A Parents Guide to Regulated Child Care
Enrollment& Registration Agreement
Child's Name: _________________________ DOB: ________________
Mothers Name: _________________________
cell: ____________________home ________________ work_______________
DL#: _____________________email:______________________________
Best way to contact:_____________
Father Name: _________________________
Address if different:______________________________________________
cell: ____________________home ________________ work_______________
DL#: _____________________email:______________________________
Best way to contact:_____________
Registration fee: ( $125 ( $175
( Full day _____ days $______ Days M T W Th F
( Half day _____ days $______ Days M T W Th F
( Extended Hours (Anything Over 10 hrs a day)
Start date: _____________
➢ Weekly tuition is due by Friday for following week, a late fee of $25 per week will be charged for tuition paid after Monday. Checks, cash and credit are accepted
➢ All tuition payments received are non-transferable and non-refundable
➢ Tuition is billed regardless of attendance, one free vacation week is provided per enrollment year after 3 months of continual enrollment
➢ Late pick up, is billed at $2/minute/child
➢ Return check fee is $35, late fees will apply for that week’s tuition
➢ Please refer to parent handbook for more details
_________________________________________ ____________
Parent Signature Date
_________________________________________ ____________
Parent Signature Date
Coronado Prep
Detail of Policies
Please read the following policies and initial that you have read and understand them.
______ I received Coronado Prep Preschool Parent Handbook.
______ I have read and understand Coronado Prep's Sick Policy.
______ Weekly tuition is due by Friday for the following week. A late fee of $25 will be charged to any account that isn't paid after closing on Monday and every week after that until the balance is paid off.
______ All tuition payments received are non-transferable and non-refundable.
______ Tuition is billed regardless of attendance, ONE free vacation week is provided per enrollment year after 3 months of continual enrollment.
______ When taking your vacation make sure to fill out a Vacation Request Form and give Coronado Prep a two week notice of your time off.
______ Late pick up will be charged to your account at $2.00 per minute after the child is left in Coronado Prep after 6:30 pm.
______ There is an addition charge for children that are going to spend longer than 10 hour in Coronado Prep's care. You will be billed $5.00 per hour after the 10 hours. If it's only 30 minutes you will still get charged the full $5.00.
______ Return check fee is $35 plus a $25 late fee will be charged to the account as well.
______ We require a written 2 week notice for a schedule change and withdrawal.
______ If you need to change the days your child attends for the week there will be a $10.00 change a day fee.
______ Coronado Prep will be closed on the following holidays : New Years Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving & the day after (Family Day), Christmas Day. We will give you a 30 day notice to any additional changes.
______ Coronado Prep does use Aromatherapy in the office and inside the classrooms.
______ Coronado Prep has video monitoring for staff and family.
A Parent's Guide to Regulated Child Care
This information handout provides information about:
• The requirements that State-regulated child care centers must meet.
• Your rights and responsibilities as the parent of a child in regulated child care
• How and where to file a complaint if you believe your child care provider had violated state child care licensing regulations.
Who Regulates Child Care:
• All child care in the state of Nevada is regulated by the Bureau of Services for Child Care (BSCC) which is are part of the Bureau of Health Care Quality and Compliance
• The Bureau of Services for Child Care and the Bureau of Health Care Quality and Compliance are apart of the Department of Health and Human Services.
• All child care facilities must meet minimum health, safety, and program standards set by Nevada law. To remain licensed, facilities must maintain compliance to those standards. Every licensed facility is inspected by the BSCC at random quarterly to evaluate the facility’s compliance with child care regulations.
• BSCC is responsible for: issuing child care licenses, inspecting child care facilities and investigating complaints against licensed child care.
• There are two types of regulated child care facilities: family child care homes and child care centers.
Child Care Centers must meet the following requirements:
• Licenses must be posted in a public place within the facility.
• Licensee must ensure that the facility meets all the standards for environmental health which are established by the Bureau of Consumer Health Protection of the Health Department.
• Facilities are required to have insurance to protect against liability to third parties
• All care takers are mandated reporters and must complete a program on the signs and symptoms of illness, the administration of first aid, as well as reporting abuse and neglect.
• All care takers must be CPR certified.
• All care takers are required to receive 15 hours of continuing education annually.
