Вінницький національний медичний університет ім. М.І. Пирогова

Medical faculty


for the test for the year


Tests of the “KROK-1” database


An electron micrograph shows a cell-to-cell adhesion consisting, in each cell, of an attachment plaque. The intercellular space is filled with electron-dense substance including transmembrane fibrillar structures. Specify this adhesion:

A *Desmosome

B Synapse

C Tight junction

D Nexus

E Adherens junction

The secretory granules appear and disappear in the cytoplasm of pancreatic cells during the secretory cycle. Which structural elements these granules can be included?

A * To inclusions

B To microfilaments

C To lysosomes

D To exocytosis vacuoles

E To granular endoplasmic reticulum

Significant reduction of the protein synthesis in hepatocytes resulted by the long-term effects of the toxic substances on the body. What organelles are most affected by intoxication?

A * Granular endoplasmic reticulum

B Mitochondria

C Microtubules

D Lysosomes

E Golgi apparatus

The histone proteins synthesis was artificially blocked in the cell. What cell structure will be damaged?

A * Nuclear chromatin

B Nucleolus

C Golgi apparatus

D Cell membrane

E Nuclear envelope


While studying maximally spiralized chromosomes of human karyotype the process of cell division was stopped in the following phase:

A *Metaphase

B Prophase

C Interphase

D Anaphase

E Telophase

Moving of the daughter chromatids to the poles of the cell is observed in the mitotically dividing cell. On what stage of the mitotic cycle is this cell?

A *Anaphase

B Metaphase

C Telophase

D Prophase

E Interfase

Labeled aminoacids alanine and tryptophane were introducted to a mouse in order to study localization of protein biosynthesis in its cells. Around what organellas will the accumulation of labeled aminoacids be observed?

A *Ribosomes

B Agranular endoplasmic reticulum

C Cell centre

D Lysosomes

E Golgi apparatus

Low level of albumins and fibrinogen was detected in the patient's blood. Decreased activity of what organelle of the liver hepatocytes can cause it?

A *Rough endoplasmic reticulum

B Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

C Mitochondria

D Golgi complex

E Lysosomes

Ultramicroscopic examination of "dark" hepatocytes population in the cell cytoplasm detected a developed granular endoplasmic reticulum. What function has this organelle in these cells?

A *Synthesis of blood plasma proteins

B Carbohydrate synthesis

C Detoxification

D Bile production

E Calcium ion depositing

In the tissue culture the nucleoluses were damaged by the radioactive irradiation. Recovery of what organelles in the cytoplasm becomes problematic?

A * Ribosomes

B Lysosomes

C Endoplasmic reticulum

D Microtubule

E Golgi apparatus

The structure of the ribosome was disordered in the cells. What process is primarily affected?

A * Protein synthesis (translation).

B Protein synthesis (transcription ).

C Synthesis of carbohydrates.

D Synthesis of lipids.

E Synthesis of minerals.

The cell without the nucleus and nucleolus is presented at the electron microphotography. The chromosomes are free, the centrioles migrate to the poles. In which phase of the cell cycle is the cell?

A * In prophase

B In anaphase

C In metaphase

D In telophase

E In interphase

The researchers destroyed the structure of one of the cell parts in a scientific experiment. As result the cell lost the ability to division. What structure was broken?

A * Centrosome

B Glycocalix

C Plastic complex

D Microfibrille

E Mitochondria


The patient was hospitalized in the hospital with poisoning. It was established that the detoxification processes were disordered in the liver. Which organelles of hepatocytes were injured?

A * Agranular endoplasmic reticulum

B Mitochondria

C Granular endoplasmic reticulum

D Golgi apparatus

E Ribosomes

The organelles, which consist of cisterns that flattened in the center and extended on the periphery and small vesicles, were founded at the electron microphotography of the nervous cells. What are these organelles?

A * Golgi apparatus

B Centrioles

C Lysosomes

D Peroxisomes

E Mitochondria

The abnormal biopolymers were founded in the body cells of the child (7 years) with congenital "storage diseases". What is the kind of organels?

A * Lysosomes

B Ribosomes.

C Granular endoplasmic reticulum

D Mitochondria.

E Peroxisomes.

The culture of the tumor cells was affected by colchicine, which inhibits formation of the proteins-tubulins that are necessary for the spindle apparatus formation. What stage of the cell cycle will be affected?

A * Mitosis

B Presynthetic period

C Synthetic period

D Postsynthetic period

E G0 - phase

A high content of hydrolytic enzymes in the cytoplasm was founded during the examination. Which organelle activity shows this fact?

A * Lysosomes

B Mitochondria

C Polysomes

D Endoplasmic reticulum

E Centrioles

A human somatic cells in the metaphase mitosis was founded in the histological preparation. How many chromosomes the metaphase plate consist of in case if each chromosome has two sister chromatids.

A * 46 chromosomes

B 92 chromosomes

C 23 chromosomes

D 48 chromosomes

E 24 chromosomes

The vesicles with peroxide oxidation enzymes - catalase, peroxidase (0,05-1,5 microns in diameter) were revealed in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes during the histochemical investigation. What are these organelles?

A * Peroxisomes

B Lysosomes

C Melanosomes

D Liposomes

E Phagosomes

The cells whose nuclei contain sex chromatin (Barr corpuscle) were founded in the amniotic fluid during the investigation that obtained by amniocentesis (amniotic membrane puncture). What could it mean?

A * Development of the female sex fetus

B Development of the male sex fetus

C Genetic abnormalities in fetal development

D Trisomy

E Рolyploidy

Low albumin and fibrinogen level was found in the patient. Reduced activity of which hepatocyte organelles are most likely cause this phenomenon?

A * Granular endoplasmic reticulum

B Agranular endoplasmic reticulum

C Mitochondria

D Golgi apparatus

E Lysosomes

There is a large quantity of carbohydrates in the dietary intake of a human. What structures will be seen in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes?

A. *Glycogen granules

B. Lipid droplets

C. One large lipid drop

D. Lipofuscin inclusions

E. Increasing of ribosome quantity


The study of mitotic cycle phases of onion root revealed the cell, in which the chromosomes are situated in the equatorial plane, forming a star. What stage of the cell mitosis is it?

A. Prophase

B. Anaphase

C. Telophase

D. Interphase

E. *Metaphase

During the postsynthetic period of mitotic cycle the synthesis of proteins - tubulines, which take part in the mitosis formation, was destroyed. It can cause the impairment of:

A. Chromosome despiralization

B. Cytokinesis

C. Duration of mitosis

D. *Chromosome separation

E. Chromosome spiralization

The cell of the laboratory animal was overdosed with Roentgen rays. As a result albuminous fragments formed in the cytoplasm. What cell organoid will take part at their utilization?

A. Endoplasmic reticulum

B. *Lysosomes

C. Cells centre

D. Golgi complex

E. Ribosome

The action of the bacterial toxins on the cells resulted significant injury of the glycocalyx. What membrane function will be disordered in this case?

A. *Receptory

B. Transport

C. Respiratory

D. Formation of the contacts

E. Protective

The hurmful factors resulted the acute disorder of the endocytosis and exocetosis in the liver and blood cells. WhaT layer of the cell mevbrane was injured first of all?

A. *Cortical layer

B. The layer of the lipids end proteins

C. Supramembrane

D. Integral

E. Glycocalyx

It is known that the synthesis of the proteins-tubulins is blockade andur the Colchicine action. What stage of the cell cycle will be disordered in this case?

A. *Postsynthetic (premitotic) period of the interfase

B. Profase of mitosis

C. Synthetic period of the interfase

D. Formation of the metaphase plate

E. Presynthetic (postmitotic) period of the interfase

At what component of the cell the lysosoms formation takes place?

A. *At the Golgi apparatys

B. At the nucleus

C. At the ribosoms

D. At the mitochondrias

E. At the organizing cell center

The microtubulies contein the protein:

A. *Tubulin

B. Desmin

C. Dynein

D. Calmodulin

E. Vimentin

The hysterectomy was made to a woman 67 years old because of a tumor. At the histological investigation of this tumor the multipolar mitosis were founded at the tumor cells (chromosome disjunction to more than two cellular poles). Disorder of what chromosoms resulted formation of the multipolar mitosis?

A * Centriolies

B Secondary lysosoms

C Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

D Rough endoplasmic reticulum

E Peroxisoms

At the electronic microphotography the nucleus is surrounded by the thin lamina of biological membrane. What is ir name?

A * Nuclear envelope

B Plasmolemma

C Cytolemma

D Nuclear pore

E Pore complex

The navy-blue chromatin granules were founded at the nucleus on the slide that is stained by hematoxylin and eosin. What is the stage of the cell cicle?

A * Interphase

B Prophase

C Metaphase

D Anaphase

E Telophase

There are three periods of the cell cicle interohase. What process is take plase during the S-period?

A * Replication of the DNA

B Meiosis

C Cytokinesis

D Mitosis

E Аmitosis


Tests of the “KROK-1” database


Hypertrychosis of auricles is caused by a gene that is localized in Y-chromosome. Father has this feature. What is the probability to give birth to a boy with such anomaly?

A 100%

B 0%

C 25%

D 35%

E 75%

An embryo displays disturbed process of dorsal mesoderm segmentation and somite formation. What part of skin will have developmental abnormalities?

A *Derma

B Hair

C Sebaceous glands

D Epidermis

E Sudoriferous glands

The embrion on the stage of early gastrulation was founded during the forensic medical expertise of a woman who died in the road accident. Name the plase of the embrion localization in case of its normal development.

A *Uterus wall

B Ampular part of the oviduct

C Uterus part of the oviduct

D Ovary

E Abdomenal cavity

The embrion composed by to blastomeres was founded during the microscopic investigation of female reproductive organs remoted during the operation Name the plase of the embrion localization in case of its normal development.

A * Oviduct, close to its ampular part

B Oviduct, close to its uterus part

C Uterus cavity

D Abdomenal cavity

E Ovary

The primary Hensen's node wasn’t formed in the embryo during the gastrulation. The development of what axial organ will be inhibiting?

A * Chorda

B Neural crest

C Neural groove

D Neural tube

E Mantle layer of the neural tube

The human embryo implantation in the uterine wall (during the 7th day) is the one of the critical periods of embryogenesis. What gastrulation process is occurs in embryoblast during this period?

A * Delamination

B Migration

C Epiboly

D Invagination

E Neurulation


In course of a conditional experiment the development of mesenchyme cells was completely inhibited. Development of the following muscular tissue will be disturbed:

A *Smooth muscle tissue

B Neural muscle tissue

C Epidermal muscle tissue

D Cardiac muscle tissue

E Skeletal muscle tissue

Study of the biopsy material of an embryo revealed a zone of developmental abnormality in a somite. The zone was located close to the endoderm and the notochord. What formations may have abnormal development in case of pregnancy continuation?

A *Skeletal tissues

B Genito-urinary system

C Skeletal striated muscle tissue

D Cardiac striated muscle tissue

E Fibrous connective tissue of the skin

The process of a zygote cleavage ends with the blastula formation. What type of blastula ші typical for a ргman?

A * Blastocysts

B Coeloblastula

C Discoblastula

D Amphiblastula

E Morula

The human blastocyst implantation begins. What is the period of embryogenesis, which starts at the same time with implantation?

A * Gastrulation

B Invagination

C Differentiation

D Histogenesis

E Cleavage

The chorion is determined at the microscopic examination of the embryo membranes. What is the main function of this organ?

A * Exchange of substances between the mother and fetus.

B Hematopoietic.

C Production of the amniotic fluid.

D Formation of the primordial germ cells.

E Formation of the lymphocytes

The gametes precursors (gonoblasts) were revealed in the embryo at 2nd - 3rd weeks of embryogenesis. Where do these cells differentiate?

A * In the yolk sac

B In the mesenchyme

C In the embryonic ectoderm

D In dermatomes

E In the embryonic endoderm

The early gastrulation of the human embryo occurs by delamination of the embryoblast. At what strusture does the nervous system rudiment situate?

A * At the epiblast

B At the trophoblast

C At the hypoblast

D At the marginal zone of the hypoblast

E At the central zone of the hypoblast

The chicken embryo at the stage of the mesoderm differentiation to somites and splanchnotom was revealed in the histological preparation. What material is the axial skeleton developing from?

A * Sclerotome

B Dermatome

C Nephrotome

D Splanchnotom

E Myotome


The sclerotome was destroyed in the the bird embryo during the experiment. Disorder of what structure can be caused by this manipulation?

A * Axial skeleton

B Skin connective tissue

C Internal organs stroma

D Gonadal stroma

E Chord

The myotome was destroyed in the the rabbit embryo during the experiment. Disorder of what structure can be caused by this manipulation?

A * Skeletal muscle

B Axial skeleton

C Skin connective tissue

D Smooth muscle

E Serous membranes

The outer germ layer (ectoderm) was destroyed in the the frog embryo during the experiment. What morphological structure of this embryo will be not developed?

A * Epidermis

B Somites

C Nephrotome

D Splanchnotom

E Bone tissue

The hydramnios was diagnosed at the pregnant women during the ultrasound examination. Disorder of what extraembryonic organ function can result in such pathological condition?

A *Amniotic membrane

B Chorion

C Placenta

D Yolk sac

E Allantois

The embryonic shield with two layers of cells (ectoderm and entoderm) was revealed in the human embryo taken from spontaneous abortion. At what stage of embryonic development was an embryo?

A * Gastrulation

B Cleavage

C Progenesis

D Organogenesis

E -

The human embryo that is not attached to the endometrium was found in the uterus cavity. What is the stage of embryogenesis?

A * Blastocyst

B Zygote

C Morula

D Gastrula

E Neurula

It is known that the megalocytes may appear in the human peripheral blood. When the appearance of these cells in the blood is normal?

A * In the embryonic period

B At the age of 1 year

C At the age from 1 to 30 years

D In old age

E During the pregnancy

"A person was born in a shirt." What kind of "shirt" is referred in this proverb about?

A * Amniotic

B Yolk

C Serous

D Chorionic

E Trophoblastic

2004 – 2011

Disorder of the cerebrum development was founded during the ultrasonic scanning of the pregnant woman. The chronic alcoholism is in anamnesis. To what critical period of the embriogenesis this pathology is conform?

A. *15-20 weeks of embriogenesis

B. 20-24 weeks of embriogenesis

C. 7-8 days of embriogenesis

D. 3-8 weeks of embriogenesis

E. Neonatal period

The mesenchyme at the yolk-sac wall was distroied on the early stage of embryogenesis. What conciquenses can divelop as result of this manipulation?

A. *Disorder of the blood vessels formation

B. Disorder of embryo trophisity

C. Disorder of metabolic products excretion

D. Disorder of the allantois formation

E. Disorder of the amnion formation


Epithelial tissue

Tests of the “KROK-1” database


A scheme presents an exocrinous gland that has unbranched excretory duct with a terminal part in form of a saccule openining into the duct. How is this gland called according to the morphological classification of exocrinous glands?

A *Simple unbranched alveolar

B Compound branched alveolar

C Simple branched tubular

D Compound unbranched alveolar

E Compound unbranched alveolar tubular

A microslide contains the preparation of a gland composed of several secretory saccule-shaped parts that open in the common excretory duct. What gland is it?

A *Simple branched alveolar gland

B Compound branched alveolar gland

C Simple unbranched alveolar gland

D Compound unbranched alveolar gland

E Simple branched tubular gland

A pathological process in bronchi resulted in epithelium desquamation. What cells will regenerate bronchial epithelium?

A *Basal

B Intercalary

C Ciliate

D Endocrinal

E Goblet

The secretory parts of the apocrine glands contain myoepithelial cells/ what is the function of these cells?

A *Contractive

B Secretory

C Protective

D Regenerative

E Supporting


The villus of the small intestine is covered by the tissue that consist only of the cells, which form a layer on the basement membrane. The tissue does not contain blood vessels. What tissue covers the surface of the villus?

A * Epithelial tissue

B Cemented irregular fibrous connective tissue

C Dense irregular connective tissue

D Smooth muscle tissue

E Reticular tissue


The death of the ciliated epithelial cells of the bronchi was occurred at the chemical industry worker after inhaling of the pungent vapors. What cells will make the epithelium regeneration?

A * Basal cells

B Goblet cells

C Endocrine cells

D Ciliated cells

E Unciliated cells

The inner surface of the blood vessels is covered by the epithelium. Name the kind of epithelium.

A * Endothelium

B Mesothelium

C Epidermis

D Transitional epithelium

E Pseudostratified epithelium

The malignant epithelial tumor of the pericardium was diagnosed in male 53 years old. What kind of epithelium is a source of tumor development?

A * Simple squamous epithelium

B Pseudostratified epithelium

C Transitional epithelium

D Stratified keratinizing epithelium

E Stratified non-keratinizing epithelium

The low oval or triangular shape cells were founded in the histological preparation of trachea multirowed ciliated epithelium. These cells don’t reach the apical surface of epithelial cells by them apexes. The figures of mitosis were founded at some of them. What is the function of these cells?

A * Source of regeneration

B Part of the mucociliary complex

C Secretion of the mucus

D Secretion of the surfactant

E Production of the biologically active substances.

The pleural friction rub was revealed at the patient with dry pleuritis. What kind of epithelium is damaged?

A * Simple squamous epithelium

B Simple cuboidal epithelium

C Simple columnar epithelium

D Transitional epithelium

E Stratified epithelium

The patient is complaining of the black spots appearance on the face. Upon examination, it was founded that the appearance of these spots is associated with the violation of the sebaceous glands secretion. What type of secretion is characteristic for these glands?

A * Holocrine

B Merocrine

C Macroapocrine

D Microapocrine

E Merocrine and microapocrine

The structures of tight junction between the epithelial cells were affected during the experiment. What function of the epithelium will be disodered?

