WRITING - Acoustic Span

WRITING SKILLS FOR THE BGCSEGENERAL TIPSLike speaking, writing is an active/productive rather than passive/receptive skill. It is a test of the language skills you have assimilated and can demonstrate.Although accuracy is always important, in the Core Level, communication –the ability to make yourself understood – is more important. That means that spelling and certain grammar errors can be tolerated as long as they don’t make your message unclear.In the Extended accuracy becomes even more important. You must remember your grammar rules, particularly agreements between noun and adjective and your verb endings. “Ticks” are given for correct grammar structures and these are converted into points for language accuracy. A good range of vocabulary and idiom is an advantage.Here are some pointers:Watch the time. Figure out how much time you have to do each question and proceed accordinglyRead the questions carefully. Your writing assignments are task-based (containing 5 tasks usually) and you must complete each task adequately or lose many marks.Write enough words. Not so much a problem in the first two questions of the core level. 100 words for the last question of core (which is the first question of extended) and 150 words for the last question of extended. Communication is assessed according to what you are able to convey appropriately in fulfillment of the task. Language is assessed by a series of ticks for good grammar structure. If you fall short of the number of words required, you are also losing marks rapidly for grammar.Verbs You are going to be judge heavily on your ability to handle verbs – using the correct tense and personal forms of AR ER IR verbs and all main irregular verbsOpinions!! At the extended level be sure to express your opinion a few times in a composition. Learn phrases that introduce opinions e.g. en mi opinion, creo que, pienso que; and also in the past tense e.g. mi opinion era que; creía que, pensaba que. Also learn how to give reasons (WHY!) e.g. me gusta mi dormitorio porque es comodoCheck your workAvoid writing answers in rough first. A quick plan, yes. but you simple won’t have the time to rewrite a complete version.Exercise 1 [CORE]Write a list in Spanish of four things in a living room with a description. Ejemplo una lámparaamarillaEjemplo un plano viejo1234Sample answerperro /perezoso, sofá / cómodo, flores / bonitas, mesa / verde, ordenador / nuevo,In this exercise, look at the example first. It tells you what you have to do. This opening exercise is designed to be simple, to give you confidence at the start of the exam but you must aim to gain the full eight marks in order to give yourself a better chance of scoring enoughmarks overall to reach Grade C standard. The picture is provided to give examples of the items j to include, but you are free to write others as long as they are relevant to the task set. Write the ones that you are sure of first. Although you must of course avoid writing in English, you may use words such as piano which are the same in both English and Spanish.Exercise 2 [Core]Write about 40 words in Spanish about your work. Include:what days you work the times how you got to work yesterday how much they paywhat you want to buy i?*[Total: 10 marks]Sample answerTrabajo los sábados y los domingos desde las siete de la ma?ana hasta las tres de la tarde. Ayer fui al trabajo andando. M e pagan 5 libras a la hora. Quiero comprar una bicicleta con el dinero. Take each point in turn and deal with it simply and as correctly as you can. Note that you can answer tasks 1 and 2 in a single sentence, but try to use as many correct verbs as you can.. Exercise 3 [Core]Write an e-mail to your friend.Give a description in Spanish of yourself, your family and school.Write about 40 words in complete sentences.Example: ? where you live Vivo en Nueva ProvidenciaInclude the following:? your brother or sister or pet? your house? your personality? your hobbies? your schoolSample answerHola. Me llamo Paula. Tengo una hermana pero no tengo hermanos. Mi casa es bonita y está en el centro de la ciudad. Soy una persona alegre y generosa. Me gusta nadar y salir. Mi instituto es moderno pero no me gusta.There is no need to include the example. Take each point in turn and deal with it simply and as correctly as you can. At this stage of the exam the examiner is not looking for elegant Spanish.ISECTION 2 [Core and Extended]For these exercises, common to both Core and Extended, accuracy becomes more important and you need to be able to show that you can use a range of tenses. You will have a choice of questions. You can be sure that the tasks will require you to write in the past, present