• For a full list of licensing regulations see the BSCC website:
Contacting the State Licensing
• Bureau of Services for Child Care
o Southern Nevada
o Telephone: 702-486-7918
o Email: cclicensing-SN@dcfs.
o Website: health.HCQC_Childcare.htm
At Coronado Prep we use the Emergent Curriculum. Emergent curriculum is a way of planning curriculum based on the student’s interest and passions as well as the teacher’s. To plan an emergent curriculum requires observation, documentation, creative brainstorming, flexibility and patience. Rather than starting with a lesson plan which requires a “hook” to get the children interested, emergent curriculum starts with the children’s interests. This is not to say that the teacher has no input, in fact teachers may well have a general topic they think is important for children to study and they may purposely include certain materials or experiences related to it.
Children between the ages of one year old to five years old do not learn because they are taught. They learn as a result of their own doing, through actions, relationships, inquiries, opportunities and repetition. Our teachers become research partners with children, seeking answers to questions and supporting investigation. Our school is their laboratory, offering the materials and tools to inspire each child.
Children learn when they run, jump, dress up, speak, socialize, read, listen, sing, paint, catch, kick, hit, throw, climb, observe, swing, question, scream, pull, push, rhyme, create and much more.
Therefore, our first and most important goal with the emergent curriculum is to inspire delight, curiosity and inquiry in the classroom. Doing this has become proven to build intrinsic motivation and a long-term love of learning. This is the greatest gift our teachers can give a child in preparation for their primary school experience.
Our emergent curriculum require our teachers, in knowing HOW and WHAT children can learn at these milestones to support and guide learning as it emerges naturally inside the school, in the natural world and in our community as a whole.
[pic] Permitted to Pickup
Authorization Form
We understand that children may be picked up by adults, other than their parents and/or gaurdian. In order to protect your child, we are asking that you let us know, in advance, if you will have someone picking up your child from Coronado Prep. You may pre-authorize adults by completing the information below.
Please let the authorized person know that photo idenification may be required if a staff member is unfamilar with them.
Student's Name:__________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian names:____________________________________________________
(Street, City, State & Zip Code)
Mom's Work Number:______________________
Mom's Cell Phone:________________________
Dad's Work Number:_______________________
Dad's Cell Phone: ________________________
|Authorized Person's Name |Contact Number |Relationship to Student |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
I authorize the above person(s) to pick my child up from Coronado Prep. I understand this permission will be in place until I communicate a change, in writing, to the school.
__________________________________ ____________
Parent/Guardians Signature Date
Sick Policy
In order to maintain a healthy school environment we need to have a strict sick policy. Keeping sick children home helps prevent the spread of disease and also help them get better faster. Per Health and State regulations we cannot care for a sick child.
What we consider being Sick
If your child displays any of the following symptoms:
o Fever over 100 degrees
o Two or more episodes of vomiting.
o Acute diarrhea: 3 or more watery stools
o Red eye with drainage
o Sore throat or severe coughing
o Difficult or rapid breathing
o Skin rashes, excluding diaper rashes.
o Lethargy, irritability, persistent crying and/difficulty breathing.
Being sent home from school
We will not send a child home with a common cold, unless it is accompanied by a fever or other severe symptoms. It is important to keep in mind that sometimes young children are ill without displaying “classic” signs of sickness (fever, vomiting…). If your child’s Illness prevents them from comfortably participating in activities or results in a greater need for care then what the teacher can provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children they will be sent home.
When you are notified that your child needs to be picked up it is important to remove the child from the facility as soon as possible to keep the chance of spreading the illness down. When your child is sent home from school they are automatically excluded from care for the next 24 hours. Regardless of if there is a doctor’s note provided.
Returning to school and Medication
Child needs to be fever free without the aid of over the counter medication for 24 hours to come to school. If your child is on antibiotics they must receive the first day’s dosage at home before returning to school. In order for us to give any medication a permission to administer medication form must be filled out. We will not administer any medication without this release.
I have read and understand Coronado Prep’s Sick Policy
Parent Signature: ______________________________ Date:_________
Behavior Management Policy
Since children occasionally need discipline. It is important that we have similar styles in all of our classrooms and if possible in the homes as well to maintain consistency and minimize confusion as to what the boundaries are and what is expected of him or her. At school children will be modeled appropriate behaviors by peers and teachers. Teachers will work to encourage and reinforce the appropriate and positive behaviors that they see. Children will be taught what behaviors are inappropriate, and why, and given examples on other ways to behave. Teachers will help children make good decisions and pick proper behaviors. Teachers will try to redirect children but when needed we will utilize "thinking time" so the child can calm down and regroup. We want to create a learning environment where children can learn and play appropriately. We want our children to learn how to have self-control and respect for themselves and others. We feel it is important to teach children these skills so they are ready for the expectations they will have in elementary school.