A * Mechanical

B Absorption

C Vitamin D-producing

D Secretory

E Excretory

Esophageal mucosa was damaged in the patient as a result of burn by vinegar essence. What cellular structures of the epithelium is the source of regeneration?

A. *Basal cells

B. Squamous cells

C. Corneal cells

D. Endocrine cells

E. Villous cells


The gland that consists from two acinary secretory parts are opening into common excretory duct was founded in the skin. What is the kind of a gland?

A Simple branched alveolar gland

B Compound branched alveolar gland

C Simple unbranched alveolar gland

D Compound unbranched alveolar gland

E Simple branched tubular gland


Tests of the “KROK-1” database


During postembryonal haemopoiesis in the red bone marrow the cells of one of the cellular differons demonstrate a gradual decrease in cytoplasmic basophilia as well as an increase in oxyphilia, the nucleus is being forced out. Such morphological changes are typical for the following haemopoiesis type:

A *Erythropoiesis

B Lymphopoiesis

C Neutrophil cytopoiesis

D Eosinophil cytopoiesis

E Basophil cytopoiesis

In the blood of a 26-year-old man it was revealed 18% of erythrocytes of the spherical, ball-shaped, flat and thorn-like shape. Other eritrocytes were in the form of the concavo-concave disks. How is such phenomenon called?

A *Physiological poikilocytosis

B Pathological poikilocytosis

C Physiological anisocytosis

D Pathological anisocytosis

E Erytrocytosis

The significant reduction of megakaryocytes was founded during the histological investigation of the red bone marrow punctate of 26 years old patient. How will change the correlation of blood cells in this case?

A * Number of platelets will decrease

B Number of red blood cells will decrease

C Number of eosinophils will decrease

D Number of neutrophils will decrease

E Number of B-lymphocytes will decrease

The signs of inflammation: pain, redness, edema as signs of immediate hypersensitivity were revealed at the child around the skin wound. Which blood cells are causing these changes?

A * Basophils

B Eosinophils

C Neutrophils

D Lymphocytes

E Monocytes

According to results of the blood stains studying at the crime scene the forensic pathologist determined that it was female blood. What signs were on the base of this conclusion?

A * Presence of the satellite in the neutrophils nuclei

B Presence of the microcytes and macrocytes

C Poikilocytosis

D Presence of the eosinophils specific granules

E According to the number of red blood cells

The cells with the histamine and heparin granules in the cytoplasm were defined in the blood smear. What is the kind of the cell?

A * Basophils

B Neutrophils

C Eosinophils

D Monocytes

E Erythrocytes

The cells, which accounts for 0,5% of the total leukocytes number with the S-shaped curved nucleus and metachromatic colored granules in the cytoplasm, were founded in the patient's blood smear. What are these cells?

A * Basophils

B Neutrophils

C Eosinophils

D Monocytes

E Lymphocytes

The numerous plasma cells plasmocytes were revealed in the blood of a 16 years old girl with autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland. With the proliferation and differentiation of what blood cells the increase of the plasmocytes number is associated?

A * B-lymphocytes

B T-helper

C Tissue basophils

D T-killer

E T-suppressor

The B-lymphocytes were marked with the tracer in the experiment. The foreign protein was injected under the skin of the animal. Which cells in the connective tissue will contain this tracer?

A * Plasmocytes

B T-lymphocytes

C Macrophages

D Tissue basophils

E Fibroblasts

One of the blood cells populations was selectively stimulated in the experiment. Permeability of blood vessels was significantly increased as result of it. That leads to edema of perivascular tissue development end deceleration of the blood clotting. Which blood cells were stimulated?

A * Basophils

B Erythrocytes

C Platelets

D Eosinophils

E Lymphocytes

The rounded cells with the segmented nuclei are predominating from the leukocytes in the smear of peripheral blood. The granules of their cytoplasm stained both acidic and basic dyes. What are these cells?

A * Segmented neutrophils

B Basophils

C Eosinophils

D Young neutrophils

E Monocytes

The large cells with low-basophilic cytoplasm and bean-shaped nucleus were founded in a blood smear. The cell is the largest from visible in the visual field. What are the cells?

A * Monocytes

B Macrophages

C Plasmocytes

D Middle lymphocytes

E Small lymphocytes

The patient blood was taken for analysis. The 30% of red blood cells with an irregular shape were founded. Clinically, this phenomenon is described as:

A * Pathological poikilocytosis

B Anisocytosis

C Physiological poikilocytosis

D Macrocytosis

E Microcytosis

It is known that megalocytes can be present in the periferal blood of human. When these cells can be present in the peripheral blood in norm?

A *In the embryogenesis

B Till the age 1 year

C At the age from 1 to 30

D At the old age

E During the pregnancy


In course of an experiment a big number of stem cells of red bone marrow was in some way destructed. Regeneration of which cell populations in the loose connective tissue will be inhibited?

A *Of macrophages

B Of fibroblasts

C Of pigment cells

D Of lipocytes

E Of pericytes

To determine the functional activity of blood cells the suspension of the microorganisms was introduced into a test tube containing leukocyte mass. Inside of what cells the phagocytized bacteria will be detected?

A * Neutrophils and monocytes

B Lymphocytes and basophils

C Lymphocytes and eosinophils

D Monocytes and lymphocytes

E Lymphocytes and neutrophils

The neutrophils were defined during the study of the connective tissue microslide. What is the function of these cells in the tissues?

A * Phagocytosis of microorganisms

B Trophic

C Support function

D Regulation of sthe mooth muscle cells contraction

E Dilatation of the blood vessels.


Blood sampling for bulk analysis is recommended to be performed on an empty stomack and in the morning. What changes in blood composition can occur if to perform blood sampling after food intake?

A *Increased contents of leukocytes

B Increased contents of erythrocytes

C Increased plasma proteins

D Reduced contents of thrombocytes

E Reduced contents of erythrocytes

The helminthiasis was detected at the child (10 years). What changes in the leukogram can be expected?

A * Number of eosinophils will increase

B Number of platelets will increase

C Number of red blood cells will increase

D Number of segmented neutrophils will increase

E Number of basophils will increase

In the analysis the laboratorian made an additional conclusion that the blood belongs to the female. Specific features of what cells structure enable us to conclusion?

A * Neutrophilic leukocytes

B Erythrocytes

C Lymphocytes

D Monocytes

E Basophilic leukocytes

66. The cells of next morphology: intensely basophilic cytoplasm, eccentrically placed nucleus with chromatin, which is located in a "spoke wheel" and highlights the cytoplasm near it – were founded in the lymph node histological sections of the experimental animals after the antigen stimulation.?

A * Plasmocytes

B Macrophages

C Fibroblasts

D Adipocytes

E Tissue basophils (mast cells)

The acute decline of the hemoglobin was revealed in the patient's blood during the examination at the clinic. What is the function of blood will be disordered?

A * Respiratory

B Humoral

C Homeostatic

D Protective

E Trophic

The megakaryocyte with demarcation channels in the peripheral part of the cytoplasm was determined at the electron microphotographs of the red bone marrow. What is the function of these structures?

A * Formation of platelets

B Increasing of the cell surface

C Increase of the ion channels number

D Cell division

E Cell destruction

The cells of granulocytic series were revealed at the biopsy material of red bone marrow. Specify what changes occur in the nucleus during the differentiation of these cells?

A * Segmentation

B Polyploidisation

C Pyknosis

D Enucleation

E Increasing the size

The cells, differentiation of which is characterized by pycnosis and nucleus removing, were revealed in the myeloid tissue punctate of a 6 years old child. What kind of hematopoiesisis characterized by such morphological changes?

A * Erythropoiesis

B Thrombocytopoiesis

C Lymphocytopoiesis

D Granulocytopoiesis

E Monocytopoiesis

It is known that plasmocytes produce specific antibodies against of the antigen. The number of plasmocytes is increases after the antigen introduction. At the expense of which blood cells the plasmocytes number will increase?

A * B-lymphocytes

B T-lymphocytes

C Monocytes

D Basophils

E Eosinophil

The 20% large (diameter 20 mm), rounded cells with low-basophilic cytoplasm and bean-shaped nucleus were founded in a blood smear. Clinically, this phenomenon is described as:

A * Monocytosis

B Lymphocytosis

C Leukopenia

D Neutrophilia

E Reticulocytosis

The graft rejection took place after the heterotransplantation. Which blood cells provide the process?

A * T-killers

B T-helpers

C T-suppressors

D T0- lymphocytes

E T-memory cells

The nurse complains of hands injury that resembls the eczema. She said that after streptomycin injection( she makes it to the patient) the skin itching is increased and the vesicles with the watery fluid appear on the skin. The symptoms disappear during the holidays. The blood test was made on suspicion of allergic reaction. Increasing the number of what blood cells can be detected?

A * Eosinophilic leukocytes

B Basophilic leukocytes

C Monocytes

D Neutrophilic leukocytes

E Lymphocytes

The anemia developed at the patient 50 years old with chronic nephritis. What was the most likely cause of the anemia at this patient?

A * Decreasing of erythropoietin production

B Absence of gland

C Lack of vitamin B12

D Disorders of porphyrin synthesis

E Immunological damage cells - precursors of erythropoiesis

The helminthiasis was diagnosed at the 6 year child. What changes of the leukogram can be expected.

A * Increasing of the eosinophils number

B Increasing of the neutrophils number

C Reducing the eosinophils number

D Increasing of the monocytes number

E Increasing of the lymphocytes number

In the red bone marrow the blood cells, which develop, are located by the islands. Some of the islands associated with macrophages. What blood cells are developed in these islands?

A * Erythrocytes

B Precursors of T- and B-lymphocytes

C Monocytes

D Platelets

E Basophilic granulocytes

The reduced hemoglobin amount was revealed in the blood test. What function of the blood will be disordered?

A * Transport of gases

B Transport of hormones

C Providing immunity

D Clotting

E Transport of nutrients

The chromatin of one of the neutrophils nucleus segments is forming the drumstick. What is the name of this structural formation?

A * Barr's body

B Lyon’s body

C Decondensed chromatin

D Euchromatin

E Pacinian corpuscles

The increasing of the total leukocytes number was revealed in the general blood analysis of a patient with pneumonia. What is the name of this phenomenon?

A * Leukocytosis

B Anemia

C Leukopenia

D Anisocytosis

E Poikilocytosis

The 12,5% erythrocytes with diameter greater than 8 microns and 12.5% erythrocytes with diameter less than 6 microns were revealed in the patient's blood. The rest of red blood cells have a diameter of 7,1–7,9 microns. What is the name of this phenomenon?

A * Physiological anisocytosis

B Pathological anisocytosis

C Physiological poikilocytosis

D Pathological poikilocytosis

E Erythrocytosis

A newborn baby has the disorder of the thymus development. What type of the hematopoiesis will be disordered?

A * Lymphocytopoiesis

B Monocytopoiesis

C Erythropoiesis

D Granulocytopoiesis

E Thrombocytopoiesis

The antibodies are producing at the secondary penetration of the antigen into the organism. By the function of what cell does it resulted?

A *Memmory cells

B T-killers

C T-suppressors

D Macrofages

E Dendrite cells


After the radiactive exposure a patient has stem cells disorder. The regeneration of what cells of friable connective tissue will be damaged?

A. *Macrophages

B. Pericytes

C. Fibroblasts

D. Pigment cells

E. Adipocytes

Connective tissue

Tests of the “KROK-1” database


In course of an experiment a big number of stem cells of red bone marrow was in some way destructed. Regeneration of which cell populations in the loose connective tissue will be inhibited?

A *Of macrophags

B Of fibroblasts

C Of pigment cells

D Of lipocytes

E Of pericytes

Decreased blood supply to the organs causes hypoxia that activates fibroblasts function. Volume of what elements is increased in this case?

A *Intercellular substance

B Vessels of microcircular stream

C Nerve elements

D Parenchymatous elements of the organ

E Lymphatic vessels

The method of dactylography is used extensively in the forensic medical expertise. This method is based on the strictly individual picture of the skin surface made by the papillary layer of the derma. What tissue is forming this layer of the derma?

A * Loose connective tissue

B Dense irregular fibrous tissue

C Dense regular fibrous tissue

D Reticular tissue

E Adipose tissue

The lower limb was injured during the athlete training. Traumatologist made the diagnosis: the tendon rupture. What type of connective tissue the tendon belongs to?

A * Dense regular fibrous tissue

B Dense irregular fibrous tissue

C Loose connective tissue

D Reticular tissue

E Cartilage tissue

The histamine plays a central role in the development of allergic clinical manifestations. What cells produce it?

A * Mast cells

B T lymphocytes

C Macrophages

D B-lymphocytes

E Plasmocytes

The local esophagus stenosis as a result of scar formation developed at the patient after the esophagus chemical burn. Which cells of the loose connective tissue involved in the formation of scars?

A * Mature specialized fibroblasts

B Young unspecialized fibroblasts

C Fibrocytes

D Myofibroblasts

E Fibroclasts


Live vaccine is injected into the human body. Increasing activity of what cells of connective tissue can be expected?

A *Plasmocytes and lymphocytes

B Macrophages and fibroblasts

C Pigmentocytes and pericytes

D Adipocytes and adventitious cells

E Fibroblasts and labrocytes

The damaged Achilles tendon function was renewed after the treating. What is the mechanism of a tendon regeneration?

A * Synthesis of the collagen fibers

B Synthesis of the hyaline cartilage

C Formation of the adipose tissue

D Synthesis of the fibrous cartilage

E Replacements of the place of injury by the muscle tissue

A foreign body entered into the skin and leds to inflammation development. What connective tissue cells take place in the skin reaction agains of the foreign body?

A * Neutrophils, macrophages, fibroblasts

B Macrophages

C Melanocytes

D Adipocytes

E Adventicial cells


The substance that disorders the collagen fibers formation was introduced to the animals. How will change the tendon properties in this case?

A * The tendon hardness to a rupture will decrease

B No change

C The tendon elasticity will decrease

D The tendon hardness to a rupture and elasticity will decrease

E The tendon hardness to a rupture will increase but elasticity will decrease

The caesarean section was performed to a patient. The uterus wall was cut and the fetus was disengaged. What is the mechanism of uterus healing in the area the myometrium injury?

A * Formation of the connective scar

B Neoplasms of the smooth muscular tissue

C Formation of the striated muscle

D Proliferation of the myosatelits

E Hypertrophy of the smooth muscle cells

The connective tissue defects scar is developing in the wound place during the healing. Which cells provide the process?

A * Fibroblasts

B Macrophages

C Fibrocytes

D Mast cells

E Melanocytes

The allergic dermatitis of both hands developed at the women as a result of the contact with the chromium compounds at the production. Which skin cells mainly participated in the realization of this disease?

A * Tissue basophils

B Plasmocytes

C Macrophages

D Neutrophils

E Lymphocytes

A big number of the elongated cells with dense nucleus and many lysosomes, phagosomes and pinocytotic vacuoles in the basophilic cytoplasm were founded in the lavage of the patient with acute tibia wound. What are these cells?

A * Macrophages of connective tissue

B Fibroblasts

C Fibrocytes

D Plasmocytes

E Tissue basophils

A significant number of red bone marrow stem cells was destroyed at the experiment. Renewal of what cells of connective tissue will be inhibited?

A * Macrophages

B Fibroblasts

C Pigment cells

D Adipocytes

E Pericytes

An inflammation is characterized by the dilation of the blood capillaries at the site of injury, decreased blood circulation, increased vascular permeability. Which of the following cells play the primary role in this processes?

A * Tissue basophils

B Fibroblasts

C Plasmocytes

D Eosinophils

E Macrophages


The microscopic examination of wound lavage of a patient with acute woundy process of his shin revealed big contents of irregular extended-formed cells, with tough nucleus, the basophilic cytoplasm of which includes many lysosomes, phagosomes and pinocytotic bubbles. What cells are found out in the wound?

A. Tissue basophils

B. *Connective tissue macrophages

C. Fibrocytes

D. Fibroblasts

E. Plasmocytes

Collagen, elastin and reticulin belong to the fibrillar elements of connective tissue. Indicate the aminoacid which constitutes only collagen, and identification of which in biological fluids is used for the diagnosing of the connective tissue diseases.

A. Lysine

B. Proline

C. *Hydroxyproline

D. Phenylalanine

E. Glycine

Low concentration of the specific antibodies was founded in the blood of a patient with the influenza. The fuction of what cell of connective tissue is inhibited?

A. *Plasmocyte

B. Lymphocyte

C. Macrophage

D. Macrophage

E. Labrocyte

Bone tissue

Tests of the “KROK-1” database


In course of indirect histogenesis of tubular bone tissue a plate is formed between epiphyseal and diaphyseal ossification centres that provides further lengthwise growth of bones. What structure is it?

A *Metaphyseal plate

B Osseous cuff

C Osseous plate

D Osteon

E Layer of interior general plates

The basophilic cells with hight developed of the synthesis organels were founded at the histological examination of a tubular bone diaphysis. These cells are situated under the fiber layer. They take place at the regeneration process of the bone. At what layer of diaphysis are they situated?

A * Periosteum

B Proper bone

C Osteoid layer

D Layer of external general plate

E Layer of external general plate

The local resorption of some bones hard tissues was noticed by the physician zt the roentgenogram of the patient 57 years old. With the increased activity of what cells can be associated these changes?

A * Osteoclasts

B Chondroblasts

C Osteocytes

D Osteoblasts

E Chondrocytes


The signs of regenarative process (callus) are present in the histological preparation of the bones. What tissue is forming the described structure?

A * Membrane reticulated bone

B Loose connective tissue

C Reticulartissue

D. Epithelial tissue

E Splenial bone


A tissue was represented in the histological slide. The cells of this tissue don’t have the processec. Each one of them conteins tens of nuclei and one surface with corrugated zone. Through this zone the secretion of hydrolytic enzymes is going. What tissue is presented in histological slide?

