|Sense of Place | Year 10 | 9 weeks |

|Areas of Art, Design and Craft covered in |TERM: |STYLE OF WORK: |

|unit: | | |

| | Spring 2 and Summer | Individual |

| Painting Drawing | | |

|Print-Making Collage | | |

|Mixed Media Photography | | |

|Computer manipulation | | |

|VISUAL ELEMENTS COVERED: |Assessment Objectives Covered |

|Line Tone Colour Pattern Texture Shape|AO1, AO2, AO3 and AO4 |

|Form Space | |

|  |

|Documentary photographer, screen print, acetate, |

|  |


|XXX |

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|XX |XXX |



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|Major contributions to cross-curricular themes: |

|Citizenship |Exploring ideas, feelings and issues, making a personal response, developing self-esteem, valuing different ideas and respect of others opinions, developing an understanding of how |

| |artworks reflect social, political and cultural values. |

|Language development |Speaking and listening: |

| |Speculate and wonder about |

| |Express views and feelings |

| |Consolidate ideas and understanding. |

|Numeracy |Understanding scale and proportion. |

| ICT |Use of the internet to research artists and ideas |

| |Use of Pixelmator to develop artwork |

| |Typing up of notes for some pupils. |


|Research – Images and artists | |

|Develop ideas through investigations into contextual and other sources, showing analytical understanding | |

|Studies of others’ work |All artist pages should include notes on the artist, how own ideas relate to the artist work and|

|Primary source photographs – Brighton Beach, pier, shops, street life etc. |studies that demonstrate students understanding of the work. |

|Secondary source images |Photographs from Brighton trip used to inspire work throughout the project. |

|Development within their work |Exploration of techniques used by the artist including notes. |

|Visual and written comments |Imagery sourced from books, magazines and the internet to inspire artwork. |

|Annotated drawings of selected artworks in different media | |

|Opinions and understanding of the work | |

|Links to pupils own work | |

|Experiment – Media | |

|Refine ideas through experimenting and experimenting. | |

|Exploring ideas and making selections |Variety of media used over the project e.g. pencil watercolour, photography, collage, mixed |

|Exploring different media |media, computer manipulation, line work and acrylic painting. |

|Trying out different compositions and viewpoints |Experiments and studies using a variety of media and techniques based on own photographs taken |

|Using different colour ways |on trip and secondary source images. |

|Manipulating images | |

|Demonstrate understanding of techniques and processes | |

|Try out different scales | |

|Ideas, Drawings and Explanations | |

|Record observations, experiences and ideas in forms that is appropriate to intentions. |Observational drawing from primary source during Brighton trip and secondary source on return to|

|Drawings, sketches |school. |

|Direct observational drawings |Written information recorded alongside artist pages and own work. |

|Information gathering/artists/images/objects from internet, books, galleries |Variety of medias/techniques and processes used in work. |

|Taking photographs | |

|Final piece | |

|Present a personal response, realising intentions and making informed connections with the work of others. | |

|Take ideas through to conclusion | |

|Make good quality ideas/designs showing different compositions |Personal ideas for work and own choice of materials and techniques. |

|Evidence of critical judgements | |

|Evidence of personal development |Discussion and notes that highlight how their work has been influenced by other artists and how |

| |this has helped spark their imagination when producing individual pieces. |


|To provide opportunities for pupils to: |

|Develop observation skills when collecting information and communicating ideas |

|Develop analytical and intuitive capabilities through the appropriate use of materials, processes and techniques |

|To develop knowledge of print making processes |

|Use computer manipulation to develop an individual response |

|Adapt ideas to meet different purposes and make connections with the work of others |

|Learning outcomes: |

|By the end of the unit… |

|ALL pupils will have learned: |

|To use a theme (the British seaside) to within their work to introduce their work |

|To recognise the style of a travel/location sketching artist |

|How to produce location sketches when in the field (Brighton) |

|To work a digital camera and take a range of photographs in various places around Brighton |

|How to cut a stencil for a screen print |

|How to apply the paint/ink to a screen and make a print |

|To identify the work of Michael Craig-Martin |

|How to create an acrylic painting in the style of Michael Craig-Martin |

|How to create an acetate and college piece of work in the style of Michael Craig-Martin |

|How to add colour to an outline sketch using Pixelmator in the style of Michael Craig-Martin |

|To set up and photograph a still life following the theme of British Seaside and the work of Michael Craig-Martin |

