Characteristics of 12-14 year olds Characteristics of 15 ...

Characteristics of 12-14 year olds

Physical ? Exhibit a wide range of sexual maturity and growth patterns between genders. ? Experience rapid changes in physical appearance.

Social ? Are interested in activities involving the opposite sex. ? Are looking more to peers than parents. ? Seek acceptance and trust. ? Tend to reject ready-made solutions from adults in favor of their own. ? Questions authority and family values.

Emotional ? Compare themselves to others. ? See themselves as always on center stage. ? Body changes can set up situations of great embarrassment. ? Are concerned about social graces and grooming. ? Abandon view of parents as all powerful. ? Strive for independence, yet want and need parents help.

Intellectual ? Think abstractly and hypothetically. ? Are developing skills in the use of logic (cause and effect). ? Can solve problems that have more than one variable. ? Can imagine consequences. ? Challenge assumptions. ? Want to explore the world beyond their own community.

Characteristics of 15-18 year olds

Physical ? Are concerned about body image. ? Exhibit smaller range in size and maturity among peers.

Social ? Tend to romanticize sexuality. ? Search for intimacy. ? Make commitments. ? Can commit to follow through with service. ? Desire respect. ? Are apt to reject goals set by others.

Emotional ? Are beginning to accept and enjoy their own uniqueness. ? Look for confidence of others in their decisions. ? Develop their own set of values and beliefs. ? Are introspective. ? Can initiate and carry out their own tasks without the

supervision of others. ? Search for career possibilities.

Intellectual ? Are mastering abstract thinking. ? Enjoy demonstrating acquired knowledge. ? Can consider many perspectives of a given issue. ? Develop theories to explain how things happen. ? Will lose patience with meaningless activity.

Characteristics of 6-8 year olds

Physical ? Are mastering physical skills. Better control of large muscles than small muscles.

Social ? Are learning how to be friends and may have several best friends at a time. ? Are becoming more aware of peers and their opinions. ? Are still family oriented.

Emotional ? See fairness as being nice to others so they will be nice in return. ? Seek parental approval. ? Behave in ways to avoid punishment.

Intellectual ? Generalize from own experience. ? More interested in the process than product. ? Learning to sort things into categories. ? Are beginning to develop sense of cause and effect. ? Handle only one mental operation at a time. ? Can distinguish between reality and fantasy.

Characteristics of 9-11 year olds

Physical ? Experience steady increases in large muscle development,

balance and coordination. ? Very active with boundless energy. ? Maturing at differing rates between sexes. Girls will be

maturing faster than boys. ? Increasing in small muscle coordination. Social ? Generally see adults as authority. ? Believe punishment should be a direct consequence of

misdeeds. ? Feel loyalty to a group (code language and passwords). ? Identify with same sex group. Emotional ? View right behavior as "obeying" rules. ? Accept parent/family beliefs. ? Admire and imitate older boys and girls. ? Need involvement with a caring adult. ? Are developing decision-making skills. Intellectual ? Vary greatly in academic abilities, interest and reasoning

skills. ? Have increased attention span. ? Are beginning to think logically and symbolically. ? Have interests in collections and hobbies. ? Want to use their skills to explore the world.


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