A * Bone tissue

B Cartilage tissue

C Epithelial tissue

D Nervous tissue

E Muscular tissue

The ossification resulted by the rise of the calcium level in the bones was revealed at the worker of the enterprise, which produces vanadium compounds. With activity of what cells can it be associated?

A * Osteoblast

B Osteocytes

C Osteoclasts

D Chondrocytes

E Fibroblasts

The resorption of bone was revealed at the patient. With the increased activity of what cells can it be associated?

A * Osteoclast

B Osteoblasts and osteoclasts

C Osteocytes and osteoblasts

D Osteoblasts

E Osteocytes

The patients with a diagnosis of the clavicle fracture was admitted into a hospital. What cellular elements will take part in the regeneration of the bone tissue?

A * Osteoblasts

B Osteoclasts

C Osteocytes

D Chondrocytes

E Fibroblasts

The excessive loss of bone tissue mass (it reflects the development of osteoporosis) is observed at the elderly people. Activation of whst bone cells can cause the development of this disease?

A * Osteoclast

B Osteoblasts

C Macrophages

D Tissue basophils

E Osteocytes


The bones knitting at the fracture place is resulted by the osteoblasts activation. What is the function of these cellc?

A. *Formation of the osteoid substance and transformation into osteocytes

B. Formation of the connective tissue primary, from which will be bone formation

C. Formation of the cartilage isogenic group

D. Proliferation and calcification

E. Formation of the bone and transformation into osteoclasts

Cartillage tissue

Tests of the “KROK-1” database


The disorder of the motive functions resulted by the age changes of the hyaline cartilage was revealed at the patient 70 years old. What age changes caused limitation of the joints movement?

A * Deposition of calcium in the intercellular substance

B Increasing the number of isogenic groups

C Increasing the number of cartilage cells

D Thickening of the perichondrium

E Increasing the hydrophilicity of the ground substance

The isogenic cell groups were revealed at the histological slide of the cartilage. What cells are the primary in the formation of these groups?

A * Chondrocytes I type.

B Chondroblasts

C Prechondroblasts

D Chondrocytes II type

E Chondrocytes III type

The articular cartilage, as it is known, doesn’t have the perichondrium. What kind of growth is possible at this cartilage during the regeneration process?

A * Interstitial

B Appositional

C By application

D Appositional and interstitial

E It is not growing


The tissue was represented in a histological slide. The cells of this tissue are situated singly or by isogroups and the fibrous structures of the intercellular substance are not visible. What tissue is represented in the slide?

A * Hyaline cartilage

B Smooth muscle tissue

C Epithelial tissue

D Fibrous cartilage

E Bone tissue


The tissue is visible at the larynx tumor biopsy material. The cells of this tissue are situated singly or forming the isogenic cells group located in the same plane. The presence of elastic and collagen fibers is detected histologically. Which structures could develop this tumor?

A * Elastic cartilage

B Hyaline cartilage

C Fibrous cartilage

D Smooth muscle tissue

E Bone tissue

The two slides were proposed to the student. At the 1st one there is the elastic cartilage (stained by the orcein), at the 2nd one – the hyaline cartilage (stained by the hematoxylin-eosin). According to what features can we tell one from the other?

A * Presence of the elastic fibers

B Presence of the cells isogenic groups

C Presence of young cartilage zone

D Presence of the perichondrium

E Presence of amorphous substance

The disorder of cartilage tissue regeneration resulted by the injury of the undifferentiated cartilage cells was observed at the patient with severe upper extremity injury. What cells were injured?

A * Cells of the perichondrium inner layer

B Cells of the perichondrium outer layer

C Isogenic groups cells

D Cells of the young cartilage zone

E Cells originating from blood vessels

2005-2011 рр.

The elongation of the bones is stopped after the puberty. Decrease of what cell proliferation results stopping of the bones elongation?

A. *Chondroblasts

B. Osteocytes

C. Osteoclasts

D. Fibroblasts

E. Neutrophiles

The cartilage part of the rib was demaged as result of trauma. At the cost of what layer of perichondrium the regeneration of the cartilage will take place?

A * Chondrogenic

B Fibrous

C Elastic

D Collagen

E Connective tissue

Muscle tissue

Tests of the “KROK-1” database


In course of a conditional experiment the development of mesenchyma cells was completely inhibited. Development of the following muscular tissue will be disturbed:

A *Smooth muscular tissue

B Neural muscular tissue

C Epidermal muscular tissue

D Cardiac muscular tissue

E Skeletal muscular tissue

A microspecimen of the submandibular salivary gland shows some basket-shaped cells concentrated around the acines and excretory ducts. These cells surround bases of the serous cells and are called myoepitheliocytes. These cells relate to the following tissue:

A *Muscular tissue

B Epithelial tissue

C Neural tissue

D Special connective tissue

E Loose fibrous connective tissue

The destruction of the thin myofilaments is observed after the action of the hydrolytic enzymes. What structures were damaged?

A * Actin myofilaments

B Myosin myofilaments

C Tonofibrils

D Tropocollagen complexes

E Nucleoprotein complexes

The tissue was represented at the histological slide. The structural unit of this tissue is the muscle fiber, which consist of the myosymplast and satellitocytes and is covered by a basement membrane. What tissue is characterized by this structure?

A * Skeletal striated muscle tissue

B Smooth muscle tissue

C Cardiac muscle tissue

D Loose connective tissue

E Reticular tissue


Patient with injured muscles of the lower extremities was admitted to the traumatology department. Due to what cells is reparative regeneration of the muscle fibers and restoration of the muscle function possible?

A *Satellite-cells

B Myoblasts

C Myofibroblasts

D Fibroblasts

E Myoepithelial cells

Negative environmental factors have caused the dysfunction of myosatellite cells. What function of the whole muscle fibre is likely to be changed in this case?

A *Regeneration

B Contraction

C Trophism

D Contractile thermogenesis

E Relaxation


The basket cells, which envelop the serocytes basics and called myoepitheliocytes, were founded in histological slide of the submandibular salivary glands around the terminal parts and excretory ducts. What tissue these cells beongo to?

A * Muscle

B Epithelial

C Nervous

D Connective tissue with the special properties

E Loose connective tissue

A big number of the intermediate microfilaments that contain desmin were revealed at the cytoplasm of the cell, wich is spindle-shaped and has a rod-like nucleus. What tissue these cells beongo to?

A * Muscle

B Nervous

C Epithelial

D Connective

E –

The destruction of the thick myofilaments is observed after mechanical injury of striated muscle fibers. Where is the localization of the pathological changes?

A * In the disk A

B In the disk I

C In the disk A half

D In the A and I disks

E In the disk I half

2005-2011 рр.

Name the protein that is the main component of the thin myofilaments of the muscle cells.

A. *Actin

B. Tubulin

C. Dunein

D. Desmin

E. Keratin

General increase of the skeletal muscle massis takes place at the sportsman. Hypertrophy of what kind of the muscle fibers at the skeletal muckle will be prevail in this case?

A. *White muscle fiber

B. Red muscle fiber

C. Intermediate muscle fiber

D. Cardiac muscle fiber

E. Smooth myocytes

Nervous tissue

Tests of the “KROK-1” database


A sensitive neural ganglion consists of roundish neurocytes with one extension that divides into axon and dendrite at some distance from the perikaryon. What are these cells called?

A *Pseudounipolar

B Unipolar

C Bipolar

D Multipolar

E Apolar


The toxic substances action violates the mechanism of the nerve impulses transmission at the experiment. What structure provides the implementation of this function?

A * Synapse

B Neurolemma

C Neurofibril

D Mitochondria

E Nissl’s substance


The degeneration of nerve fibers accompanied by breakage of axial cylinders and myelin destruction may develop in case of traumatic injury of the upper limb. What neural structures will make the myelin renewal during the regeneration?

A * Neurolemmocytes (Schwann cells)

B Mesaxon

C Perineurium

D Endoneurium

E Atrocytes

2005-2011 рр.

The tigroid lysis is observed in case of neuron functional exhaustion. It is resulted by decay of basophilic substance and brightening of the neuriplasma. With the changes of what organel does this phenomenon is associated?

A. * Granular endoplasmic reticulum

B. Neurofibrils

C. Lysosomes

D. Golgi apparatus

E. Mitochondria

The multipolar neurocytes are observed in the gray matter on the histological specimen of the cerebellum cross-section. According to what morphological features are these cells attributed to multipolar?

A * Amount of the processe.

B Length of the processes

C Shape of the terminal axon extension

D Shape of the perikaryon

E Size of the cells

The cells of neuroglia are forming from two sources: ectoderm and mesenchyme. What cells have the mesenchymal origin?

A * Microgliocytes

B Ependymal cell

C Fibrillar astrocyte

D Protoplasmatic astrocyte

E Oligodendrocyte


Tests of the “KROK-1” database


As a result of a trauma a patient has damaged anterior roots of spinal cord. What structures have been affected?

A *Axons of motoneurons and axons of neurons of lateral horns

B Central processes of sensitive neurons of spinal ganglions

C Peripheral processes of sensitive spinal ganglions

D Axons of neurons of lateral horns

E Dendrites of neurons of spinal ganglions

One of sections of central nervous system has layerwise arrangement of neurocytes. Among them there are cells of the following forms: stellate, fusiform, horizontal, pyramidal. What section of central nervous system is this structure typical for?

A Cortex of cerebrum

B Spinal cord

C Cerebellum

D Medulla oblongata

E Hypothalamus

As a result of an injury, the integrity of the anterior spinal cord root was broken. Specify the neurons and their processes that had been damaged:

A *Axons of motor neurons

B Motor neuron dendrites

C Axons of sensory neurons

D Dendrites of sensory neurons

E Dendrites of association neurons


Alcohol intoxication, as a rule, is accompanied by the coordination of movements’ disorder and imbalance caused by the damage of cerebellum structural elements. The function of what cells of cerebellum is affected first of all?

A. *Purkinje’s cells

B. Basket cells

C. Betz cells

D. Stellate cells

E. Granule cells

Cerebellar cortex is revealed in a specimen impregnated with silver salts. It includes pyriform, basket, stellate and granule cells. What neurons constitute molecular layer?

A. *Basket, small and large stellate cells

B. Stellate and pyramidal cells

C. Granule cells and large stellate cells

D. Large stellate cells and spindle cells

E. Pyriform cells

Cerebellar cortex is revealed in a specimen impregnated with silver salts. It includes pyriform, basket, stellate and granule cells. Which from mentioned above cells is efferent neuron of cerebellum?

A. *Pyriform cells

B. Stellate cells

C. Granule cells

D. Pyramidal cells

E. Spindle cells

In a histological specimen an organ of nervous system is presented, which consists of grey and white substances. Grey substance is located on the periphery and consists of 6 layers: molecular, external granular, external pyramidal, internal granular, internal pyramidal and the layer of polymorphic cells.

A. *Cerebral cortex

B. Cerebellum

C. Pons cerebelli

D. Spinal ganglion

E. Spinal cord

In a histological specimen an organ of nervous system is presented, which consists of grey and white substances. Grey substance is located on the center and consists of efferent neurons, projection neurons and interneurons. Name this organ.

A. *Spinal cord

B. Pons cerebelli

C. Cerebral cortex

D. Cerebellum

E. Spinal ganglion

Parenchyma of the organ consists of the nervous tissue in which pseudounipolar neurons are revealed. Perikaryon of the neurons is covered with glial and connective tissue membranes and located in bunches. Name this organ.

A. *Spinal ganglia (sensory ganglia)

B. Vegetative ganglion

C. Epiphysis

D. Spinal cord

E. Cerebellum

In a histological specimen an organ of nervous system is presented, which consists of grey and white substances. Grey substance is located on the center and forms butterfly. Neurons in the grey matter locate in bunches and form nucleuses. Which nucleus belongs to the central part of the vegetative nervous system?

A. *Intermediate lateral nucleus

B. Nucleus proprius of the dorsal horn

C. Nucleus proprius of the ventral horn

D. Nucleus thoracicus

E. Intermediate medial nucleus

Precentral gyrus section of the cerebral cortex is presented in the histological specimen. Indicate which layers mostly developed in this case.

A. *Pyramidal external and internal and layer of polymorphic cells

B. Molecular

C. External and internal granular

D. Molecular and layer of polymorphic cells

E. Molecular, pyramidal external and internal


A part of the central nervous system has layer by layer allocation of neurocytes, among which there are cells of such forms: stellate, fusiform, horizontal, pyramidal. Which part of the CNS has this structure?

A. *Cortex of large hemispheres

B. Cerebellum

C. Hypothalamus

D. Medulla oblongata

E. Spinal cord

55-year- old patient has movements’ coordination and balance disorder as a result of permanent using of alcohol and developing intoxication. What nervous structures of the CNS have been disordered?

A. *Purkinje cells of the cerebellum

B. Basket cells of the cerebellum

C. Stellate cells of the cerebellum

D. Motor neurons of the spinal cord

E. Olive of the medulla oblongata

15-year-old patient enrolled in the clinic with diagnosis poliomyelitis. This disease is accompanied with disorder of movements. What nervous structures destruction can explain this disorder?

A. *Motor neurons of the spinal cord

B. Sensory neurons of the spinal ganglions

C. Vegetative nucleuses of the spinal cord

D. Substantia gelatinosa

E. Neurons of the cerebellum

A patient with poliomyelitis (which characterized by spinal cord damage) has disorder of skeletal muscles function. What neurons destruction can explain this disorder?

A. *Motor neurons

B. Pseudounipolar

C. Associative (interneurons)

D. Pseudounipolar and associative (interneurons)

E. Interneurons and motor

In a histological specimen an organ of nervous system is presented, which consists of grey and white substances. Grey substance is located on the periphery. Neurons in the grey matter form three layers molecular, ganglionary (Purkinje), and granular. What organ has this structure?

A. *Cerebellum

B. Spinal cord

C. Cerebral cortex

D. Medulla oblongata

E. Pons

A specimen, dyed by the method of silver impregnation, is being investigated. Pyramidal cells of different size are seen in this specimen. Short processes come off their tips and lateral surfaces; one long process comes off the base of the cells. Name the specimen.

A. *Cerebral cortex

B. Spiral organ of the inner ear

C. Retina of the eye

D. Cortex of the cerebellum

E. Spinal ganglion

A specimen, dyed by the method of silver impregnation, is being investigated. Pyriform cells with 2-3 climbing up prominent dendrites are seen in this specimen. Name the specimen.

A. *Cortex of the cerebellum

B. Spiral organ of the inner ear

C. Retina of the eye

D. Cerebral cortex

E. Spinal ganglion

During microscopic investigation of the CNS grey substance was revealed.. Neurons in it form three layers molecular, ganglionary (Purkinje), and granular. Name neurons which form second layer?

A. *Pyriform cells

B. Small stellate cells

C. Granule cells

D. Large stellate

E. Basket cells

In the microspecimen of the spinal cord nucleus neurons of which form motor ending in the skeletal muscles have to be analyzed. Indicate this nucleus

A. *Nucleus proprius of the ventral horn

B. Nucleus thoracicus

C. Intermediolateral nucleus

D. Nucleus proprius of the dorsal horn

E. Nucleus proprius of grey substance

As a result of trauma anterior roots of the spinal cord were damaged in 47-year-old patient. Which neurons processes were damaged?

A. *Axons of motor somatic and vegetative nucleuses neurons

B. Axons of sensory pseudounipolar neurons

C. Dendrites of sensory pseudounipolar neurons

D. Dendrites of motor and axons of lateral horns nucleuses

E. Dendrites and axons of sensory pseudounipolar neurons



Tests of the “KROK-1” database


A histological specimen presents a receptor zone of a sensoepithelial sense organ. Cells of this zone are placed upon the basal membrane and include the following types: external and internal receptor cells, external and internal phalangeal cell, stem cells, external limiting cells and external supporting cell. The described receptor zone belongs to the following sense organ:

A *Acoustic organ

B Visual organ

C Gustatory organ

D Equilibrium organ

E Olfactory organ

Vitamin A deficit results in the impairment of twilight vision. Name the cells that have the above-mentioned photoreceptor function:

A *Rod receptor cell

B Horizontal neurocytes

C Cone receptor cells

D Bipolar neurons

E Ganglion neurocytes

An infectious disease caused contractive activity of muscles that contract and dilate eye pupil (paralytic state). What functional eye system was damaged?

A *Accomodative

B Dioptric

C Ancillary

D Photosensory

E Lacrimal apparatus

A 14-year-old patient has twilight vision impairment. What vitamin deficit takes place in the organism?

A. *A

B. B1

C. В6

D. C

E. В12

During examination an oculist has detected that patient has disorder of green color perception. Which retina cells absence may cause this sight disorder?

A. *Cone neurosensory cells

B. Rod neurosensory cells

C. Epithelial pigmented cells

D. Bipolar neuron

E. Ganglionic nerve cell


The increased intraocular tension is observed in the patient with glaucoma.Secretion of aqueous humor by the ciliar body is normal. Injury of what structure of the eyeball wall caused the disorder of flow-out from the anterior chamber?

A *Venous sinus

B Ciliary body

C Choroid

D Ciliary muscle

E Back epithelium of cornea

A histological specimen of the eyeball shows a biconvex structure connected to the ciliary body by the fibers of the Zinn's zonule and covered with a transparent capsule. Name this structure:

A *Crystalline lens

B Vitreous body

C Ciliary body

D Cornea

E Sclera

In a histological specimen a structure of eyeball detected in which blood vessels are absent. What structure is characterized by this morphological sign?

A. *Cornea

B. Ciliary body

C. Choroid

D. Iris

E. Retina

In the electron microphotograph of the sense organ revealed cells peripheral part of which constitutes from two segments. The outer segment has membrane half discs and the inner one has ellipsoid. In what organ does this structure locate?