and future and you will have to give at least one opinionExercise 4 [Core and Extended]Escribe una carta 100 palabras en espa?ol sobre tu instituto. Menciona: [Write 100 words in Spanish on your school. Mention:]How long you’ve been at this school.A description (building ,uniform)The subject you like best and whyA field trip you madeWhat you are going to do when you leave schoolSample answerHola Nadia. Voy a escribir de mi instituto. Se llama Government High School y estudio aquí desde hace tres a?os. Es un instituto mixto y bastante moderno pero es demasiado grande. Hay más de novecientos alumnos y setenta profesores. La materia que me gusta más es el espa?ol, ?claro! Es interesante y el profesor es joven y muy guapo.El a?o pasado el profesor de espa?ol organizó un viaje a Cuba. Viajamos en avión y lo pasamos muy bien. Visité los sitios de interés y compré ropa espa?ola. El a?o que viene, voy a dejar el instituto y estudiaré el espa?ol en un colegio.Now that you have completed the Core exercises, you have to show that you can write opinions and use different tenses. Did you notice the different tenses required in Task 4 (past)and Task 5 (future)? Note the useful opening phrase voy a escribir de.... In Task 1, the present tense is used with desde hace to say you have been doing something and still are. Learn the phrase aprendo el espa?ol desde hace cinco a?os as an example of this. This answer contains 97 words. When counting words, don't count English words or names such as the name of your school. It is worth giving as many examples as you can of past and future tenses.; Be wary of the word hay (there is/there are). If you have to use it, use it once only. Overuse of hay tells the examiner you cannot use verbs. If you are asked for an opinion, give one even if it is only me gusta.... Exercise 5 [Core and Extended]You are going to visit a friend in Puerto Rico.Write a setter of 100 words in Spanish. Mentionhow you are going to traveltwo thing you want to do in Puerto Ricoyour reasonssomething youdid last yearask a question about Puerto RicoSample answerNassau, 5 de marzo Hola, Miguel?Qué tal? Voy a escribirte de mi visita a Puerto Rico. Voy a tomar el avión desde aquí el seis de agosto y voy a llegar a eso de las ocho de la noche.Durante mi visita me gustaría ver el museo del Prado porque me gusta la pintura. También quisiera conocer a tus amigos para poder practicar mi espa?ol. El a?o pasado pasé dos semanas en la Costa Brava con mi familia. Desafortunadamente no podía hablar en espa?ol porque todo el mundo era inglés.?Hay un club de fútbol en Madrid? ?Puedo ver un partido de fútbol?Hasta pronto Mario Note that you have to mention two activities, with a reason for each. Since the visit is still tocome you need to use the future tense (e.g. voy a tomar) but you could use the other form ofthe future (e.g. tomaré). The preterite tense is required in Task 4. Note that you must ask aquestion at the end. Don't forget also the phrase ?Puedo...? which means "can I?"Remember that, for variation, you can use the phrase Quisiera, which means the same as quiero. When saying you will arrive on a particular date you don’t need any word to translate “on”. As this is a letter, don’t forget to write a suitable beginning and end.Exercise 6 [Core and Extended]Write 100 words in Spanish on your work and your pocket moneyhow much money you receivewhat you bought recentlywhat you do to help at homewhat you do on the weekendwhat job you will do in the futureSample answerFreeport, 15 de mayo. Querido amigo:?Qué tal? Voy a escribir del dinero que recibo. Como dinero de bolsillo recibo veinte dólares a la semana de mis padres. No es mucho. Compré muchas cosas el sábado pasado. Fui al centro comercial y compré una camisa, y un CD. Por la tarde comí en McDonald's. Era caro. Para ganar dinero ayudo a mis padres en casa. Por ejemplo hago mi cama y arreglo mi dormitorio todos los días. Los sábados lavo el coche de mi madre y de vez en cuando hago la jardinería. En el futuro voy a trabajar como mecánico y voy a ganar mucho dinero. ?Espero que sí!Saludos DavidAlthough we've mentioned how important it is to be able to use the past and future tenses, you mustn't forget how to use the present! Note the examples in Tasks 1, 3 and 4 here. Note the effective use of phrases like era caro (it cost a lot), de vez en cuando (from time to time), no es mucho (it's not a lot) and espero que sí ( I hope so!) Section 3 [Extended]These are the most demanding exercises, for which you have to write about 150 words and in which you must display your ability to write correct Spanish with a certain style. In addition to the features required for grade C (tenses, opinions), you must