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Scholarship OpportunitiesDeadlineTitle Description Amount No deadlineALERT SCHOLARSHIPSeniors with 2.5 GPA or higher. The scholarship is ongoing $500and one is awarded with the publication of each edition of Alert magazine-approximately once or twice per year for each state/region. Click on the link so see if you meet the eligibility requirements then you may apply at any time. $500First of each monthHIGH SCHOOL STUDENT ATHLETE OF THE MONTH SPONSORED BY VANTAGE FINANCIAL PARTNERSSenior high school athletes, who reside in east central, $1,500 Awarded late MaySD, attend a SD high school and participate in a team sport. You must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA, graduate high school in 2021, and have plans to enroll in a postsecondary institution, which may be a public or nonpublic university, college, or vocational/technical college. $1,500 Awarded late MayVaries COLLEGEXPRESSYou can search for colleges and scholarships on this $10,000 site and register to win $10,000 in a random drawing. The scholarship will be honored only at participating colleges and universities. Please see the 10,000 scholarship rules and conditions page for details at . $10,000VariesENROLLED DSU STUDENTSDakota State University offers a wide array of scholarships Varies for enrolled DSU students, check them out: Vary THE AMERICAN LEGIONScholarship opportunities for Boys and girls state Varies participants, for children of post-9/11 veterans, American Legion Baseball players, Eagle Scout of the year, Junior Shooting participants. Click link for applications. VaryFASTWEB FREE SCHOLARSHIP SEARCHNeed money for college? FastWeb offers a free Awards Vary customized search. Log onto . A brochure is available in the scholarship file in the Counselors' Office. Awards VaryVariesENROLLED NSU STUDENTSFor students attending NSU, freshmen scholarships Varies are available through this link: VaryTUITION FUNDING SOURCESTuition funding sources is available free of charge Varies to all students looking to continue their education after graduation. Information on scholarships, financial aid opportunities, student loans, and career paths. Check out the Scholarship of the Day every day. . Varies Deadlines VarySTUDENTSCHOLARSHIPVoted the #1 Free Resource for Students. Offers Awards Vary information and applications for several scholarships for South Dakota students. Go to to check out the scholarships available. Awards VaryNo DeadlineALERT PUBLISHERGPA of 2.5; required to write an essay about a personal Several $500 Scholarships encounter you or someone you know has had with drug and/or alcohol abuse. Log onto for details and application. Several $500 scholarships No DeadlineDISCOVER COLLEGESReceive free information from Christian universities and $1,000 colleges. When you submit the request form, you are automatically entered in the $1,000 Christian College Scholarship Drawing. Log onto to request information and automatically be entered in the scholarship drawing. $1,000No DeadlineYOUTH FOR UNDERSTANDING USA YFU is pleased to offer scholarship money to students Amount Varies to study overseas. Complete details and an application are available online at yfu-. Amount varies No Deadline HIGH FIVE SCHOLARSHIPS The Website is a free service to search for matching Amount Varies scholarships, free ACT & SAT practice test, free test consultation, free money for college. Log on to . VariesSept. 14-Oct. 2COLLEGESTEPS-WELLS FARGOThis program includes valuable information on 3 Awards of $5,000 Eachscholarships, financial aid, testing, and college preparation. Entrants enroll online at for a chance to win $5,000 toward college tuition. 3 awards of $5,000 eachSept. 27 QUESTBRIDGEHigh-achieving, low income students that Full Four-Year Scholarship have endured economic challenges should apply online at .Full four-year scholarshipSept 30SOUTH DAKOTA RETAILERS ASSOCIATIONMust be planning to enroll in a retail or business Awards from $2,250 to $3,000 related course of study (see application cover sheet for list) at a vocational technical school, college or university. from $2,250 to $3,000October 5AES ENGINEERINGMust be planning to attend a post-secondary $500.00 educational facility. Scholarships are intended for future leaders across a wide spectrum of fields of study. You are not required to be taking engineering courses to be eligible. Students must submit an essay of between 500 and 1000 words in answer to the following questions: When you look back on your life in 30 years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful? What relationships or accomplishments will be important on this journey? For more information click the link . $500.00Oct. 20WENDY'S HEISMANMust be a high-achieving senior who participates in a Ranging from $500 to $5,000 wide range of sports and school and community activities. Must have cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Log into to apply. Ranging from $500 to $5,000. Oct. 15thNSHSS STEM SCHOLARSHIPOpen to high school seniors who have a 3.0 or higher GPA Amount Varies and are planning to major in one of the STEM disciplines listed on the scholarship site. NSHSS Scholarships | NSHSS FoundationOct. 20SP SCHOLARSHIPThe SP College Scholarship program was created to $10,000 every quarter of the year help students win scholarships without the hassle of exclusively to members filling out paper applications and writing dozens of essays. To be eligible for the scholarship you must be: enrolled or will enroll in a college or university in the US, a legal resident of the U.S. or Puerto Rico. Click on go to scholarship application at $10,000 every quarter of the year exclusively to members Oct. 23SD FARMERS UNION FOUNDATION Current member of South Dakota Farmers Union. Senior Amount Varies in high school planning to attend or a current Freshman at a SD post-secondary institution. Applicants can only win once, past winners are not eligible. Complete application at . Varies Oct. 25HORATIO ALGERSCHOLARSHIPHigh school senior with 2.0 or higher GPA, is involved in Amount Varies Extracurricular and community activities and plans to pursue a Bachelor’s degree starting next fall. Students must demonstrate Financial need. 2021 Horatio Alger Scholarship Application ()Oct. 30JACK KENT COOKE FOUNDATIONThe Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program Up to $40,000 per year to attend a four-year is the largest undergraduate scholarship program undergraduate school available to high-achieving high school seniors with financial need who seek to attend the nation’s best four-year colleges and universities. Must meet the following eligibility requirements: plan to graduate from a U.S. high school in spring 2021, a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.5 or above, and demonstrate unmet financial need. Complete the application at Up to $40,000 per year to attend a four-year accredited undergraduate schoolOct. 31BIG IDEASubmit a 1,075-word description of your business 1st-$1,000, 2nd-$500, 3rd-$250 idea. Competition is online at .1st-$1,000, 2nd-$500, 3rd $250Oct. 31COCA-COLAMust have minimum GPA of 3.0. Not solely for academic National Scholars $20,000 achievers but is dedicated to selecting well-rounded Regional Scholars $10,000 students. Children, or grandchildren of employees, officers or owners of Coca-Cola bottling companies, The Coca-Cola Company, Company divisions or subsidiaries are not eligible to apply. Apply online at and click apply. National Scholars $20,000 Regional Scholars $10,000Oct. 31VFW VOICE OFDEMOCRACYSCHOLARSHIPOpen to all student 9th-12th grades. Grand Prize $30,000 Fillable Scholarship App HYPERLINK "" . 1SAPLING HR, PEOPLE OPS, ANDONBOARDINGSCHOLARSHIPFor seniors interested in the HR, People Operations and $1,000 Awardedonboarding career paths. Online appSaplingHR | ScholarshipNov. 1 (First Priority Deadline) ENROLLED AUGUSTANA STUDENTSAugustana offers a list of scholarships available Amount Varies to Augie students here: . 