Coronado Prep pledges to
• use no corporal punishment
• reinforce positive behavior with praise and encouragement
• talk to children with courtesy and respect
• develop confidence, self discipline and self esteem
• never use harsh or demeaning language
• Never deny a child food, toileting or rest privileges
• never punish a child for toileting issues
Dealing with inappropriate behavior
• challenging behavior will be addressed in a calm but assertive manner
• The child's energies will be re-directed by offering alternative and positive options
• disruptive behavior that prevents other children from enjoying themselves will require removing the child temporarily from the activity session
• Children will be given the opportunity to make amends for their behavior
• Parents will be informed of inappropriate behavior upon pick up via written and verbal communication
* Only in the event of an extremely serious or dangerous incident will a child be suspended. In such circumstances the child's parents will be contact and maybe asked to collect their child.
Parent Signature: ____________________________________ Date:__________
Permission to photograph
I, _______________________________, give permission for Coronado Prep to photograph my child, ____________________________, for the following purposes:
|Type of Use: |Please check one |
| |Allow Permission (Decline Permission |
|( these pics will be sent to your phone and saved for the end of |( ( |
|year book) | |
|cell #’s ________________________________ | |
|________________________________ | |
|Display in facilities bulletin board/scrap book | |
| |( ( |
|Display pictures on website | ( ( |
|Post photos on child care’s Facebook page and blog | ( ( |
|Use photos in print ads | ( ( |
|Use photos in video ads | ( ( |
|Others: | |
| |( |
| |( ( |
* Only first names and possibly last initials (in the event of two or more children with the same first name) will be displayed on the facility websites. I understand that it is my responsibility to update this form in the event that I no longer with to authorize on or more of the above uses. I agree that this form will remain in effect during the term of my child’s enrollment.
(Parent or Guardian signature)
Notification of use of Air Fresheners and Pesticides
Per the Southern Nevada Health District Coronado Prep is required to notify parents of the use of air fresheners and pesticides in our facility.
Air freshener is used on a daily basis to help keep our facility odor-free. They are mainly used in our restrooms, but are occasionally used in the hallways and classrooms. We also use essential oils daily.
Pesticides are at least once a month, more if needed. Wizard One Pest Control is the company that provides our pesticide services
Child's Name: ____________________________________
Parents Signature: _________________________________
Date: ____________
Consent for medical treatment: I authorize Coronado Prep to arrange transportation for my child should they immediate medical attention, in case of an accident, or acute illness. In the event it is impossible to receive instruction from me for my child's care, consent is given to any licensed physician and or surgeon called or to whom my child is taken, for treatment by him or to administer drugs, medication, administer a local or general anesthetic, and perform such surgical and/or medical treatment as he shall think is existing required for the relief of pain and or the preservation of my child's life and or health and well being. Any cost incurred in this connection not covered by Coronado Prep's insurance or personal insurance hall be paid by me.
Parent Signature:_________________________________________date:_________________
Consulting with Physicians or Registered Nurses: I authorize Coronado Prep to consult with a nurse or a physician in regards to child(ren)'s health as needed for Coronado Prep clarification. In the event that we should have any questions regarding the health of any child we may contact one, or more of the following sources for information.
• St Rose Pediatrics 564-8556
• St Rose Hospital 616-5000
• Southern Nevada Health District 459-0677
• Child's Listed Physician:________________________________
Parent Signature:_________________________________________date:_________________
Permission to release Information
During the time your child is in our facility, the director may be asked for information regarding your child. As our licensing agents, The Bureau of Services for Child Care has access to your child's record in order to ensure that we are complaint and your child has all the necessary forms.
Please sign below if you give permission to release information to other official persons who identify themselves, such as schools, health care personnel, welfare or other government officials
Parent Signature:_________________________________________date:_________________
If you do not want information released to anyone other than the Bureau of Service for Child care, please sign below
Parent Signature:_________________________________________date:________________
Notification of Parent Rights
As a parent/ authorized representative, you have the right to:
1. Enter and inspect the child care center without any advance notice whether children are in care or not
2. File a complaint against the licensee with the licensing office and review the licensee's public files kept by the licensing office as well as all reports on file at the center including all visits made by the state and health department.
