Biology 218 – Human Anatomy - RIDDELL


General Anatomy and Physiology Greek and Latin

Match the term with its Greek and / or Latin meaning

|CODE |TERM |CODE |Greek / Latin Derivation |

| | | |Root, Prefix and / or Suffix |

|A |1/1,000th | |Af |

|B |1/1000,000th | |Ana D |

|C |Above normal | |Bio CD |

|D |Away | |Cerebro |

|E |Below normal | |Crani |

|AB |Between | |Cut |

|AC |Birth / Beginning | |Cyto |

|AD |Brain | |Ecto |

|AE |Cell | |Ef |

|BC |Cut | |Endo BE |

|BD |Foot | |Epi |

|BE |Inside | |Erythro ABC |

|CD |Life | |Gen |

|CE |Light | |Histo ACD |

|DE |Many | |Hydro |

|ABC |Red | |Hyper |

|ABD |Skull | |Hypo |

|ABE |Through / Across | |Inter AB |

|ACD |Tissue | |Iso |

|ACE |Toward | |Leuko |

|ADE |Up / Back | |Micro B |

|BCD |Water | |Milli |

|BCE | | |Osteo |

|BDE | | |Photo |

|CDE | | |Podo |

|ABCD | | |Poly DE |

|ABCE | | |Spino |

|ABDE | | |Sub |

|ACDE | | |Tomy BC |

|BCDE | | |Trans ABE |

|ABCDE | | |Troph |

| | | |Uro |

General Anatomy and Physiology Cell Anatomy

1. ________ are the fundamental units that make up all living things.

A. Compartments

B. Cells

C. Chromosomes

D. Coelom

E. Cristae

2. The reason that metabolizing cells are small in size is because

A. cells influence nearby cells to divide.

B. the surface area of a cell must be able to accomplish nutrient/waste exchange.

C. cells need to dissipate heat effectively.

D. mitosis occurs before cells reach a certain size.

E. cells need to communicate with adjacent cells.

Match the Items to their primary functions / definitions


|A |Chromosomes |ATP Generation |

|B |Cytoplasm |Condensed DNA A |

|C |Golgi body |Double membrane organelle containing DNA |

|D |Mitochondria |Integuement of the cell |

|E |Nucleolus |Manufacture of Ribosomes E |

|AB |Nucleus |Protein manufacture |

|AC |Plasma membrane |Protein Processing |

|AD |Ribosomes |The soluble and insoluble contents of a cell B |

| | |Cell structure |

Population and Resource Biology

3. In the associated figure, the humans have a high concentration of DDT because humans are….D

|Data |CODE |Relationship |

|[pic] |A |a more complex organism. |

| |B |an older organism. |

| |C |at the bottom of the food chain. |

| |D |at the top of the food chain. |

| |E |homoeothermic (warm-blooded). |

| |AB | |


General Anatomy and Physiology Organ Systems

Match the numbered COMPONENTS and FUNCTIONS with the respective SYSTEM to which they are most closely associated.


|Absorption of Nutrient B |A |Cardiovascular |Arteries And Veins A |

|Allergic And Immune Response E |B |Digestive |Brain, Axons, Neuroglia, Ascending Tracts AC |

|Chemical Homeostasis C |C |Endocrine |Bronchi, Bronchioles, Alveoli, Pulmonary Capillaries AE |

|Copulation AD |D |Integumentary |Esophagus, Liver, Pancreas, Gall Bladder Ileum B |

|External Ventilation AE |E |Lymph / Immune |Uterine Tubes, Vas deferens, Epidydimis Ovaries AD |

|Filtration And Elimination BD |AB |Muscular |Ligaments, Articulations, Osteocytes, Cartilage BC |

|Information Integration, Acute Homeostasis, Sensation AC |AC |Nervous |Nails, Sudiferous Glands, Hair , Smooth Muscle D |

|Calcium regulation, articulation, architecture,of Body BC |AD |Reproductive |Tendons, And Myofibrils, Sarcomeres AB |

|Toxin, Infection, Environmental, Thermal Protection D |AE |Respiratory |Thymus, Lacteals, Spleen, Lymph E |

|Voluntary Movement AB |BC |Skeletal |Thyroid, Pancreas, Ovary, Adrenals, Thymus C |

|Waste, Nutrient, Gas Transport A |BD |Urinary |Ureter, Urethra, Nephron, Penis BD |

| | | | |

General Anatomy and Physiology, Regions, Planes and Cavities

4. Studying all the superficial and internal features in one specific area of the body is called

A) gross anatomy.