A. *In the organ of vision

B. In the organ of taste

C. In the organ of smell

D. In the vestibular organ

E. In the auditory organ

In an electronic micrograph of a sense organ hair cells are seen, on their apical part there are short microvilli – stereocilii and a polar located kinocilium. For what sensory organ are such cells typical?

A. *Vestibular organ

B. Vision organ

C. Olfactory organ

D. Hearing organ

E. Taste organ


Damages of vascular membrane are detected in the histological specimen of a fetus eyeball. What embryonic material was probably damaged during the development of the eye?

A. *Mesenchyme

B. Ectoderm

C. Endoderm

D. Outer layer of the eyeball

E. Internal layer of the eyeball

In the electron microphotograph revealed cell of neural origin. Terminal part of the cell dendrite has cylindrical shape and consists from 1000 enclosed membrane discs. What cell is this?

A. *Rod cell

B. Ventral horn of the spinal cord

C. Sensory ganglia neuron

D. Cerebral cortex neuron

E. Cone cell

As a result of trauma 30-year-old man has damaged mucosal membrane which covers upper part of upper conchae. To what consequences did this lead?

A. *Disorder of smell substances perception

B. Disorder of air moistening

C. Disorder of secretory activity of goblet cells

D. Disorder of air warming

E. Disorder of air moistening and warming

As a result of head trauma 32-year-old patient has damaged cristae ampullaris. Which stimuli perception have been disordered?

A. *Angular movement

B. Vibration

C. Gravitation

D. Linear movement

E. Vibration and gravitation

A lot of people with age have clouding of the lens (phacoscotasmus or cataract) It became opaque that leading to the partial blindness. What optical and chemical properties of the lens fibers protein will be disordered?

A. *Crystalline

B. Vitrein

C. Dinein

D. Rhodopsin

E. Iodopsin

A patient has taken high doses of streptomycin and consequently became deaf. The function of what cells of the inner ear was damaged in this case?

A. *Hair

B. Phalangeal

C. Pillar

D. Deiters’

E. Connective tissue

A boxer has disturbance in smell after a trauma of the nose. The damage of what cells may cause the loss of smell?

A. *Neurosensory

B. Supporting epithelial cells

C. Basal epithelial cells

D. Microvillous epithelial cells

E. Brush cells

On the electron microphotograph neural origin cell is presented. This cell constitutes part of mucosa membrane epithelium. Distal part of peripheral process of the cell has knob-like expansion from which arise 10-15 cilia. What cell is it?

A. *Olfactory cell

B. Bipolat neuron of spinal ganglion

C. Sensor epithelial cell of organ of taste

D. Rode cell

E. Cone cell

An infectious disease caused contractive activity of muscles that contract and dilate eye pupil (paralytic state). What functional eye system was damaged?

A *Accommodative

B Dioptric

C Ancillary

D Photosensory

E Lacrimal apparatus

Underdeveloped epithelium of cornea is observed in the histological specimen of a fetus’ eyeball. A part of what embryonal layer was probably affected in the process of embryogenesis?

A. *Ectoderm

B. Endoderm

C. Mesoderm

D. Outer layer of the eyeball

E. Inner layer of the eyeball

Ciliary body was damaged in the patient. Function of what eye apparatus will suffer in this case?

A. *Accommodative

B. Protective

C. Trophic

D. Photosensitive

E. Dioptric

Patient with eye trauma appealed to the doctor. During examination of corneal epithelium was revealed changes. What epithelium was damaged?

A. *Stratified squamous non keratinized

B. Simple pseudostratified

C. Stratified squamous keratinized

D. Stratified cuboidal

E. Stratified cylindrical

In the histological specimen of the eyeball wall, structure which consists of three neurons chain is revealed. Bodies of these neurons form outer, inner nuclear and ganglion cell layers. Which eye component has this morphologic structure?

A. *Retina

B. Iris

C. Sclera

D. Choroid

E. Ciliary body

Transplantation of the cornea was done to the patient. Which peculiarities of the cornea structure give expectation to engraftment of it?

A. *Absence of blood and typical lymphatic vessels

B. Presence of stratified anterior epithelium

C. A huge innervations

D. Presence of connective tissue

E. Presence of simple squamous epithelium

Patient has appealed to the ophthalmologist with complaints of hurt in his eyes, which revealed itself after long presence of the patient in the field during dust storm. Doctor diagnosed superficial injuries of the external corneal epithelium. Which cells provide regeneration of the injured epithelium?

A. *Basal cells

B. Cells of stratum corneum

C. Cells of stratum granulosum

D. Cells of stratum spinosum

E. Cells of stratum lucidum

2005-2011 рр.


Tests of the “KROK-1” database


Study of fingerprints (dactylography) is used by criminalists for personal identification as well as for diagnostics of genetic abnormalities, particularly Dawn's disease. What layer of skin determines individuality of fingerprints?

A *Dermopapillary

B Horny

C Reticular

D Clear (stratum lucidum epidermidis)

E Basal

A patient complains of dryness of head skin, itching, fragility and loss of hair. After examination he was diagnosed with seborrhea. Disturbed activity of which cells caused this condition?

A *Cells of sebaceous glands

B Cells of sudoriferous glands

C Epithelial cells

D Adipocytes

E Melanocytes

In an electronic micrograph of skin epidermis among the cells of cuboidal form dendritic cells are detected. In their cytoplasm Golgi apparatus is well-developed; there are a lot of ribosomes and melanosomes. Name these cells.

A. *Melanocytes

B. Keratinocytes

C. Cells of Langerhans

D. Merkel’s cells

E. Mast cells

Trauma of skin reticular layer was happened. At the expense of what cells differon activity regeneration of this layer will happen?

A. *Fibroblastic

B. Macrophagic

C. Lymphoblastic

D. Neuroblastic

E. -

Under the radiation influence epidermal cells of the stratum basale were damaged. What function of the epidermis will be weakening or depressed first of all?

A. *Regenerative

B. Protective

C. Absorptive

D. Barrier

E. Dielectric

With age human skin undergoes changes, which may declare themselves by reduction of skin elasticity. What structures of connective tissue provide skin elasticity most of all?

A. *Collagen and elastic fibers

B. Ground substance

C. Epidermis cells

D. Connective tissue cells

E. Reticular fiber

In the course of experiment on a frog embryo the external embryonic layer – ectoderm – has been destroyed. Which of the following morphological structures has not been developed henceforth?

A. *Epidermis

B. Somites

C. Nephrotome

D. Splanchnotome

E. Sclerotome


One of the surgery rules is performing sections along the so-called Langers’ lines (lines of skin tension). Which from mentioned below tissues form papillary layer (the strongest layer in the derma)?

A. *Dense irregular connective tissue

B. Reticular connective tissue

C. Loose connective tissue

D. Epithelial tissue

E. Dense regular connective tissue


A child has abraded skin of the palm when falling down. What epithelium was damaged?

A. *Stratified keratinized

B. Stratified non-keratinized

C. Simple low columnar

D. Transitional

E. Simple squamous

A patient complains of dryness of head skin, itching, fragility and loss of hair. After examination he was diagnosed with seborrhea. Disturbed activity of which cells caused this condition?

A *Cells of sebaceous glands

B Cells of sudoriferous glands

C Epithelial cells

D Adipocytes

E Melanocytes

Cells with processes and dark brown granules in the cytoplasm were revealed in the skin epidermis of the biopsy material. What cell are these?

A. *Melanocytes

B. Intraepidermal macrophages

C. Keratinocytes

D. Merkel cells

E. Lymphocytes

Some layers are absent on a limited area of epidermis after a trauma. Only germinative layer is preserved. Name the cells, which will become the main source of its regeneration.

A. *Layer of basal cells

B. Layer of spinosum cells

C. Layer of granulosum cells

D. Layer of spinous and granular cells of undisturbed area

E. Cells of lucidum layer of undisturbed area

A 12-year-old patient has white spots without a pigment on skin. Spots have appeared after the age of 10, constantly increase in size. The absence of what cells of skin led to such formations appearance?

A. *Melanocytes

B. Adipocytes

C. Fibrocytes

D. Plasma cells

E. Mast cells

During the third week of embryogenesis the central part of epiblast cells (ectoderm) sags and neurulation process begins. In which direction will the remaining ectodermal cells differentiate?

A. *Skin

B. Somites

C. Gut

D. Chord

E. Yolk sac

There is histological specimen of the skin epidermis bioptic sample taken from the healthy adult. Cells division can be seen in the stratum basale. What process does provide these cells?

A. *Physiologic regeneration

B. Differentiation

C. Adaptation

D. Reparation

E. Apoptosis

In forensics method of dactyloscopy is largely used. This method is based on papillary layer of derma which determines strictly individual print on the skin surface. Which tissue forms this layer of the derma?

A. *Loose irregular connective tissue

B. Reticular connective tissue

C. Dense irregular connective tissue

D. Adipose tissue

E. Dense regular connective tissue

Stratified structure organ which covered with stratified keratinized squamous epithelium is represented in the histological specimen. There is loose connective tissue which forms convexity in the form of papilla located under epithelial basal membrane. Dense irregular connective tissue located under it and form reticular layer. What organ has these morphological peculiarities?

A. *Skin

B. Tongue

C. Esophagus

D. Tonsil

E. Cervix of the uterus

There are next layers in the skin histological specimen: stratum basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum and corneum. Which part of the human body does this epithelium belong?

A. *Palm skin

B. Face skin

C. Hairy part of the head skin

D. Shoulder skin

E. Thigh skin

Skin malignant tumor was revealed of 30-year-old patient. What epidermis cells take place in the immune response?

A. *T-lymphocytes

B. Keratinocytes

C. Keratinocytes and Merkel cells

D. Merkel cells

E. Stratum spinosum cells

Process of dorsal mesoderm segmentation and somites formation was disordered in the embryo. In what part of the skin disorders of development are possible?

A. *Derma

B. Hair

C. Sebaceous glands

D. Epidermis

E. Sweat glands

Trauma of derma reticular layer was happened. At the expense of what cell differon activity regeneration of this layer will happen?

A. *Fibroblasts

B. Macrophages

C. Lymphoblasts

D. Mast cells

E. Plasma cells



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A histological specimen presents an artery. One of the membranes of its wall has flat cells lying on the basal membrane. What type of cells is it?

A *Endothelium

B Mesothelium

C Smooth myocytes

D Fibroblasts

E Macrophages

A histological specimen shows a blood vessel. Its inner coat is composed by endothelium, subendothelium and internal elastic membrane. The middle coat is enriched with smooth myocytes. Such morphological characteristics are typical for the following vessel:

A *Muscular-type artery

B Elastic-type artery

C Capillary

D Non-muscular vein

E Muscular-type vein

Large arteries during systole stretch out and return in previous condition during diastole providing stability of bloodstream. What elements of vessel wall will explain this?

A. *Elastic fibers

B. Muscle fibers

C. Reticular fibers

D. Collagen fibers

E. Large amount of fibroblasts

Wall of the vessels often have huge morphological difference in the structure of the tunica media. What is the reason of appearance such specific peculiarities in the structure of this tunica in different vessels?

A. *Hemodynamic condition

B. Influence of endocrine system organs

C. Regulation from central nervous system

D. Inductive influence of vegetative ganglion neurons

E. Large content of catecholamines in the blood


On the electron micrograph of capillary are revealed fenestrae between endothelial cells and partial or total absence of basal lamina underlying the endothelium. What type of capillary is it?

A. *Sinusoidal

B. Somatic

C. Visceral

D. Atypical

E. Shunt

In the microspecimen of red bone marrow there were revealed multiple capillaries through the walls of which mature blood cells penetrated. What type of capillaries is it?

A *Sinusoidal

B Fenestrated

C Somatic

D Visceral

E Lymphatic


In a histological specimen of tubular organ dyed with orcein have been detected about 50 thick membranes which have wiggly appearance and formed tunica media of this organ. Name this organ.

A. *Aorta

B. Muscular artery

C. Esophagus

D. Trachea

E. Heart wall

In a histological specimen of tubular organ dyed with orcein have been detected about 50 thick membranes which have wiggly appearance and formed tunica media of this organ. Name this organ.

A. *Aorta

B. Muscular artery

C. Esophagus

D. Trachea

E. Heart wall

On a electron micrograph of a tunica intima fragment revealed cells which rests on the basal membrane and connected with each other by means of desmosomes and zonulae occludentes. Name these cells.

A. *Endothelium

B. Mesothelium

C. Epidermis

D. Epithelioreticular cells

E. Macrophages

During investigation of skin bioptat in the derma revealed vessels which have thick layer of smooth muscle cells in the tunica media. What is the name of these vessels?

A. *Muscular artery

B. Capillaries

C. Arterioles

D. Venules

E. Arterio-venous shunts

In the vessel slide one found prominent internal and external elastic membranes and a lot of smooth muscle cells in the tunica media. What type of vessel is it?

A. *Muscular artery

B. Small artery (mixed)

C. Large vein (muscular)

D. Elastic artery

E. Extraorganic lymphatic system

Tunica intima of a vessel is lined with epithelium from within. What epithelium is this?

A. *Endothelium

B. Mesothelium

C. Epidermis

D. Transitional epithelium

E. Pseudostratified epithelium

In the slide of the microvascular bed vessel tunica media consists of 1-2 layers of smooth muscle cells which have spiral orientation. Tunica adventitia is a thin, sheath of loose connective tissue. What vessel is it?

A. *Arteriole

B. Venule

C. Capillary

D. Postcapillary

E. Arterio-venous shunt

2005 – 20011

Arterioles play an important role in the blood supply of the organs functional units. Which of these structures perform this function?

A *Myocytes

B External elastic membrane

C Internal elastic membrane

D Special connective tissue cells

E Endothelial

From 40 to 60 fenestrated elastic membranes were founded at the histological preparations stained by the orcein. Name this vessel.

A *Artery of elastic type

B Artery of muscular type

C Artery of mixed type

D Vein of muscular type

E Vein of unmuscular type

The contraction of the smooth muscle cells of arterioles occurs after the adrenalin releasing from the adrenal medulla into the blood. What are the features of these vessels structure?

A * Availability of perforations in the endothelium basement membrane and the internal elastic membrane

B Single position of the smooth muscle cells

C Presence of the effector endings on the pericytes

D Presence of the contacts between the pericytes

E Availability of precapillary sphincters

Obliterating atherosclerosis causes changes in the vessels of the lower extremities. A histological specimen of such a vessel evidently presents both internal and external elastic membranes; middle membrane contains a lot of smooth muscle cells. What vessel is affected in case of this disease?

A *Artery of muscular type

B Artery of elastic type

C Artery of mixed type

D Vein with strongly developed muscles

E Lymph node

Intralobular capillaries of a liver specimen have wide irregular lumen. Basal membrane is absent in the major part of the capillary. What type of capillaries is it?

A *Sinusoid

B Visceral

C Somatic

D Precapillaries

E Postcapillaries

A histological specimen shows a blood vessel. Its inner coat is composed by endothelium, subendothelium and internal elastic membrane. The middle coat is enriched with smooth myocytes. Such morphological characteristics are typical for the following vessel:

A *Muscular-type artery

B Elastic-type artery

C Capillary

D Non-muscular vein

E Muscular-type vein


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A histological specimen of spleen shows a vessel with a wall consisting of endothelium and subendothelial layer, median membrane is absent, exterior membrane inosculates with the layers of spleen connective tissue. What vessel is it?

A *Vein of non-muscular type

B Vein of muscular type

C Artery of muscular type

D Arteriole

E Capillary

Histological specimen presents a vessel the wall of which consists of endothelium, basal membrane and loose connective tissue. What type of vessel is it?

A *Vein of non-muscular type

B Artery

C Vein of muscular type

D Hemocapillary

E Lymphocapillary


A specimen of pia mater includes a vessel whose wall doesn't have the tunica media, the tunica externa is adherent to the surrounding tissues, the intima is composed of a basement membrane and endothelium. What vessel is it?

A *Nonmuscular vein

B Muscular vein with underdeveloped muscular elements

C Muscular artery

D Arteriole

E Artery of mixed type

Morphological examination revealed in histological specimen of biopsy material an irregular-shaped vessel. Its middle membrane is formed by bundles of smooth myocytes and layers of connective tissue. What type of vessel is it?

A *Vein of muscular type

B Artery uf muscular type

C Lymphatic vessel

D Venule

E Arteriole

A specimen of the pia mater shows a vessel with no middle membrane in its wall, its outer membrane adheres to the surrounding tissues, the inner membrane is made up of the basal membrane and endothelium. Specify this vessel:

A *Fibrous vein

B Muscular vein with weakly developed muscular elements

C Muscular artery

D Arteriola

E Mixed artery


In histological slide are present blind ended vessels which have shape of oblate tubes. They don’t have basal membrane and pericytes. The outer surface of the endothelium is attached to the surrounding connective tissue by anchoring fibers. What type of vessel is it?

A. *Lymph capillary

B. Blood capillary

C. Arterioles

D. Venules

E. Arterio-venous shunts


A histological specimen shows a blood vessel. Its inner coat is composed by endothelium and subendothelial layer. The middle coat consists of smooth muscle cells bundles. Tunica adventitia well developed and consists of loose connective tissue and some smooth muscle cells. Such morphological characteristics are typical for which vessel?

A *Muscular vein (large vein)

B Muscular artery

C Non-muscular vein

D Mixed artery (small artery)

E Elastic artery

During morphological investigation in a histological specimen one can see irregularly shaped vessel tunica media of which formed by bundles of smooth muscle cells and layer of connective tissue. What type of vessel is it?

A *Large vein (muscular type)

B Muscular artery

C Lymphatic vessel

D Venule

E Arteriole


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The epithelial tumir of pericardiumwas diagnostet at the patient 53 years old. What kind of epithelium was the source of this tumor?