3. Review, at the child care center, reports of licensing visits and substantiated complaints against the licensee made during the last year
4. Complain to the licensing office and inspect the child care center without discrimination or retaliation against you or your child.
5. Review and inquire about staff background checks and clearances.
Child's Name:__________________________________________________
Parent's Signature: __________________________________ Date:__________
Health Evaluation
To be completed by Health Practitioner
Child's Name:_______________________________ Date of Birth:_____________
Name of Physician:__________________________ Phone #__________________
Does this child have a health condition which may require care or emergency action
while at school? _____YES ____NO
If YES, Pease Specify (i.e. Seizures, diabetes)
Any pertinent Past medical History : _____YES ____NO
Any Food allergies or restrictions: _____YES ____NO
Any restrictions related to daily activities in child care: _____YES ____NO
Requires MD initials
____ diaper ointment is approved to be applied to child PRN
____ other:____________________________________________
The above mentioned child is medically cleared to attend Coronado Prep
Physician Signature: ___________________________________ Date:__________
Coronado Prep
Child Information Form
Child Name:___________________________________ Birthday:_______________
Family Information
Mother’s Name: ____________________ Occupation:________________________
Drivers license:________________________________________________________
Cell Phone:_________________________ Work Phone:_______________________
Home Phone:___________________ Email:_________________________________
Father’s Name: ____________________ Occupation:________________________
Drivers license:________________________________________________________
Cell Phone:_________________________ Work Phone:_______________________
Home Phone:___________________ Email:_________________________________
Parental status:
Single ____ Married ____ Separated ____ Divorced ____ Widowed_____
Custody arrangement: __________________________________________________
Special Talents, skills or hobby that you are able to share with the class, staff or center: ______________________________________________________________
Siblings: Age School
__________________________ ______ ______________________
__________________________ ______ ______________________
Are there others living in the household?_________________________________
Relationship to child:____________________________________________________
Languages other than English spoken in home:____________________________
Yes No
1. Is this your child’s first preschool experience? ( (
If no where did they attend? _____________________________________
2. Is your child toilet trained? ( (
3. Does your child need to be reminded to use toilet? ( (
4. What type of play does your child prefer? (Check all that apply)
Active ___ Quiet___ Indoor___ Outdoors___
Alone ___ With a peer___ With an adult ___ Dolls ___
Crafts ___ Dress up ___ Manipulatives ___ Music ___
Imaginative ___ Trucks ___ Blocks ___ Other:____________
5. What behaviors best describe your child when upset? (Check all that apply)
Cries easily ___ Has a temper tantrum ___ Hits ___
Bites ___ Kicks ___ Withdraws ___
Verbally abusive ___ Other:__________________
6. What situations might cause your child to become upset? ( check all that apply)
Sharing ___ Food issues ___ Being touched ___
Limit setting ___ Lighting ___ Loud noises ___
Separation ____ Darkness ___ other: ________________
7. Does your child have any special needs or learning issues that you are aware of? ____________________________________________________________
8. What method of discipline is used in your home? _______________________
9. What is your child’s reaction to this discipline? _________________________
10. Is there anything else that you would like us to know about your child that would help us to better understand him or her? _____________________
Coronado Prep
2650 Sunridge Heights
Henderson, Nevada 89052
Emergency Evacuation Permit
In case of an emergency and we would evacuate the building ( 2650 Sunridge Heights Henderson, NV 89052), students will be escorted across the parking lot to Tooth Fairy Dental (10925 S Eastern Ave, Henderson, NV 89052).
I understand that during the school year my child may take part in an emergency evacuation. I further understand that my child will be accompanied by a teacher and/or responsible adult at all times while away from school and the adult will take all necessary precautions to protect my child from any injury or harm.
In the event my child is injured or becomes ill while away from school during an emergency evacuation, I understand that the adult will immediately seek medical attention for my child and contact me as soon as possible. I hereby agree to hold Coronado Prep. It's employees and agents, harmless of any injury or illness directly caused by the negligence of persons other the employees and agents of Coronado Prep when such injury or sickness occurs during any of the aforementioned emergency evacuation.
Parent/ Guardian Signature
Child's Name
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