Professional Nursing Service - GSA Advantage

Department of Veterans Affairs

Federal Supply Service

Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List

Effective Date: 10/1/2019

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Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) 621 I

Professional & Allied Healthcare Staffing Services

Product Service Code Q

Contract #: 36F79719D0233

Supplemental pricelist per modification P0001

For more information on ordering from Federal Supply Schedules click on the FSS Schedules at

Contract Period: 10/1/2019 through 9/30/2024

Alumni Staffing LLC

Company Address: 1031 US Highway 22

Bridgewater, NJ 08807

Company Website:

Primary Contact: Jeff Reynolds / jreynolds@

Phone# (908) 842-8235

Business Size: Small Business

Data Universal Number System (DUNS) Number: 080222754

Central Contractor Registration (CCR) Cage Code: 85RF4

Customer Information:

1. Table of awarded special item number(s):

| | |

|SIN 621- |Description |

|621-001 |Physician - General and Family (Includes: Occupational Medicine; Urgent Care; |

| |Adolescent Medicine and Geriatric Medicine) |

|621-002 |Physician - Emergency Medicine (Includes: Trauma I, II, III, IV & V) |

|621-003 |Physician - Internal Medicine (Not classified elsewhere) (Includes: Cardiovascular |

| |Diseases; Gastroenterology; Pulmonary Diseases; Oncology; Nephrology; Hospitalist; |

| |Invasive Internal Medicine; Critical Care; Rheumatology; Endocrinologist; Infectious |

| |Disease; Allergist; Other) |

|621-004 |Physician - Pediatrician |

|621-005 |Physician - OB/Gynecologist |

|621-006 |Physician - Anesthesiologist |

|621-017 |Physician - Psychiatrist (Includes: General; Child/Adolescent; Adult and Geriatric) |

|621-021 |Physician - Surgery (Not elsewhere classified) (Includes: General; Colon and Rectal; |

| |Plastic; Thoracic/Vascular; Neurosurgery; CardioThoracic) |

|621-022 |Physician - Urology (Includes General and Surgery) |

|621-030 |Physician Assistants |

|621-054 |Nurse Practitioner |

2. Maximum order: $1,000,000 per order.

3. Minimum order: 24 hours

4. Geographic coverage (service area): AL, AK, AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, IN, ME, MD, MA, MS, NE, NJ, NM, OH, PA, RI, SC, TX, VA

5. Prompt Payment Terms: 2% 10, Net 30 Days

6. Government Commercial Credit Card: Yes

7. Ordering address: 1031 US Highway 22 Ste 109, Bridgewater, NJ 08807

8. Payment address: 1031 US Highway 22 Ste 109, Bridgewater, NJ 08807

9. Prices shown herein are “net” ceiling prices-not to exceed rates. The net ceiling rates include malpractice insurance for non-personal services task-orders and exclude travel and lodging. Personal Services task-orders will also be accepted. See pages 3 through 3 of this price list.

Minimum Qualifications of Professionals: See pages 4-7

11. Medical Liability Insurance Limits: $1,000,000 per occurrence; $3,000,000 aggregate. For states that require higher limits our Medical Liability Insurance policy meets such requirements for all states, including Washington, D.C.

12. For services, the ordering procedures, information on Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA’s), are found in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.405-3.

Alumni Staffing LLC Not to Exceed Hourly Rates

| | | |

| | |FSS Net Ceiling |

|SIN 621- |Position Description |Hourly Price |

|621-001 |Physician - General Practice |$165.00 |

|621-001 |Physician - Family Medicine |$165.00 |

|621-002 |Physician - Emergency Medicine |$239.00 |

|621-003 |Physician - Internal Medicine/Hospitalist |$195.00 |

|621-003 |Physician - Pulmonary/Critical Care |$225.00 |

|621-004 |Physician – Neonatology/Perinatology |$179.00 |

|621-004 |Physician - Pediatrician |$165.00 |

|621-005 |Physician - OB/Gynecologist |$221.00 |

|621-006 |Physician - Anesthesiologist |$243.00 |

|621-017 |Physician - Psychiatrist |$225.00 |

|621-021 |Physician - Surgery - General |$259.00 |

|621-021 |Physician - Surgery - Trauma |$263.00 |

|621-021 |Physician - Surgery - Pediatric |$223.00 |

|621-022 |Physician - Urology (General and Surgical) |$298.00 |

|621-030 |Physician Assistant |$107.00 |

|621-054 |Nurse Practitioner |$107.00 |

Note: Rates shown are ceiling rates, including malpractice insurance. The rates shown exclude lodging and transportation charges.

