APES- Water Exam

APES- Water Exam Name: _________________________

Multiple Choice- Circle the correct answer

1. The amount of the Earth’s surface that is covered by water is approximately:

a) 12% b) 36% c) 50% d) 75% e) 93%

2. An area where salt and freshwater mix that has a very high level of productivity is correctly called:

a) the open ocean b) the abyssal zone c) an estuary d) the wetlands

3. Which of the following best describes an unconfined aquifer? An area where:

a) water always comes to the surface

b) water is free to flow in all directions

c) water is held in place by impenetrable rocks

d) pollutants enter the aquifer

e) an aquifer’s discharge area is located

4. The hydrosphere includes all of the following EXCEPT:

a) watershed b) wetlands c) parent rock d) rivers e) lakes

5) Which is not an essential property of water?

a) surface tension b) heat capacity c) buoyancy d) heat tension

6) What is a tributary of a river?

a) a stream or river that connects the river to the oeean

b) a stream or river that flows into a larger stream or river from the surrounding drainage basin

c) a stream or river that ends before it reaches the river

d) a stream or river that branches off from the river before it reaches the ocean

7) The anthropocentric view of nature states:

a) nature and humans should live in harmony with the environment

b) nature is important and should be preserved at all costs

c) humans are the masters of the environment

d) nature is in control of humans

8) Approximately how much of the water on Earth is available for human consumption?

a) 99% b) 75% c) 25% d) 10% e) 3%

9) What is the biggest usage of domestic (homes) water use in the United States?

a) toilets b) bath/shower c) laundry/dishes d) drinking/cooking

10) What is a major cause of eutrophication?

a) agricultural runoff b) litter c) acid rain d) oil spills

11) As more people move the cities, the amount of available groundwater is reduced. This is because of:

a) more surface runoff b) greater evaporation c) greater transpiration

d) higher humidity e) dust contributing to atmospheric pollution

12) The largest use of freshwater around the world is:

a) watering people’s yards

b) doing laundry, showering, and other cleaning processes

c) drinking water

d) irrigating crops

e) operating power plants

13) As wetlands are drained due to the damming of rivers:

a) biodiversity is increased

b) salt water concentration in wetlands is decreased

c) freshwater concentration in wetlands is decreased

d) the amount of sediment in wetlands is decreased

e) the amount of pollutants in wetlands is decreased

14) Which of the following would improve the Aral Sea’s ecological problems?

a) Allowing farmers to continue pumping more water out of rivers to flush salts from the root zone of crops

b) Teaching farmers to use drip irrigation and other waste-saving techniques on crops

c) Encouraging people living around the Aral Sea to have more children to help around the farms

d) Damming the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers to control the flow of water downstream

e) Having farmers pump salt water out of the sea rather than out of the rivers to put onto their crops

15) The Ogallala Aquifer is:

a) a very small aquifer that is virtually nonexploitable

b) an aquifer with a very fast recharge rate

c) use to supply one-fifth of America’s water to irrigate crops

d) increasing by about 6 feet per year

e) is predicted to be the country’s only available drinking water by 2020

16) Which of the following is true regarding desalinization?

a) desalinization is very cheap

b) most countries around the world use desalinization for their drinking water

c) desalinization is a viable option to supply water for irrigation

d) the greatest amount of desalinization happens in the US

e) Reverse osmosis and distillation are commonly used for desalinization

17) The severest deserts in the world are caused by:

a) overdrawing surface water

b) overdrawing groundwater

c) lack of technology to appropriately conserve water

d) the rain shadow effect

e) watersheds and surface waters


Scientists designed an experiment to learn about the functioning of the hydrologic cycle and all the phosphorus cycle in a forest. Using two areas of the same size and geologic features, they cut all the trees down from one plot and did not disturb the other plot. They were able to accurately measure the amount of water that flowed out of the two plots as well as measure the amounts of phosphorus found in the runoff.

1a) Describe what the differences would be in the volume of water running off the two plots and give one reason why. Assume that the two areas received the same amounts of precipitation.

1b) Describe the differences in the levels of phosphorus found in the runoff of the two plots. Assume that both plots started off with the same amount of phosphorus in the soil.

1c) Describe one negative effect that might occur in a stream that receives the runoff water and sediment.

2) Explain how deforestation in the tropics would impact all of the following:

a) evapotranspiration

b) precipitation

c) surface runoff

d) water pollution

e) air pollution

3) Choose 1 Water Focus Area (Other than your own- classroom presentations) that we studied and be able to discuss the issues/problems and a possible solution.


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