4THE PRUDENTIAL SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY AWARDSMust be a legal resident of one of the 50 states. $1,000-State Must have made a difference through volunteering $5,000-National over the past year. Apply online at spirit.. $1,000 – State $5,000 – National Nov. 11OPPORTUNITY FOR BLACK WOMEN SCHOLARSHIPTo be eligible for the scholarship a student must be $1,000 a high school senior or currently in college, be a black woman in any field of study. Applications can be found by going to $1,000Nov. 15ELKS MOST VALUABLE STUDENT Awarded on basis of academics, leadership and Ranging from $1,000 to $12,500 per year financial need. Male and female students compete separately for identical awards. For additional information click the link . Ranging from $1,000 to $12, 500 per yearNov. 15ELKS MOST VALUABLE STUDENT COMPETITIONTo be eligible for the scholarship a student must Ranging from $1,000 to $12,500 per year be any high school senior who is a citizen of the United States, applicants need not be related to a member of the Elks. Applications are judged on academics, leadership, service, service and financial need. Applications can be found by going to from $1,000 per year to $12,500 per pear. Nov. 15THE HAGAN SCHOLARSHIPThe Hagan Scholarship is a nationwide need-based merit $48,000 over four years to attend college scholarship designed to help high-achieving students from small towns and rural areas graduate college debt-free. Recipients must: a) graduate from a public high school located in a county having fewer than 50,000 residents, or b) graduate from a remote rural school located in a county having more than 50,000 residents. Click on the link for eligibility requirements $48,000 over four years to attend collegeNov. 15OVERACHIEVERS STUDENT GRANTParticipants must be legal residents of the fifty (50) United States $15,000 or the District of Columbia that have reached the age of majority in his or her state of residence at the time of submitting a nomination. Participant must nominate someone with whom the Participant is personally acquainted, and Participant must have Nominee's permission to submit the nomination. Participants may nominate themselves as a Nominee; however, each Participant may submit only one (1) nomination. Apply online at $15,000Nov. 15JAMES COX STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHY SCHOLARSHIPS High school students applying for these scholarships must have completed Five $2,500 Scholarships Awarded one year at an accredited high school (student must therefore be a sophomore or older) and should have taken at least one photography or related art class. All submissions must be via the internet. Will not accept applications by mail. $2,500 scholarships awardedNov. 16SD ELKS VOCATIONAL Must be planning to enroll in a post-secondary Vocational/Technical program. $1,000 350 to 500-word essay and at least 2 letters of reference/recommendation. $1,000Nov. 30DR JUAN ANDRADE JR. SCHOLARSHIPApplicants must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as full-time 20 Awards-$1,000 undergraduate students, in an accredited four-year or two-year institution in the U.S. or U.S. territories, and demonstrate a verifiable need for financial support. At least one parent must be of Hispanic ancestry. Non-U.S. citizens are eligible to apply (DACA or Undocumented). Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students for the Fall 2021 – Spring 2022 academic year. This includes high school seniors, college freshman, sophomores, and juniors up to age 25. Apply online at 20 awards- $1,000Nov. 30UNIFIED CARINGASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIPOpen to all Juniors & Seniors. Apply online at 10 first place Essays $550 10 Honorable mention Essays $250Nov. 30DRIVER EDUCATION INITIATIVE ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIPTo be eligible for the scholarship a student must be a currently enrolled 6 Awards $500 in either High School, University or College as a full-time student (2020-2021 school year). Submit an essay demonstrating knowledge on the topic of Safe Driving. Applications can be found by going to 6 Awards $500Dec. 1ENROLLED USD STUDENTSFor students attending USD please click the link to apply for Amount Varies several different scholarships. . 1ENROLLED SDSU STUDENTSFor students attending SDSU, first-time freshmen scholarships are Amount Varies available through this link: . 1NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY SCHOLARSHIPMust be a current high school senior graduating with the class of 2021, must 1 National Winner -$25,000 Scholarship be an active NHS member in good standing with a verified student account, 24 National Finalists- $5,625 Scholarship must be enrolled at a school with an active NHS chapter, must be planning to 575 National Semifinalists- $3,200 Scholarship enroll at a U.S. college or university in Fall, 2021. Apply at National Winner – $25,000 scholarship24 national finalists – $5,625 scholarship575 national semifinalists – $3,200 scholarshipDec. 1BARBARA LOTZE SCHOLARSHIPS FOR FUTURE TEACHERSApplicants must declare their intent to prepare for, and engage in, 5 Awards- $2,000a career in physics teaching at the high school level and must be at the time the scholarships funds are received by the student. Apply at Awards- $2,000Dec. 1LAMBER-GOODNOW SCHOLARSHIPSTo be eligible for the scholarship a student must be an innovative and $1,000 highly creative high school or college student. Submit an essay that can demonstrate that you are a creative thinker and problem solver. Applications can be found by going to $1,000Dec. 1 INNOVATIONSCHOLARSHIPCONTESTOpen to high school Juniors and Seniors. Applications can be found 1st place $2,500 by going to . 2nd place $1,500 3rd place $1,000Dec. 2NATIONAL SPACE CLUB SCHOLARSHIPTo be eligible for the scholarship a student must be a senior in high school, $10,000 have the intention of pursuing a career in the STEM fields. Applications can be found by going to $10,000Dec. 5STEPHEN J. BRADYSTOP HUNGERSCHOLARSHIPOpen to all high school students; Must be a US citizen. Applicants must $800,000 in grants and scholarships have demonstrated on-going commitment to their community by performing unpaid volunteer services impacting hunger in the United States at least within the last 12 months. Added consideration is given to students working to fightchildhood hunger. Application can be found at us.home/grants/2020-scholars.html. Dec. 6MAKE THE U SCHOLARSHIPTo be eligible for the scholarship a student must show academic excellence, $1,000- 100 Awards demonstrate dedication to community service. Senior of Hispanic or Latino decent; Must plan to attend post-secondary institution in the fall; must be US Citizen. Applications can be found by going to $1,000- 100 AwardsDec. 6HISPANIC HERITAGEYOUTH AWARDSSenior of Hispanic heritage; Must have a 3.0 or higher unweighted GPA; Amount Varies Must plan to attend a post-secondary institution in the Fall. Application can be found at . Dec. 10BLACK HILLS STOCK SHOW FOUNDATIONMust be from SD, ND, WY, MN, or NE and planning to attend a post-secondary Eight Awards $2,000 each accredited institution located in one of these five states. App must include a short essay “Advancing My Western Heritage Through Continuing Education and Career”. Winners selected for academic and personal achievements, essay content, and financial need. Eight Awards $2,000 eachDec. 