B) surface anatomy.

C) systemic anatomy.

D) regional anatomy.

E) surgical anatomy.

5. The study of function is to ________ as the study of form is to anatomy.

A) physiology

B) histology

C) microscopic anatomy

D) systemic anatomy

E) cytology

6. The study of cells and cellular structures is called

A) gross anatomy.

B) cytology.

C) histology.

D) organology.

E) microbiology.

Histology Classification

Histology Answer Choices

|CODE |Histology |Histology cont. |

|A |Adipose |Lymphocytes |

|B |Areolar |Macrophage |

|C |Astrocytes |Microglia |

|D |Basophil |Monocyte |

|E |Blood |Muscle |

|AB |Bone |Nervous |

|AC |Cardiac |Neuroglia |

|AD |Cartilge |Neurons |

|AE |Cells |Neutrophil |

|BC |Ciliated |Non Ciliated |

|BD |CNS |Non Keratinized |

|BE |Columnar |Oligodendrocytes |

|CD |Compact |PNS |

|CE |Connective |Pseudostratified |

|DE |Cuboidal |Regular |

|ABC |Dense |Reticular |

|ABD |Elastic |Satellite |

|ABE |Eosinophil |Schwann |

|ACD |Ependymal |Simple |

|ACE |Epithelial |Skeletal |

|ADE |Erythrocytes |Smooth |

|BCD |Fibrous |Spongy |

|BCE |Fluid |Squamous |

|BDE |Hyaline |Stratified |

|CDE |Irregular |Supportive |

|ABCD |Keratinized |Transitional |

|ABCE |Leukocytes | |

|ABDE |Loose | |

|ACDE |Lymph | |

|BCDE | | |

|ABCDE |None of the above |None of the above |

Identify the missing terms of tissue classification on the following tables. Choose your answer from Histology above

|MAIN |Sub Type |Sub Type |Sub Type |Sub Type |Sub Type | | |

|Connective |Fibrous |Loose | |Areolar | | | |

| | | | |Adipose | | | |

| | | | |Reticular | | | |

| | |__ | |Regular | | | |

| | | | |Irregular | | | |

| | | | |Elastic | | | |

| |Supportive |Cartilage | |Hyaline | | | |

| | | | |Elastic | | | |

| | | | |Fibro | | | |

| | |Bone | |__ | | | |

| | | | |Spongy | | | |

| |Fluid |Blood | |Cells |Erythrocytes | | |

| | | | | |__ | |Eosinophil |

| | | | | | | |Basophil |

| | | | | | | |Neutriophil |

| | | | | | | |Monocyte |

| | | | | | | |Lymphocyte |

| | | | | | | |Macrophage |

| | | | | |Platelets | | |

| | | | |Plasma | | | |

| | |Lymph | |Lymph | | | |

Identify the missing terms of tissue classification on the following tables. Choose your answer from Histology above

|MAIN |Sub Type |Sub Type |Sub Type |Sub Type |Sub Type | | |

|Muscle |Skeletal | | | | | | |

| |__ | | | | | | |

| |Cardiac | | | | | | |

|_ |__ | | | | | | |

| |Neuroglia |CNS | | | | |Astrocytes |

| | | | | | | |Oligodendrocytes |

| | | | | | | |Ependymal |

| | | | | | | |Microglia |

| | |__ | | | | |Schwann |

| | | | | | | |Satellite |

|Epithelial |Simple |Cuboidal | | | | | |

| | |__ |Ciliated | | | | |

| | | |Non Ciliated | | | | |

| | |Squamous | | | | | |

| |Stratified |Columnar | | | | | |

| | |Cuboidal | | | | | |

| | |__ |Keratinized | | | | |

| | | |Non Keratinized | | | | |

| |Pseudostratified | | | | | |

| |Transitional | | | | | | |


7. Red bone marrow functions in the formation of

A) adipose tissue.