|To record ideas for colour experiments for a final piece |

|To use the work of Michael Craig-Martin to inspire their own seaside inspired piece |

|  |

|MOST pupils will have learned: |

|To collect relevant imagery linked to a given theme – the British seaside |

|To describe the work of a travel/location sketching artist |

|To analyse other artist’s work and use elements of this new understanding to inspire their own work |

|To select suitable places/locations to sketch while out in the field |

|How to select suitable locations to take photographs in the style of documentary photographer Martin Parr |

|How to identify different areas in a photograph to make a number of stencils from |

|To describe the work of Michael Craig-Martin |

|To colour match and mix acrylic paint in the style of Michael Craig-Martin |

|To select suitable sections of an artist’s work to create studies that will enable a deeper understanding of that artist’s work |

|To creatively set up and photograph a still life following the theme of British Seaside and the work of Michael Craig-Martin |

|How to record ideas for colour experiments for a final piece using pencil studies and detailed notes |

|To fully explore the work of Michael Craig-Martin to inspire their own seaside inspired piece |

|SOME pupils will have learned: |

|To creatively present relevant imagery and sketches/paintings for an introduction page based on the theme of the British Seaside |

|To look in depth at other artist’s work and use this new understanding to directly improve and impact on their own ideas and artwork |

|To identify highly suitable place/locations/objects to sketch while out in the field that result in detailed and competent sketches |

|To take a wide range of highly skilful photographs that clearly link to the work of documentary photographer Martin Parr |

|To make a successful multi layered print using the screen printing method |

|To analytically view the work of Michael Craig-Martin |

|To create detailed and skilful studies of the work of Michael Craig-Martin that show a deep understanding of this artist’s style |

|To creatively and skilfully photograph a still life following the theme of British Seaside and the work of Michael Craig-Martin |

|To consider various colour combinations that match the style of Michael Craig-Martin and the theme of British Seaside |

|To fully explore the work of Michael Craig-Martin to inspire their own skilfully produced seaside inspired piece. |

|Week 1 – Introduction Page |

|Objectives for the week |Outline |What students will produce |Assessment FOR Learning |

|I am: creating an introduction page for the | |An introduction page that shows |Questioning via group critique and one-on-one discussion. |

|new project |Introduction to the unit will be given. |students abilities to use a | |

| | |variety of media. |Discussion during the demonstration for creating and using a grid. |

|So that I can: practice my observational |Present an introduction page to the new seaside based project. | | |

|drawing skills | |Students will demonstrate their |Assessment of work so far using the success criteria lists given out. |

| |Page/s should include: |understanding of the unit theme | |

|I know I’ve got it when: my page is decorated|The title - Sense of Place |through this first page in their |Review of work during plenaries. |

|with a seaside theme and shows of my drawing |Imagery that relates to the British sea side |sketchbook. | |

|skills |A variety of mediums (tonal pencil, watercolour, acrylic paint, watercolour | | |

| |pencils....) | | |

| | | | |


| |Find an image that sums up British Seaside life and produce a gridded TONAL | | |

| |pencil drawing (filling a side of A4). | | |

|SEND identifier |LSA functions |Assessment OF Learning |

| | |Work counts towards Assessment Objective 3 |

| | | |

| | |ALL/MOST/SOME is given to students via PP slides in lessons and printed for|

| | |evaluation in DIRT books |

| | | |

| | |Evidence of: |

| | |Different media used |

| | |Creative layout of work |

| | |If started – tonal drawing has a variety of tones & follows the grid |

| | |accurately. |

| | | |

| | | |

|Week 2 – Location Sketching Artists |

|Objectives for the week |Outline |What students will produce |Assessment FOR Learning |

|I am: investigating a location sketching | | |Questioning via group critique and one-on-one discussions. |

|artist |Investigate one of the given location sketching artists. The page/s must |An in depth investigation of ONE | |

| |include the following: |artist given. Students must |Discussion during the demonstration |

|So that I can: understand some of the |The artists name |complete each of the bullet | |

|techniques and methods they use and apply|A selection of high quality images of their work |pointed areas within their work. |Assessment of work so far using the success criteria lists given out. |

|this to my own work |Analysis of the work (using the sheet in your DIRT book) | | |

| |A study of one of the artist’s work OR a section of in a suitable media. | |Review of work during plenaries. |

