|Teacher: Mickey Gill Unit Title: Dependency/Addiction and Treatment |

|Lesson Title: Alcohol Dependence/Addiction |

|Duration of class: 45 minutes Number of students: 30 Grade level: 8 |

SECTION A. (Overview)

|Rationale (importance of lesson): Many teenagers have begun consuming alcohol at a much younger age than ever before. It is important to educate students on the |

|various reasons of why people decide to drink alcohol such as availability, family environment, peer pressure, media pressure, and legal restrictions and abuse it |

|such as self-esteem and genetics. |

|Anticipated difficulties and how they will be addressed: |

|Problem: Some students may not understand the information the first time they are taught it. |

|Solution: I will explain each area in depth and allow time for questions whenever a student needs more clarification. |

|Resources, Equipment and Materials: PowerPoint, 8 Large Poster Sheets, Markers |

|References: |

|“A Drink Is a Drink, but People Are Different” |

|“Alcohol Use, Abuse, and Alcoholism” |

|“The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous” |

| |

|“Alcoholism vs. Alcohol Dependence” |

| |

|“How to Overcome Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism” |

| |

| |

|Paul M. Insel and Walton T. Roth. (2012). Connect Core Concepts in Health. |

|McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. |

SECTION B. (Objectives, CPIs & Assessment)

Standard: 2.3 Drugs and Medicines: All students will acquire knowledge about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and medicines and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle

Strand: C. Dependency/Addiction and Treatment

|Lesson Objective (CPI) |Student Assessment |

|Psychomotor: 2.3.6.C.3: |Students will be assessed on their knowledge of the various factors that lead to |

|Determine the extent to which various factors contribute to the use and abuse of |the decision to consume alcohol and factors that lead to alcohol abuse by the |

|alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs by adolescents, such as peer pressure, low |scenarios they think of in the “Why Do People Drink?” activity. |

|self-esteem, genetics, and poor role models.   | |

|Cognitive: 2.3.8.C.1: |Students will be assessed on their ability to recognize various theories of |

|Compare and contrast theories about dependency/addiction (such as genetic |alcohol dependency or addiction by taking a quiz. |

|predisposition, gender-related predisposition, and multiple risks) and provide | |

|recommendations that support a drug free life. | |

|Affective: 2.3.12.C.2: |Students will be assessed on their understanding of the various strategies |

|Analyze the effectiveness of various strategies that support an individual’s |someone who is dependent or addicted to alcohol and how they personally can aid |

|ability to stop abusing drugs and remain drug-free. |that person by taking a quiz. |

SECTION C. (Learning Activities & Instructional Strategies*)

|Time |Lesson Content, Procedures (management, transitions), & Instructional Strategies – Include introductory activities, learning focus activities, |

|Line: |culminating activity & closure |

|5 mins. |Introductory Activity: Overview of Alcohol |

| |I will review how alcohol travels through the body and impairs you. Also will touch base on the different sizes of alcoholic beverages and the |

| |amount of alcohol content in each. I will emphasize the point that it doesn’t matter what type of alcoholic beverage you drink, but the amount that |

| |determines how impaired you will become. |

|25 mins. |Learning Focus Activities: |

| |“Why Do People Drink?” Activity |

| |Students will break up into groups of 3-4 students, 8 groups total, and each group will get one marker. There will be large posters hung up on the |

| |classroom walls. On each poster, there will be a factor for why people start to drink or why people become dependent or addicted to drinking. The |

| |factors will be Availability, Family Environment, Peer Pressure, Media Pressure, Legal Restrictions, Self-Esteem, Genetics, and Role Models. Each |

| |group will start at a different poster, think of a scenario related to that factor and write it on the poster, then move to the next one. Groups |

| |will be given 2-3 minutes at each poster. After each group has had a chance to write something on each poster, everyone will sit back in their seats|

| |and we will discuss the scenarios that were written for each factor. |

| |Dependence/Addiction vs. Alcoholism |

| |After the activity, I will discuss alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence/addiction, and alcoholism and how one leads to another. |

| |Alcohol Abuse: having unhealthy/dangerous drinking habits such as drinking every day or binge drinking. |

| |Alcohol Dependence/Addiction: pathological use of alcohol or impairment in functioning due to alcohol that affects your social life and |

| |relationships; characterized by tolerance. |

| |Alcoholism: chronic psychological disorder when you believe you need to consume alcohol all the time and show signs of withdrawal when you do not |

| |drink and you do not believe you drink too much. |

| |I will then play a short video clip from HowCast about Alcoholism vs. Dependence/Addiction. |

| |The 12-Step Program |

| |I will introduce the 12-Step Program on how to overcome alcoholism and dependence/addiction by showing another short video clip from HowCast about |

| |overcoming this issue. The 12-Step Program will then be discussed. |

| |12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous: |

| |1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable. |

| |2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. |

| |3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. |

| |4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. |

| |5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. |

| |6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. |

| |7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. |

| |8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. |

| |9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. |

| |10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. |

| |11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for|

| |us and the power to carry that out. |

| |12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in|

| |all our affairs. |

| |I will continue by breaking down the steps. The 12-Step Program has an alcoholic admitting that they are “powerless over alcohol”, in need of help, |

| |and seeking out that help. Many times, the alcoholic has someone who they can call at any time during the day or night in case they need help. They |

| |also go to meetings with other alcoholics trying to gain power over alcohol again. |

| |Other Treatment Programs |

| |Moderation Management: encourages people to manage their drinking behavior by limiting intake or abstaining. |

| |Al-Aon: companion program to AA for families and friends of alcoholics; they look at ways they enabled the alcoholic to drink by denying, |

| |rationalizing, or covering up their drinking and how they can change this codependent behavior |

| |Questions will be asked on any material that students do not understand, and then a quiz will be taken. |

|10 mins. |Culminating Activity: Quiz |

| |Students will be given a short quiz to see if they have learned the information taught in this lesson. |

|5 mins. |Closure: Review |

| |Once everyone has completed their quiz, we will go over it as a class. Questions will then be answered if a student still does not comprehend a |

| |certain piece of material gone over in class. |

SECTION D. (Reflection)

|Student Outcomes: |

|Students will be able to identify and recognize various factors that contribute to start drinking and abusing it. |

|Students will understand the differences between alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence/addiction, and alcoholism. |

|Students will understand that even if someone abuses alcohol, they wont always become dependent, addicted, or an alcoholic. |

|Students will know the various treatments to aid people who have become dependent or addicted to alcohol. |

|Teacher Effectiveness: |

|Did the students come up with good examples for each of the factors during the “Why Do People Drink?” activity? |

|Based on the quiz results, did I explain all of the information thoroughly enough for the students to remember and retain it? |

|Was I able to go over all the information in the given time? |

|Is there any information I could add to the lesson to make it easier for the students to understand? |


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