also be able to use longer sequences and use a wide range of vocabulary structure and tense. You must be able to narrate events and express and justify points of view. You are given a choice of question. Although four examples are given here, in the exam there will only be a choice of two.Exercise 7 [Extended]Write a report of 150 words in Spanish on your vacation abroad.where you went on vacation and why that placethe places you visited and your impressions of themwhat impressed you most and what you did not like, and whywhether you prefer the Bahamas or Mexicohow you will spend your next summer vacation and whySample answerEl a?o pasado pasé unas vacaciones magníficas en Mexico. Fui allí con un grupo de mi instituto. El profesor de espa?ol organizó el viaje porque habíamos estudiado la cultura mexicana durante el a?o. Visitamos una catedral, todos los monumentos y la parte vieja de la ciudad. Las ruinas antiguas eran inolvidables. Sin embargo no podía ver todo, así que tengo ganas de volver un día. Lo que me gustaba más en México eran las pirámides, que recuerdan la gran historia mexicana. Lo que no me gustaba era el tráfico - hay tantos coches y andan tan deprisa. A pesar de mis recuerdos agradables, creo que prefiero las Bahamas. No hablo bien las lenguas extranjeras y nosotros también tenemos ruinas maravillosas en Nueva Providencia. Además prefiero la comida bahame?a - no me gustan comida tan picante. El a?o que viene no iré a ninguna parte. Tengo que tomar clases extra de matemáticas porque no saqué buenas notas en el segundo trimestre.This answer would earn a very good mark because it is very accurate. There is a good range of tenses (including preterite, present and future), reasons have been given and justified and there is style in the writing. Equally importantly, all the points mentioned in the question have been dealt with. You should make a brief plan before starting an essay of this type to ensure that you have covered all that is asked for. You will always be asked to give your reactions, opinions or impressions and you should be confident in using the appropriate phrases. Some of the good points in this essay and which you should note are:? adjective agreement, e.g. unas vacaciones magníficas; la parte vieja; las lenguas extranjeras m use of past, present and future tenses and also the use of the pluperfect tense - habíamos estudiado (we had studied)Exercise 8 [Extended]Write a report of 150 words IN SPANISH on one week of work experience (e.g. in an office, factory, shop etc.).Include:Where you worked and your work schedulewhat your colleagues were likewhat you did on the job and your impressionswhat you earned and how you plan to use the moneywhere you would like to work in the future and whySample answerEn marzo del a?o pasado, pasé una semana trabajando en un supermercado en Nassau. Todos los días tenía que empezar a las ocho y trabajaba hasta las cinco con una pausa de una hora para comer. Solía comer a las doce y media.Todos los otros empleados del supermercado eran simpáticos y acogedores salvo una mujer que se burlaba de mí. Pude aprender mucho de ellos mientras trabajábamos y en los descansos. Yo tenía que poner la comida en los estantes lo que era monótono y también trabajar en la caja lo que era más interesante porque podía charlar con los clientes. Por tanto tengo impresiones mixtas de mi trabajo. Desafortunadamente no gané ni un centavo porque lo que hacía era [para tener] experiencia de trabajo. Tendré que pagar mi nuevo celular de otra manera.No me gustaría trabajar en el supermercado en el futuro. Lo que me gustaría hacer es trabajar en una escuela primaria porque me encantan los ni?os. Sí, un día seré maestro.This account is very accurate, covers all the points and contains past, present and future tenses, some good vocabulary and instructions. It would therefore earn an excellent mark. Note in particular the following points:? the way in which some sentences have been linked with porque and lo que, making subordinate clauses" which give better style - e.g. porque me encantan los ni?os, una mujerque se burlaba de mí? good vocabulary, e.g.: acogedor (welcoming), with the correct plural ending; salvo (except);solía (I used to ...); desafortunadamente (unfortunately); no ... ni un centavo (not a singlecent); por tanto (therefore)? a mixture of tenses: preterite (pasé), imperfect (trabajaba), conditional (me gustaría), future (seré)? the use of lo que, e.g. lo que era monótono... (which was boring)This composition is slightly longer than 150 words. That’s OK. It will be cut off at 150 for the assessment of quality of language (grammar) but it will be considered in full for communication (content).Exercise 