|I know I’ve got it when: I have included | | | |

|all the bullet points in the list |EXSTENSION | | |

| |Create own interpretation of their work - For example you could do a study of| | |

| |your bedroom, your garden, your dinner etc. in the same style as the artist | | |

| |you have looked at. | | |

| | | | |

| |HOMEWORK | | |

| |Complete the investigation work. | | |

|SEND identifier |LSA functions |Assessment OF Learning |

| | |Work counts towards Assessment Objective 1 |

| | | |

| | |ALL/MOST/SOME is given to students via PP slides in lessons and printed for |

| | |evaluation in DIRT books |

| | | |

| | |Evidence of: |

| | |Each bullet point completed |

| | |An understanding of the methods used by the selected artist |

| | |Consideration of the layout of the page |

| | | |

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|Week 3 – Martin Parr Investigation |

|Objectives for the week |Outline |What students will produce |Assessment FOR Learning |

| | |An in depth investigation of the |Questioning via group critique and one-on-one discussions. |

|I am: working on presenting my |Present an investigation into Martin Parr, the photographer in their |work of Martin Parr. Students | |

|investigation on Martin Parr |sketchbook. Use the checklist to ensure they have all the essential |must complete each of the bullet |Discussion during the demonstration |

| |elements included. |pointed areas within their work. | |

|So that I can: understand more | | |Assessment of work so far using the success criteria lists given |

|about his style of photography |• The artists name | |out. |

|and use this when in Brighton |• A selection of high quality images of their work | | |

| |• Analysis of one photograph by Martin Parr (using the sheet in your DIRT| |Review of work during plenaries. |

|I know I’ve got it when: all of|book) | | |

|the checklist is completed. |• A contact sheet showing all of the images taken from the shoot - | | |

| |annotated | | |

| |• A selection of images presented from the shoot | | |

| | | | |

| |HOMEWORK: Using the DIRT book and handouts complete/ improve/ revise the | | |

| |work undertaken so far. | | |

|SEND identifier |LSA functions |Assessment OF Learning |

| | |Work counts towards Assessment Objective 3 |

| | | |

| | |ALL/MOST/SOME is given to students via PP slides in lessons and |

| | |printed for evaluation in DIRT books |

| | |Evidence of: |

| | |Each bullet point completed |

| | |An understanding of the photographic method used by Martin Parr |

| | |Consideration of the layout of the page |

| | | |

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|Visit to Brighton – Photography and Drawing focus (parred with Travel and Tourism Group) |

|Objectives for the visit |Outline |What students will produce |Assessment FOR Learning |

|To apply the techniques and methods | | | |

|investigated in the work of various |Students are taken on a visit to Brighton to undertake |Pen/pencil in the styles of various | |

|location sketching artists and the |primary observational drawing and photographs. |travel/location artists. | |

|photographer Martin Parr. | | | |

| |Students have investigated the work of various |Photographs in the style of Martin | |

| |travel/location sketching artists and Martin Parr. They |Parr. | |

| |will be aiming to use this investigation work to inspire| | |

| |their own work. | | |

| | | | |

| |Locations used will be: | | |

| |Brighton Pier | | |

| |The Lanes | | |

| |Brighton Pavilion | | |

|SEND identifier |LSA functions |Assessment OF Learning |

| | |Work counts towards Assessment Objective 1 and 3 |

| | | |

| | |Evidence of: |

| | |Understanding of the artists techniques/processes |

| | |A range of suitable images taken |

| | |A range of sketches undertaken at various locations |

| | | |

| |

|Week 4 – Secondary Source Sketching/applying colour |

|Objectives for the week |Outline |What students will produce |Assessment FOR Learning |

|I am: refining my location sketches from | |Completed sketches from the trip and |Questioning via group critique and one-on-one discussions. |

|the Brighton visit |Sketches are finished from the visit to Brighton and |colour will be applied to a selection| |

| |studies are undertaken from the imagery taken on the |of the sketches, in the style of |Discussion during the demonstration |

|So that I can: make them appear more |trip. |their chosen artist. | |

|finalised and completed |Colour is applied in to some of the sketches in a | |Assessment of work so far using the success criteria lists given out.|

| |similar way to the artist selected. |Notes are to be made about the visit | |

|I know I’ve got it when: they link in |Notes are to be included about the trip. |and the quality of the sketches | |