Shift Differentials:

Work Week: Sunday – Saturday

Overtime Rate(s): 1.3x the standard hourly rate in excess of 40 hours per week. Overtime will be applicable to Allied Healthcare SINs only.

The following is applicable for placements within California.

1.3x the employee's regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of eight hours up to and including 12 hours in any workday, and for the first eight hours worked on the seventh consecutive day of work in a workweek; and

1.8x the employee's regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 12 hours in any workday and for all hours worked in excess of eight on the seventh consecutive day of work in a workweek

Not Applicable to Physicians

Holiday Rate(s): Hourly rate charged to the client shall be 1.3x the standard hourly rate. Effective only on federal holidays and not applicable to Physicians.

On-Call Rate(s): $ 6.00 per hour for SCA covered positions while in "on-call" status. The provider must carry a beeper or cell phone and remain within a 30 min/mile radius of the facility (or an agreed to radius by the task ordering facility). Phone consultations are included.

Call Back Rate(s): Call back minimum is 1 hour. If the placement is called back to the facility, the regular hourly base rate (Task Order) will be charged unless overtime is incurred. Vendor call back rates will apply once the individual is physically on site at the facility and begins work.

Overtime is applicable only after a 40-hour work week.


Oncall Weekday: 1.0 x hourly rate per day

Oncall Weekend: 2.0 x hourly rate per day

Weekend begins 00:01 AM Saturday to 12 PM Sunday

The provider must carry a beeper or cell phone and remain within a 30 min/mile radius of the facility (or an agreed to radius by the task ordering facility). Phone consultations are included.


Physicians receive their normal hourly rate for both overtime and holidays.

Minimum Qualifications of Professionals: (please list the page numbers in the customer Information section, Para 10 above)

|Job Title |Detailed Position Description and functional |Min Education Level |Min Years of |Any Applicable Training |

| |responsibilities | |Experience | |

|Physician - Family Medicine|Family physician is trained in a wide range of medicine| Graduation from an |Minimum of 12 |Successful completion of the applicable |

| |and medical procedures and provides preventive care and|accredited medical |months experience |residency program, Physicians will be board |

| |health education to patients. They provide health |school – MD / DO |within the last 24|certified or board eligible, completed an |

| |maintenance and preventive services to each member of | |months |undergraduate program, medical school (MD or|

| |the family regardless of sex, age, or type of problem, | | |DO) |

| |be it biological, behavioral, or social. They must | | | |

| |complete a residency in family medicine. | | | |

|Physician - Emergency |Physicians that manage patients of all ages with | Graduation from an |Minimum of 12 |Successful completion of the applicable |

|Medicine |undifferentiated ailments of all types. They initiate |accredited medical |months experience |residency program, Physicians will be board |

| |resuscitation and stabilization and beginning |school – MD / DO |within the last 24|certified or board eligible, completed an |

| |investigations and interventions to diagnose and treat | |months |undergraduate program, medical school (MD or|

| |illnesses in the acute phase. They provide care of | | |DO) |

| |illnesses or injuries requiring immediate medical | | | |

| |attention generally in emergency departments. | | | |

|Physician - Internal |Internal medicine physicians focus on treating | Graduation from an |Minimum of 12 |Successful completion of the applicable |

|Medicine/Hospitalist |adults. Prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases that |accredited medical |months experience |residency program, Physicians will be board |

| |afflict all adults, from chronically ill patients, to |school – MD / DO |within the last 24|certified or board eligible, completed an |