9 [Extended]You are looking for a job in Cuba for the summer holidays. Write a letter of 150 words IN SPANISH in response to an advertisement. Mention:why you are responding to the ad, giving available datesyour past experienceyour personality and talentswhy these will be an assetsome things you need to knowSample answerNassau, 14 de marzo Estimado Se?or:He visto su anuncio en el periódico y le escribo porque me gustaría trabajar en su camping durante agosto. Estoy libre del tres al veinticuatro de agosto. Usted busca jóvenes para trabajar con ni?os organizando juegos, etcétera. Ya he trabajado con ni?os. He trabajado en un camping en una de nuestras islas familiares el a?o pasado. Organicé juegos, concursos, y otras actividades deportivas y culturales. Creo que esta experiencia me ayudará mucho. En cuanto a mis talentos, tengo paciencia y soy amistoso. Me entiendo bien con otra gente, sobre todo con ni?os. Hablo inglés, francés criollo y espa?ol. Estos talentos serán útiles en su camping porque podré trabajar con ni?os de muchas nacionalidades. En mi opinión es muy importante.Por favor, puede Vd decir si necesito un visado? También querría saber si hay alojamiento barato porque soy estudiante.En espera de sus noticiasAs you are required to write a letter, remember to give a suitable beginning and end (using the correct style of formal ending) and write your name at the end. Writing a letter applying for a job is a fairly common exam task at this level. As before, you must ensure that you cover all the points. Points worthy of note in this example include:? good use of verbs in different tenses - there are examples here of the present, the future, the preterite, the perfect and the conditional. Useful examples of each are: Present: le escribo porque... (I am writing to you because); me entiendo bien con... (I get on well with); Usted busca (You are looking for); creo que (I believe that) Future: podré (I will be able) Perfect: He visto (I have seen) Preterite: Organicé (I organised)? remember that the verb poder (like tener que and querer) must be followed by the infinitive of a verb? learn the phrases del... al... to use with dates (from ... to ...)? note the correct adjective agreements: útiles, actividades deportivas y culturales.? note the opinion phrases: Creo que, En mi opiniónThis coposition is 7 words short. Be careful! You will lose a few points on the gramar assessment, since this is base don the ticking for correct structures.Exercise 10 [Extended]?Estás en buena condición física? ?Te gusta la vida? ?Quieres contribuir a nuestro debate?Tu dieta. Tus actividades deportivas. ?Es importante estar en buena condición? ?Por qué? You come across an article on physical well-being. Write a comment of 150 words contributing to the debate. Mention:why health is importantyour own state of healthwhat you have been doing to to keep fityour diet and eating habitsthe advantages of keeping fitSample answerEn mi opinión, la salud es la cosa más importante de la vida. Cuánto más sano eres, más aprecias la vida. Es tan importante hacer todo lo posible para evitar enfermedades y mantenerte en buena condición. Yo estoy en buena condición porque tengo cuidado con lo que como. Además, no fumo, no bebo demasiado y hago ejercicio todos los días. Ayer, por ejemplo, fui de paseo en mi bicicleta. Esta tarde, jugaré al tenis. En cuanto a mi dieta, como fruta y verdura frescas todos los días. No como cosas dulces e intento evitar cosas grasientas. No hago muchos deportes pero muchas veces nado en la piscina y monto a caballo de vez en cuando. Siempre me ha gustado jugar al fútbol. Sí, me encanta la vida porque estoy en buena condición física. This is a fairly simple answer but it is accurate. On a question like this, there is not as good an opportunity to use a range of tenses. Most verbs here are in the present tense but they are correct. However, a preterite and a future have been used. Opinions are given and they are justified. Note the following:? the use of the words cuánto más... más... to translate "the more ... the more". You can use the word cuánto menos... menos,.. ("the less ... the less") in the same way.? the verb evitar, a useful verb meaning "to avoid"? time phrases: de vez en cuando, muchas veces, todos los días etc. Learn and use them? notice en cuanto a (as regards)? además is a useful alternative to tambiénSomewhat less than 150 words. Several points will be lostneedlessly on the grammar assesment due to too few “ticks” for correct structures. The last task could have been fleshed out, and the sentences dealing with sports are better placed with the third task ................

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