14THE SCIENCEAMBASSADORSCHOLARSHIPOpen to female students who are interested in the Science, Technology, Amount Varies Engineering or Math (STEM) field. . December 15 or when 10,000 applications have been received.AXA ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARSHIPAXA Achievers are ethnically and economically diverse and share the qualities of ambition Receive $2,500, $10,000 or $25,000 and drive, determination to set and reach goals, respect for self, family and community, and the ability to succeed in college. . Receive $2,500, $10,000 or $25,000Dec. 15BURGER KING SCHOLARS PROGRAMRecipients are selected based on their grade point average work experience, Ranges from $1,000 to $50,000extracurricular activities and/or community service. Must plan to enroll in an accredited 2-yr or 4-yr college, university or technical school. Application link is at . Ranges from $1,000 to $50,000Dec. 15ESA FOUNDATION Applicants must be planning to attend a college, university, or technical Award numerous scholarships annually school and have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or minimum ACT score of 22. There is no limit to the number of scholarships you apply for. Access the site and then select South Dakota for more than 40 scholarships available. Award numerous scholarships annually. Dec. 15EQUITABLEEXCELLENCESCHOLARSHIPSeniors planning to enroll in post-secondary schooling in the Fall. $2,500, $10,000 or $25,000 Focus is on student’s personal accomplishments. . Dec. 18UNITED STATESSENATE YOUTHSCHOLARSHIPPROGRAMOpen to Juniors & Seniors Qualified high school juniors or seniors $10,000Must show demonstrated leadership by serving in elected or appointed positions in which they actively represent a constituency in organizationsrelated to student government, education, public affairs and community service. Scholarship info Form Dec. 31FIRE STUDENT ESSAY CONTESTThe mission of FIRE is to defend and sustain individual rights at One $10,000 first prize, one $5,000 second prize, America’s colleges and universities. These rights include freedom of three $1,000 third place prizes, and four $500 speech, legal equality, due process, religious liberty, and sanctity of prizes will be awarded. conscience—the essential qualities of individual liberty and dignity. Essay should be between 700 and 900 words on the provided topic. Open to juniors and seniors in U.S. high schools, including home-schooled students, as well as U.S. citizens attending high school overseas. For more information click on the link . One $10,000 first prize, one $5,000 second prize, three $1,000 third place prizes and four $500 prizes will be awarded.Dec. 31SOUTH DAKOTA ASSOCIATION OF PLUMBING, HEATING, AND COOLING CONTRACTORSMust be planning to attain a career in the Plumbing, Heating, and Award 2 scholarships. One award of $1,000 Cooling Industry. You will be asked to state you career goals, your and one of $500experience in the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Industry, high school extracurricular activities and community service activities. Award 2 scholarships. One award of $1,000 and one of $500Dec. 31THIEL HIGH SCHOOL FELLOWSHIPTo be eligible for the scholarship a student must be under the age of 22, Fellows receive $100,000, spread be interested in designing and building things. Applications can be found out over two years. by going to Fellows receive $100,000, spread out over two years.Dec. 31WEALTH WISE SCHOLARSHIPTo be eligible for the scholarship a student must be planning a major of $1,000 study that supports a career in the finance industry (e.g., finance, business, accounting, mathematics, management, and other related majors). Applications can be found by going to $1,000Dec. 31KNIGHT ESSAY SCHOLARSHIP To be eligible for the scholarship a student must be a US resident 3 awards $5,000attending public, parochial, private or home school and be currently in grades 9-12. Applications can be found by going to awards $5,000Dec. 31EASTON/NFAA SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMTo be eligible for the scholarship a student must be a high 5 awards $5,000 school applicant applying to be full time student at a two or four-year college/university of a technical training college. Applicants must be a member of the NFAA or the NAA/USA Archery. Applications can be found by going to 5 awards $5,000Jan. 1st-Mar. 31BUILD DAKOTA SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMMust pursue technical training in a qualified program in a high need Full ride tuition with signed contract. workforce area in South Dakota. Upon completion of the program, work full time in the field of study in SD for a minimum of 3 years. Log onto to request information. Full ride tuition with signed contract. Jan. BHSU FRESHMAN SCHOLARSHIPSeniors planning to attend Black Hills State University in the fall. Amount Varies . 5th GE-REAGAN FOUNDATION Will reward college-bound students who demonstrate Up to 20 awards of exemplary leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship. $10,000 each- renewable Applications are online only at scholarships. GPA 3.0 or greater.Up to 20 awards of $10,000 each - renewableJan 8thFOOT LOCKER SCHOLAR ATHLETESThe Foot Locker Scholar Athletes program honors student-athletes Twenty Foot Locker Scholar who demonstrate exceptional academic ability and strong leadership Athletes will each receive $20,000 skills in sports, in their schools, and within their communities. Click on the link for eligibility guidelines. Foot Locker Scholar Athletes will each receive $20,000Jan. 9RON BROWNSCHOLARSHIPPROGRAMStudent must be a US citizen or permanent resident; Must be African $40,000 each yearAmerican; Student should demonstrate academic achievement, leadership, ($10,000 per year for 4 years) participated in community service and demonstrate financial need. to seniors of Asian and/or Pacific Islander ethnicity; Range from one-time $2,500 awards to Must be a US citizen; Must plan to attend a post-secondary multi-year $20,000 awards Institution in the fall; Must have a 2.7 or higher GPA; Must fill out the FAFSA by April. Online application Jan. 15SOUTH DAKOTA ASSOCIATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS Provides scholarships annually to students with directed studies $2,000 divided among relating to protection and enhancement of our natural resources, the top applicants the environment, and other similar fields. Related fields include but are not limited to: business administration, accounting, biology, chemistry, trucking, hydrology, engineering, auto mechanics, computer science, education, heating/ventilation/refrigeration, geology, agribusiness, environmental sciences, engineering technicians, government administration, energy technology, and more. Students must possess a GPA of 2.0 or greater. $2,000 divided among the top applicantsJan. 15PROFILE IN COURAGE ESSAY CONTESTMust write an original essay on the political courage of U.S. 1st Place-$10,000elected official. Must register online at . 2nd-$3,000 and Essays can be submitted online or via regular mail. 8 awards of $100 each1st Place-$10,000 2nd -$3,000 and 8 awards of $100 eachJan. 15WASHINGTON CROSSING FOUNDATIONMust be planning a career in government service such as military Ranging fromservice or local, state, or federal government office. Must write a $500 to $5,000 1-page essay on specified topic. Needs a recommendation, transcript, and resume. from $500 to $5,000Jan. 15SDSWMA (Solid Waste Management)Applicant must desire a career in a trade supportive to the protection Dollar amount awarded and enhancement of our natural resources and environment, the solid vary from year to year waste industry and/or related fields. Must include 3 letters of reference and furnish a cover letter with content of required material. Application will be updated December. amount awarded vary from year to yearJan. 