High School Science: Curriculum Map for Biology

[Pages:6]Third Nine Weeks

High School Science: Curriculum Map for Biology

State Standards

Embedded Standards

Learning Outcomes


Adopted Resources*

Core Ideas

CLE 3210.3.2 Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

CLE 3210.3.3 Investigate the relationship between the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

CLE 32010.Math.2 Utilize appropriated mathematical equations and processes to understand biological concepts.

CLE 3210.Inq.2 Design and conduct scientific investigations to explore new phenomena, verify previous results, test how well a theory predicts, and compare opposing theories.

CLE 3210.Inq.5 Compare experimental evidence and conclusions with those drawn by others about the same testable question.


Unit 3.1 Cellular Energy -3 weeks

Distinguish between

SPI 3210.3.2 Distinguish

aerobic and anaerobic

between aerobic and


anaerobic respiration.

Construct a concept map to differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

Compare and contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration in terms of energy transformation.

Conduct experiments to determine the factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis.

SPI 3210.3.3 Compare and contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration in terms of energy transformation.

Design and conduct an experiment to investigate whether plants release carbon dioxide.

Conduct experiments to investigate photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

Investigate the process of

Glencoe Chapter 8 pages 228-235 Assessments, SE Chapter 8

Fast File and Technology Resources, TE p. 216B

Mini-Lab "Relate Photosynthesis to Respiration," p 220.

Biolab " "Rate of Photosynthesis," p. 235

TE p. 146B

Photosynthesis and Respiration Powerpoint

Cellular Respiration Powerpoint

Cellular respiration internet activity

Respiration and Photosynthesis Review Photosynthesis Review

Photosynthesis and Cellular

NGSS Practices 3. Planning and carrying out investigations

4. Analyzing and interpreting data.

5. Using a model, illustrate how photosynthesis transforms light energy into stored chemical energy.

5. Using a model, illustrate that cellular respiration is a chemical process whereby the bonds of food molecules and oxygen molecules are broken and the bonds in new compounds are formed resulting in a net transfer of energy.

CCSS.Math.Practice.MP2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

CCSS.ELALiteracy.RST.9-10.3 Follow precisely a complex

2013-2014 1

Third Nine Weeks

High School Science: Curriculum Map for Biology

State Standards

Embedded Standards

CLE 3210.1.4 Describe the process of cell growth and reproduction.

CLE3210.Inq.4 Apply qualitative and quantitative measures to analyze data and draw conclusions that are free of bias.


Learning Outcomes


Adopted Resources*

Core Ideas


Respiration Movie Song PBS photosynthesis activity

Prentice Hall Chapter 9 pages 221-225 Activities/Labs TE: Build Science Skills, p224 SE: *Inquiry Act, p220

*Problem Solving, p224 *Real-World Lab, pp234-235 Lab Wrkshts: Chp 9 BTM: Lab 1

multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks, attending to special cases or exceptions defined in the text.

Gizoms: Cell Energy Cycle Plants and Snails Unit 3.2 ? Sexual and Asexual Cellular Reproduction -2 Weeks

Determine the relationship between cell growth and cell reproduction.

Demonstrate the movement of chromosomes during mitosis in plant and animal cells.

SPI 3210.1.6 Determine the relationship between cell growth and cell reproduction.

Demonstrate the movement of

Glencoe Chapter 9 pages 242-263

Mitosis Review Sheet

Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis Cell Growth

Cancer and Mitosis

Mitosis internet activity

Pedigree Problems

NGSS Practices 1. Asking questions, clarify relationships about the role of DNA and chromosomes in coding the instructions for characteristic traits passed from parents to offspring.

5. Using a model, illustrate the role of cellular division (mitosis) and differentiation

2013-2014 2

Third Nine Weeks

High School Science: Curriculum Map for Biology

State Standards

Embedded Standards

Learning Outcomes

chromosomes during mitosis in plant and animal cells.


Adopted Resources*

Core Ideas

Cell Cycle, Mitosis, Meiosis Powerpoint

Meiosis Review PDF

in producing and maintaining complex organisms.

What are Genetic Disorders? Meiosis Powerpoint

Prentice Hall Chapter 10 pages 241-252 Activities/Labs

(Sect 10-1) TE: Build Science Skills SE: *Inq Act, p240

*QuickLab, p242

(Sect 10-2) TE: *Demo, p244

*Build Sci Skills, pp245, 246, 247 SE: *Analyzing Data, p249

*Exploration, pp254-255 LMA: Chp 10 LMB: Chp 10 BTM: Lab 3

Gizmos: Cell Division

2013-2014 3

Third Nine Weeks

High School Science: Curriculum Map for Biology

State Standards

CLE 3210.4.5 Recognize how meiosis and sexual reproduction contribute to genetic variation in a population.

