Physics 100 - Triton College

MAT 135–001

Calculus & Analytic Geometry III

Triton College

Spring 2010

Meets Th, 6:30 – 9:15 pm, E–312

|Instructor: John Baliga |Voicemail: x6312 |

|Office: E–216 |Email: |

| |Website: |


Thomas’ Calculus, 11th ed., Thomas, Weir, Hass, and Giordano; Addison-Wesley, 2005

The course covers 5 chapters in this book.

Course Description:

This is the third course in a three-part calculus sequence. It extends the concepts and theory of the first two courses to multi-variable calculus. Vectors, functions of vectors and vector-valued functions are introduced, differentiated and integrated. Applications to solid analytic geometry and the sciences are made. (Replaces MAT 142. Students may not receive credit for both MAT 142 and MAT 135.) Prerequisite: MAT 133 (minimum grade “C”)

Course Objectives:

It is presumed that students will spend a minimum of two hours of study outside of class for each hour in class to meet the following objectives:

1. Develop an understanding of the concepts and the theory of calculus in three (and higher) dimensions.

2. Acquire computational facility with vectors and vector functions.

3. Acquire the skills necessary to differentiate vector functions, compute partial derivatives, multiple integrals, line and surface integrals.

4. Learn to apply calculus skills and techniques to a variety of problems in solid analytical geometry and in the sciences.

5. Develop an enlarged understanding of what constitutes a mathematical proof and appreciate the need for precise language and notation.

6. Acquire a deeper understanding of how to translate applied problems into mathematical language and how to interpret the results.

7. Increase the ability to read and interpret mathematical material.

Classroom Policies:

1. Attendance: Attendance is expected at every course meeting, and attendance will be recorded at the beginning of each class. Arriving excessively late will count as an absence for that day. If you know that you will be absent for an excusable reason, make arrangements ahead of time to complete work early. If you have three or more absences you may be terminated from the course or asked to withdraw.

2. Reading: It is expected that you read the material before it is covered in class.

3. Cheating and Plagiarism: The Triton College academic honesty policy addresses cheating and plagiarism. This policy is detailed below.

4. Conduct: Appropriate conduct is expected in class. In-class discussion is a part of the learning process in this course, but it will be done at the instructor’s direction to maintain order. Cellular phones will be turned off during class. No electronic communication is allowed during tests or quizzes.

5. Eating, drinking, smoking or the use of tobacco products is prohibited in class.

Assistance for Students with Disabilities:

Students who have a documented learning, psychological, or physical disability, may be eligible for reasonable academic accommodations or services. To request accommodations or services, contact the Center for Access and Accomodative Services (CAAS), located in A–137. The extension for the CAAS is x3854, and the TTY access number is (708) 456-0991. All students are expected to fulfill essential course requirements. No essential skill or requirement of a course or degree program will be waived.

Academic Honesty Policy:

Academic Honesty Policy

Triton College closely adheres to principles of academic honesty and integrity. The academic honesty policy is designed to inform students and faculty of the expectations and procedures associated with the honest pursuit of a Triton College education. Overall, academic achievement is a product of personal commitment, and investigation of knowledge, and a pursuit of independent and honest work, both in and out of the classroom. All forms of cheating deprive the student of achieving true academic success and are therefore, considered a serious violation. Furthermore, all incidents of cheating will result in a disciplinary response from college officials. Below is a non-inclusive list of behaviors that are considered to be violations of academic honesty.

Examples of Academic Dishonesty

- copying someone else's work or answers

- allowing another student to copy your work or answers for internal or external class assignments

- using materials or information hidden on one's person during quizzes and examinations

- obtaining and using tests and answers in an unauthorized fashion

- providing course materials such as papers, lab data, reports, or answers to be used by another student

- fabricating information for the purpose of completing an assignment, quiz, exam or presentation

- taking an exam in place of another student or having someone take an exam in your place

- turning in the same paper to two different classes without receiving permission from both instructors

- copying a computer program for unauthorized use

- breaking into or utilizing college owned computer files in an unauthorized manner

- altering a grade sheet or forging a signature on an academic document

- enrolling in a telecourse while serving as an employee in the Media Center or within six months of termination

Another example of academic dishonesty, known as plagiarism, is less simple to define, but is nonetheless considered a serious violation. When using direct quotes or ideas created by someone other than yourself, it is imperative that the source of information be clearly identified. It is appropriate and acceptable to borrow ideas, thoughts and data from other sources as long as the original authors receive credit for their contributions through referencing.