A *Simple squamous

B Simple pseudostratified

C Transitory

D Stratified keratinizing

E Stratified non-keratinizing


Large cells with light cytoplasm and eccentrically located nucleus are revealed in the histological specimen of the heart wall between endocardium and myocardium. What kind of heart cells have following morphologic signs?

A. *Purkinje cells

B. Pacemaker cells

C. Cardiac muscle cells

D. Endocrine cells

E. Adipose cells


During myocardium contraction in sarcoplasma of cardiac muscle cells concentration of calcium are increased. Which structure participate in calcium storage

A. *L systems

B. Lysosomes

C. Ribosomes

D. T-systems

E. Nucleolus

As a result of thrombosis of left coronary artery the group of contractive cardiac muscle cells have been destroyed. At the expense of which cells reparation in the area of damage will occur?

A. *Fibroblasts

B. Cardiac muscle cells

C. Myosymplast

D. Myosatelitocytes

E. Smooth muscle cells

In a heart specimen there are detected cells of squared shape, 80-120 micrometers in size, with a centrically positioned nucleus and well-developed myofibrils connected with the help of intercalated disks. What function is connected with these cells?

A. *Heart contraction

B. Nerve impulses conduction

C. Endocrine

D. Protective

E. Regenerative

In a slide revealed organ of cardio-vascular system. One of it coats is build by fibers which formed anastomosis between each other. They formed by cells which connected with the help of intercalated disks. Name this organ of cardio-vascular system.

A. *Heart

B. Large vein (muscle type)

C. Muscle artery

D. Elastic artery

E. Arteriole

In a histological specimen is represented heart wall. In one of its layers are found contractive, conducting and secretory muscle cells, endomisium and blood vessels. Which layer of the heart is it?

A. *Myocardium of the atrium

B. Endocardium of the ventricles

C. Epicardium

D. Adventitia

E. Pericardium

After myocardial infarction morphological structure of the heart wall was restored. At the expense of which tissue did regeneration occur?

A. *Connective

B. Smooth muscle

C. Striated muscle

D. Epithelial

E. Nervous

Patient A. 40 years old had myocardial infarction of left ventricle. What morphological components of the heart wall will replace this damage?

A. *Proliferation of connective tissue cells

B. Intracellular regeneration of contractive cardiac muscle cells

C. Proliferation of contractive cardiac muscle cells

D. Proliferation of conducting cells

E. Proliferation of contractive cardiac muscle cells and conducting cells



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Histological examination of a 40 y.o. man's thymus revealed decreased share of parenchymatous gland elements, increased share of adipose and loose connective tissue, its enrichment with thymus bodies. The organ's mass was unchanged. What phenomenon is it?

A *Age involution

B Accidental involution

C Hypotrophy

D Dystrophy

E Atrophy

An electronic microphotograph shows a macrophagic cell with erythrocytes at different stages of differentiation located along its processes. This is the cell of the following organ:

A *Red bone marrow

B Thymus

C Spleen

D Tonsil

E Lymph node


The specimens present sections of hemopoietic and immunogenetic organs. Organ has lymph tissue forming different structures (lymph nodes, lobules, bars). In what organ does antigen-independent proliferation and differentiation take place?

A *Thymus

B Lymphatic nodes

C Spleen

D Hemolymph nodes

E Tonsil

A teenager was irradiated with high radiation dose that resulted in serious damages of lymphoid system, lysis of many lymphocytes. Restoration of normal hemogram is possible due to the functioning of the following gland:

A *Thymus

B Thyroid

C Liver

D Pancreas

E Adrenal

A specimen of the human red bone marrow smear revealed accumulation of gigantic cells located near sinusoidal capillaries. Call formed elements of blood which formed from these cells.

A. *Platelets

B. Red blood cells

C. White blood cells

D. Lymphocytes

E. Monocytes

During infections and intoxication in the lobules of thymus amount of epithelioreticular cells and Hassall’s corpuscles are increased and area of medulla became larger. Give name of these changes in the thymus.

A. *Accidental involution

B. B immunodeficiency

C. Thymico-lymphatic condition

D. Age involution

E. T immundeficiency

In the slide of the human red bone marrow smear between myeloid row of cells and adipose cells one can find star shaped cells with oxyphilic cytoplasm which contacts with each other by means of their processes. Call these cells.

A. *Reticular

B. Fibroblasts

C. Macrophages

D. Dendrite cells

E. Osteocytes

Slide of hematopoietic organ is under investigation. This organ consists of differently shaped lobules. In each of the lobule presents cortex and medulla. Which organ posses these morphological characteristics?

A. *Thymus

B. Lymph node

C. Spleen

D. Tonsils

E. Appendix


During histological investigation of 40 years old man thymus was revealed decreasing of the thymus parenchyma, increasing of adipose and loose connective tissue, enriching of Hassall’s corpuscles while weight of the organ stay the same. What is the name of this phenomenon?

A. *Age involution of the thymus

B. Accidental involution of the thymus

C. Thymus hypotrophy

D. Thymus dystrophy

E. Thymus atrophy

Under condition of experiment in the body of investigated animal was injected antibody against thymus hormones. Which cells differentiation will be affected first of all?

A. *T lymphocytes

B. Monocytes

C. Plasma cells

D. Macrophages

E. B lymphocytes

The child was born with immunodeficiency. Cell mediated immunity has been affected that has caused often viral infections. Which organ has been damaged?

A. *Thymus

B. Red bone marrow

C. Lymph node

D. Spleen

E. Tonsil

Medullary substance of a hemopoietic organ's lobule in a histological specimen is lighter colored and contains epithelial bodies. What organ are these morphological properties typical for?

A *Thymus

B Lymph node

C Spleen

D Liver

E Kidney


During postembryonal hematopoiesis in the red bone marrow the cells of one of the cellular differons demonstrate a gradual decrease in cytoplasm basophilia as well as an increase in oxyphilia, the nucleus is being forced out. Such morphological changes are typical for the following haemopoiesis type:

A *Erythropoiesis

B Lymphopoiesis

C Neutrophil cytopoiesis

D Eosinophil cytopoiesis

E Basophil cytopoiesis

A 46 year old patient was admitted to the hematological department. It was found that he had disorder of granulocytopoesis and thrombocytogenesis processes. In what organ does this pathological process take pace?

A *Red bone marrow

B Thymus

C Spleen

D Lymphatic ganglion

E Palatine tonsil

Patient has disordered processes of erythropoiesis, granulocytopoiesis, monocytopoiesis and thrombocytopoiesis. Which hematopoietic organ had been affected?

A. *Red bone marrow

B. Thymus

C. Spleen

D. Lymph node

E. Tonsil

In the experiment in the human red bone marrow ribosomes in the polychromatophilic erythroblasts were destroyed. Which specific protein synthesis will be disordered?

A. *Globin

B. Fibrinogen

C. Collagen

D. Elastan

E. Laminine

In the electron microphotograph one can see macrophage along processes of which situated erythrocytes at different stages of differentiation. What organ is it?

A. *Red bone marrow

B. Thymus

C. Spleen

D. Tonsil

E. Lymph node

In the slide one can see the organ stroma of which consists of reticular tissue, adipose cells, macrophages and osteogenic cells. What organ is represented in the slide?

A. *Red bone marrow

B. Spleen

C. Thymus

D. Lymph node

E. Tonsil

In the specimen one can see an organ which consists from lobules and stroma includes epitheliocytes with processes. What organ is represented in the slide?

A. *Thymus

B. Red bone marrow

C. Spleen

D. Tonsil

E. Lymph node

A 46 year old patient was admitted to the hematological department. It was found that he had disorder of granulocytopoiesis and thrombocytogenesis processes. In what organ does this pathological process take pace?

A *Red bone marrow

B Thymus

C Spleen

D Lymphatic ganglion

E Palatine tonsil


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In a microscopic specimen is a bean-shaped organ which has cortical and medullar substance. Cortical substance is represented by separate spherical nodules 0,5-1 mm in diameter, medullar substance – by medullary cords. What organ is this?

A. *Lymph node

B. Kidney

C. Thymus

D. Adrenal gland

E. Spleen

One has done histological section through lymph node. In the slide one can see enlargement of it paracortex. Proliferation of what cells of lymph node have caused this process?

A. *T lymphocytes

B. Dendritic cells

C. Plasma cells

D. Macrophages

E. Reticular cells

Student got 2 histological specimens. They both have lymphatic nodules. First slide has only follicles but second one has follicles with eccentrically positioned vessel. Determine these slides.

A. *First-lymph node, second-spleen

B. First-red bone marrow, second -spleen

C. First thymus, second- spleen

D. First liver, second -lymph node

E. First-liver, second -spleen

In a histological specimen parenchyma of an organ is represented by lymphoid tissue that forms lymph nodes; the latter are arranged in a diffuse manner and enclose a central artery. What anatomic formation has such morphological structure?

A *Spleen

B Tonsil

C Lymph node

D Thymus

E Red bone marrow


A specimen shows an organ covered with the connective tissue capsule with trabeculae radiating inward the organ. There is also cortex containing some lymph nodules, and medullar cords made of lymphoid cells. What organ is under study?

A *Lymph node

B Thymus

C Spleen

D Red bone marrow

E Tonsils

Morphological investigation of the spleen revealed activation of immune reactions in the organism. In which structures of this organ do antigen depended proliferation of T lymphocytes begin?

A. *Periarterial sheath of white pulp

B. Central zone of white pulp

C. Germinal center

D. Marginal zone of white pulp

E. Red pulp

In the biopsy sample of the lymph node were revealed focuses of increased formation of plasma cells. Antigen depended stimulation of which immune cells have caused their formation?

A. *B lymphocytes

B. T lymphocytes

C. Macrophages

D. Dendrite cells

E. Interdigital cells


In a histological specimen parenchyma of an organ is represented by lymphoid tissue that forms lymph nodes; the latter are arranged in a diffuse manner and enclose a central artery. What anatomic formation has such morphological structure?

A *Spleen

B Tonsil

C Lymph node

D Thymus

E Red bone marrow

A histological specimen presents an organ that has both cortical and medullary substance. Cortical substance consists of an external zone that contains lymph nodules as well as of a paracortical zone. Medullary substance contains medullary cords, sinuses and trabeculae. What organ possesses these morphological signs?

A *Lymph node

B Spleen

C Kidney

D Thymus

E Adrenal glands

In the specimen one can see an organ where lymphocytes formed 3 types of lymphoid structures such as lymphatic nodules, medullary cords and sinuses. What organ is it?

A. *Lymph node

B. Spleen

C. Thymus

D. Tonsil

E. Red bone marrow

In the specimen was revealed an organ in the reticular stroma of which situated blood formed elements and seen lymphoid formation. What organ is this?

A. *Spleen

B. Lymph node

C. Tonsil

D. Thymus

E. Red bone marrow

In a specimen was revealed roundish formation of the lymphocytes with a central artery in the center. What organ is it?

A *Spleen

B kidney

C Lymph node

D Thymus

E Red bone marrow


Examination of a patient who was exposed to the ionizing radiation revealed damage of white pulp. What cells of white pulp undergo pathological changes?

A *Lymphocytes

B Neutrophilic leukocytes

C Basophilic leukocytes

D Monocytes

E Tissue basophils

In the slide which was made from the spleen one can see white and red pulp in the base of which is rest special tissue which formed their stroma. What tissue is it?

A. *Reticular connective tissue

B. Dense connective tissue

C. Adipose tissue

D. Muscle tissue

E. Nervous tissue

In the histological cross section of the lymph node in the experimental animal after antigen stimulation in the medullary cords one can find huge amount of cells with intensively basophilic cytoplasm, eccentrically positioned nucleus with chromatin giving the illusion of the spokes of the wheel and light area of cytoplasm near it. Call these cells.

A. *Plasma cells

B. Macrophages

C. Fibroblasts

D. Adipose cells

E. Mast cells

15 years old patient during tonsillitis has enlarged his tonsils. Which histological structures of these organs take place in immune protection of the body as a response of streptococcus invasion?

A. *Lymphatic nodules

B. Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium

C. Stratified squamous non keratinized epithelium

D. Loose connective tissue

E. Crypt


Tests of the “KROK-1” database


Rejection of transplant developed in the patient after transplantation of heterogenous kidney. Call main effector cells, which take place in this immune reaction?

A. *T killer

B. B lymphocytes

C. T suppressor

D. T helper

E. Plasma cells


Donor skin transplantation was performed to a patient with extensive burns. On the 8-th day the graft became swollen and changed colour; on the 11-th day graft rejection started. What cells take part in this process?

A *T-lymphocytes

B Erythrocytes

C Basophils

D Eosinophils

E B-lymphocytes

In a patient with clinical signs of immunodeficiency the number and functional activity of T and B lymphocytes are not changed. Defect with dysfunction of antigen-presentation to the immunocompetent cells was found during investigation on the molecule level. Defect of what cells is the most probable?

A *Macrophages, monocytes

B Т-lymphocytes, В-lymphocytes

C NK-cells

D Fibroblasts, Т-lymphocytes, В-lymphocytes

E 0-lymphocytes

A female patient underwent liver transplantation. 1,5 month after it her condition became worse because of reaction of transplant rejection. What factor of immune system plays the leading part in this reaction?

A *T-killers

B Interleukin-1

C Natural killers

D B-lymphocytes

E T-helpers


During heterotransplantation of the organ was revealed rejection of transplant. What blood cells will ensure this process?

A. *T killer

B. T helper

C. T suppressor

D. T 0 lymphocytes

E. T memory cells


To prevent epidemic of California virus vaccine (heterogenous protein) was injected in the organism of human. What cells will take place in specific immunity?

A. *Lymphocytes

B. Adipose cells

C. Pigmentocytes

D. Fibroblasts

E. Adventitial cells

Burn wound was covered with pig skin (heterotransplantation). Call effector cells, which will rejected transplant (pig skin).

A. *T killer

B. T helper

C. T suppressor

D. B lymphocytes

E. Natural killer

Plasma cell produces specific antibody for specific antigen. During injection of antigen quantity of plasma cell increased. At the expense of what blood cells occurred increasing of plasma cells quantity?

A. *B lymphocytes

B. Eosinophils

C. Basophils

D. T lymphocytes

E. Monocytes


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Roentgenological examination of skull base bones revealed enlargement of sellar cavity, thinning of anterior clinoid processes, destruction of different parts, destruction of different parts of sella turcica. Such bone destruction might be caused by a tumour of the following wndocrinous gland:

A *Hypophysis

B Epiphysis

C Thymus gland

D Adrenal glands

E Thyroid gland

An endocrinal gland with parenchyma consisting of epithelium and neural tissue is under morphological examination. Epithelial trabecules have two types of cells: chromophilic and chromophobic. Identify this organ:

A *Hypophysis

B Adrenal glands

C Hypothalamus

D Thyroid gland

E Parathyroid gland


A 32-year-old patient consulted a doctor about the absence of lactation after parturition. Such disorder might be explained by the deficit of the following hormone:

A *Prolactin

B Somatotropin

C Vasopressin

D Thyrocalcitonin

E Glucagon

Examination of a patient revealed overgrowth of facial bones and soft tissues, tongue enlargement, wide interdental spaces in the enlarged dental arch. What changes of the hormonal secretion are the most likely?

A *Hypersecretion of the somatotropic hormone

B Hyposecretion of the somatotropic hormone

C Hypersecretion of insulin

D Hyposecretion of thyroxin

E Hyposecretion of insulin

A 40-year-old patient complains of intensive heartbeats, sweating, nausea, visual impairment, arm tremor, hypertension. From his anamnesis: 2 years ago he was diagnosed with pheochromocytoma. Hyperproduction of what hormones causes the given pathology?

A *Catecholamines

B Aldosterone

C Glucocorticoids


E Thyroidal hormones

A man after 1,5 litre blood loss has suddenly reduced diuresis. The increased secretion of what hormone caused such diuresis alteration?

A *Vasopressin

B Corticotropin

C Natriuretic

D Cortisol

E Parathormone

The aim of the morphological study was to investigate an endocrine gland with parenchyma consisting of epithelium and neural tissue. In the epithelial trabeculae the study revealed two types of cells: chromophile and chromophobe. Identify this organ:

A *Pituitary gland

B Adrenal gland

C Hypothalamus

D Thyroid gland

E Parathyroid gland


40 years old woman has weak labor activity caused by weak contraction of myometrium. What hormone should be injected to help this woman?

A. *Oxytocin

B. Hydrocortisone

C. Dexametasone

D. Aldosterone

E. Prednisolone

During X ray examination of the bones of the base of the cranium were revealed increasing of the cavity of sella turcica and thinning of processus clinoideus anterior and damaging of different areas of sella turcica. Tumor of what endocrine gland can cause such damaging of bones?

A. *Hypophysis

B. Thymus

C. Pineal gland

D. Thyroid gland

E. Adrenal gland

For morphological investigation endocrine gland was represented. Parenchyma of this gland consists of epithelium and nervous tissue. In epithelial trabeculae revealed two types of cells chromophiles and chromophobes. Name this organ.

A. *Hypophysis

B. Adrenal gland

C. Hypothalamus

D. Thyroid gland

E. Parathyroid gland


Experimental animal produces big amount of urine and have strong thirst. Urine doesn’t have sugar. What cells disordered?

A. *Neurosecretory cells of supraoptic nucleus

B. Follicular endocrine cells of the thyroid gland

C. Principal cells

D. Endocrine cells of the zona glomerulosa of adrenal gland

E. Endocrine cells of the medullary region of adrenal gland

Patient has suffered from hypothyroidism for 7 years. Deficiency of thyrotropic hormones was revealed. What cells of adenohypophysis will be changed?

A. *Thyrotropes

B. Gonadotropes

C. Corticotropes

D. Somatotropes

E. Mammotropes

On the background of deficiency of sex hormones in 30 years old female was revealed increased amount of follicle stimulating hormone. What cells synthesized this hormone?