B) new bone.

C) blood cells.

D) osteoblasts.

E) osteocytes.

8. Regulatory functions of the skeletal system include

A) maintaining the normal concentrations of calcium and phosphate ions in body fluids.

B) absorbing the shock of unexpected rapid body movements.

C) facilitating transmission of nerve impulses.

D) cushioning abdominal organs such as the kidneys.

E) contracting muscles.

9. Which of the following is an example of the skeletal system's primary function of providing structural support?

A) Calcium salts are found in bone.

B) Bones change the magnitude and direction of the forces generated by skeletal muscles.

C) Red marrow fills the internal cavities of many bones.

D) The skull encloses the brain.

E) Individual bones provide a framework for the attachment of soft tissues and organs.

10. The primary function of ________ is exemplified when bones function as levers.

A) support

B) protection

C) movement

D) storage

E) blood cell production

11. How many thoracic vertebrae are there?

A. 5

B. 12

C. 18

D. 24

E. 33

12. All 12 pairs of ribs connect directly to the thoracic vertebrae in the back and the sternum in the front.

A. True

B. False

13. Which function of the skeleton do the rib cage, vertebral column, and skull represent?

A. support the body

B. protect soft body parts

C. produce blood cells

D. store minerals and fats

E. permit flexible body movement

14. Which function of the skeletal system requires that the leg bones be the strongest in the body?

A. They support the entire body.

B. They protect soft body parts.

C. They produce blood cells.

D. They store minerals and fat.

E. They permit flexible body movement.

15. What criterion is used to categorize the skeleton into axial and appendicular?

A. whether the bones are weight bearing or not

B. whether the bones lie on the midline or on a girdle

C. whether the bones are flat or long

D. whether the bones contain red bone marrow or yellow bone marrow

E. whether the bones articulate with the pelvis or not

16. A ligament connects

A. cartilage to bone.

B. muscle to bone.

C. bone to bone.


17. A tendon connects

A. cartilage to bone.

B. muscle to bone.

C. bone to bone.

18. Which statement regarding skeletal muscle is true?

A) Skeletal muscles are directly, but not indirectly, attached to bones.

B) Skeletal muscles do not contain connective tissue.

C) Skeletal muscles do not maintain body temperature.

D) Skeletal muscles do not contain nervous tissue.

E) Skeletal muscles contain blood vessels.

19. Which of the following occurs when tension production rises to a peak and very LITTLE OR NO brief periods of relaxation occur?

A) resting period

B) latency

C) tension plateau

D) incomplete tetanus

E) complete tetanus

Answer: E

Learning Outcome: 7-5

Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

20. Which of the following statements describes how muscles help maintain homeostasis?

A) The contractions of skeletal muscles pull on tendons and move elements of the skeleton.

B) Skeletal muscles are responsible for guarding the openings of the digestive and urinary tracts.

C) Skeletal muscles are responsible for the pumping action of the heart.

D) Skeletal muscles support the weight of some internal organs.

E) Skeletal muscle contractions help maintain body temperature.

Match the term with it definition muscular -skeletal movement.

|Definition |TERM |CODE |

|Increases the angle between articulating structures in a hinge joint and in the sagittal plane E |Abduction |A |

|Movement of a bone or appendage away from the midline A |Adduction |B |

|Decreases the angle at a given joint AB |Approximation |C |

|Movement of a bone or appendage toward the midline D |Circumduction |D |

| |Extension |E |

| |Flexion |AB |

| |Rotation |AC |


21. The brain and spinal cord comprise the

A) autonomic nervous system.

B) peripheral nervous system.

C) central nervous system.

D) efferent nervous system.

E) afferent nervous system.

22. In general, the nervous system

A) controls only conscious activities.