15SDSMT Freshman ScholarshipSeniors planning to attend South Dakota School of Mines and Dollar amount Technology in the fall. awarded varyDollar amount awarded vary Jan. 15LEGENDS FOR KIDSSCHOLARSHIPSTUDENTS NEED TO HAVE A STAFF MEMBER NOMINATE High school seniors who have demonstrated leadership and Award $5,000Commitment in school athletics, their community and academic achievement20-21_Legends_for_Kids_Scholarship.pdf (core-docs.s3.)Jan. 16SOUTH DAKOTA ENGINEERING SOCIETY Must be planning an engineering career and must attend Award $2,000SDSU or SDSM&T. Applicants judged on test scores, transcripts, extracurricular activities and answers to questions on the application. $2,000Jan. 20DAKOTALAND FEDERAL CREDIT UNIONMust be a member in good standing of the Credit Union and have been a 8 Awards of member for at least one year. Requires essay, resume of, honors accomplishments, $1,000 each awards, extracurricular activities, volunteer work and job experience. Jan. 22(JCI) JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONALMust be a high school senior graduating from a U.S. Ten- $1,000 Grants accredited school and plan to continue education at accredited post-secondary college, university or vocational school and be a U.S. citizen. Include up to 3 letters of reference, transcript and personal statement. $1,000 grantsJan. 27DAVIS BAHCALL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMAll-expense paid summer-study program to study physics, 8 Students will be chosen all-expense-paidplus a variety of other science and engineering topics. Summer-Study program. 2-3 of the students Participants spend time at the Sanford Underground enrolled at SD Universities will be designated Research Facility and travel to research laboratories within SD Space Grant Consortium Davis-Bahcall Scholars.the United States and possibly Italy. . 8 students will be chosen all-expense-paid summer-study program. 2-3 of the students enrolled at SD universities will be designated SD Space Grant Consortium Davis-Bahcall Scholars. Jan. 31KPMG FUTURE LEADERS PROGRAM SCHOLARSHIP Applicant criteria must be a High school female senior planning to enroll in $10,000 per year for a 4-year undergraduate program for the upcoming fall semester, proven track 4 years of college record of academic excellence and leadership potential, minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA, interest in a business or STEM academic track, and demonstrates a significant financial need. Click on the link for application. $10,000 per year for 4 years of collegeFeb. 1DAKOTA CORPS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMMust have graduated with a 2.8 or greater GPA, have a composite ACT score of 27 or greater, Full Tuition and be a U.S. citizen. Must agree in writing to stay and work in a critical need occupation in SD for as many years as the scholarship was received plus one year and attend a participating SD college in a program that will prepare you to work in a critical need occupation. Apply online at The current critical need occupations for 2020-21 are:Teacher - High School MathTeacher - High School ScienceTeacher - Elementary or Secondary Special EducationTeacher - High School Career and Technical EducationTeacher - K-12 Foreign LanguageTeacher - Secondary Language ArtsAccountant / AuditorEngineer (includes all fields EXCEPT mining)Information TechnologyRegistered NurseFull tuition Feb. 1ESA FOUNDATION Most have a minimum requirement GPA of 3.0. May apply for up to three scholarships. Amounts Vary Each application must include a $5 processing fee. Selection will be based on character, leadership, service, financial need/ scholastic ability, and special criteria. Apply online at vary Feb. 1LUCY HOSKINS AYRES SCHOLARSHIPMust be child or grandchild of a veteran of armed conflicts or career military $500 personnel who entered, enlisted, or re-enlisted in the service as resident of SD; basis of judging is military service, scholastic standing, personal letter, sincerity of recommendations, financial need, extracurricular activities. Click the link for the application $500Feb. 1THE JOSEPH FRANCOMANO SCHOLARSHIPMust be planning to enroll at an accredited four-year college or $5,000 per year for 4 years university, must have completed participation in one of the Junior upon re-qualification annually Achievement programs, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and exemplify academic achievement, leadership skills, and college and career potential. $5,000 per year for 4 years upon re-qualification annuallyFeb. 1SANFORD HEALTH NETWORK Through the Sanford Health Foundation, they offer several scholarship $2,500 programs for funding your post-secondary degree. They also offer scholarships for veterans, military members, and students pursuing specific fields such as nursing and radiology. Click the link so see various scholarships available. $2,500Feb. 1FFA ORGANIZATION SCHOLARSHIPSMore than 1,800 scholarships are available at Amounts Vary for FFA Members and Non-Members.Amounts VaryFeb. 1FORD TRUCK/FFAMust be planning to pursue a two-year or four-year degree in any major. $1,000 Apply at .$1,000Feb. 1AMERICA’S FARMERS GROW AG LEADERSThe National FFA Organization administers the program, but you do not $1,500 have to be an FFA member to apply. You will need to secure two farmer endorsements of your application. To apply, visit scholarships.$1,500 Feb. 1TY ESCHENBAUM FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPScholarship open to applicants diagnosed with a form of cancer at any Two-$1,000 point during their life. Open to all high school seniors graduating from a South Dakota school district in 2020, attending post-secondary education of their choosing. $1,000Feb. 1 JACKIE ROBINSONFOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPOpen to minority students planning to attend a 4-year college/university; Amount Variesmust have a 21 or higher ACT composite score and demonstrate financial need. Feb. 5ELKS LEGACY AWARDSMust be a child or grandchild of a living Elk member. Ranging from $1,000 to $4,000Must apply online Ranging from $1,000 to $4,000Feb. 2POET NEVER SATISFIEDNo specific degree program requirements and no minimum GPA. 7 Scholarships of Looking for students that are never satisfied with good enough. up to $5,000 Application online only. scholarships of up to $5,000Feb. 5DAKOTA ENERGY LINEMAN SCHOLARSHIPMust be planning to attend Mitchell Technical Institute for the $1,000 Power Line Construction and Maintenance Program. Must be a dependent of a Dakota Energy Cooperative member-system consumer. $1,000Feb. 5DAKOTA ENERGY ELECTRICIAN SCHOLARSHIPMust be planning to attend Mitchell Technical Institute for the $1,000Electrical Construction and Maintenance Program. Must be a dependent of a Dakota Energy Cooperative member-system consumer. $1,000Feb. 5DAKOTA ENERGY COOPERATIVE SCHOLAR PROGRAMMust be planning to enroll at a 2 or 4-year college, university, vocational, 4 Awards of $500 each or technical school located in South Dakota and must be children of member-system consumers of Dakota Energy. ACT score cannot be higher than 24 and GPA must range between 2.0 and 3.0. Awards of $500 eachFeb. 8KFC COLONEL’S SCHOLARSLooking for outstanding seniors with financial need and entrepreneurial Up to $20,000spirit. Must have GPA of 2.75 or higher and be planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree at a college in-state. to $20,000Feb. 10SOUTH DAKOTAHIGH SCHOOLCOACHES ASSOCIATIONSCHOLARSHIPSThere are 4 scholarship opportunities aimed at senior student athletes from Amount Varies South Dakota. All applications on the site are fillable at . Feb. 10COACHES AGAINST CANCERMust be or have been a high school student athlete of an accredited South $2,500 Dakota high school who has had some type of medical issues or a family member has had some type of medical issues that may have affected them during their high school career. Applications may be obtained from this site: available Feb. 10DAVE PROHL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPMust be a high school senior student athlete of an accredited SD $1,000 high school and be able to show ample evidence of being able to succeed at the post-secondary level. Requires 2 recommendations and a transcript. $1,000Feb. 13SOUTH DAKOTADAR SCHOLARSHIPSouth Dakota high school senior who is planning to attend a post-secondary $500Institution and is a direct descendant of a United States Military Veteran. . 15BEST-BUY SCHOLARSHIPSMust be planning to attend post-secondary education, have solid grades 1,100 Awards of and are involved in community service or work experience. $1,000 each Awards of $1,000 eachFeb. 