Brochure - Weebly

The Epidemic of Declining Student Health

-Fewer than one in four children get 20 minutes of vigorous activity every day.

-Since the 1970's, the number of overweight children from ages 6-19 has increased close to 300%.

-Children are increasingly sedentary, spending an average of 3 hours a day in front of a TV or computer screen.

-Inactivity and poor diet cause an estimated 400,000 deaths per year in the United States, second only to tobacco use.

-Overweight and obese children experience the same risk factors associated with heart disease in adults such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and Type 2 diabetes.

Meet your child’s Teachers

Mr. Justin Carlson – 15th year at Ayer-Shirley Regional Schools.

Mr. Brian Maver – 15th year at Ayer-Shirley Regional Schools.

“Be not afraid of going slowly; be only afraid of standing still.”

Chinese Proverb

“Activity is contagious.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“No one knows what is in him til he tries, and many would never try if they were not forced to.”

Basil W. Maturin


A.S.M.S. Wellness Department

Mr. Justin Carlson(978)772-8600 x1267 Email: jcarlson@

Mr. Brian Maver (978)772-8600x1268

Email: bmaver@

Ayer-Shirley Middle School

Physical Education/Wellness Department


Seventh Grade student throwing a football


Fitness Testing

During the school year students will be tested with Fitnessgram and other types of Physical activities. The tests focus on the five components of physical fitness measuring cardiovascular fitness, body composition, flexibility, muscular strength and muscular endurance. These components measure how well your body works. Their scores are compared to the recommended healthy fitness zones so that students can set goals for maintenance or improvement. Don’t forget to ask your youngster how well they performed! [pic]

Fun Health Facts

1. You would need to drink a quart of milk every day for three to four months to drink as much blood as your heart pumps in one hour.

2. In the course of a lifetime, the resting heart will have pumped enough blood to fill 13 supertankers.

3. If all 600 muscles in your body pulled in one direction, you could lift 25 tons.

4. There are 206 bones in the human body. One fourth of them are in your feet.[pic]

Dress for the weather

Do adults and children react the same way to heat and humidity during exercise?


hildren get hotter quicker because they have a higher metabolic rate, basically a faster motor. Therefore, more heat is generated for a given level of activity. Children also have up to a third more surface area for their size than adults. This causes them to collect heat faster, like a solar panel would. Shorter height means a child is more exposed to the heat radiating off of a hot asphalt court or track. Additionally, children have less circulating blood and a weaker heart so absorbing and transporting the heat is more difficult. Finally, children sweat less so the ability to cool off through the evaporation of sweat is unavailable.

To keep kids safe, have them wear loose-fit, lightweight, light colored clothing and minimal accessories such as sweatbands, bandannas and gloves which lock heat in. Promote drinking water 30 minutes before activity, every 15-20 minutes during activity and up to one hour after activity. Also, remind kids to warm up adequately and taper back workouts as heat and humidity rise. [pic]

Quality Physical Education

Why do children need quality Physical Education?

Top 10 Reasons:

1. Improved Physical Fitness: Improves muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition and cardiovascular endurance.

2. Skill Development: Develops motor skills which allow for safe, successful physical activity.

3. Brain Stimulation: Promotes better concentration and improved test scores.

4. Regular Healthy Physical Activity:

5. Self Discipline: Facilitates responsibility.

6. Improved Judgement: Influences moral development.

7. Problem Solving Skills

8. Stress Reduction

9. Strengthened Peer Relationships

10. Improved Self Confidence: Instills a stronger sense of self-worth.[pic]


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