B) is fast acting.

C) is long lasting.

D) responds to changes in the external environment only.

E) is one of the simplest organ systems.

23. The part of the peripheral nervous system that brings information to the central nervous system is the

A) motor division.

B) afferent division.

C) efferent division.

D) autonomic division.

E) somatic division.

24. The division between the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system is based on the anatomical differences between cells in the two locations.

A. True

B. False

25. How are the nervous system and the endocrine system alike?

A. They both utilize axons and synapses.

B. They both regulate the activities of other systems.

C. They both utilize glands.

D. They both respond very rapidly to stimuli.

E. They both have an very prolonged response to stimuli.

26. Which of the following statements is true concerning the central nervous system? (Mark all that apply)

A. The central nervous system is made up of the spinal cord and the brain.

B. The brain and spinal cord contain only white matter--myelinated axons that run together in bundles.

C. Both the brain and spinal cord are protected by bone.

D. Both the brain and spinal cord are protected by meninges.

E. The spaces around the brain and spinal cord are filled with fluid.

27. Which of the following neurotransmitters usually depolarizes postsynaptic neurons?

A) serotonin

B) dopamine


D) acetylcholine

E) monoamine oxidase

28. The division of the autonomic nervous system that maintains homeostasis during stressful conditions is the

A) sympathetic division.

B) parasympathetic division.

C) thoracolumbar division.

D) arachnoid division.

E) somatic motor division.

Match the Special Sense to its functional stimulus. Place a check mark in the appropriate column for each sense. (Mark all that apply)

| |A |B |C |D |

|SENSE |Photo |Mechanical |General Somatic |Chemical |

|Taste D | | | | |

|Sight A | | | | |

|Hearing B | | | | |

|Smell C | | | | |

|Balance C | | | | |

|Internal body discomfort C | | | | |

|Integumentary pleasure C | | | | |

29. Olfactory receptors are examples of

A) pain receptors.

B) thermoreceptors.

C) mechanoreceptors.

D) chemoreceptors.

E) proprioceptors.

30. Sensory receptors that monitor the position of joints are called

A) nociceptors.

B) chemoreceptors.

C) thermoreceptors.

D) baroreceptors.

E) proprioceptors.

31. The space between the iris and the cornea is the

A) anterior chamber.

B) posterior chamber.

C) pupil.

D) aqueous humor.

E) vitreous body.


32. The nervous system (Mark all that apply)

A) produces rapid and specific responses to environmental stimuli.

B) communicates by the release of neurotransmitters.

C) continues to produce a response long after neural output ceases.

D) communicates primarily through blood vessels

E) communicates via electrical chemistry

33. The endocrine system does not (Mark all that apply)

A) releases chemicals into the bloodstream for distribution throughout the body.

B) releases hormones that alter the metabolic activities of many different tissues and organs simultaneously.

C) produces effects that can last for hours, days, and even longer.

D) communicates via electrical chemistry

E) evidence dysfunction related to disease and syndromes

34. Generally, the actions of hormones (Mark all that apply)

A) tend to be more widespread than actions of the nervous system.

B) are longer lasting than actions of the nervous system.

C) are slower to react than the nervous system.

D) cause changes in the machinery of the cells.

E) none of the above

35. The endocrine system (Mark all that apply)

A) releases neurotransmitters into the bloodstream for distribution throughout the body.

B) is regulated mainly by positive feedback.

C) produces effects that last for seconds or minutes.

D) is not involved in homeostasis.

E) relies on the release of chemicals that bind to target cells.

36. Generally, the actions of hormones

A) tend to be less widespread than actions of the nervous system.

B) can produce complex changes in physical structure and physiological changes.

C) are faster to react than the nervous system.

D) are shorter-lasting than the actions of the nervous system.

E) do not affect homeostasis.

