Physical Education 7th - 8th grade

Physical Education/Health 7th, 8th gradeCoach Halbert, ronaldward.halbert@Coach Halliday, esther.halliday@Coach Cooper, denise.cooper@P.E. Website address: indianhillspe.Health Website address: indianhillshealth.Course Philosophy and ObjectivesHealth is a course designed to teach skills needed to improve the quality of life. Students will learn to cope with and solve problems, and make better decisions that will help improve their healthy lifestyle. The students will further explore life skills, growth and development, maturation, positive health life-styles, high-risk life-styles, disease prevention, emergency procedures and first aid care.Physical Education is the only subject which, by the very nature of its content, has the potential to affect how a person will feel every day for the rest of his/her life. Educational Goal: Help each student appreciate and better understand the human body, and to help the student to make appropriate health choices now and in his/her life.This PE class is designed to give each student an opportunity to experience a variety of activities and is designed to help students become more physically fit. Students will learn to manage their own fitness levels and learn to form good health habits by establishing physical workouts. Teaching students to work on their personal fitness during our conditioning program will help them form good habits and the desire to stay physically fit throughout their lives. We will stress to them that it is a lifetime commitment. Students will be tested on the TriFIT machine which allows them to assess their personal fitness levels and develop a lifelong fitness plan. We will also incorporate the use of heart rate monitors which will provide instant feedback for students regarding their personal cardiovascular training zone. This program is very individualized and will help students work at their own levels. Students will be given printouts to chart their progress. The heart rate monitors require chest straps that hold the transmitter in place. We strongly recommend that students purchase their own chest strap. These are going to be sold from the main office at a cost of $10.00. If this is a financial burden we will check a strap out to your student to use during the trimester. If it is not returned we will fine the student $10.00. They can use their personal strap all three years of middle school. We would like students to purchase this strap within the first two days of class and is counted as an assignment on the first day of PE dress. Students will not be competing against other students. They will only compete against themselves and will continually work to improve upon the 5 components of fitness: 1. Cardiovascular endurance4. Flexibility2. Muscular strength5. Body composition (not measured in class)3. Muscular endurance 6. Sport skills: eye hand coordination, speed, agilityYour student will be taught the fundamentals for many sports. We hope that each student can find something they like to participate in and stay active throughout their lives. Brief film clips are available for students on the website to help with skill development. Grading Procedure and Grading Scale1. Approximately 30% of the grade will consist of written tests on rules and knowledge of the games. Students will have access to study guides located on the P.E. Website: are responsible for accessing and printing the study guides before taking these tests. Tests are often given on bad weather days, so make sure you are prepared.2. Approximately 70% of the student’s grade will consist of participation and daily responsibilities.Students will be graded on the following items:Attendance – _________ points possible Deductions:Tardies - minus 5 ptsAbsences - minus 5 ptsTruancy/unexcused absences - minus 10 ptsLeaving dressing room before bell - minus 20 ptsLeaving class without permission - minus 20 ptsBeing in equipment room without permission - minus 20 ptsDress – ________ points possible – If not dressed they will not participate and will be asked to do other activities.Dressing for P.E. includes: White t-shirt with last name printed in large letters on the front. Students may wear gym shorts that are in compliance with School Dress Code Standard. Capri or warm-up pants are also acceptable for class. Socks and non-marking tennis shoes that tie are required. Keeping a sweatshirt in your locker for cold days is a great idea. Students who do not follow these guidelines will lose points daily.Deductions:Not dressed – minus 5 pts. (Increases exponentially)Wearing jewelry - minus 5 ptsDistrict dress code violation - minus 5 pts, and asked to change.Lost lock - minus 10 pts/day (must tell coaches)Sharing locker - minus 10 pts/dayForgetting locker information - minus 5 pts. (Increases exponentially)Participation includes: Being actively involved in class, working with teams and groups during each unit, willingness to try new things, attending class regularly, and being to class on time.Participation – _________ points possibleStudents earn 5 points daily for participating in classDeductions:Absences results in no participation-minus 5 ptsNot doing what is asked – minus 1-5 ptsHeart rate downloads – 400 points possibleAttitude/Sportsmanship – 100 points possibleDeductions:Disrespectful to teachers, students, and equipment – minus 10 ptsTalking back – minus 10 ptsTalking during instruction – minus 10 ptsPoor sportsmanship – minus 10-100 ptsUsing inappropriate language – minus 10 ptsBullying/harassment – minus 10 ptsCriticizing other people – minus 10 ptsFitness Testing – 300 points possible (pre/post testing)1.5 mile 1st run completion---50 points1.5 mile comparison—100 points Students will get 50 points for succeeding in each fitness area.Fitness tests:1.5 mile run60 second curl upsPush upsFlexibility, 8th gradeBicep strength, 8th gradeOverall fitnessWritten test:Fitness quiz – 50 ptsVolleyball test – 50 ptsSoftball test – 50 ptsBasketball test – 50 ptsBadminton test—50ptsDisclosure document turned in on time – 50 pointsDress check on day assigned – 50 pointsTotal points possible: __________All __________ points are given the first day of class and will show up on Skyward. As a result, declining grades will take longer to show up. So please check power school daily. Health Assignments:Most assignments will be on line and will be completed in packet form. A unit test will follow and will be taken in class. If students missed an assignment they can go on line to find the information. If you miss the final exam, make ups will be on Thursday mornings at 7:30am in the gymnasium.GRADESCALE:93% A 87% B+ 80% B- 73% C 67% D+ 60% D-90% A- 83% B 77% C+ 70% C- 63% D 59% F~EXTRA CREDIT will be offered each trimester for students that want to improve their grade. The extra credit will be given for extra workouts that the student completes with a coach before school. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule the extra workout. The P.E. teachers are willing to schedule workouts for students who arrive by 7:30 Thursday mornings. No late arrivals will be accepted. Make ups – Students who miss fitness testing or written tests may come in on Thursday mornings at 7:30 am to make these up. Students must be on time. They need to complete the make-up before the next test is given. Students may not make up tardies, truancies, or unexcused absences. ~MID-TERM REPORTS will be given out midway through each trimester. Also, students and parents have access to grades on the Internet at any time throughout the school year.Optional on-line make up, see your coach.Students’ Citizenship1. Behavior is excellent and gives 100% in all areas, with no daily minus points or tardies will receive an H.2. Behavior and participation is good, less than 3 tardies, and fewer than 20 daily minus points will receive an S.3. Any of the following problems will warrant an N in citizenship: Student participates poorly at times, has 4 to 6 tardies, has 21 to 29 daily minus points, or disrupts class.4. The following problems will warrant a U in citizenship: Student’s behavior or participation is continually a problem, truant during class anytime in the quarter, has 7 or more tardies, or has 30 or more daily minus points.Parent Excuses1. A written excuse from the parent will be accepted to excuse a student from participating for up to 3 days, but not from dressing. Students are expected to dress every day. Activity points will be missed for these days. Students will need to schedule an extra workout with a coach to make up for the lost points.2. Please state the number of days to be excused from the activity and why.3. A doctor’s excuse stating the reason and length of non-participation is needed if the problem is for an extended period of time. If students have a doctor’s note not to participate in P.E. activities, they will need to complete the following assignment to earn participation credit for missed activities. See coaching staff for detailed information.Paper 1: Type a two page report on why it is important to stay physically fit. Paper 2: Type a two page report on the way to improve the cardiovascular system. This needs to have two references.Paper 3: Type a two page report on nutrition that includes one reference.General Rules1. Candy and gum are not allowed in class.2. Don’t play with equipment before or after roll call. All equipment must be left alone until we begin class.3. When we blow the whistle, you must quickly sit down in roll call order while we gather equipment and account for it. Don’t just leave when you hear the whistle blow. If you do this quickly, you will have more dressing time.4. At the end of class when the whistle blows, quickly sit down.5. Don’t wear jewelry for safety reasons.6. Vandalizing or stealing will be dealt with by the administration or police.7. When we meet in the cafeteria for class, please walk quietly behind the other classes so that we don’t interrupt.8. NO cell phones, ipods, or electronic devices are allowed and will be taken away and sent to the office.Dressing Room*Stay in the dressing room with the door shut until the bell rings to excuse you to go to your next class. 8th and 9th graders should not leave when the 7th grade bell rings. You must wait for your bell. 5 points will be docked from your grade if you leave early, and you will be written up for a truancy.*You must be in the dressing room at the beginning of class before the tardy bell rings. The halls must be cleared when that bell rings. If you are not in class when that bell rings you will lose 20 points.*You are not allowed to use the restroom during class time. Please use them during your dressing time.Lock and Locker Information*Lock your things up!!! You are responsible for your things. If they are locked up each day you won’t have a problem. The student needs to look through the lost and found if they have items missing. Lock up anything of value in your locker during class time. Students are responsible for keeping their things locked up. Any item left in an unlocked locker will be placed in the lost and found. *Only use your lock on you locker. Don’t share with a friend. We will not open any locker that is not yours.*Use the long lockers only during your class period. Don’t leave things locked up in long lockers. When you leave the dressing room, all the long lockers should be empty for the next class to use.*If you find a lock on the floor, please hook it on the lock bar or return it to your teacher.*You are responsible for your lock. If you lose your lock your grade will be reduced until you find the lock or pay the fee, $5.00.Please fill out this form and return it to your teacher.Please sign this form showing you and your child have read this disclosure statement and are aware of the class expectations and policies. We keep this form on file so we are aware of any medical problems that might affect participation in some activities that we do in class.Student’s name___________________________________________________________P.E/Health Teacher________________________________________________________P.E./Health Class period: ______________ A B (circle) Grade Level: _______List any medical problems that we should be aware of:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Is it possible for your child to participate in aerobic activities such as jogging to improve their cardiovascular fitness?_______________________________Parent signature_____________________________________________Student signature____________________________________________ ................

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