15SDEA RAMIA BOERSMA MEMORIALMust be the daughter or son of an active or retired SDEA/NEA Up to three $750 member, in the top quarter of his/her class as of January of his/her graduating year, be planning on entering the teaching profession and be accepted and/or enrolled in a South Dakota college or university. to three $750Feb. 15USAFUNDSMust have economic need. Awards will be based on applicants $1,500 past academic performance and future potential, leadership, work experience, and unusual personal or family circumstances. $1,500Feb. 15AFA TEENS FOR ALZHEIMER'S AWARENESSAFA's Teens for Alzheimer's Awareness College Scholarship Essay Contest $5,000 is an annual competition for college-bound high school seniors. Applicants are asked to write a 1,200 to 1,500-word essay that describes the impact of Alzheimer's disease on themselves, their families or their communities, and what they have learned in light of coping with the brain disorder. $5,000Feb. 22ANNIS I. FOWLER/KADEN Must be planning to major in elementary education at BHSU, DSU, NSU, or Two awards of USD. Must have a 3.0 GPA or above. $1,000 each awards of $1,000 eachFeb. 26YANKTON COLLEGEMust either have a family relationship to Yankton College alumni, or $1,000 former Yankton College faculty or staff, OR a teacher, pastor, family friend or other person with a connection to Yankton College may recommend the applicant $1,000Feb. 27ARDELL BJUGSTAD SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMMust be an enrolled member of a federally recognized Indian tribe whose $500 reservation is located in South Dakota or North Dakota, demonstrate academic achievement, and plan to earn a degree in agriculture or natural resources or a related field. $500Feb. 28NATIONAL INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC ADMINISTRATORS ASSOCIATIONS (NIAAA)Must have ACT score of 24 minimum, must have participated in 2 sports for Section- $1,500 at least 2 years and earned one varsity letter in each of two sports. National- $2,500 Must include essay on required topic. - $1,500 National $2,500Feb. 28NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION (NAWIC)This scholarship is for women pursuing a course of study that will lead to 2 Awards of $1,000 each a degree or an associate’s degree in a construction related field. and 1 award of $500 awards of $1,000 each and 1 award of $500Feb. 28TIGER ROAR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONHuron High School senior athletes whose parent(s) have been Will be announced active members of Tiger Roar are encouraged to complete this application. Tiger Roar will vote for the winners (one boy and one girl). Application in Counselors office. Not listed Feb. 29BUICK ACHIEVERSMust be a high school senior planning to enroll full time at a four-year 50 awards of up college or university and planning to major in a field of study that focuses to $25,000 on engineering, technology, design or business, with an interest in the automotive or related industry. awards of up to $25,000March 1NSU FRESHMAN SCHOLARSHIPSeniors who have applied to and been accepted to NSU. Awards Varies Scholarship applications . March 1SOUTH DAKOTA AGRI-BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONApplicant must be a customer, employee, or family member Total of $6,000 awarded of an employee of a member of the SDABA. Recipient must major in agriculture at a South Dakota University or Technical School. of $6,000 awardedMarch 1AMATEUR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATIONMust have been involved in the SD ASA program, or have a parent/guardian Up to 17 awards of who has participated in this program in the last 3 years as a player, coach, umpire, $500 each SDASA official, or league official. to 17 Awards of $500 eachMarch 1BASIN ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVEMust be dependent children of member-system consumers or dependent $1,000 children of member cooperative employees of Dakota Energy Cooperative, Inc. Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of academic record, potential to succeed, leadership and participation in school and community activities, honors, work experience, a statement of education and career goals, and an outside appraisal. $1,000March 1WORKING RANCH COWBOY FOUNDATIONMust be a working ranch cowboy or the son, daughter, or spouse of a Awards vary from working ranch cowboy. Must be graduating with a 3.0 or higher GPA. $500-$2,500 If you feel you qualify for this scholarship, contact to request an application. Awards vary from $500-$2,500March 1FARMERS UNION INSURANCE “INSURING A BRIGHTER TOMORROW”Must pursue post-secondary education at a South Dakota college, university, 25-$1,000 scholarships or trade school. Must be a member of SDFU, have parents that are current policyholders of Farmers Union Insurance, OR participate in any SDHSAA sanctioned event. - $1,000 scholarshipsMarch 1NORTHERN PLAINS EYE FOUNDATIONWill be awarded to deserving high school seniors looking to enter full-time, $1,000post-high school training in health-related occupations. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.8 and a minimum ACT score of 28. Application will be available soon. $1,000 March 1THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASSThis scholarship is specifically for high school seniors who have parents 15 awards of $1,000 each with disabilities. Must be planning to attend a two-year or four-year college in the Fall of 2016 in pursuit of an AA, AS, BA or BS degree. awards of $1,000 eachMarch 9SAMMY 2012 AWARD PROGRAMMust be an outstanding scholar athlete. Judging based on academic performance (35%), 27 awards of athletic excellence (35%), leadership (15%), community service (10%), and $7,500 each milk experience essay (5%). (SAMMY)_Award27 awards of $7,500 eachMarch 9SCOTT MECHAM BBB STUDENT OF INTEGRITY AWARDSMust be planning to continue your education after high school. Three awards of Applications will be judged on Academic-5%, Leadership-20%, $2,000 each Community Service-20%, Recommendations/Nominations-5% and Essay Content-50%. awards of $2,000 eachMarch 10CURTIS MARVIN HOHN LEGACY SCHOLARSHIPMust be a senior graduating from a South Dakota High School planning $1,000 to attend an in-state college, university or technical school, pursuing studies in history, political science, water resources related studies or environment. $1,000Mar. 15MARION T. WOODWill be awarded to a student who intends to continue in an office-related $1,000business program. Applicant must have completed four semesters of high school business courses. Requires 3 letters of recommendation. All forms should be keyboard generated by accessing their website and filling out form 2 $1,000March 15JOE FOSS “AN AMERICAN HERO”To be eligible for this award, applicants must plan to attend an accredited $1,000college or university or vocational or technical school; have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better and a minimum ACT score of 21; and demonstrate characteristics of an American patriot. Available to seniors graduating from South Dakota high schools. This scholarship offers multiple awards. Online application only. $1,000 March 15SAE ENGINEERINGMust be entering a college for engineering major, apply online at Range from $1,500 Click on the “Participate” link to access scholarships. to full tuition Follow the qualification process to see the list of scholarships for which you qualify. Range from $1,500 to full tuitionMarch 15FRED AND MARIE CHRISTOPHERSON SCHOLARSHIPApplicants who plan to attend a four-year college or university in South Dakota, $3,500 have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.9 after seven semesters, and have a minimum ACT score of 28 are eligible for this award. It is available to seniors graduating from South Dakota high schools. This scholarship offers multiple awards and is renewable. Scholarship applications must be completed online at: . $3,500March 15COGLEY-BUFFINGTON CPCU SCHOLARSHIPTo be eligible for this award, applicants must be graduating seniors from high schools $1,000 throughout South Dakota, Southwest Minnesota, and Northwest Iowa who plan to attend an accredited, four-year college or university. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need; have a GPA of 3.5 or higher; participate in extra-curricular and community activities, and demonstrate an interest in and understanding of the role of business in American society. Scholarship applications must be completed online at: . $1,000March 15VERNE AND ARDITH FORBES SCHOLARSHIPApplicants must be graduating seniors of any high school program in Dell Rapids, $1,000 South Dakota or a graduating senior from a public high school program in Huron, South Dakota. Applicants must also plan to attend an accredited vocational or technical school and have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. Prior completion of the FAFSA is also required. Scholarship applications must be completed online at: . $1,000March 15SOUTH DAKOTA FIRE SERVICE SCHOLARSHIPMust be a son or daughter of any member (loving, deceased or retired) of a fire Two $1,000 awards department in SD or an active member of a junior fire department in SD. Scholarship application is in the counselor’s office. Two $1,000 awards March 15COACH RUSS MORRELL MEMORIALMinimum 3.2 GPA through 7 semesters of high school. Requires 300-500-word essay $1,000 and contact information of two character references. Must be submitted as ONE (multi-page) document to this e-mail address: coachmorrellscholarships@ Note: Preference may be given to a student from Burke, Bon Homme or Wagner high schools). $1,000March 15SOUTH DAKOTA FARM BUREAUApplicants or their parents/guardians must be a current member of SD Farm $1,000 Bureau and have been a member for 2 years. $1,000Submit between March 15 through June 15BROOSTERS DAKOTA CUISINE SCHOLARSHIP ESSAY CONTESTMust be a South Dakota graduating senior planning to attend post-secondary 1st place- $1,000 school in-state. Must submit an original non-fiction narrative of 750-1000 words Two 2nd place- $500 eachon the topic “My favorite South Dakota hunting memory.” Winning essays will be potentially published in a future Boosters Dakota Cuisine Cookbook or online at 1st place - $1,000 Two 2nd place - $500 each March 15JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT LEO CRAWFORDMust have participated in any Junior Achievement Program during K-12 education. $500 Must submit 2 letters of reference and transcript. Application includes 3 short essay questions. $500March 15-June 15HORATIO ALGER CAREER & TECHNICAL SCHOLARSHIPExhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a career or technical Up to $2,500 program, demonstrate critical financial need and perseverance in overcoming adversity. Be involved in community service activities and be a United States citizen. to $2,500March 16BELLATOR TITANS MOTORCYCLE CLUBApplicants need to plan to attend an in-state post-secondary school. $500Do not need to be top of their class, but must be hardworking and motivated to succeed. $500March 19FIRST NATIONAL BANK SOUTH DAKOTAMust be planning to attend a South Dakota college/university or technical Four $1,000 awards institute and the applicant must have a checking account with First National Bank South Dakota. No website available. Information in counselor’s office. Four $1,000 awardsMarch 20PREMIER COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIPMust be a senior, a U.S. citizen, and planning to attend a South Dakota $2,000 accredited post-secondary institution. Awards are based on leadership and community service, character, and academics. Will be awarded to a Huron High School Senior. $2,000March 25ORALEE ANN KASA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPApplicants must be planning to pursue a degree as a teacher. Should be 2-$500 awardspassionate about reaching the children struggling in the school system. A short essay and 2 letters of recommendation are required. Flyer available in the counselor's office. Contact Lisa Wolf at Wolf@ if you have any questions. 2-$500 awardsMarch 27DAN BARTELS MEMORIAL Must be active in his/her church group, display high character and morals, $250 and show a deep respect for and kindness towards others. Must submit a personal essay of 400-500 words and three letters of recommendation. CHECK WITH LACI IF STILL CURRENT$250March 30SOUTH DAKOTA AVIATION ASSOCIATION & DJ FISCHER FOUNDATIONResume of high school activities, community service activities, One or multiple awards honors and awards received, education and career goals, and include up to $3,000 a short paragraph outlining why you should receive the scholarship and how your future career will relate to or benefit the aerial application industry. All Applicants must be sponsored by a SDAA Member. or multiple awards up to $3,000March 30CREDIT UNION FOUNDATION OF THE DAKOTAS Applicants must have been a credit union member for at least one Five scholarships year. Applicants must exemplify the credit union philosophy of of $500 each “people helping people” through volunteering, community service, and leadership. scholarships of $500 eachMarch 31SLFC IHELP SCHOLARSHIPMust be a SD high school senior planning to attend a higher Five $1,000 awards & institution of learning for the 2020-2021 academic year. drawing for iPad. Must not be on academic probation. Apply online at: $1,000 awards & drawing for iPadMarch 31LOBAN MEMORIALThe scholarship will be awarded based on the student’s acts of kindness, $1,500good citizenship and humanitarianism. Requires an essay of 500 words or less and a list of your service activities. $1,500March 31STATE FARM GOOD NEIGHBOR SCHOLARSHIPMust be a 2021 graduating senior planning to enroll in full time 50 Awards of undergraduate study. Only U.S. high school students who are children $2,500 each or legal dependents of State Farm** employees, agents, or retirees can compete for these scholarships. Step-children and foster children are also eligible. Such students also must meet all requirements for participation in the National Merit Scholarship Program that are published in the PSAT/NMSQT Student Guide, which is updated annually and distributed to students through their high schools. Awards of $2,500 eachMarch 31stENROLLED PRESENTATION COLLEGE STUDENTSIncoming Freshmen students may be eligible for various scholarships Varies at this link: 31JANICE M. SCOTT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDBased primarily on a “need” basis (Parents’ total adjusted income of $100,000 or less). Three to five awards Must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and have demonstrated leadership abilities through of $2,500 each participating in community services or other extra-curricular activities. to Five awards of $2,500 eachMarch 31KARST MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPThe purpose of this scholarship is to encourage those students concerned with Three awards of conserving their natural resources by furthering their education by attending $500 each a four-year college or a vocational college in an agricultural related field. awards of $500 eachMarch 31CHS FOUNDATION HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPMust be planning to pursue an agricultural-related major at any participating 100 scholarships of $1,000 each two- or four-year college. stewardship100 scholarships of $1,000 eachMarch 31SOUTH DAKOTA ASSOCIATION OF CONSERVATIONThe scholarship is available to graduating high school seniors who will be attending 3 $500 Awards a 4-year college or a vocational school. The recipient will be a current year graduate of a South Dakota High School. The recipient shall have graduated in the upper 50% of the class. Students must be going into an Agricultural/Conservation related field and attending a South Dakota College or Vocational School. $500 awardsApril 1SDATAT SCHOLARSHIPMust use the scholarship