A. *Gonadotropes

B. Thyrotropes

C. Corticotropes

D. Somatotropes

E. Mammotropes

In the specimen of adenohypophysis between endocrine cells one can see cells cytoplasm of which is stained oxyphilly. These cells secrete prolactin. Call these cells.

A. *Mammotropes

B. Thyrotropes

C. Adrenocorticotropes

D. Gonadotropes

E. Pituicytes

Examination of a 32 year old patient revealed disproportional skeleton size, enlargement of superciliary arches, nose, lips, tongue, jaw bones, feet. What gland's function was disturbed?

A *Hypophysis

B Epiphysis

C Pancreas

D Thyroid

E Suprarenal

Patient K., 35 years old complains about permanent thirst, bad appetite. He drinks every day 9 L of fluid. Daily diuresis increased, urine discolored. Most probable reason of such pathology development in this patient is:

A. *Hypothalamic nucleuses

B. Epithelia of nephron tubules

C. Adenohypophysis

D. Pineal gland

E. Basal membrane of glomerulus capillaries

After sepsis 27 years old patient has bronze color of the skin which typical for Addison disease. Mechanism of hyper pigmentation based in increasing of hormone secretion.

A. *Melanostimulating

B. Somatotropic

C. Gonadotropic

D. B lipotropic

E. thyreotropic

Cessation of bleeding after parturition connects with action of oxytocin to the uterus wall. Which layer of the organ does react at the action of this hormone?

A. *Myometrium

B. Endometrium

C. Perimetrium

D. Parametrium

E. Submucous

50 years old patient complains about enlargement of ears, nose and hands size. Hyperfunction of which gland does these symptoms give?

A. *Hypophysis

B. Thyroid gland

C. Sex glands

D. Adrenal glands

E. Pineal gland


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A patient has been given high doses of hydrocortisone for a long time. This caused atrophy of one of the adrenal cortex zones. Which zone is it?

A *Fascial

B Glomerular

C Reticular

D Glomerular and reticular

E -

It is known that aldosterone regulates amount of sodium in the body. What cells of the adrenal gland do synthesize this hormone?

A. *Cells of zona glomerulosa

B. Chromaffin cells producing epinephrine

C. Cells of zona reticularis

D. Cells of zona fasciculata

E. Chromaffin cells producing nor epinephrine

On some diseases it is observed aldosteronism with hypertension and edema due to sodium retention in the organism. What organ of the internal secretion is affected on aldosteronism?

A. *Adrenal glands

B. Ovaries

C. Testicle

D. Hypophysis

E. Pancreas


A histological spacemen presents parenchymal organ, which has cortex and medulla. Cortex consists of epitheliocytes bars with blood capillaries between them; the bars form three zones. Medulla consists of chromaffinocytes and venous sinusoids. Which organ has these morphological features?

A *Adrenal gland

B Kidney

C Lymph node

D Thymus

E Thyroid

A 19-year-old male was found to have an elevated level of potassium in the secondary urine. These changes might have been caused by the increase in the following hormone level:

A *Aldosterone

B Oxytocin

C Adrenaline

D Glucagon

E Testosterone


In the specimen parenchymal organ is represented. External layer of the cortex of it is formed by glomeruli created by endocrine cells. What organ is it?

A. *Adrenal gland

B. Lymph node

C. Spleen

D. Thyroid gland

E. Ovary


In a histological specimen of adrenal cortex there are petite polygonal cells that form roundish clusters and contain some lipid inclusions. What part of adrenal is presented in this histological specimen?

A *Glomerulosa zone

B Intermedial zone

C Fasciculata zone

D Reticularis zone

E -

Microscopic examination of a parenchymatous organ revealed that its epithelial cords formed glomerular, fascicular and reticular zones. The central part of the organ was presented by accumulations of chromaffin cells. Specify this organ:

A *Adrenal gland

B Thyroid gland

C Epiphysis

D Liver

E Hypophysis

In the slide endocrine system organ is represented. It surrounded by connective tissue capsule which extends trabeculae in the center of the organ and formed lobules. Each lobule contains two types of cells Neurosecretory pinealocytes – polygonal cells with processes located in the center and glial cells (astrocytes) located in the periphery. What organ is this?

A. *Pineal gland

B. Hypophysis

C. Hypothalamus

D. Thyroid gland

E. Medullary region of the adrenal gland

Characterizing stress students made an inaccuracy by telling that synthesis of cortical region of adrenal gland glucocorticoids is stimulated by hypophysis hormones. What clarification should he make?

A. *Adrenocorticotropic hormone

B. Somatotropin

C. Gonadotropic hormone

D. Mammotropic hormone

E. Thyrotropic hormone


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A child has abnormal formation of tooth enamel and dentin as a result of low concentration of calcium ions in blood. Such abnormalities might be caused by deficiency of the following hormone:

A *Parathormone

B Thyrocalcitonin

C Thyroxin

D Somatotropic hormone

E Triiodothyronine

In the endocrine gland specimen one can see roundish structures varying sizes wall of which is formed with one layer of epithelial cells lying on the basal membrane. These structures contain homogeneous non cellular mass in the middle of them. What gland is it?

A. *Thyroid gland

B. Adrenal gland, cortex

C. Parathyroid gland

D. Anterior part of hypophysis

E. Posterior part of hypophysis


A 2-year-old child experienced convulsions because of lowering calcium ions concentration in the blood plasma. Function of what structure is decreased?

A *Parathyroid glands

B Hypophysis

C Adrenal cortex

D Pineal gland

E Thymus

Parodontitis is treated with calcium preparations and a hormone that stimulates tooth mineralization and inhibits tissue resorption. What hormone is it?

A *Calcitonin

B Parathormone

C Adrenalin

D Aldosterone

E Thyroxine

A patient suffering from thyrotoxicosis symptoms of vegetoasthenic syndrome was revealed. What of the following would show the histological appearance of a thyroid gland being stimulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)?

A *Columnar-shaped follicular cells

B Decreased numbers of follicular cells

C Increased numbers of parafollicular cells

D An abundance of colloid in the lumen of the follicle

E Decreased numbers of parafollicular capillaries

Kidneys of a man under examination show increased resorbtion of calcium ions and decreased resorbtion of phosphate ions. What hormone causes this phenomenon?

A *Parathormone

B Thyrocalcitonin

C Hormonal form D3

D Aldosterone

E Vasopressin


30 years old patient was diagnosed with thyroid gland hyperfunction. What shape do follicular cells have in the follicles?

A. *Columnar

B. Polygonal

C. Squamous

D. Spindle

E. Cuboidal

42 years old patient after resection of thyroid gland had convulsions. After injection of calcium preparation she got relief. Disorder of what endocrine glands have caused this condition?

A. *Parathyroid

B. Adrenal

C. Ovary

D. Hypophysis

E. Pineal


Microscopic study of an endocrine gland revealed that its parenchyma consisted of follicular structures. Their wall was formed by monolayer cubic epithelium, and their cavity was filled up with oxyphilic substance. What hormone is secreted by this gland?

A *Thyroxin

B Aldosterone

C Cortisol

D Parathormone

E Oxytocin

Young woman comes to an endocrinologist with complains about sleepiness, depression, fatigue, bad appetite and increasing of the body weight. Disorder of what endocrine gland can cause such problems?

A. *Thyroid

B. Pancreas

C. Adrenal cortex

D. Adrenal medulla

E. Ovary

During operation by mistake in the patient endocrine gland was removed. It caused decreasing of the calcium blood level. What gland was removed?

A. *Parathyroid

B. Hypophysis

C. Adrenal

D. Thyroid

E. Pineal

Under action of harmful factors of environment in follicular cells lysosomes formation disordered. What part of hormone production in the thyroid gland will be disordered?

A. *Proteolysis of phagocytized colloid from follicles

B. Colloid synthesis

C. Iodination of colloid

D. Resorption of colloid

E. Thyroglobulin synthesis

A patient has the sudden decrease of Са2+ content in blood. What hormone secretion will increase?

A *Parathormone

B Thyrocalcitonin

C Aldosterone

D Vasopressin

E Somatotropin

A 9 y.o. boy was admitted to the endocrinological department. This boy has already had several fractures of wrist extremities due to bone brittleness. The function of the following endocrinal glands (gland) is disturbed:

A *Parathyroid

B Thyroid

C Thymus

D Adrenal

E Epiphysis

Clinical examination of a female patient revealed reduction of basal metabolism by 40%, gain in body mass, drop of body temperature, face puffiness, sexual dysfunctions, inertness and apathy, lowered intelligence. These symptoms are caused by dysfunction of the following endocrine gland:

A *Hypofunction of thyroid gland

B Hypofunction of parathyroid glands

C Hypophysis hyperfunction

D Epiphysis hypofunction

E Hyperfunction of thyroid gland

After a surgical procedure an experimental animal died from intense convulsions. What endocrinal glands were extracted?

A *Parathyroid

B Thyroid

C Adrenal

D Ovaries

E Testicles

During operation at thyroid gland two from four parathyroid glands were mistakenly removed. It caused decreasing of the calcium blood level. What cells are target for parathyroid gland hormone which increase level of calcium?

A. *Osteoclasts

B. Osteocytes

C. Osteoblasts

D. Fibroblasts

E. Chondrocytes

Two years old child has convulsions as a result of decreasing concentrations of calcium ions in the plasma. This is caused by declining function of:

A. *Parathyroid glands

B. Hypophysis

C. Adrenal cortex

D. Pineal gland

E. Thymus

40 years old patient came to a doctor with complains about tachycardia, exophthalmos, fatiguability, reduced weight of the body. Increasing of what cells functions does this condition connect?

A. *Follicular cells

B. Parafollicular cells

C. Parathyroid cells

D. Apud cells

E. Acidophil endocrine cells


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A 22-year-old female student consulted a physician about fever up to 38oC, weakness, sore throat. Objectively: there is white coating of the tongue. What histological structures of the tongue are involved in the formation of this coating?

A *Epithelium of the filiform papillae

B Epithelium of the foliate papillae

C Epithelium of the fungiform papillae

D Epithelium of the circumvallate papillae

E Connective-tissue base of all the lingual papillae


There were detected changes in the uvula and soft palatine during patient examination for diphtheria. What epithelium was damaged?

A. *Stratified squamous

B. Pseudostratified

C. Simple squamous

D. Simple columnar

E. Cuboidal

In histological specimen crypts of the tonsil are identified, the epithelium of which is infiltrated by leukocytes. What kind of the epithelium is covered this organ?

A. *Stratified squamous nonkeratinized.

B. Simple columnar.

C. Stratified cuboidal.

D. Stratified squamous keratinized.

E. Ciliated.

In order to speed up healing of a wound of oral mucosa a patient was prescribed a drug that is a thermostable protein occuring in tears, saliva, mother's milk as well as in a new-laid hen's egg. It is known that this protein is a factor of natural resistance of an organism. What is it called?

A *Lysozyme

B Complement

C Interferon

D Interleukin

E Imanine

While examining the oral cavity a stomatologist revealed inflammation of papillae on the border of the median and posterior third of the back of tongue. What papillae are inflamed?

A *Papillae vallatae

B Papillae fungiformes

C Papillae foliatae

D Papillae filiformes

E Papillae conicae

The reason of occurrence of some diseases of an oral cavity is connected with structural peculiarities of its mucous membrane. What morphological attributes characterize these features?

A *No muscularis mucosa, stratified squamous epithelium

B Transitional epithelium, no submucosa

C Simple columnar ciliated epithelium

D Well developed muscularis, no submucosa

E Transitional epithelium, no muscularis mucosa

Phenomenon of “coated tongue” was revealed in the patient with chronic gastritis during external examination. This phenomenon is caused by cornification process. In what papillae of the tongue does epithelium keratinize?

A. Filiform papillae

B. Fungiform papillae

C. Circumvallate papillae

D. Foliate papillae

E. -

In a histological specimen of an oral cavity organ it can be seen that the anterior surface is lined with stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium, the posterior surface – with pseudostratified ciliary epithelium. What organ is it?

A. Soft palate

B. Gum (gingiva)

C. Hard palate

D. Lip

E. Cheek

Chemical burn of the tongue dorsal surface happened in 15-year-old girl. What epithelium was damaged?

A. Stratified keratinized

B. Simple low cuboidal

C. Pseudostratified villous

D. Transitional

E. Simple squamous


There is the change of teeth at the 6-8-year-old children: deciduous are replaced by permanent. What embrionic tissues are the sources of formation of permanent teeth tissues?

A *Ectodermal epithelium of a tooth plate and mesenhime

B Entodermal epithelium of a tooth plate and mesenhime

C Mesodermal epithelium and mesenhime

D I, II brachial arches

E Entodermal epithelium and mesoderm



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In a histological specimen of the glandular organ only serous end parts are detected. In interlobular connective tissue ducts are seen, lined with double-layer or stratified epithelium. Determine this structure.

A *Parotid gland

B Submandibular salivary gland

C Pancreas

D Sublingual salivary gland

E Liver

A microspecimen of the submandibular salivary gland shows some basket-shaped cells concentrated around the acinus and excretory ducts. These cells surround bases of the serous cells and are called myoepitheliocytes. These cells relate to the following tissue:

A *Muscle tissue

B Epithelial tissue

C Nervous tissue

D Special connective tissue

E Loose fibrous connective tissue


Parotid salivary gland has acinar pieces which are formed by serous cells. What organelles of these cells provide synthesis and secretion of the saliva components?

A. Granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex

B. Golgi complex

C. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex

D. Mitochondria, Golgi complex

E. Lysosomes



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The process of epithelium cornification is detected during the morphological analysis of the mucous coat of esophagus biopsy material. What epithelium covers the mucous coat of esophagus?

A. Stratified squamous non-keratinized

B. Simple squamous

C. Pseudostratified villous

D. Simple columnar

E. Stratified squamous keratinized

In a histological specimen there is presented a transverse section of the wall of a hollow organ whose mucosa is covered with stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium. What organ is this?

A. Esophagus

B. Duodenum

C. Large intestine

D. Uterus

E. Appendix



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A patient ill with chronic gastritis went for endogastric pH-metry that allowed to reveal decreased acidity of gastric juice. It is indicative of diminished function of the following cells:

A *Parietal exocrinocytes

B Chief exocrinocytes

C Endocrinocytes

D Cervical cells

E Accessory cells

Examination of a 43 y.o. patient revealed that his stomach has difficulties with digestion of protein food. Gastric juice analysis revealed low acidity. Function of which gastric cells is disturbed in this case?

A *Parietal exocrinocytes

B Main exocrinocytes

C Mucous cells (mucocytes)

D Endocrinous cells

E Cervical mucocytes

During histological examination of the stomach it was found out that glands contain very small amount of pariental cells or they are totally absent. Mucose membrane of what part of the stomach was studied?

A *Pyloric part

B Fundus of stomach

C Cardiak part

D Body of stomach

E -


During histological examination of stomach mucosa aspirated bioptat of patient which suffer from ulcer amount of glandulocytes (cells of the stomach) with oxiphylic cytoplasm were increased. What component of gastric juice provides these cells?

A. *Hydrochloric acid

B. Mucus

C. Pepsinogen

D. Gastrin

E. Secretin

During inflammatory diseases of stomach mucosal epithelium is damaging. What epithelium is damaged?

A. *Simple columnar glandular

B. Simple squamous

C. Simple cuboidal microvillous

D. Simple cuboidal

E. Stratified cuboidal

On the electron microphotography of the stomach fundic gland large oval shaped cell is detected. There is a lot of intercellular secretory canaliculus, huge amount of mitochondria. Name this cell.

A. *Parietal

B. Chief

C. Undifferentiated

D. Mucous

E. Exocrine

20-year-old patient has been prescribed a prolonged aspirin intake because of rheumatism. Which structural component of the stomach mucosa mostly provides its defense from the damage?

A. *Simple cuboidal glandular epithelium

B. Connective

C. Muscle

D. Stratified villous

E. Stratified squamous non keratinized

Signs of hypochromic anemia were found in the patient with chronic atrophic gastritis. What disorder of stomach glands cells functions can be explained development of anemia?

A. *Parietal

B. Chief

C. Mucous neck

D. Endocrine

E. Undifferentiated

In the histological specimen an organ was revealed. Simple tubular glands located in the lamina propria of this organ mucosa. These glands include mainly chief, parietal, mucous neck and endocrine cells. Name the type of glands.

A. *Fundic glands of the stomach

B. Pyloric glands of the stomach

C. Cardiac glands of the stomach

D. Esophageal glands propria

E. Esophageal cardiac glands

Section of alimentary canal organ was revealed in the histological specimen. Relief of this organ was revealed by foveolae (gastric pits). Pits surface were covered with epithelium in which all the cells lays on the basal membrane, have columnar shape and apical part of the cells is filled with droplets of mucous secrete. Determine, which organ has this epithelium?

A. *Stomach

B. Small intestine

C. Large intestine

D. Esophagus

E. Appendix

Alimentary canal organ is revealed in the histological specimen. Wall of this organ constitutes 4 layers: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa and serosa. Mucosa has fields and rugae (folds). Determine, which organ has this relief?

A. Stomach

B. Duodenum

C. Large intestine

D. Esophagus

E. Appendix

An electron microphotography of a fragment of proper gastric gland shows a big irregular round-shaped cell. There are a lot of intracellular tubules and mitochondria in the cytoplasm. Specify this cell:

A *Parietal cell

B Principal cell

C Undifferentiated cell

D Mucous cell

E Endocrine cell

Surgical removal of a part of stomach resulted in disturbed absorption of vitamin B12, it is excreted with feces. The patient was diagnosed with anemia. What factor is necessary for absorption of this vitamin?

