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Prepositional Phrases Practice Quiz

Highlight Yellow: Prepositional Phrases

Underline: Independent Clauses – An independent clause can stand alone as a simple sentence.

(Parenthesis): Dependent Clauses – A dependent clause begins with a subordinating conjunction and cannot stand alone. If it is alone, it is a fragment. It must be hooked up to an independent clause. All sentence must have at least one independent clause.

Highlight Blue: Subordinating Conjunction

1. The teacher doesn’t like (when the students sit on the desk.)

2. I like to play with my friends on the weekend.

3. The color of the paint hurts my eyes (when I look at it.)

4. The stroll through the woods was pleasing to me.

5. Early in the morning, I like to take my dog for a walk.

6. I can’t imagine going to the mall without my best friend, Darian.

7. The woman in the red dress was easy to spot on the street.

8. (If it wasn’t for Sarah), I wouldn’t know how to be a kind person to others.

9. The boys in the hall were clowning around and accidentally hit another student in the face.

10. The whole class lights up (when Otto walks into the room.)

Directions: Circle each prepositional phrase separately and rewrite the sentence without the prepositional phrases.

On Sundays I like to wake up a little later than I normally do on the weekdays. Rather than set my alarm for 5:00, I set it for 5:15. This allows me fifteen extra minutes of sleep in the early morning hours. During these precious fifteen minutes, I like to dream about what it would be like never to have to wake up in the morning. Although it seems like it would be great to stay in bed for most of the day, in actuality, I think it would be boring. I kind of like waking up early and having the whole day before me to accomplish a list of tasks that need to be performed for the day. It makes me feel as if I have a purpose in life.


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