for a college, university, or vocational school which One- $1,000 and has a physical presence in South Dakota. Applicants must complete an application one- $500 and submit it along with a written essay on a specified topic. - $1,000 and one - $500April 1SCOTTISH RITE BOOK GRANTSMust plan to attend a SD college, university or post-secondary school. Must Grants of $200 each submit a paper no greater than one page, describing activities you have been involved in and your contribution to your community. Application in Counselor's Office. Grants of $200 eachApril 1MID-DAKOTA RURAL WATER SYSTEMMust be planning to attend a SD post-secondary educational facility, Four awards of $500 each have a GPA of 2.8 or higher and write a 250-500 word-essay on what rural water has meant to the applicant or their community. Applicant must either be a resident in a community that is a customer of Mid-Dakota or a child of an individual customer of Mid-Dakota. Huron is a Mid-Dakota community. awards of $500 each April 1BIRCKHEAD-HENDRICKSKIWANIS HCC SCHOLARSHIPStudent must be enrolled at Huron Community Campus with at least 6 credits. In the range of $400- Must have scholastic ability to achieve in college, positive character, leadership $800 ability through school, church and/or community and financial need. Scholarship available soon. In the range of $400-$800April 1SOUTH DAKOTA CATTLEMEN’S FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPFour students from SD enrolled in a post-secondary institution in SD and who demonstrate 5 students awarded interest in future involvement in the beef industry will be awarded. Must include $5,000, $4,000, $3,000 500-800-word essay on any topic you see as critical to the future of the beef business $2,000 & $1,000and what you see your role is in addressing it. students awarded. $5,000 $4,000, $3,000, $2,000 & $1,000April 1SOUTH DAKOTA BANKERS FOUNDATION These scholarships must be awarded to South Dakota college juniors/seniors with One of 40, an expressed interest in banking/financial services or second-year South Dakota $2,000 each technical school students with an expressed interest in banking/financial services. Applications must be submitted through the parent bank, however, scholarships may be awarded through any of the organization’s locations. Click education and events top left and click on scholarships. Apply online at . One of 40, $2,000 each April 1HURON AREA CHAMBER & VISITORS BUREAU AG COMMITTEEMust be planning to enroll in post-secondary education at any University or One award of Technical Institute in South Dakota. Must include essay of 300-500 words $1,000 explaining the impact agriculture has on our economy and on you as an individual. award of $1,000April 1SDACTEMust have applied or been accepted by a program at any SD tech institute Two- $1,000 awardsor SD university in one of the following fields: Health, Business, Trade and Industry, Marketing, Agricultural Education, or Family Consumer Science Education. Must demonstrate scholastic achievement. - $1,000 awardsApril 1HURON AREA COMMUNITY THEATERPreference will be given first to those students who have volunteered for the Minimum- $50 Huron ACT, second to those students who have volunteered for any theater Maximum- $500 entity and thirdly for those students who have volunteered in their community in general. Consideration will also be given to award at least one student who has engaged in acting and at least one student who has engaged in support of the theater in general. Application to be available soon. Minimum - $50 Maximum - $500 April 1NATIONAL FARMERS UNION FOUNDATION HUBERT K. SEYMOUROpen to Farmers Union members and their children. High school seniors, college Several $1,500 awarded students or nontraditional students seeking funding to attend a two or four-year accredited college or university or technical school for any area of study. Typed essay on the topic Significance of rural values in America and on your life. Must be a typed essay- three pages. Click on the link for details. $1,500 awardedApril 1INEZ TAYLOR WALTER NURSING SCHOLARSHIPSeniors pursuing a nursing degree at a South or North Dakota college or university. Available soon Essay written 750 words or less on "Why I am choosing Nursing as my profession". Application available in the Counselor's Office. Email submissions to amyholdhusen@.Not listed April 5AMERICAN BANK & TRUST Must plan to attend a SD college, university, vocational school or community college. Eight awards of $500 each Scholarships awarded on basis of academic achievement, character, and community service. To apply, click on "AB&T Gives Back" at Eight awards of $500 eachApril 6HURON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTERMust be interested in and intend to pursue a healthcare-related degree. Ranges from $500 toPreference given to applicants who indicate financial need and plan to seek $1,000employment in the Huron are after graduating. from $500 to $1,000April 6(FDDC) FIRST DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT COMPANYMust be accepted into a business/finance program at an accredited, post-secondary Five awards of institution in South Dakota and have a 3.5 or greater GPA. Include essay of 500 words $1,000 each or less and two personal recommendations. Application in the Counselor's Office. awards of $1,000 eachApril 10RESOURCE CONSERVATION SPEECH CONTEST2021 Topic: "What Have You Done for Conservation Lately?" Speeches are to be Total of $2,300 5 minutes in length. Notes may be used. awarded . Here is the 2021 brochure of $2,300 awardedApril 15GENE ABDALLAH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDStudents must be planning to pursue a career in law enforcement. This could include Criminal Justice too. Available soon Scholarship applications are available in the Counselor's Office. Not listed April 15SOUTH DAKOTA TECHNICAL INSTITUTES CRITICAL NEEDS WORKFORCE SCHOLARSHIPLATI, MTI, STI, and WDT are participating in a program to fulfill a critical Varies demand for qualified workers in select industries in the state. Student must apply for admission to one of the critical needs programs of study and meet admission requirements. Recipients must agree to stay in SD and work in a critical needs area for 5 years following graduation. For additional information click the link . VariesApril 15HORATIO ALGER SOUTH DAKOTA SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMMust have critical financial need, be involved in co-curricular and community activities, $10,000 have a minimum GPA of 2.0, be a resident of SD and a citizen of the US, exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor’s degree. $10,000April 15PERFORMANCE RADIOMust plan on attending a post-secondary school, have been employed during high school years, $1,000 maintained good character, citizenship and good attendance and in financial need. Short essay is required. Flyer in the counselor's office. $1,000April 15KIDS’ CHANCE OF SOUTH DAKOTAMust be a dependent of a parent who suffered either an on the job fatality or Contingent on injuries that have had a significant adverse effect on family income. funds available on funds availableApril 15HURON NOON LIONS CLUB SCHOLARSHIPAvailable to HHS seniors. Open to any student that has a financial need. $500 Students planning to pursue study in a field or major related to seeing or hearing deficiencies as well as students or a family member having a major seeing or hearing deficiency will be given priority consideration; all applications will be considered. $500April 15SD GRAND COMMANDERY KNIGHTS TEMPLARMust be a South Dakota resident who plan to attend a state Technical Institute in South Dakota. Several $1,000 awardsSuccessful candidates are US citizens who will demonstrate financial need and the capability to complete the vocational training program selected. Scholarships will be granted for one yearbut may be renewed for a maximum of five years. Click on the link below. 