Photosynthesis Webquest - Oikos

Name: _______________________________________ Date: __________ Ms. Gaynor

Photosynthesis Webquest- AP Biology


▪ Go to the following site.


▪ Pick the subject “Photosynthesis.”

Concept One

1. Write the equation for photosynthesis.

2. Define the following:

a. Oxidation =

b. Reduction =

3. Explain how photosynthesis is an example of an oxidation-reduction reaction.

Concept Two

4. Write out the electromagnetic spectrum from shortest wavelength to longest wavelength.

5. What part of the spectrum can you see?

6. Record the colors of the visible light part of the spectrum from longest to shortest wavelength.

Concept Three

7. Thomas Engelmann devised an experiment to learn which wavelengths (colors) of light were the most effective in carrying out photosynthesis. Explain his results.

Concepts Four ( JUST AN FYI…we will revisit this later! Just study and practice the diagram.

Concepts Five

9. What is a mesophyll cell?

10. Write the answers to the plant cell identification below going from TOP to BOTTOM of the list on the website.

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Concepts Six

9. Write the answers to the chloroplast identification below going from TOP to BOTTOM of the list on the website.

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Concept Seven

10. Describe the structure (chemical make up) of a chlorophyll molecule. Click on “View a Chlorophyll molecule” to see what it looks like.

11. Now click on “View Absorption Spectrum.” What part of the visible light spectrum is absorbed by chlorophyll a?

12. What part of the visible light spectrum is reflected by chlorophyll a?

Concept Eight

13. Where does the light dependent each take place? ____________________________________

14. Where does the Calvin Cycle take place? ___________________________________________

15. What is striking the thylakoids in the Light Reaction? __________________________________

16. What is happening to water in the Light Reaction? ____________________________________

17. Why does this happen to water?

18. What two products produced in the Light Reaction are used in the Calvin Cycle? ______________ & _________

19. During the Calvin Cycle what enters the reaction? ___________________________________

20. What is the final product of the Calvin Cycle? _______________________________________

21. Click on “A Closer Look” in the top right hand corner of the screen.

a. Click on “Non Cyclic Phosphoralyation” and “Cyclic Phosphoralyation.” Fill in the table below:

| |Cyclic Phosphoralyation |Non- Cyclic Phosphoralyation |

|Which photosystem(s) are used? | | |

|What reactants/things are needed? | | |

|What products are produced? | | |

|How many light events are needed? | | |

|Is Chl a 680, Chl a 700 or both used? | | |

b. Watch the “Non cyclic phosphoralytion” animation again.

i. What particles get shoved into the thylakoid space (lumen) using active transport? ___________

ii. Why are ATP and NADPH released into the stroma during non cyclic phosphoralyation?

22. Directions: Fill in the arrows with the proper inputs, outputs and energy carrying compounds. Include the following terms in your summary: ATP, NADPH, CO2, H2O, light energy, O2, and carbohydrates.


Photosynthesis concept map

23. Directions: Use the following concepts to develop a concept map. You may add words to this list, but avoid using the same concept twice. Your map should be well organized and neat and have meaning connections.

photons pigments Aaccessory pigment primary pigment thylakoids stroma chloroplast light reactions ATP synthase ADP + Pi

light-independent sunlight ATP carbon dioxide NADPH NADP+ oxygen water glucose visible light Calvin cycle stomata wavelength light energy photosystem














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