Examples of Plagiarism

- borrowing or paraphrasing (other than common knowledge) for a paper without referencing the source

- intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as your own

- purchasing a term paper or having someone write a paper to submit as your own work

All members of the Triton College community including faculty, staff and fellow students share responsibility for maintaining an academically honest learning environment. Therefore, all members of the Triton College community are eligible to report apparent acts of academic dishonesty to the Dean. Below is a non-inclusive summary of consequences that may result from student violation of the academic honesty policy. (Academic Information Triton College Catalog, 2007-2008)

Consequences of Academic Dishonesty

- a failing grade for the assignment in question

- a failing grade for the course

- placement on academic probation

- a notation on the academic transcript stating, "Student violated academic honesty policy" for a specific course

- an immediate suspension from the class for one or more class sessions

- administrative withdrawal from the course in question

- administrative withdrawal from the student's major or related majors as determined by the dean

- suspension or academic dismissal from Triton College

The decision of the academic dean or the Dean of Student Services is final. Thereafter, any student grievances must be submitted in writing within thirty calendar days of the disciplinary hearing to the Student Life Committee, College Center, Room 100, 2000 Fifth Avenue, River Grove, Illinois, 60171. The request for a grievance hearing must include a brief summary of the alleged incident in addition to reasoning as to why the disciplinary process did not adequately serve the rights of the student who was deemed to be in violation of the academic honesty policy.

Academic Accommodations for Religious Obligations

A student whose religious obligations conflict with a course requirement may request an academic accommodation from the instructor. Any such request should be made before the conflict occurs.

Office Hours and Tutoring:

I will not have formal office hours, though I will generally be available in my office immediately before and after class on class days. I can also hold office hours by arrangement. Triton College provides a free tutoring service in the Academic Success Center (ASC), Room A–100, which is located in the Learning Resource Center (LRC) building. The names and hours of tutors will be announced when they are determined. Please feel free to use this service. The extension for the ASC is x3361.

Homework Policies:

1. There will be 11 homework assignments, and each will be due at the beginning of the following class meeting as indicated in the attached schedule.

2. Homework may be turned in one class meeting later than indicated in the schedule, but will receive a 50% point reduction. Any homework that is more than one class meeting late receives a zero.

3. Though working in groups is encouraged, each homework submission must be done individually.

4. Show all work. Clearly label each problem and draw a box around each answer.

5. Each homework assignment is worth 20 points. The best 10 scores will be used.

Online Problems:

1. For every homework assignment to be turned in, there will also be an online problem set. To access the online problem sets, you need MyMathLab access. The course ID for this section is baliga18944.

2. Practice tests will be available online. No credit is given for doing them, but they can help you prepare for tests and quizzes.

3. Each online problem set is worth the same as a homework set.


1. There will be 10 quizzes, as indicated in the schedule.

2. Only approved calculators may be used on quizzes.

3. Quizzes may be made up in the case of an excusable absence.

4. Each quiz will be worth 20 points.


1. There will be three tests, each covering one or two chapters from the book, as indicated in the attached schedule.

2. Only approved calculators may be used on tests.

3. There will be no make-up tests. A test may be taken early by arrangement if necessary.

4. Each test will be worth 100 points.

Final Exam:

1. The final exam will be comprehensive, covering all the course material.

2. The final exam is worth 300 points, 30% of the total possible points.

3. The final exam can not be made up, nor can it be taken early. You must take the final at the scheduled time.


The course grade will be determined using a point system, with the total possible being 1,000 points. The points available from the tests, quizzes, homework and the final exam are as follows:

Homework: 11 assignments, 10 points each, best 10 used: 100 points

Online Problems: 11 assignments, 10 points each, best 10 used: 100 points

Quizzes: 10 quizzes, 20 points each: 200 points

Tests: 3 tests, 100 points each: 300 points

Final Exam: comprehensive, 300 points: 300 points

The course grade will be determined using the following scale as a guide.

