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Me TimeSportThe purpose of this badge is to help you think about the benefits of sport, the physical and mental health benefits as well as being a way for you to meet people and be social. We hope that after, completing this badge you may think about getting more active and have an awareness of what is available in your local area.Me TimeSport #1 – Exercise DiaryA sporting activity is something that gets you moving and active, this can also include an active walk whereby your heart rate increases. For any type of?activity to benefit your health, you need to be moving quick enough to raise your heart rate, breathe faster and feel warmer. At this level you should still be able to talk but you won't be able to sing the words to a song.To maintain a basic level of health, children and young people aged?5 to 18 need to do at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day?–?this should range from moderate activity, such as?cycling and playground activities,?to?vigorous activity, such as?running and tennisMe TimeOn 3 days a week, these activities should?involve exercises for strong muscles and bones,?such as swinging on playground equipment, hopping and skipping, and sports such as gymnastics or tennisChildren and young people should?also reduce the time they spend sitting for extended periods of time, including watching TV, playing computer games and travelling by car when they could walk or cycle.Being active for at least 60 minutes a day is linked to better general health, stronger bones and muscles, and higher levels of self-esteem.In the below table, think about any active activities that you have done over a two day period and complete the table. Day 1What I did:Day 2What I did:Me TimeSport #2 – Physical Activity BenefitsFrom the previous task there were advantages highlighted of completing a physical activity.These positives can be put into three different categories; below each of the titles is a link that will help you see what is meant by each category.Social – Mental – – ActivityClick what section each benefit goes into, and can you think of one more benefit and what category it would go in? BenefitSocialMentalPhysicalImproved ConfidenceLosing WeightMeeting PeopleMaking FriendsImproved PostureStress ReliefImproved Body ShapeMe TimeSport #3 – Sporting QualitiesThere are loads of activities and sports in the world today. You may already know lots of them or just a few. By getting involved in these types of activities, you can learn new skills, make friends and have fun. above link will help to look at these benefits. Can you choose a sport and give some examples of the qualities you can get from playing in this sport.Sport Chosen:FootballPersonal Qualities:Communication skillsTeamworkPersonal fitnessActive listeningRespectMotivation Me TimeSport #4 – Get Active!From the information in the other tasks, you might think you’re going enough or not enough activities. Can you do more? How would you do more? How easy would this be?These are all questions that can be asked in order to try and increase the amount of activities being done.If you are struggling to think of activities or clubs, the below links will help identify local activities that you can participate in. - In the table below, can you give information about what you will try and do in the upcoming weeks?EXAMPLE:Walking 3 times a week for 30/45mins at a time.What I will do:Try a trampoline lesson.Week 1:What I will do:Week 2:What I will do: Week 3:What I will do:Week 4:What I will do: ................

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