108547503950Study at Home PacketSubject: Music AppreciationDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day Music Theory for the Day: Notenames- Here is a review of notenames: complete your best 20 notename ID in this exercise: sure to include Treble and Bass clefs in the settings.Music History: Baroque Music Intro Theory: Note Construction History: Baroque Period Continued Theory: Keyboard Note Identification History: Baroque Period Continued Theory:Notenaming with Solfege Moveable Do: Theory: Intro to Key Signatures History: Introduction to Classical Period Music 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10Music Theory: ID major key signatures History: The Classical Period Continued Theory: ID major key signatures History: The Classical Period Continued Write a short poem or rap about “social distancing”.Composition: (3-day project)Set your poem or rap to music. You can use Garageband to create a beat and record yourself over the beat. You can use Noteflight to create a traditional composition. You could also try Soundtrap or another free composition tool. Make sure to save and send it to google classroom when finished.Music Theory: Key Signature Construction History: The Romantic Period Theory: Music Intervals History: The Romantic Period Part II Theory: Specific Music Intervals History: The Romantic Period 3 Period Listening Guide with links, info, and google form answer blanks: Day 11Day 12Day 13Day 14Day 15Music Theory: How to write music intervals History: 20th Century Music : Find a 20th Century Painting or sculpture. Use it as inspiration to free-write. This is called ekphrastic writing.Music Theory: Music Interval Identification History: 20th Century Music Century Listening Guide with links, info and google form answer blanks: Theory: Music Interval Construction History: 21st Century Music Century Listening Guide with links, info and google form answer blanks: Theory: The Piano Keyboard Introduction - Piano Keyboard - Theory: The Piano Player - see how many levels you can complete History: Pop Music History Selling Pop Music by Year ................

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