Central Dauphin Middle School Physical Education Expectations

Central Dauphin Middle School Physical Education Expectations

The student’s grade is based on 10 points per class period. The grade is derived using the following criteria:

dress, participation, following directions, sportsmanship, attitude, effort, skill ability, fitness testing, special projects, homework, and written testing in accordance with middle school curriculum.

The main purpose of physical education is to teach students how to be physical fit for the rest of their lives. Through our rigorous program, students will gain knowledge and experience that will enable them to apply these learned skills to their everyday lives. Our goal is to have them experience exercise in many different forms and to ultimately show them how to create an effective personalized exercise program, which will serve to improve their own fitness level.

Society is changing and so must the face of physical education. We need to show our kids how to be physical fit. Just because a person is athletic does not mean that they are physically fit. Sports are still a part of the curriculum; however, the main focus of our class is fitness.

The Physical Activities Guidelines for Americans states that children and adolescence should be getting at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. This class will be an excellent start to reaching that daily number.

1. All students must change into appropriate physical education clothes. Dress code includes the following:

- Mandatory school PE uniform includes district issued t-shirt and shorts

- T-shirts may not be tied back in any way and must be loose fitting. All skin MUST be covered.

- Athletic shorts must be loose and of proper length (must go beyond the fingertips) to accommodate movement at various levels. Shorts may NOT be rolled.

- Socks (for hygiene purposes) and athletic sneakers with properly tied shoelaces, skater shoes as well as fashion sneakers (ex: converse) are not acceptable due to offering little or no support which increases the possibility of injury.

- Hair must be pulled back in a pony tail and out of their face.

- Sweatshirts and sweatpants may be worn ONLY on cool days when we go outside. Mandated shorts and t-shirts must be underneath to receive credit. If we are inside, there is no need to wear sweats.

-No cammies or other undershirts are to be worn under t-shirts.

-Absolutely NO JEWELRY , watches, rings, bracelets, earrings, gummy/animal bracelets, hair ties, anklets, etc. may be worn during class due to safety concerns. Points will be deducted if a student has jewelry on during class, per the district approved grading protocol, NO exceptions! They will be asked to remove the jewelry or sit out with a zero. Waiting until the school year is over to pierce your ears is strongly encouraged.

- Absolutely NO GUM - this is a school rule and it is also a safety issue. Students found chewing gum will receive no more than a 8/10 for the day for not being properly prepared to participate and for not following school rules.

- A lunch detention will be issued for 3 or more no dress, gum, and/or jewelry deductions per marking period. If a student should reach 6 or more of the above stated infractions, they will be written up for misconduct.

-DO NOT ask to go to your main locker. The answer will be NO. This is a class like any other, so please come prepared with clothing, sweat shirts/pants, sneakers, and any work that is due.

2. Students will be assigned a locker with a built-in combination lock. They will keep this locker for their entire stay at CDMS. Students are to secure all of their valuables in the locker during class. Students may store PE items in their locker, but please take clothes home regularly to be washed.

-Showers are not mandatory, but having a towel/wash cloth; deodorant, etc. are recommended for good personal hygiene. Deodorant is STRONGLY encouraged!

-NO sprays are permitted in the locker room due to allergies. If a student is caught spraying anything, they will immediately receive a warning card. The safety of all is of utmost importance.

3. Medical/health issues: a parent note will be accepted for limited or excused physical education for up to two consecutive classes for the same problem. Any injury/health concern that lasts longer than that requires a medical note from a doctor explaining the limitations. In most cases, the student will continue to dress for class and perform some type of adaptive activity (walking, officiating, scorekeeping, etc.) - Having cramps or your period is not an acceptable excuse.

4. We follow the CDSD curriculum and adhere to the specifications, regulations, and safety protocol within.

5. Student expectations:

-exhibit proper school behavior in the locker rooms, hallways, and gymnasiums

-dress properly for class

-successfully complete and turn in any homework assignments/projects

-participate to the best of their ability

-show sportsmanship at all times

-respect their peers as well as staff and equipment

6. Please visit our CDMS HPE website for current and upcoming activities and graded assignments.


Please detach and return once signed.

Student’s Name _____________________________________________________


Period ______ EVEN/ODD

Locker # ______________ Locker Combination ______- ______ - ______

Please sign below stating you read, understand, and accept the physical education expectations and return this portion of the form during the next class meeting.


Parent/Guardian Signature


Student Signature


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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