16RINGNECK FESTIVAL AND BIRD DOG CHALLENGE VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIPFor high school seniors that are seeking a technical, associate’s, or bachelor’s degree Up to $2,000 from an accredited institution. An applicant must either be a volunteer or be a direct family member of a volunteer or landowner involved in the 2020 Ring neck Festival and Birddog Challenge. (Direct family member is defined as a spouse, sibling, parent or grandparent) An applicant must be currently in good standing (“C” average or better) at high school or an accredited college or qualified technical institute. to $2,000April 17HURON POLICE DEPARTMENTPriority will be given to a student selecting a program of study in criminal justice $250 at a two or four-year higher education institution in-state or out-of-state. If no applications indicating a program of study in criminal justice, the scholarship will be given to another worthy candidate. Application in the counselor’s office. $250April 17FAIR CITY SERTOMA CLUB SCHOLARSHIPMust have a GPA of 2.75 or higher. Applications will be judged on financial special needs, Two $500 awards community work and leadership ability, future education goals and employment. Flyer in the counselor's office.Two $500 awards April 20SOUTH DAKOTA RETAILERS JERRY WHEELER SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMApplicant must desire a career in a retail or retail-related field. To be eligible, Four awards ranging from applicant must enroll in a retail or retail-related course of study at a qualifying, $2,250 to $3,000accredited technical school, college, university, or certified professional training institute in the fall of 2021. Enrollment in an online degree program from a qualifying school is acceptable. Additional guidelines and application can found by clicking on the link. awards ranging from $ 2,250 to $3,000April 22BEADLE COUNTY SPORTSMEN CLUBMust be planning to study a conservation or environmental-related degree program $500and must have been a member of the BCSC for at least one year or have a relative that has belonged at least a year. Contact Chuck Pyle at goosemansd@$500April 22STUDENT-VIEW SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMThis is a random drawing. Log on to student- and complete a One- $4,000, two-$1,000, 15-20-minute application survey about colleges in your area. Ten- $500 One-$4000, two-$1,000, ten -$500April 28EVIE KAHNKE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPThe scholarship is open to South Dakota students who were active in $500 extracurricular activities through all of his/her high school years and plan to pursue a career in the ag industry. $500April 30HHS SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP PROVIDED BY HURON MASONIC LODGE #26 May be planning to attend an in-state or out-of-state college or technical school. Up to 4 awards of List extra-curricular school activities, academic awards or honors and community $100 each activities. Include essay to answer 3 questions on application. Application in Counselors office. Up to 4 awards of $100 eachApril 30HURON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER AUXILIARYMust be planning to further education in the field of health care. Award $750 will be based on academic/professional achievement, leadership and financial need. 352-7272 Renee Gold hammer$750September 1st of the year you will be starting collegeSOUTH DAKOTA OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIPMust have an ACT composite score of 24 or higher or an equivalent sum of the verbal $6,500 over a and mathematics score on the SAT. Must complete the Regents Scholar curriculum with 4-year period no final grade below a C and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Must attend a university, college, or technical school accredited by the North Central Association (NCA) that provides instruction from a South Dakota campus. or by contacting them directly at $6,500 over a 4-year periodMay 1ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORSEligible applicants must have a desire to pursue a highway-heavy-utilities Amounts vary from construction career and be sponsored by an AGC member. A letter of $1,000 to $2,500 recommendation is optional, but recommended. Amounts vary from $1,000 to $2,500 May 3ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS OF SDScholarships for 4 years’ programs and 2 year degrees Varies . May 3CONSTRUCTION SCHOLARSHIPS The Associated General Contractors of South Dakota Highway-Heavy-Utilities Chapter Over $30,000 available (AGC) is committed to providing scholarships for students pursuing a career in a construction-related education program at a college/university or technical institute. It is AGC's goal to provide financial assistance to all eligible applicants, if possible. Eligible applicants must have a desire to pursue a highway-heavy-utilities construction career and be sponsored by and AGC member. Fill out just one application to be eligible for these scholarships at: . Over $30,000 available May 10ASSOCIATION OF EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT (AEMP)Must have an interest in a career as a heavy equipment technician and attend a Up to $2,000 qualified school offering a two-year diesel technician program. Must submit a letter of reference from an employer and an educator. Must have maintained a 2.0 GPA throughout high school. to $2,000May 22DAVIS SCHOLARSHIPThis Scholarship is available to all high school juniors and seniors as well as all $1,000 students currently registered in any post-secondary institution. To apply for this scholarship, you will need to write an essay of less than 1000 words. The topic is describing the three characteristics of leadership you value most. Discuss why you believe that these traits are so important and how you feel that they are developed in an individual. Your submissions must be sent by email to awards@. $1,000May 31THE CHRISTIAN CONNECTOR, INC. Receive free information from Christian colleges. When you submit the request form, $2,500 drawing you can be eligible to be entered into the scholarship drawing. Log onto for information. $2,500 drawing May 31PB & J SCHOLARSHIPFor students who have experienced personal challenges that may not have allowed $500-$1,000 them to perform well academically (High GPA is not needed to qualify! Open to high school seniors attending an accredited 2-year or 4-year college in the U.S. You need to fill out application, transcript and 1 letter of recommendation required (2 preferred). Visit the link to apply$500-$1,000 Drawing in MayCOLLEGEXPRESSYou can search for colleges and scholarships on this site and register to win $10,000$10,000 in a random drawing. The scholarship will be honored only at participating colleges and universities. Please see the 10,000 scholarship rules and conditions page for details at . A brochure is available in the scholarship file in the Counselors' Office.$10,000June 1FARMHOUSE FRATERNITYAvailable to males only that are planning to attend the U of M-Twin Cities. Three- $1,000 Awards will be based on academic achievement, leadership experience, scholarships athletic involvement and career motivation. $1,000 scholarshipsJuly 15JAMES H. JENSSEN SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Be a resident of SD and a high school senior, or be a resident of SD enrolled $500 in an engineering program at SD School of Mines or SDSU for the upcoming academic year. Must have a parent, grandparent, sibling, uncle, aunt or cousin employed a minimum of 3 years (or retired) with the SD DOT. Have a current high school GPA of 3.0 (based on a 4.0 grading system) or higher OR a minimum of a 3.0 GPA at School of Money or SDSU if currently attending the university. Demonstrate the ability to become an asset to the engineering field. The student's personal aims and goals should be consistent with this requirement. Applications in Counselor's Office. $500 ................

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