| |short-term care. Must complete an internal | |months |undergraduate program, medical school (MD or|

| |medicine residency. They typically choose to | | |DO) |

| |subspecialize, such as gastroenterology, cardiology, or| | | |

| |hospitalist. Hospitalist is an internal medicine | | | |

| |physician, caring for hospitalized patients. | | | |

|Physician - |A Pulmonary and Critical Care physician manage patients| Graduation from an |Minimum of 12 |Successful completion of the applicable |

|Pulmonary/Critical Care |who are critically ill and with lung disease. They |accredited medical |months experience |residency program and Pulmonary and or |

| |prevent, diagnose, and treat all patients with these |school – MD / DO |within the last 24|Critical Care Fellowship. Physicians will be|

| |specific alignments. A pulmonary physician involves | |months |board certified or board eligible, completed|

| |diseases in the respiratory tract. Critical Care | | |an undergraduate program, medical school (MD|

| |physicians diagnosis and manage life-threatening | | |or DO) |

| |conditions. The two specialties typically coincide | | | |

| |with one another and the physician can receive | | | |

| |fellowships in each specialty with a 3 year program. | | | |

|Physician - Pediatrician, |Pediatricians are internal medicine physicians that | Graduation from an |Minimum of 12 |Successful completion of the applicable |

|Neonatology, Perinatology |specialize in providing medical care to children from |accredited medical |months experience |residency program, Physicians will be board |

| |birth until their adulthood. Diagnose and treat |school – MD / DO |within the last 24|certified or board eligible, completed an |

| |children’s ailments, but maintain good health | |months |undergraduate program, medical school (MD or|

| |throughout their lives. They must complete a 3-year | | |DO) |

| |pediatrician residency. Some pediatricians are | | | |

| |Neonatologist that's a subspecialty of pediatrics which| | | |

| |is medical care of newborn infants, especially the ill | | | |

| |or premature newborns. It requires 3 years of | | | |

| |additional training in newborn intensive care. | | | |

|Physician - OB/Gynecologist|Physicians who are an obstetrician and gynecologist who| Graduation from an |Minimum of 12 |Successful completion of the applicable |

| |provide medical and surgical care to women regarding |accredited medical |months experience |residency program, Physicians will be board |

| |pregnancy, labor, puerperium, and diagnosis and |school – MD / DO |within the last 24|certified or board eligible, completed an |

| |treatment disorders of the reproductive system. This | |months |undergraduate program, medical school (MD or|

| |includes preventative care, prenatal care, detection of| | |DO) |

| |sexually transmitted diseases, Pap test screening, | | | |

| |family planning, etc. | | | |

|Physician - |Physicians that specialize in perioperative care, | Graduation from an |Minimum of 12 |Successful completion of the applicable |

|Anesthesiologist |developing anesthetic plans, and the administration of |accredited medical |months experience |residency program, Physicians will be board |

| |anesthetics and ensure the safety of patients |school – MD / DO |within the last 24|certified or board eligible, completed an |

| |undergoing surgery. This may involve but is not | |months |undergraduate program, medical school (MD or|

| |limited to general anesthesia, sedation or regional | | |DO) |

| |anesthesia. | | | |

|Physician - Psychiatrist | Physician that specializes in the branch of medicine | Graduation from an |Minimum of 12 |Successful completion of the applicable |

| |devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, study, and |accredited medical |months experience |residency program, Physicians will be board |

| |treatment of mental disorders. They must determine |school – MD / DO |within the last 24|certified or board eligible, completed an |

| |whether a patients symptoms are the result of a | |months |undergraduate program, medical school (MD or|

| |physical illness, a combination of physical and mental | | |DO). Fellowships or board certifications for|

| |ailments, or strictly psychiatric. Using prescription | | |the sub-specialties |

| |medicine to assist with healing the patient. There are| | | |

| |sub-specialties of Psychiatry which include | | | |

| |Child/Adolescent, Geriatric, Adult, Addictions which | | | |

| |require fellowships and or Board Certifications. | | | |

|Physician - Surgery - |A General surgeon is a physician who performs surgical | Graduation from an |Minimum of 12 |Successful completion of the applicable |