|visual quality to the work of the location |HW: Print 3+ images of work of Michael Craig Martin’s |undertaken. |Review of work during plenaries. |

|artist I have selected to investigate. |work ready for future lessons. | | |

|SEND identifier |LSA functions |Assessment OF Learning |

| | |Work counts towards Assessment Objective 1 and 3 |

| | | |

| | |ALL/MOST/SOME is given to students via PP slides in lessons and |

| | |printed for evaluation in DIRT books |

| | | |

| | |Evidence of: |

| | |Ability to consider page layout |

| | |Application of colour |

| | |Level of detail in sketches |

| | |Link to artist’s work evident |

| | |Quality of notes |

| | | |

|Week 5 – Screen Prints from Brighton Visit |

|Objectives for the week |Outline |What students will produce |Assessment FOR Learning |

|I am: creating a screen print using a| | |Questioning via group critique and one-on-one discussions. |

|photo from the Brighton visit |Students select one image from their photographs that they feel will work |A screen print based on one photograph | |

| |as a screen print (examples shown before hand). |from the Brighton visit. |Discussion during the demonstration |

|So that I can: explore this technique| | | |

| |Students block out different sections on your given photographs using the |Some students will have only one or two |Assessment of work so far using the success criteria lists given out. |

|I know I’ve got it when: I have at |marker pens. Taking some newsprint, they trace off the first stencil. Using|colours printed. While others may have | |

|least a one colour print successfully|a cutting board, knife and safety ruler they cut out the first stencil. |4+. |Review of work during plenaries. |

|made. |Using a screen printing bed students arrange their papers. Then pull the | | |

| |squeegee down towards themselves. | | |

| | | | |

| |While prints are drying the next stencil is decided on and cut. | | |

| | | | |

| |HOMEWORK: | | |

| |Review the prints made and write out notes analysing their work. | | |

|SEND identifier |LSA functions |Assessment OF Learning |

| | |Work counts towards Assessment Objective 3 |

| | | |

| | |ALL/MOST/SOME is given to students via PP slides in lessons and printed for|

| | |evaluation in DIRT books |

| | | |

| | |Evidence of: |

| | |Thoughtful stencils cut |

| | |Level of detail used in stencils |

| | |In write up use of language and level of detail used |

| | |Quality of the final screen prints. |

| | | |

|Week 6 – Michael Craig-Martin Investigation |

|Objectives for the week |Outline |What students will produce |Assessment FOR Learning |

|I am: presenting an investigation of | | |Questioning via group critique and one-on-one discussions. |

|Michael Craig-Martin’s artwork |Investigate the work of Michael Craig-Martin. |An in depth investigation of the work | |

| | |of Michael Craig-Martin. |Discussion during the demonstration |

|So that I can: understand more about this |The page/s must include the following: | | |

|artist’s style of working |• The artists name |Students must complete each of the |Assessment of work so far using the success criteria lists given |

| |• A selection of high quality images of their work |bullet pointed areas within their work.|out. |

|I know I’ve got it when: I have completed |• Analysis of the work (using the sheet in your DIRT book) | | |

|each bullet point from the given list. | | |Review of work during plenaries. |


| |Create own interpretation of their work - For example you could do a study of a| | |

| |collection of objects from your bedroom or home. | | |

| | | | |

| |HOMEWORK | | |

| |Create a pen/outline study of one piece of work by MCM OR a section – this is | | |

| |to be scanned and used in the upcoming lessons. | | |

|SEND identifier |LSA functions |Assessment OF Learning |

| | | |

| | |Work counts towards Assessment Objective 1 |

| | | |

| | |ALL/MOST/SOME is given to students via PP slides in lessons and |

| | |printed for evaluation in DIRT books |

| | | |

| | |Evidence of: |

| | |Each bullet point completed |

| | |An understanding of the work created by MCM |

| | |Consideration of the layout of the page |

| | | |

|Week 7 – Michael Craig-Martin Studies |

|Objectives for the week |Outline |What students will produce |Assessment FOR Learning |

|I am: creating pieces of art work in the style of Michael | | | |

|Craig-Martin |Students are to create a range of Michael Craig Martin |A range of Michael Craig Martin studies using| |

| |style pieces using the following methods: |various media, such as Acrylci paint, collage|Questioning via group critique and one-on-one discussions. |

|So that I can: understand more about this artist’s style |* Acrylic Paint |and computer manipulation. | |