A *Gastromucoprotein

B Gastrin

C Hydrochloric acid

D Pepsin

E Folic acid

A newborn develops dyspepsia after the milk feeding. When the milk is substituted by the glucose solution the dyspepsia symptoms disappear. The newborn has the subnormal activity of the following enzyme:

A *Lactase

B Invertase

C Maltase

D Amylase

E Isomaltase


When the pH level of the stomach lumen decreases to less than 3, the antrum of the stomach releases peptide that acts in paracrine fashion to inhibit gastrin release. This peptide is:


B Acetylcholine

C Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP)

D Somatostatin

E Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)

A patient has malignant anemia developing after gastrectomy. The absence of the cells of what gastric glands causes this pathology?

A. Parietal cells

B. Chief cells

C. Neck mucous cells

D. Enteroendocrine cells

E. Goblet cells

Intragastric pH-metry of a patient with chronic gastritis was performed. The procedure detected the reduction of gastric juice acidity. What cells function is lowered?

A. Parietal cells

B. Chief cells

C. Endocrine cells

D. Mucous neck cells

E. Undifferentiated cells

A 45-year-old patient is hospitalized with the complaint of pain in the stomach. Gastroscopy has detected small ulcers in the area of gastric fundus. The function impairment of what cells of the mucous coat of stomach became a reason for the mucous coat (mucosa) damage?

A. Cells of superficial epithelium with mucous secretion (mucous neck cells)

B. Parietal cells of stomach glands that secrete chlorides and ions of hydrogen

C. Chief cells that secret pepsinogen

D. Endocrine cells which secrete somatostatin

E. Endocrine cells which secrete serotonin

There are can be seen relatively large cells with acidophilic cytoplasm in the glands of the histological section of stomach bottom. By electron microscopy one can see in these cells complicate system of intercellular canaliculi. What gastric juice component is formed due these cells activity?

A. Hydrochloric acid

B. Mucus

C. Pepsinogen

D. Gastrin

E. Serotonin

A child of the first year of life has disorders of mother’s milk suction. With activity disorder of what gastric proper (fundic) glands cells is it connected?

A. Principal cells (chief cells)

B. Mucous neck cells

C. Endocrine cells

D. Parietal cells

E. Undifferentiated cells

An infectiologist has detected an acute enterocolitis syndrome with infringement of the processes of breakdown and absorption of nutritive materials of a patient. Due to the damage of what intestinal epithelium cells is such disorder observed?

A. Columnar epitheliocytes with microvilli (enterocytes)

B. Non-microvilli epitheliocytes (intermediate cells)

C. Goblet cells

D. Paneth cells

E. Endocrine cells

Under influence of harmful factors areal damaging of gastric epithelium happened.

With help of what cells is its regeneration possible?

A. Mucous neck cells

B. Parietal cells

C. Chief cells

D. Endocrine cells

E. Mucous cells of the glands (Undifferentiated cells)



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Proctoscopy has shown a tumor proceeding from the mucosa of caudal par of rectum. Of what epithelium has this tumor formed?

A. *Stratified squamous non-keratinized

B. Simple columnar glandular

C. Simple cuboidal

D. Simple cuboidal with microvilli

E. Transitional

The proportion between epithelial cells of mucosa changed in case of certain diseases of large intestine. What types of cells dominate in crypts epithelium of large intestine in normal condition?

A. *Goblet cells

B. Enterocytes

C. Enteroendocrine cells

D. Paneth cells

E. Undifferentiated cells

Certain diseases of small intestine are connected with the functions disorder of exocrine cells with acidophil granules (Paneth cells). Where are these cells located?

A. *In the bottom of intestinal glands (crypts)

B. In the apical part of intestinal villi

C. On lateral surfaces of intestinal villi

D. In the apical part of intestinal glands (crypts)

E. In the place of villi transition into the glands

Absence of specific structures of small intestine relief has been seen in the patient with chronic enterocolitis (intestine inflammation) during endoscopic examination. What components designate peculiarities of this organ mucosa relief?

A. *Plicae circulares, villi and crypts

B. Fields, rugae and pits

C. Haustrae, villi and crypts

D. Obliquely circular folds

E. Fields, villi

Disorder of parietal and membranous digestion was found during examination of the patient with small intestine disease. What function cells disorder is this connected with?

A. *Enterocytes

B. Intermediate cells

C. Goblet cells

D. Paneth cells

E. Enteroendocrine cells

Absorption function suffers during diseases of small intestine mucosa. What epithelium is responsible for this function?

A. *Simple columnar with striated border

B. Simple cuboidal

C. Simple columnar villous

D. Stratified squamous

E. Stratified cuboidal

Disorder of digestion and absorption of proteins in the small intestine has been found in the patient with chronic enterocolitis (intestine inflammation) as a result of insufficient quantity of dipeptidase in the intestine juice. In what cells synthesis of these enzymes are disordered?

A. *Paneth cells

B. Enterocytes

C. Intermediate cells

D. Goblet cells

E. Enteroendocrine cells


A 39-year-old patient after radiotherapy because of hepatoma developed ulcer of small intestine. It was caused by the inhibition of mytotic activity of the cells, which are responsible for regeneration of small intestine surface epithelium. Inhibition of what cells mitotic activity does this patient have?

A. *Crypt columnar cells without margins

B. Columnar cells

C. Endocrine cells

D. Caliciform exocrynocytes

E. Exocryocytes with acidophilic granules

In a histological specimen of a small intestine wall at the bottom of crypts there have been found clustered cells. In the apical part of the cells there are large acidophilic secretory granules; cytoplasm is colored basophilic. What cells are these?

A. Paneth cells

B. Intermediate cells

C. Endocrine cells

D. Goblet cells

E. Enterocytes

In a histological specimen in the submucosal base of small intestine terminal parts of serous glands are located. What part of the intestine is presented in the specimen?

A. Duodenum

B. Small intestine

C. Ileum

D. Appendix

E. Jejunum

The rate of small intestine epithelium renovation of a patient is reduced. With the damage of what cells is it connected?

A. Columnar non-border epithelial cells (intermediate cells)

B. Paneth cells

C. Endocrine cells

D. Goblet cells

E. Enterocytes

There are mucosal layer of an organ in the histological specimen. Enterocytes and goblet cells can be detected on the villi surface of epithelial lining. What organ consists from these cells?

A. Small intestine

B. Stomach

C. Large intestine

D. Urethra

E. Bronchi

Significant infringement of the regeneration process of the small intestine mucous membrane epithelial layer of a cancer patient is detected by means of morphological research after ray therapeutics. What epithelial layer cells are damaged?

A. Columnar non-border epithelial cells (intermediate cells)

B. Enterocytes

C. Goblet cells

D. Endocrine

E. Paneth cells

It was revealed during autoradiography examination that total regeneration of small intestine epithelium has been taking place during 3 days as a result of active proliferation of undifferentiated cells. Indicate their localization.

A. Bottom of crypts

B. Villi apex

C. Villi base

D. Lateral side of villi

E. Lamina propria of mucosa



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Ultramicroscopical examination of "dark" hepatocyte population in the cell cytoplasm detected a developed granular endoplasmic reticulum. What function has this organella in these cells?

A *Synthesis of blood plasma proteins

B Carbohydrate synthesis

C Deintoxicative function

D Bile production

E Calcium ion depositing

A viral infection has damaged cells that form walls of bile capillaries. This stimulated conditions for inflow of bile into the blood of sinusoidal capillaries. What cells are damaged?

A *Hepatocytes

B Kupffer's cells

C Ito cells

D Pit-cells

E Endotheliocytes


Disorder of blood circulation in classic lobule has been seen in the liver parenchyma during connective tissue overgrowth as a result of chronic diseases. What is the direction of blood circulation in these lobules?

A. *From periphery to the center

B. From center to the periphery

C. Around lobule

D. From apex to the bottom

E. From bottom to the apex

Anomaly of the liver development has been found during examination of the patient. What embryonal source was damaged?

A. *Endoderm of the middle part of the primary gut

B. Endoderm of posterior wall of the gut

C. Endoderm of the anterior gut

D. Mesonephral duct

E. Endoderm of the posterior gut

Parenchymal organ has been seen in the histological slide. Lobules are structural and functional unit of it. They don’t have clear margins, possess central vein in the center, radial oriented stacks and intralobular sinusoidal capillaries. Lobule is limited by interlobular arteries, veins and bile ducts. Name, what organ has these morphological signs?

A. *Liver

B. Thyroid gland

C. Pancreas

D. Parotid gland

E. Kidney


In a histological specimen an organ parenchyma is presented by lobules of hexahedral prism form consisting of anastomosing plates with sinusoidal capillaries. The capillaries are lying between the plates and are radially converging to the central vein. What anatomic organ has such morphological structure?

A. *Liver

B. Pancreas

C. Thymus

D. Spleen

E. Lymph node

There is a large quantity of carbohydrates in the dietary intake of a human. What structures will be seen in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes?

A. *Glycogen granules

B. Lipid droplets

C. One large lipid drop

D. Lipofuscin inclusions

E. Increasing of ribosome quantity

Rough endoplasmic reticulum was detected in the cytoplasm of “dark” hepatocytes during ultramicroscopic investigation of them. What function performs this organelle in these cells?

A. *Synthesis of blood plasma proteins

B. Synthesis of carbohydrates

C. Detoxification

D. Bile production

E. Ca ions deposition



Tests of the “KROK-1” database


50-year-old patient complains of increasing appetite, thirsty, decreasing of body weight, fatigue. Increased blood glucose level was revealed during laboratory examination. What cells function disorder is connected with development of this disease?

A. *β-cells

B. α-cells

C. Thyrocytes

D. Acinar cells

E. Lipotropocytes

There is gland in the histological slide. There are acini in the lobules, secretory cells of which have 2 zones: basal – homogeneous basophilic and apical – zymogen oxiphylic. What organ has these morphological signs?

A. *Pancreas

B. Liver

C. Parotid salivary gland

D. Submandibular salivary gland

E. Sublingual salivary gland

Certain cells of pancreas are in the permanent condition of exertion in people that incline to excessive using of sweet. What cells are these?

A. *β-cells

B. α-cells

C. D cells

D. PP cells

E. EC cells

The B cells of endocrine portion of pancreas are selectively damaged by alloxan poisoning. How will it be reflected in blood plasma?

A *The content of sugar increases

B The content of fibrinogen decrease

C The level of sugar decreases

D The content of globulins decreases

E The content of albumins decreases


Massive damage of centroacinar cells was detected in the analysis of a patient after acute pancreatitis. With help of what cells is its regeneration possible?

A. Intercalated duct cells

B. Islets Langerhans cells

C. Cells of the stroma

D. Vessel endothelium

E. Interlobular duct cells

55-year-old patient is observed by endocrinologist apropos decreasing of pancreas function that manifested by decreasing of hormone glucagon in the blood. What cells function is disturbed in this case?

A. α-cells of Langerhans islets

B. β- of Langerhans islets

C. D-cells of Langerhans islets

D. PP-cells of Langerhans islets

E. EC-cells of Langerhans islets



Tests of the “KROK-1” database


A patient was admitted to the hospital with an asphyxia attack provoked by a spasm of smooth muscles of the respiratory tracts. This attack was mainly caused by alterations in the following parts of the airways:

A *Small bronchi

B Median bronchi

C Large bronchi

D Terminal bronchioles

E Respiratory part

The changes of the epithelium are observed at the patient after prolonged inflammation of the nasal cavity mucous membrane. What epithelium has been changed?

A * Simple pseudostratified

B Simple squamous

C Stratified squamous

D Stratified cuboidal

E Stratified columnar

The glands, cartilage islands and pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium were founded during the histological examination of the bronchus wall. What kind of bronchus was examinated?

A * Middle bronchus

B Large bronchus

C Primary bronchus

D Small bronchus

E Terminal bronchioles

On the autopsy of the dead man, 65 years old, who suffered from pulmonary disease, it was founded that pathological process was mainly localized in the bronchus. The glands, cartilage islands and pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium were clearly visible at the histological examination of ths bronchus. What kind of bronchus was njured?

A * Middle bronchus

B Large bronchus

C Primary bronchus

D Small bronchus

E Terminal bronchioles

The mucous membrane that covers the upper part of the upper nasal turbinate was demaged as a result of the nose trauma at man 30 years old. What consequences it will result to?

A * Disorders of odorant perception

B Disorders of air humidification

C Disorders of goblet cells secretory activity

D Disorders of air warming

E Disorders of air warming and humidification


After breathing with poisonous steams there is an increased quantity of slime in respiratory passages of a chemical production worker. What of respiratory tract epithelial cells participate in mucousa moistening?

A *Goblet cells

B Fibroblasts

C Endocrine cells

D Langergans cells

E Intercalated cells

A pathological process in bronchi resulted in epithelium desquamation. What cells will regenerate bronchial epithelium?

A *Basal

B Intercalary

C Ciliate

D Endocrinal

E Goblet

A 35 year old patient applied to a doctor with complaints about having intense rhinitis and loss of sense of smell for a week. Objectively: nasal cavity contains a lot of mucus that covers mucous membrane and blocks olfactory receptors. In what part of nasal cavity are these receptors situated?

A *Superior nasal turbinate

B Median nasal turbinate

C Inferior nasal turbinate

D Common nasal meatus

E Vestibule of nose

Real diphtheritic croup is accompanied with deposition of fibrous membranes on the true vocal folds which are tightly connected with epithelium. What type of epithelia covers mucosa of these cords?

A. *Stratified squamous nonkeratinized

B. Stratified squamous keratinized

C. Pseudostratified ciliary

D. Simple squamous

E. Simple cuboidal

The child breathed a button, which was removed from the right main bronchus by the bronchoscope. What epithelium of bronchus was probably damaged by the foreign objects?

A * Pseudostratified ciliated

B Stratified squamous nonkeratinized

C Simple cuboidal

D Transitionary

E Simple squamous

The ciliary and goblet cells, which form the mucociliary complex, are located in the consisting of respiratory airways epithelium. What is the function of this complex?

A * Clearing of the air from the dust particles

B Secretion of the hormones

C Warming of the air

D Humidification of the air

E Respiration


The patient resorts to the doctor with complaints of nasal cavity dryness. The dysfunction of the nasal cavity mucous glands was founded during the nvestigation. What layer of the nasal cavity mucous membrane contains these glands?

A * Lamina propria of mucosa

B Epithelial lamina of mucosa

C Lamina musclularis of mucosa

D Submucous layer

E Fibrous cartilage lamina

The organ is represented in histological slide. Its wall consists of mucosa, submucosa, fibro-cartilage and adventitia tunics. It is covered by pseudostratfied ciliated epithelium. There are glands with mucous-protein secret in the submucous layer. Hyaline cartilage forms a large plates. What organ has the same morphological characteristics?

A * Large bronchus

B Esophagus

C Trachea

D Larynx

E Small bronchus

The malignant epithelial tumor of middle bronchus was diagnosed at the patient 66 years old. What kind of epithelium was the source of this tumor?

A * Pseudostratified ciliated

B Stratified squamous nonkeratinized

C Stratified squamous keratinized

D Transitionary

E Simple cuboidal

The malignant epithelial tumor of trachea was diagnosed at the patient 56 years old. What kind of epithelium was the source of this tumor?

A * Pseudostratified ciliated

B Stratified squamous nonkeratinized

C Stratified squamous keratinized

D Transitionary

E Simple cuboidal

The wall of the trachea was damaged during intubation. What kind of epithelium was damaged?

A * Pseudostratified ciliated

B Stratified squamous nonkeratinized

C Stratified squamous keratinized

D Transitionary

E Simple cuboidal

The terminal bronchioles are revealed at the histological examination of the lung. What kind of epithelium is cover these bronchioles?

A * Simple cuboidal ciliated

B Stratified squamous nonkeratinized

C Pseudostratified ciliated

D Simple cuboidal

E Transitionary

A tubular organ was revealed on the histological preparation of the respiratory system. It is covered by a low epithelium, has well developed muscular layer. The glands and cartilage are absent. Name this organ.

A * Small bronchus

B Trachea

C Larynx

D Main bronchus

E Middle bronchus

A tubular organ was revealed on the histological preparation of the respiratory system. The wall of it consists of simple cuboidal ciliated epithelium, muscle lamina is composed by smooth muscle cells, mucosa folds are absent. What is the organ?

A *Terminal bronchus

B Small bronchus

C Middle bronchus

D Large bronchus

E Main bronchus

The desquamation of epithelium occurs as result of the pathological process in bronchus. What cell will make the bronchial epithelium regeneration?

A * Basal

B Mucus

C Ciliary

D Endocrine

E Goblet

The death of the bronchus ciliated epithelial cells developed at the chemical industry worker after inhaling of the causticmiasma. What cell will make the bronchial epithelium regeneration?

A * Basal

B Mucus

C Ciliary

D Endocrine

E Goblet



Tests of the “KROK-1” database


Lung of premature infant is presented on electronic photomicrography of biopsy material. Collapse of the alveolar wall caused by the deficiency of surfactant was revealed. Dysfunction of what cells of the alveolar wall caused it?

A *Alveocytes type II

B Alveocytes type I

C Alveolar macrophages

D Secretory cells

E Fibroblasts

Electronic microphotography of pulmonary alveoli’s wall presents a big cell. Its cytoplasm has a lot of mitochondria, developed Golgi apparatus, osmiophil lamellated corpuscles. What is the main function of this cell?

A *It produces surfactant

B It is a component of blood-air barrier

C It warms the air

D It purifies the air

E It absorbs microorganisms

The auscultation of a patient with dry pleuritis has revealed plueral friction rub. What epithelium type can cause such signs?

A. Simple cubical epithelium

B. *Simple flat epithelium

C. Transitional epithelium

D. Simple prismatic epithelium

E. Laminated epithelium

The cells that take place at the blood-aif barrier was founded at the alveoli microphotography. What are these cells?