|General |operations on patients They are trained to manage a |accredited medical |months experience |residency program, Physicians will be board |

| |broad spectrum of surgical conditions affecting almost |school – MD / DO |within the last 24|certified or board eligible, completed an |

| |any area of the body. Not only do the perform | |months |undergraduate program, medical school (MD or|

| |surgeries for a wide range of common ailments, but are | | |DO) |

| |also responsible for patient care before, during, and | | | |

| |after surgery. All surgeons must complete a general | | | |

| |surgery residency. They can follow that up with a | | | |

| |specific fellowship based on the field (Colon and | | | |

| |Rectal, Trauma, Pediatrics, Cardiothoracic, etc.) | | | |

|Physician - Surgery - |A Trauma surgeon is a surgical specialty that utilizes | Graduation from an |Minimum of 12 |Successful completion of the applicable |

|Trauma |both operative and non-operative management to treat |accredited medical |months experience |residency program and Trauma Surgery |

| |traumatic injuries, typically in an acute setting. They|school – MD / DO |within the last 24|Fellowship. Physicians will be board |

| |are responsible for initially resuscitating and | |months |certified or board eligible, completed an |

| |stabilizing and later evaluating and managing the | | |undergraduate program, medical school (MD or|

| |patient. All Trauma surgeons must complete a general | | |DO) |

| |surgery residency and then a fellowship in trauma or | | | |

| |surgical critical care. | | | |

|Physician - Surgery - |A Pediatric surgeon is a surgical specialty of | Graduation from an |Minimum of 12 |Successful completion of the applicable |

|Pediatric |involving the surgery of fetuses, infants, children, |accredited medical |months experience |residency program, Physicians will be board |

| |adolescents, and young adults. They are responsible to |school – MD / DO |within the last 24|certified or board eligible, completed an |

| |diagnose, treat, and manage children's surgical need. | |months |undergraduate program, medical school (MD or|

| |All Pediatric surgeons must complete a general surgery | | |DO) |

| |residency and then a fellowship in Pediatric or | | | |

| |surgical critical care. | | | |

|Physician - Urology |Urologist is a physician that treats and diagnoses a | Graduation from an |Minimum of 12 |Successful completion of the applicable |

|(General and Surgical) |wide variety of conditions that affect the urinary |accredited medical |months experience |residency program, Physicians will be board |

| |system in both women and male. They diagnose and treat|school – MD / DO |within the last 24|certified or board eligible, completed an |

| |anything involving the reproductive tract in men. | |months |undergraduate program, medical school (MD or|

| |Urologic Surgeons will operate on bladder or prostate | | |DO) |

| |cancer, kidney stones, congenital abnormalities, | | | |

| |traumatic injury. They must complete a urology | | | |

| |residency, which is a minimum of 5 years. | | | |

|Physician Assistant |Physician Assistant are medical professionals who |National Certification,|Minimum of 12 |Successful completion of Physician Assistant|

| |diagnose illness, develop and manage treatment plans, |or certified by their |months experience |Studies |

| |prescribe medications. They are nationally certified |individual states |within the last 24| |

| |and have a supervising physician. |board. Successfully |months | |

| | |completed required | | |

| | |undergraduate or | | |

| | |graduate degrees from | | |

| | |accredited school | | |

|Nurse Practitioner |A nurse practitioner is trained to assess patient |Graduation from an |Minimum of 12 |Successful completion of a MSN Program in |

| |needs, order and interpret diagnostic and laboratory |accredited school – |months experience |applicable field |

| |tests, diagnose illness and disease, prescribe |Masters of Science |within the last 24| |

| |medication and formulate treatment plans. They are to |Degree in Nursing |months | |

| |provide primary, acute, chronic, and specialty care to | | | |

| |patients of all ages. There are specialty specific | | | |

| |board certifications for NP's that require additional | | | |

| |education. | | | |


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