|of working |* Acetate outlines and paper collage | |Discussion during the demonstration |

| |* The computer using Pixelmator (drop fill) |Analytical notes provided to explain the | |

|I know I’ve got it when: I have a collage piece, acrylic | |outcomes. |Assessment of work so far using the success criteria lists given |

|painting and a computer manipulated piece in the style of |Students must present their work in their sketchbooks and | |out. |

|Michael Craig-Martin. |and analyse it using the handout given (How to analyse my | | |

| |work). | |Review of work during plenaries. |

| | | | |

| |HOMEWORK | | |

| |Complete the write up for each study using the relevant | | |

| |handout in your DIRT book. | | |

|SEND identifier |LSA functions |Assessment OF Learning |

| | | |

| | |Work counts towards Assessment Objective 1 and 3 |

| | | |

| | |ALL/MOST/SOME is given to students via PP slides in lessons and |

| | |printed for evaluation in DIRT books |

| | | |

| | |Evidence of: |

| | |Ability to manipulate the media (skill levels) |

| | |Level of detail included in work |

| | |Quality of the analysis |

| | |Links to the artist’s work |

| | | |

|Week 8 – Michael Craig-Martin Still Life Photos |

|Objectives for the week |Outline |What students will produce |Assessment FOR Learning |

|I am: setting up and photographing a still life in the |Students will take a range of photographs of British seaside| |Questioning via group critique and one-on-one discussions. |

|style of Michael Craig-Martin based around the British |items in a still life set up. |A range of photographs taken using the | |

|Seaside. |These should be presented in their sketchbooks, along side a|theme of British Seaside. |Discussion during the demonstration. |

| |contact sheet and annotated. | | |

|So that I can: use these photographs to create a piece of |The best image is to be selected the outlines drawn a number|These are presented in sketchbooks and |Assessment of work so far using the success criteria lists given |

|work in a similar style to the work of Michael |of times and coloured in various colour combinations to show|notes given in relation to links to the |out. |

|Craig-Martin |ideas for their final piece. |artist (MCM) and overall quality. | |

| |HOMEWORK: | |Review of work during plenaries. |

|I know I’ve got it when: I have presented my photographs |Complete the work from the lesson. |Sketches created to show possible ideas for| |

|and provided annotations and sketches to demonstrate my | |the colour combinations for the final | |

|ideas to the viewer. | |piece. | |

|SEND identifier |LSA functions |Assessment OF Learning |

| | |Work counts towards Assessment Objective 2, 3 and 4 |

| | | |

| | |ALL/MOST/SOME is given to students via PP slides in lessons and |

| | |printed for evaluation in DIRT books |

| | |Evidence of: |

| | |Links to the work of MCM in photos and colour combinations |

| | |Quality of photographs taken |

| | |Level of detail in analytical notes made |

| | |Considered colour combinations |

| | | |

|Week 9 – Michael Craig-Martin inspired final piece |

|Objectives for the week |Outline |What students will produce |Assessment FOR Learning |

|I am: creating a piece of artwork in the style of Michael | | |Questioning via group critique and one-on-one discussions. |

|Craig Martin |Students should have chosen a still life image to |A final piece that links to the work of Michael | |

| |work with for their final piece. |Craig-Martin and the theme of British Seaside. |Discussion during the demonstration. |

|So that I can: demonstrate my skills with my chosen media | | | |

|and show my understanding of the artists work |They must draw/trace the outlines of this on to A3 |Students will have selected the media they felt most|Assessment of work so far using the success criteria lists given |

| |paper and then select which method they wish to work|comfortable with/media they had the most skills with|out. |

|I know I’ve got it when: I have a final piece/s that are |with (acrylic paint, collage or computer |to complete their work. | |

|of a high quality. |manipulation). | |Review of work during plenaries. |

| | |An evaluation of the project will be written out in | |

| |HOMEWORK: |their sketchbooks. | |

| |Complete an evaluation of the project. | | |

|SEND identifier |LSA functions |Assessment OF Learning |

| | |Work counts towards Assessment Objective 4 |

| | | |

| | |ALL/MOST/SOME is given to students via PP slides in lessons and |

| | |printed for evaluation in DIRT books |

| | | |

| | |Evidence of: |

| | |Ability to manipulate each process/method and technique. |

| | |Link between textile pieces and the source imagery. |

| | |Notes provided next to each sample piece. |

| | | |


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