|A: 880 points or more |The instructor reserves the right to move any border line lower, |

|B: 760 to 879 points |but not higher. Any such change would be solely at the discretion|

|C: 640 to 759 points |of the instructor. |

|D: 520 to 639 points | |

|F: 519 points or less | |

Incomplete Policy:

A course grade of incomplete will only be given in serious cases, such as a serious illness, accident or death in the family. If you wish to withdraw from the course, it is your responsibility to withdraw officially. Simply ceasing to attend may lead to termination, but may also lead to a failing grade (F). If you have any questions regarding this policy, please ask. The withdraw deadlines are:

|Withdraw with 100% refund: |26 |January |2010 |

|Withdraw with 50% refund: |2 |February |2010 |

|Withdraw with a grade of W (Drop Deadline): |13 |April |2010 |

MAT 135–001

Spring 2010 Schedule

Reading assignments are to be done before the class for which they are indicated.

|21 January |Introduction; |Three-Dimensional Coordinate System; |

| |Sections 12.1 – 12.3 |Vectors; The Dot Product |

| |HW 1 assigned | |

|28 January |Sections 12.4 – 12.6 |The Cross Product; Lines and Planes in Space; |

| |Quiz 1 |Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces |

| |HW 1, Online 1 due; HW 2 assigned | |

|4 February |Sections 13.1 & 13.2 |Vector Functions; |

| |Quiz 2 |Modeling Projectile Motion |

| |HW 2, Online 2 due; HW 3 assigned | |

|11 February |Sections 13.3 – 13.5 |Arc Length and the Unit Tangent Vector; |

| |Quiz 3 |Curvature and the Unit Normal Vector; |

| |HW 3, Online 3 due; HW 4 assigned |Torsion and the Unit Binormal Vector |

|18 February |Sections 14.1 – 14.3 |Functions of Several Variables; |

| |Quiz 4 |Limits and Continuity in Higher Dimensions; |

| |HW 4, Online 4 due |Partial Derivatives |

|25 February |Review for Test 1 |The Chain Rule |

| |Test 1 (Chapters 12 & 13) | |

| |Section 14.4 | |

| |HW 5 assigned | |

|4 March |Sections 14.5 & 14.6 |Directional Derivatives and Gradient Vectors; |

| |Quiz 5 |Tangent Planes and Differentials |

| |HW 5, Online 5 due; HW 6 assigned | |

|11 March |Sections 14.7 – 14.9 |Extreme Values and Saddle Points; Lagrange Multipliers; |

| |Quiz 6 |Partial Derivatives with Constrained Variables |

| |HW 6, Online 6 due; HW 7 assigned | |

|18 March | |

| |— Spring Recess — |

|25 March |Sections 15.1 & 15.2 |Double Integrals; |

| |Quiz 7 |Areas, Moments, and Centers of Mass |

| |HW 7, Online 7 due | |

|1 April |Review for Test 2 |Double Integrals in Polar Form |

| |Test 2 (Chapter 14) | |

| |Section 15.3 | |

| |HW 8 assigned | |

|8 April |Sections 15.4 – 15.6 |Triple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates; |

| |Quiz 8 |Masses and Moments in Three Dimensions; |

| |HW 8, Online 8 due; HW 9 assigned |Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates |

|15 April |Sections 16.1 – 16.3 |Line Integrals; Vector Fields, Work, Circulation, and Flux; |

| |Quiz 9 |Path Independence, Potential Functions, and Conservative Fields |

| |HW 9, Online 9 due; HW 10 assigned |Drop Deadline: 13 April 2010 |

|22 April |Sections 16.4 & 16.5 |Green’s Theorem in the Plane; |

| |Quiz 10 |Surface Area and Surface Integrals |

| |HW 10, Online 10 due; HW 11 assigned | |

|29 April |Review for Test 3 |Additional Topics |

| |Test 3 (Chapters 15 & 16) | |

| |Additional Topics | |

| |HW 11, Online 11 due | |

|6 May |Review for Final Exam | |

|Final Exam: |

|Thursday, 13 May 2010 |

|7:00 – 8:50 pm |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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