Match the hormone with it principal organ of secretion

|Hormone |CODE |Organ / Gland / Structure responsible for secretion|

|Adrenocorticotropic Hormone |A |Anterior Pituitary |

|Aldosterone |B |Hypothalamus |

|Antidiuretic Hormone AC |C |Ovary |

|Calcitonin |D |Pancreas |

|Cortisol / Cortisone |E |Parathyroid Gland |

|Adrenaline AD |AB |Pineal Gland |

|Estrogen |AC |Posterior Pituitary |

|FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone |AD |Suprarenal Glands |

|Glucagon D |AE |Teste |

|Gonadocortcotropic Hormone |BC |Thymus |

|Human Growth Hormone |BD |Thyroid Gland |

|Insulin | | |

|Leutininzing Hormone | | |

|Melanocyte -stimulating hormone | | |

|Melatonin AB | | |

|Norepinephrine AD | | |

|Oxytocin AC | | |

|Pancreatic Polypeptide | | |

|Parathyroid Hormone | | |

|Progesterone | | |

|Prolactin | | |

|Releasing Hormones B | | |

|Somatostatin | | |

|Testosteone | | |

|Thymosin | | |

|Thyroid Hormone | | |

|Thyroid Stimulating Hormone | | |


37. Which of following is considered an accessory organ of the digestive system? (Mark all that apply)

A. liver

B. salivary glands

C. small intestines

D. pancreas

E. gallbladder

38. The process of mechanical digestion does not include (Mark all that apply)

A. breakdown of food particles by enzymes.

B. physically making food smaller and easier to handle.

C. churning of food in the muscular stomach.

D. synthesizing new nutrients.

E. absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream.

39. Which of the following is a function of the digestive system? (Mark all that apply).

A. to ingest food

B. to digest food into small nutrients so that the molecules that can pass through membranes

C. to absorb nutrient molecules

D. to eliminate indigestible remains

E. to protect against pathogens

40. A calorie unit used in food is equal to the amount of energy necessary to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water ________ degree(s) Celsius.

A) 1

B) 2

C) 10

D) 100

E) 1,000


41. 1) Air entering the body is filtered, warmed, and humidified by the

A) upper (conducting) portion of the respiratory tract.

B) lower (respiratory) portion of the respiratory tract.

C) lungs.

D) alveoli.

E) bronchioles.

42. Functions of the respiratory system include

A) protecting respiratory surfaces from dehydration, and temperature changes.

B) producing leukocytes.

C) generating neurotransmitters.

D) providing erythrocytes.

E) melanin synthesis and utilization.

43. Microorganisms removed from incoming air by the mucus of the respiratory tract are ultimately exposed to

A) toxins in the mucus.

B) the cilia.

C) stomach acids and enzymes.

D) a lack of nutrients.

E) erythrocytes.

44. The nasal cavity opens into the nasopharynx at the

A) internal nares.

B) external nares.

C) vestibules.

D) turbinates.

E) palatines.


45. The THREE components of the cardiovascular system are __________.

a) the heart, Vena cavae and the aorta

b) the heart, the veins and all the arteries

c) the heart, blood and the blood vessels

d) the blood vessels and the lymphatic system and the heart

46. The function of hemoglobin is to

A) bind and transport oxygen and carbon dioxide.

B) protect the body against infectious agents.

C) aid in the process of blood clotting.

D) carry nutrients from the intestine to the body's cells.

E) absorb and neutralize the acids generated by active tissues.

47. 14) ________ are the most abundant cell population of the formed elements of blood.

A) Erythrocytes

B) Platelets

C) Neutrophils

D) Lymphocytes

E) Monocytes

48. Atrioventricular valves prevent backflow into the

A) ventricles.

B) atria.

C) venae cavae.

D) aorta.

E) pulmonary trunk.

49. 6) Blood returning directly from the systemic circulation enters the

A) right atrium.

B) right ventricle.

C) left atrium.

D) left ventricle.

E) pulmonary trunk.

50. The tricuspid valve is located

A) in the opening of the aorta.

B) in the opening of the pulmonary trunk.

C) where the vena cavae join the right atrium.

D) between the right atrium and right ventricle.

E) between the left atrium and left ventricle.

51. The left and right coronary arteries supply blood to the muscle tissue of the

A) intestines.

