Service Learning: Page Elementary School's Physical ...

Service Learning: Page Elementary SchoolDiana VanRheeFerris State UniversityAbstractThis paper presents my Service Learning experience at Page Elementary School’s physical education class in Middleville Michigan. It encompasses service learning, how it applies to the RN to BSN program at Ferris State University (FSU) and my professional growth as a student. Reflections and recommendations are brought forth for future service learning opportunities.Key words or phrases: childhood obesity, physical education, professional growth, service learning, volunteerism.Service Learning: Page Elementary SchoolService learning is a valuable requirement that students in the RN to BSN program at FSU need to complete. The purpose of service learning is to enhance the professional growth of nursing students and should be associated with health care (Ferris State University, 2015). I choose to do my service learning at Page Elementary School’s Physical Education class in Middleville Michigan.Agency DescriptionMrs. Tia Cross is the Physical Education teacher for 4th and 5th grade boys and girls at Page Elementary. Mrs. Cross has taught this class with enthusiasm and passion for numerous years. Not only does she mentor the children, she influences them by her behavior and is a great role model to all the students. Throughout her instructional time, she provides nutritional guidance and teaches the physical education in a variety of activities in order to instill lifelong healthy lifestyle habits (Cross, 2015). I chose this agency to work with in order to work alongside children in the community and promote healthy living in order to decrease childhood obesity.Volunteer Role DescriptionMy role was to assist and observe Mrs. Cross in her physical education class with different activities. Such activities included, but are not limited to: swimming and water safety, wall climbing, fitness testing, bowling, Pacer tests, pickle ball and Tinikling. It was a great opportunity to be alongside the children and participating in these events with them. Mrs. Cross would not only explain the benefits of physical activity to your body, but would provide nutritional information of food and eating habits. Her enthusiasm and love for the children was evident each time I assisted with the class.Critical Reflection Initially I did not think I would gain much knowledge from the Service Learning project. After working with Mrs. Cross and the children over time, I learned valuable information from her and the students. Working with the children and watching them learn and be inspired to live a healthy lifestyle was and exciting and emotional experience. Mrs. Cross would not only instruct the importance of physical health in relation to them growing up, but she would teach them how obesity negatively effects the body. Obesity is a significant risk factor for several health concerns and is considered to be a major public health problem (Berkowitz & Borchard, 2009). Physical education classes provide the encouragement and examples that children need to establish healthy lifestyles. The Centers for Disease Control states that “schools play a critical role in promoting and establishing lifelong healthy behavior patterns” (Centers for Disease Control, 2015).SynthesisThe agency is not the only one to benefit from service learning, the community and the participant also profit. Service Learning “enhances learning in all areas of a nursing program, and the service learning reinforces the moral and civic duties inherent in serving others” (FSU, 2015). Each nursing student has the potential to make a difference in their professional growth while service learning. Providing the service learning in a healthcare environment will help the student meet the Health Care Environment Objective. This objective is defined as “propose improvements to nursing practice related to specific health care trend or professional issue using a critical thinking and clinical reasoning framework” (FSU, 2015). The student can evaluate their own personal commitment in their nursing profession which assists them meeting the Professionalism Objective in the RN to BSN program at FSU.RecommendationsI believe that FSU should continue with the Service Learning Project as part of the RN to BSN curriculum. By doing this, the student will “demonstrate personal and professional accountability in nursing practice by identifying and planning activities that contribute to growth and self-development in relation to professional goals and advancement of the profession of nursing (FSU, 2015). Volunteering at a local school is a fun and interactive way to promote healthy living while connecting with community health.ConclusionWith childhood obesity rising, it is essential that teachers, parents and health professionals become a part of the solution to the problem. Service learning with an elementary school is an effective way to make a difference in these children’s lives and it can benefit the community as well. I had a very positive service learning experience and truly believe that continuation with the Service Learning Curriculum is essential to professional growth and BSN prepared.ReferencesBerkowitz, B. & Borchard, M. (2009). Advocating for the prevention of childhood obesity: A call to action for nursing. Retrieved from: for Disease Control. (2015). Healthy Schools. Whole school, whole community, whole child (wscc). Retrieved from: , T. (2015). Page Elementary. Retrieved from: State University. (2015). RN to BSN Service Learning Procedure: Service Learning Requirements for RN to BSN-review1.21.15docFerris State University. (2015). Syllabus & Course Schedule-Nurs 450 Fall 2015. Retrieved from: ................

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