testsAuditory Discrimination (optional)LAC-3Wepman Auditory Discrimination Test (K-2); Alternate (grade 3+)Tests for Younger Children (Ages 4 to 8) At-RiskComponent SkillNorm-Referenced TestAgesLanguage ComprehensionCELF-4 or TOLD P:3 or CASL (3 to 21)WIAT-III Listening ComprehensionTAPS-3 Auditory ComprehensionTAPS-3 Auditory Reasoning 4 to 85 to 194 to 134 to 13Auditory DiscriminationTAPS-3 Auditory Word Discrimination4 to 13Short-Term Auditory MemoryTAPS-3 Auditory Number Memory Forward & Reversed; Word Memory; Sentence MemoryCTOPP - Phonological Memory4 to 135 to 24Phonological AwarenessCTOPP-Phonological Awareness Phonological Awareness Test (PAT)5 to 244 to 9 Naming Speed (Retrieval) CTOPP Rapid Naming Subtests (letters, digits, colors, and objects)5 to 24 ................

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