East/SE Asia Physical Features: Charting a Text

The LandMain Idea: Tectonic plate movements have created mountains and caused powerful earthquakes in parts of the region. -31648402222500The vast region of East Asia and Southeast Asia extends from the mountains of inland China eastward to the Pacific shores of Japan. The region also sweeps north to south from the highlands of northeastern China to the tropical islands of Indonesia.-31668191206500Landforms of East AsiaEast Asia occupies much of the Asian continent south of Russia. China and Mongolia extend over most of East Asia’s landmass. The other East Asian countries—North Korea, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan—lie on peninsulas or islands.-316420512398100Mountain ranges, such as the Himalaya and the Kunlun Shan, slice through western East Asia. Between these ranges is the Plateau of Tibet. About 15,000 feet in height, the Plateau is so high that it is called the Roof of the World. Plate movements cause earthquakes in these mountain areas. In 2008 a major earthquake in southwestern China killed nearly 70,000 people.-31647748015900East of the mountains lie East Asia’s major lowlands—the North China and Manchurian Plains. Narrow lowlands also line the coasts of Korea and Japan. Most East Asians live in these fertile areas. -31647749628100In the Pacific Ocean off East Asia’s coast lies an arc, or curve, of mountainous islands. These islands include Japan, which forms an archipelago, or chain of islands, and Taiwan off the coast of southeastern China. Formed millions of years ago by undersea volcanic activity, East Asia’s islands are part of the Ring of Fire. This is an area bordering the Pacific Ocean where plate movements cause many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. -311133511758200Landforms of Southeast AsiaSouth of China lies Southeast Asia. This area has a mainland of peninsulas as well as thousands of islands. Several countries—Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam—lie entirely on Southeast Asia’s mainland. Countries that are partly or entirely made up of islands are Indonesia, East Timor, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, and the Philippines. Both Indonesia and the Philippines are archipelagoes. -3111335168200Mainland Southeast Asia is crossed by cordilleras, or mountain ranges that run side by side. Fertile river plains and deltas separate the ranges. These lowlands are home to most mainland Southeast Asians. -311150014795500South and east of the mainland are thousands of mountainous islands. Part of the Ring of Fire, these islands hold many active volcanoes. Despite dangers, these volcanoes provide rich soil for farming. -311133512265400Earthquakes also challenge the islands of Southeast Asia. A great tsunami in 2004 was caused by an earthquake on the Indian Ocean floor. The tsunami washed over the coastal lowlands of more than a dozen countries. More than 300,000 people died, and thousands of homes and businesses were destroyed. Reading Check: (Explaining) What is the Ring of Fire? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Seas and RiversMain Idea: Seas and rivers play an important role in agriculture and trade in the region.-3111335-156700The long, winding coastlines of East Asia and Southeast Asia are washed by two major oceans—the Indian and the Pacific—as well as by many seas. Oceans and seas have influenced the region’s history. Japan, for example, developed a unique culture partly because its surrounding seas kept it isolated from the Asian mainland.-3075709-6054800Oceans and seas have also been important for the region’s economies. They have served as routes for trade. The South China Sea, stretching south from Taiwan to Southeast Asia, carries much of the world’s shipping traffic. Singapore has become one of the world’s busiest ports because it controls the Strait of Malacca, which connects the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.-30757099176200The region’s island and coastal areas also depend on the sea for food. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China have the world’s biggest deep-sea fishing industries. Rivers of East Asia-30757094189400The most important rivers in East Asia flow through China. They begin in the Plateau of Tibet and flow eastward to the Pacific Ocean. The Huang He (Yellow River) is northern China’s major river system. This river is called “yellow” because it carries tons of fine, yellow-brown soil called loess that blows in from deserts in western China. When deposited, the rich soil—along with the river’s water—makes the North China Plain a major wheat-growing area. Throughout China’s history, the Huang He has regularly flooded the land, destroying homes and drowning many people. As a result, the Chinese called the Huang He “China’s sorrow.”-3075709119600China also has another great river called the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River). The Chang Jiang is Asia’s longest river. It flows for about 3,400 miles through spectacular gorges, or canyons, and broad plains. It then empties into the ocean at the port city of Shanghai. The Chang Jiang provides water for a large farming area where more than half of China’s rice and other grains grow. It is also an important trade route. Oceangoing ships can travel far upriver, and barges carry goods even farther. -3075709-252400The Chinese are constructing, or building, a huge dam on the Chang Jiang. When completed in 2011, the Three Gorges Dam—607 feet high and 1.4 miles wide—will be the world’s largest dam. The Three Gorges Dam is expected to prevent floods and to supply a large amount of hydroelectric power. When finished, however, it will create a lake that will force over a million people from their homes and cover vast areas with water. Rivers of Southeast Asia-30578963377900Southeast Asia’s major rivers are located on the mainland. They begin in northern highlands and in southern China. Several of them flow southward toward the Gulf of Thailand, which is an arm of the South China Sea. -30578965613600Southeast Asia’s major rivers include the Irrawaddy and the Salween in Myanmar, and the Chao Phraya in Thailand. Another river, the Mekong, begins its 2,600-mile journey in China and forms the border between Thailand and Laos. It twists and turns through Cambodia and southern Vietnam before emptying into the South China Sea. Warm temperatures and heavy rains make the Mekong region a fertile rice-growing area. This region has a large population. Reading Check: (Identifying Central Issues) Why are the Chinese building the Three Gorges Dam? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A Wealth of Natural ResourcesMain Idea: The region’s valuable resources support its growing economies. -29866442843400East Asia and Southeast Asia have rich natural resources. Mineral resources have helped develop the economies in the region. Some countries have important oil reserves. China is the region’s economic giant and has the most resources. Energy Resources-29866446135500There is an abundant supply of energy resources in East Asia and Southeast Asia, China has large oil deposits in the South China Sea as well as in the western part of the country. Other countries with rich petroleum resources are Indonesia, Brunei, and Malaysia. Vietnam also has rich oil reserves offshore in the South China Sea. Major coal producers are China, Indonesia, North Korea, South Korea, and Japan. The Philippines and Vietnam also mine coal. -3200400-190500Several countries in the region use hydroelectric power to meet their energy needs. China produces electricity from the Three Gorges Dam on the Chang Jiang. Dams on Japan’s swift, short rivers provide hydroelectric power for that country. Minerals-32004001397000The region has a wealth of minerals. Indonesia, Malaysia, and China are leading producers of tin. China has one of the largest iron ore deposits in the world. North Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines also mine iron ore. Chromium, manganese, nickel, and tungsten, which are used to make high-quality steel, are found in China and the Philippines. Tungsten is also used to make light bulbs and rockets. Other Resources-3200400-169900Some trees in the region’s forests are valued for their wood. Teak is used to make buildings and ships because it is strong and durable. Myanmar, Indonesia, and Thailand have much teak. Mahogany from the Philippines is used in paneling and furniture. Reading Check: (Identifying) Which metals in the region help make high-quality steel? __________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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