CLE 3210.4.3 Predict the outcome of monohybrid and dihybrid crosses.

Embedded Standards

Learning Outcomes


Adopted Resources*

Core Ideas

CLE3210.Inq.5 Compare experimental evidence and conclusions with those drawn by other about the same testable question.

CLE 32010.Math.2 Utilize appropriated mathematical equations and processes to understand biological concepts.

Describe how meiosis is involved in the production of egg and sperm cells.

Explain how meiosis results in the production of haploid cells and how this influences genetic variation.

Associate gene mutation with changes in a DNA molecule.

SPI 3210.4.7 Describe how meiosis and sexual reproduction contribute to genetic variation in a population.

SPI 3210.4.5 Apply pedigree data to interpret various modes of genetic inheritance.

Unit 3.3 Mendelian Genetics - 4 Weeks

Determine the probability of a particular trait in an offspring based on the genotype of the parents and the particular mode of inheritance.

SPI 3210.4.4 Determine the probability of a particular trait in an offspring based on the genotype of the parents and the particular mode of inheritance.

Glencoe Chapter 10 pages 268-291

What Would Happen Without Meiosis? TE p. 269

Prentice Hall Chapter 11 pages 263-278 and Chapter 14 pages 349-354

SECTION 11-1 Activities/Labs TE: *Build Science Skills, p263, 266

*Demo, p265 SE: *Inquiry Act, p262 SECTION 11-4 Activities/Labs TE: *Demo, p277

*Build Science Skills, p278 SE: Exploration, p281

Glencoe Chapter 10 pages 277-291 Fast File and Technology Resources, TE p. 268B Mini-Lab 10.1 "predict Probability," p. 281

Fast File and Technology

Mono Punnett Blank Squares Worksheet

NGSS 7. Make and defend a claim based on evidence that inheritable genetic variations may result from: (1) new genetic combinations through meiosis, (2) viable errors occurring during replication, and/or (3) mutations caused by environmental factors.

CCSS.Math.Practice.MP4 Model with mathematics.

CCSS.RST.9-10.7 Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed

2013-2014 4

Third Nine Weeks

High School Science: Curriculum Map for Biology

State Standards

Embedded Standards

Learning Outcomes


Adopted Resources*

Core Ideas

Apply data to complete and interpret a genetic pedigree.

Monohybrid Cross worksheet Worksheet

Punnett Squares PDF

visually or orally. NGSS Practices 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking.

Dihybrid Cross Problems PDF

2. Developing and using models.

Dihybrid Cross

Text Sect 11-2: 267-269 Activities/Labs TE: *Make Connections, p267

*Build Science Skills, p269 SE: QuickLab, p268

Gizmos: Mouse Genetics (One trait) Inheritance Mouse genetics (Two traits)

CLE 3210.4.4 Compare different modes of inheritance: sex linkage, co-dominance, incomplete dominance, multiple alleles, and polygenetic traits.

CLE 3210.Inq.4 Apply qualitative and quantitative measures to analyze data and draw conclusions that are free of bias.

Describe how the process of meiosis controls the number of chromosomes in a gamete.

Explain the processes of segregation of alleles and independent assortment of

SPI 3210.4.4 Determine the probability of a particular trait in an offspring based on the genotype of the parents and the particular mode of inheritance.

Glencoe Chapter 11 What Do You Know About Human Inheritance? TE p. 295 Resources, TE p. 294B

Formative Assessment, TE p. p.310

NGSS Practices 4. Analyzing and interpreting data.

5. Using mathematics and computational thinking.

2013-2014 5

Third Nine Weeks

High School Science: Curriculum Map for Biology

State Standards

Embedded Standards

Learning Outcomes


Adopted Resources*

alleles in terms of the number of chromosomes present in given cells during meiosis.

Compare different modes of inheritance: sex linkage, co-dominance, incomplete dominance, multiple alleles, and polygenic traits.

Mini-Lab Investigate Human Pedigrees, TE p. 300

Mini-Lab ? "Investigate Human Pedigrees, TE p. 300

Incomplete, codominance, multiple alleles Powerpoint

Incomplete Dominance worksheet

Apply pedigree data to interpret various modes of genetic inheritance.

Describe the relationship between pedigree studies and the development of genetic screening tests.

ABO Blood Type Powerpoint

Prentice Hall Prentice Hall Chapter 11 pages 270-274 and Chapter 14 pages 341-354 Text Sect 11-3: 270-274

Sect 14-1: 341-348 Sect 14-2: 349-354

Core Ideas

2013-2014 6


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