Rubric: Collaborative Lesson Plan with Photography


Tags: Halloween, Lollipops, pumpkin pops

Rubric: Digital Photo

Student name:

Type of evaluation (self or peer).

|Category |Strong |Adequate |Weak |

|Concept |Does an outstanding job of communicating|Does an adequate job communicating the |Does a poor job communicating the |

| |the concept. |concept. |concept. |

|Composition |Photograph uses composition principles |Photograph does a good job using |Photograph does a poor job using |

| |very effectively. |composition principles. |composition principles. |

|Focus |Focus is a perfect match with the |Focus is an adequate match with the |Focus is a poor match with the concept |

| |concept of the shot. |concept of the shot. |of the shot. |

|Technical Aspects |Shutter speed and aperture were |Shutter speed and aperture were |Shutter speed and aperture were poorly |

| |perfectly chosen to match concept. |adequately chosen to match concept. |chosen and do not match the concept. |

|Depth of Field |Excellent use of depth-of-field. |Adequate use of depth-of-field. |Poor use of depth-of-field. |

|Title/tags |Title and tags were perfectly chosen and|Title and tags were adequately chosen |Title and tags were poorly chosen and |

| |written to express the content and |and written to express the content and |written to express the content and |

| |concept. Spelling and word choice are |concept. Spelling and word choice are |concept. Contains multiple spelling |

| |excellent with no mistakes. |good with only minor errors. |errors or wrong word choices. |

|Instructor evaluates shaded section |

|Self Critique |Excellent self-assessment. Written |Adequate self-assessment. Written |Poor self-assessment. Written comments |

| |comments meet or exceed requirements. |comments meet requirements. |do not meet requirements. |

|Peer Critique |Excellent peer assessment. Written |Adequate peer assessment. Written |Poor peer assessment. Written comments |

| |comments meet or exceed requirements. |comments meet requirements. |do not meet requirements. |

|Peer Comments |Peer comments exceed expectations. |Peer comments meet expectations. One or |Three or more peer comments were |

| | |two comments might be missing. |missing, incomplete or poorly written. |

| | | | |

|Total Points |>89% |80 – 89% | ................

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