A * Respiratory epithelial cells of the alveoli

B Secretory epithelial cells of the alveoli

C Alveolar macrophages

D Clara's cell

E Ciliated epithelial cells

The respiratory distress syndrome develops at the premature newborn. Lack of what aero-hematic barrier component is in the base of this disease?

A * Surfactant

B Endothelium of capillaries

C Endothelial basement membrane

D Basement membrane of alveolocyte.

E Alveolocyte.

There are cells with a domed apical part and microvilli on it at the respiratory epithelium. The synthetic apparatusof this cell is well developed, and in the apical part contains the secretory granules. Name this cell.

A * Clara's cell

B Goblet cell

C. Endocrine cell

D Basal

E Cambial

The structures in the form of open vesicles are represented on the microphotography. The inner surface of it is covered by a simple epithelium that consist of respiratory and secretory cells. What is the structure?

A * Alveolus

B Bronchioles

C Acinus

D Alveolar ducts

E Terminal bronchus

2013 р.

Alveolar space of the acinus was invaded by some bacteria which interacted with the surfactant. This led to the activation of the cells that are localized in the alveolar walls and on the surface. What cells are these?

A *Alveolar macrophages

B Alveolocytes type I

C Endothelial cells

D Clara’s cells

E Alveolocytes type II

It is known that an important component of the aero-hematic barrier is alveolar surfactant complex, which prevents the falling of the alveoli during the expiratory. What cell is synthesizing the phospholipids surfactant membranes formation?

A * Epitheliocyte type II

B Respiratory cells

C Ciliated epithelial cells

D Alveolar macrophages

E Capillary endothelium

The structure that consist of surfactant, alveolocyte type I, basement membrane and the fenestrated endothelium of the capillaries was represented on the microphotography. Which histohematic barrier was represented?

A *Aero-hematic

B Hemato-encephalic

C Hemato-tymic

D Hemato-likvor

E Hemato-testicularis

The bacteria was penetrated into the alveolar space and affect the surfactant. This activated the cells are localized in the walls of the alveoli and on their surface. What are these cells?

A Alveolar macrophages

B Alveolocyte type I

C Endothelial

D Clara’s cells

E Alveolocyte type II

2012 р.

The injury of the cells those are responsible for respiratory function was founded at the microscopic preparations of human lung, who suffered from pneumonia. What are the cells?

A * Alveolocyte type I

B Alveolocyte type II

C Macrophages

D Clara’s Cells

E Lymphocytes

It is knovn that the work in the mine is associated with the inhalation of large amounts of coal dust. In what cells of the lungs can be detect the coal dust?

A * Alveolar macrophages

B Respiratory epitheliocytes

C Secretory epitheliocytes

D Capillary endothelial cells

E Capillary pericytes

A benign epithelial tumor of the visceral pleura was diagnosed at man 48 years old. What epithelium is a source of this tumor development?

A * Simple squamous

B Stratified nonkeratinized

C Pseudostratified ciliated

D Transitionary

E Stratified keratinized


Tests of the “KROK-1” database


A histological specimen of kidney shows a structure consisting of a glomerulus of fenestrated capillaries and a bilayer epithelial capsule. Specify this structure:

A *Renal corpuscle

B Proximal tubule

C Distal tubule

D Henle's loop

E Receiving tube

A histological specimen of a kidney shows a part of the distal tubule going between the afferent and efferent arteriole. The cells building the tubule wall have dense nuclei; basal membrane is absent. Such structural formation is called:

A *Macula densa

B Juxtaglomerular cells

C Mesangial cells

D Juxtavascular cells

E -

An important part of the renal filtration barrier is a three-layer basement membrane, which has a special mesh structure of its middle layer. Where this basement membrane is situated?

A * In the renal corpuscles

B In the capillaries of the perytubular capillary net

C In the proximal tubules

D In the thin tubules

E In the distal tubules

The blood cells and fibrinogen was detected in the urine of 35 year old woman with kidney disease. It was probably associated with the renal filter function. What is the structure composition of thei filter?

A * Endothelium of glomerular capillaries, three-layer basement membrane, podocytes

B Three-layer basement membrane

C Endothelium of capillaries, basement membrane

D Podocytes, basement membrane

E Endothelium, podocytes

The stable increase in blood pressure was made in the experimentby the constriction of the renal artery. The function of what kidney cells can results this effect?

A * Juxtaglomerular cells

B Podocytes

C Endothelial

D Interstitial cells

E Macula densa cells

The cells are tightly adjacent to the renal corpuscles were revealed at the histological preparation of kidney distal convoluted tubule. Their basement membrane of it is very thin and does not form the folds. These cells feel the changes of sodium content in the urine and affect the renin secretion by the juxtaglomerular cells. What are these cells?

A * Macula densa cells

B Juxtaglomerular cells

C Mesangial cells

D Podocytes

E Endothelium glomerular capillaries


The low specific gravity of the secondary urine (1002) was found out in the sick person. What is the most distant part of nephron where concentration of secondary urine takes place?

A *In the collecting duct

B In the nephron’s glomerulus

C In proximal tubule of nephron

D In ascending part of loop of Henle

E In distal tubule of nephron

The electronic microphoto of kidney fragment has exposed afferent glomerular arteriole, which has giant cells under its endothelium, containing secretory granules. Name the type of these cells:

A *Juxtaglomerular

B Mesangial

C Smoothmuscular

D Juxtavascular

E Interstitial

A patient has a decreased vasopressin synthesis that causes polyuria and as a result of it evident organism dehydratation. What is the mechanism of polyuria development?

A *Reduced tubular reabsorption of water

B Reduced tubular reabsorption of Na ions

C Reduced tubular reabsorption of protein

D Reduced glucose reabsorption

E Acceleration of glomerular filtration

Examination of a 43 y.o. anephric patient revealed anemia symptoms. What is the cause of these symptoms?

A *Reduced synthesis of erythropoietins

B Enhanced destruction of erythrocytes

C Iron deficit

D Vitamin B12 deficit

E Folic acid deficit

A month after surgical constriction of rabbit's renal artery the considerable increase of systematic arterial pressure was observed. What of the following regulation mechanisms caused the animal's pressure change?

A *Angiotensin-II

B Vasopressin

C Adrenaline

D Noradrenaline

E Serotonin

The leached erythrocytes were detected in the patient urine. What part of the nephron was damaged?

A * Renal corpuscle membrane

B Proximal tubule

C Loop of Henle

D Distal tubule

E Composite renal tube

The cells with large secretory granules in the cytoplasm were defined at the kidney electron microphotograpy in the wall of afferent and efferent arteries. Identify the structural formation of the kidney, which consists of these cells.

A * Juxtaglomerular apparatus

B Renal corpuscle

C Proximal part of nephron

D Distal part of nephron

E Loop of nephron

Biopsy material of the kidney is examinated by the method of electron microphotography. The fenestarded endothelium with basement membrane is reveald on the microphotography. From the outer side of the basement membrane there are dendritic epithelial cells. What formation of the kidney is represented on the microphotography?

A * Filtrating barrier

B Renal corpuscle

C Proximal part of nephron

D Distal part of nephron

E Loop of nephron


The presence of albumin (albuminuria) and glucose (glucosuria) in the secondary urine for two weeks is observed in a patient with suspected glomerulonephritis. What part of the kidney function is disordered?

A * Proximal tubules

B Distal tubules

C Thin tubule

D Collecting tubules

E Juxtaglomerular apparatus

The injury of the distal nephron part epthelium was made at the experimental model on the rets. What functional processes in the kidney will be weakened?

A * Reabsorption of water and electrolitas

B Reabsorption of glucose

C Reabsorption of sodium and glucose

D Reabsorption of protein

E Filtration

30 g of glucose was founded in the patient urne in case of normal its amount in the blood. What structural-functional mechanisms of the kidney were damaged?

A * Process of reabsorption in the proximal part of the nephron

B Process of filtration

C Process of reabsorption in the distal part of the nephron

D Process of reabsorption in the thin tubules

E Process of reabsorption in the distal part as a result of ADH insufficiency

The structures covered by prismatic epithelium with the brush border and deep plasmolemma folds in the basal part ware determined at the cortex of the kidney. A large mitochondria number is situated between the plasmolemma folds. What nephron part is described?

A * Proximal tubule

B Straight distal tubule

C Tortuous distal tubule

D Loop of Henle

E Renal corpuscles

The podocytes can be damaged as result of idney disease. What functional changes will develop as result of it?

A * Filtration of protein will increase

B Filtration of protein will decrease

C Secretion of renin will increase

D Secretion of renin will decrease

E Secretion of prostaglandins will increase

The large epithelial cell with large and small processes was represented on the electron microphotography of the kidney fragment. The large and small processes are attached to the basement membrane of capillaries. What is the cell?

A * Podocytes

B Juxtavascular cell

C Smooth myocyte

D Endotheliocyte

E Mesangial cell

The blood cells don’t appear in the urine in norm. What nephron structure privent them appiarence in the urine?

A * Basement membrane of glomerular capillaries

B Juxtavascular cell

C Mesangial cell

D Outer layer of the glomerulus capsule epithelium

E Loop of Henle epithelium

The subacid urine reaction was revealed at the patient. What kidney cells provide such urine reaction?

A * Secretory cells of collecting tubules

B Juxtaglomerular cells of cortical nephrons

C Juxtavascular cells of cortical nephrons

D Macula densa cells

E Interstitial cells of stroma

The nephrons, which are situated on the border between the cortex and medulla and have the same diameter and extension afferentand efferent arterioles were revealed on the kidney preparation. What function of kidney will be disordered in case of these nephrons injury?

A * Blood shunting at intensification of blood supply

B Synthesis of renin

C Synthesis of prostaglandins

D Synthesis of erythropoietin

E Sodium receptor activity

Anemia was developed at the patient 50 years old with chronic nephritis. What is the reason of anemia development at this patient?

A * Reduced production of erythropoietin

B Absence of cancer

C Lack of vitamin B12

D Disorders of porphyrin synthesis

E Immunological injury of the cells - precursors of erythropoiesis


Tests of the “KROK-1” database


During pubescence the cells of male sexual glands begin to produce male sex hormon testosterone that calls forth secondary sexual characters. What cells of male sexual glands produce this hormone?

A Leidig cells

B Sustentocytes

C Sertoli's cells

D Supporting cells

E Spermatozoa

The changes in the nucleus and cytoplasm of spermatids are observed on the one of the spermatogenesis phases that leads to the formation of mature gametes. What is the phase of gametogenesis?

A * Formation

B Maturation

C Growth

D Reproduction

E Proliferation

A dsorder of the tests epthelium was developed as result of the scrotum mechanical trauma. What epithelium was damaged?

A * Simple cuboidal

B Ciliated

C Simple columnar

D Stratified

E Transitional

The organ that is covered by albuginea and serous membranes from outside was represented in the histological section. Organ stroma is consist from loose connective tissue that contains the Leydig cells. The parenchyma is presented by the tubules are covered by the spermatogenic epithelium from the inner surface. What is the organ?

A * Testes

B Epididymis

C Prostate

D Mammary gland

E Ovaries


The destroying of the convoluted tubules walls is marked at man after the testis mechanical trauma. What does it lead?

A * Aspermatogenesis

B Polyspermia

C Increasing of testosterone synthesis

D Monospermia

E Reduction of testosterone synthesis


The insufficient number of germ cells was founded at the study of seminal fluid of a patient 25 years pld. Which cells of male gonads provide a sufficient number of sperm for fertilization?

A *Spermatogonia

B Sustentocytes

C Supporting cells

D Sertoli Cells

E Leydig cells

The couple complains of inability to have children. The testes spermatogenic epithelium injury that lead to the absence of sperm in the semen and infertility was founded after the man examination. What part of the testis was injured?

A * Ductuli seminiferi contorti

B Rete testis

C Ductuli seminiferi recti

D Ductuli eferentes testis

E Ductus epididimidis

The cells of male sex glands begin to produce the male sex hormone testosterone that causes the appearance of secondary sex characteristics during the puberty. What cells of male gonads produce this hormone?

A * Leydig cells

B Sustentocytes

C Sertoli Cells

D Supporting cells

E Spermatozoa

The production of sperm was disordered as result of orchitis at men 43 years old. What part of the testis was injured?

A * Ductuli seminiferi contorti

B Rete testis

C Ductuli seminiferi recti

D Ductuli eferentes testis

E Ductus epididimidis


Tests of the “KROK-1” database


Histological picture of the endometrium has the following features: thickening, edema, uterus glands are gyrose with enlarged lumen and produce large amount of mucus, mitosis in the cells are not observed, decidual cells are present in the stroma. What is the stage of the menstrual cycle?

A * Secretory (premenstrual)

B Menstrual

C Regenerative

D Proliferative

E Relative rest

There is prolongation of the large follicle growth phase at the petent with pituitary adenoma (the tumor of adenohypophisis). What is the length of the oocytelarge growth phase in norm?

A * 12-14 days

B Several decades (from 10-13 to 40-50) after the birth

C After the birth until the puberty

D From 3 months of prenatal development to the birth

E 28 days

The hyperemia of the ovary, increasing of blood-follicular barrier permeabbilty with next edema development, infiltration of the follicle wall by the segmented leukocytes is observed at the fimale. The follicle volume is large. The wall of it is very thin. What is the stage of the menstrual cycle?

A * Preovulatory stage

B Ovulation

C Menstrual stage

D Postmenstrual stage

E Relative rest stage

A diagnostic biopsy of the endometrium was made to the patient with infertility at the gynecologcal department. At the microscopic examination t was revealed that the mucosa is edematous, uterine glands are gyrose and filled by a thick secret. Excess amount of what hormone wll lead to such changes in the endometrium?

A * Progesterone

B Estrogen

C Testosterone

D Somatotropin



An ovary specimen stained by hematoxylin-eosin presents a follicle, where cells of follicular epithelium are placed in 1-2 layers and have cubic form, there is a bright-red membrane around the ovocyte. What follicle is it?

A *Primary

B Primordial

C Secondary

D Mature

E Atretic

In the ovary specimen colored with hematoxylin-eosin, follicle is determined where cubic-shaped follicle epithelium cells are placed in 1-2 layers, and scarlet covering is seen around ovocyte. Name this follicle:

A *Primary

B Primordial

C Secondary

D Mature

E Atretic

The structures with a large cavity were defined at the histological slide of a female ovary. Primary oocyte s surrounded by a transparent membrane, radiant crown and situated at the oviparous hill. The wall is formed by a layer of follicular cells and theca. What structure of the ovary has the same morphological features?

A * Mature (tertiary) follicle

B Primordial follicle

C Primary follicle

D Yellow body

E Atretic body

The round-shaped structure that consists of large glandular cells containing pigment lutein was founded at the histological slide of a female ovary. The small connective tissue scar is in the center of this structure. What is the structure?

A * Yellow body

B Matured follicle

C Atretic body

D Secondary follicle

E White body

Normal embryo implantation is possible only in case of corresponding changes of the endometrium of the uterus. Amount of what endometrial cells will increase in this case?

A * Decidual cells

B Fibroblasts

C Neurons

D Macrophages

E Myocytes

The atretic bodies and developed corpus luteum was founded at the preparation next to the ovarian follicles of different orders. What is the stage of ovarian-menstrual cycle?

A * Premenstrual

B Menstrual

C Postmenstrual

D Regenerative

E Follicle growth

2012 р.

The endocrine function of ovary follicular cells was disordered as result of inflammation. Synthesis of what hormone will be suppressed?

A * Estrogen

B Progesterone

C Llutropin

D Follicle stimulating hormone

E Folistatin

The follicle in which the follicular epithelial cells are cubical and located in 1-2 layers was represented at the preparation of the ovary, stained by hematoxylin-eosin. The bright red membrane is visible around the oocyte. Name this follicle.

A * Primary

B Primordial

C Secondary

D Mature

E Atretic

The polygonal cells are rich in lipids and glycogen was revealed in the mucosa lamina propria on the endometrial biopsy of a healthy woman, taken in the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. What are these cells?

A * Decidual cells

B Smooth myocytes

C Endothelial cells of the damaged vessels

D Myofibroblasts

E Fibroblasts

The corpse of the unknown woman was deliveredfor the forensic examination. The rounded structure with a diameter of 5 cm, containing a yellow pigment was revealed on the ovary section. Pathological changes in the ovary were not founded. What cells this formation is composed from?

A * Lutein

B Follicular

C Interstitial

D Muscle

E Fibroblasts

A cyst of the ovary was founded at the woman 50 years old. From what structure was it developed?

A * From follicle

B From cortex stroma

C From atretic body

D From white body

E From interstitial cells

The bright pink irregularly shaped structures (hematoxylin-eosin staining) are occurring at the section of a normal ovary. What is the reason of these structures formation?

A * Atresia of the follicle

B Formation of the corpus luteum

C Ovulation

D Formation of the white body

E Necrosis of the follicle

An increased estrogens amount was founded in the blood of a women. What ovary cells take place at these hormones formation?

A * Interstitial and follicular cells of secondary follicles

B Oocytes

C Follicular cells of primary follicles

D Follicular cells of primordial follicles

E Follicular cells and oocytes

A low concentration of estrogens and high level of progesterone was revealed in the blood of not pregnant women 26 years old. At what stage of ovarian-menstrual cycle the analysis was made?

A * Premenstrual phase (secretory)

B Menstrual phase

C Postmenstrual phase (proliferative)

D Phase of desquamation

E Proliferation phase of endometrium

The bleeding stopping after the childbirth s resulted by the action of hormones on the uterus structure. What component of the uterine wall takes the main part in it?

A * Middle layer of the myometrium

B Endometrium

C Inner layer of the myometrium

D Superficial layer of the myometrium

E Perimetrium

The bleeding stopping after the childbirth s resulted by the oxytocin action on the uterus wall. What component of the uterine wall is reacting on the oxytocin action?

A * Myometrium

B Endometrium

C Perimetrium

D Parametrium

E Submucosa


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