B) head.

C) brain.

D) heart.

E) liver.

52. 1)The heart and pericardium are located within the by the

A) pleural cavity.

B) peritoneal cavity.

C) cardiac skeleton.

D) mediastinum.

E) coronary sinus.

53. 24) The term blood pressure refers to the pressure in ________ of the cardiovascular system.

A) the venous component

B) the capillary vessels

C) all the vessels

D) the arterial vessels

E) the arteriovenous component

54. The vessels that permit exchange of materials between the blood and the surrounding interstitial fluid are termed

A) capillaries.

B) arterioles.

C) arteries.

D) venules.

E) veins.

55. Blood flowing out of a capillary bed first enters structures called ________.

A) arterial anastomoses

B) venous valves

C) arteriovenous anastomoses

D) precapillary sphincters

E) venules


56. ________ are large lymphoid nodules that are located in the walls of the pharynx.

A) Tonsils

B) Peyer patches

C) Lymph nodes

D) Complements

E) Thymus glands

57. A foreign microorganism that may cause disease in humans is called a(n)

A) pathogen.

B) antigen.

C) antibody.

D) pathology.

E) plaque.

58. The two collecting ducts that ultimately drain the lymphatic vessels are the

A) thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct.

B) lumbar duct and left lymphatic duct.

C) intestinal duct and left celiac trunk.

D) bronchomediastinal duct and subclavian duct.

E) thyrocervical trunk and bronchomediastinal duct.


59. The portion of the small intestine that is closest to the stomach is the

A) ileum.

B) colon.

C) cecum.

D) jejunum.

E) duodenum.

60. The movement of small organic molecules, electrolytes, vitamins, and water across the digestive epithelium and into the intestinal fluid of the digestive tract is called

A) secretion.

B) ingestion.

C) digestion.

D) absorption.

E) excretion.

61. The sum of all of the chemical reactions occurring within the human body is called

A) glycolysis.

B) oxidation.

C) catabolism.

D) anabolism.

E) metabolism.


62. Organs of the urinary system that are actively involved with urine transport are the

A) urethra and ureters.

B) kidneys and bladder.

C) ureters and kidneys.

D) urethra and bladder.

E) kidneys and urethra.

63. Urine is temporarily stored by the

A) liver.

B) urinary bladder.

C) kidney.

D) ureter.

E) urethra.

64. Which of the following transports urine from the kidney toward the bladder?

A) small intestine

B) prostate

C) liver

D) ureter

E) urethra

65. The kidneys

A) transport urine, as well as semen, in males.

B) are covered by a layer of muscularis mucosa.

C) conduct urine to the exterior.

D) produce urine.

E) temporarily stores urine prior to elimination.

66. By adjusting the volume of water lost in urine, and releasing erythropoietin and renin, the urinary system specifically functions in

A) helping to stabilize blood pH.

B) conserving valuable nutrients.

C) regulating blood pressure.

D) regulating plasma concentrations of sodium, potassium, chloride, and other ions.

E) controlling the concentration of calcium ions.


Classify each of the following items WITH ITS MOST APPROPRIATE structure / organ / organ system / function

ITEMUnique To Fem Repro and















Corpus luteum

Ductus deferens

Fallopian tube



Spongy urethra



When labor begins, the fetal pituitary gland secretes ________, which may be the actual trigger for the onset of labor.

A) prolactin

B) hCG

C) oxytocin

D) growth hormone

E) thyroxine

The last stage of labor is the

A) dilation stage.

B) expulsion stage.

C) placental stage.

D) decidual stage.

E) neonate stage.

Genetics and Inheritance

How many chromosome pairs does a typical / normal human cell have?

A. 22

B. 23

C. 44

D. 46

E. 92

How many autosomes pairs does a typical / normal human cell have?



B. 25

C. 46

D. 50

E. 92

When you describe a person as having attached ear lobes, you are describing their genotype.

 A. True

B. False

When you describe an organism as being heterozygous for the attribute / trait you are describing the phenotype

 A. True

B. False


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