How to Pick a Blog Topic Checklist - How To Start A Blog

How to Pick a Blog Topic Checklist

The first step to starting a blog is to pick a blog topic. This checklist will help you choose one.


Write down 3 things you are passionate about below. These could be hobbies, sports, skills you've learned, or

products you use.

topic 1

topic 2

topic 3

Go through this checklist for each topic. Tick the checkbox if your answer to a question is yes. If not, leave it blank. Tally up the number of ticks for each topic. See which topic has the highest score. To ensure blogging success, you want to have as many yeses as possible.

topic 1 2 3


2 3 4 5




Have you picked an audience?

Start by picking an audience. It helps to think about who you are and what you are passionate about. Some examples of audiences: parents, beginner tennis players, first-time home buyers.

Can you find the audience on social media?

Forums, Quora, Twitter, and other social media groups are good places to get ideas for topics. Plus, you can publish a link to your blog post there after it's written.

Are people searching for the topic on Google?

No one wants to publish to the sound of crickets. Check your favorite keyword research tool to find out if people are searching for your topic.

Does this topic have long term appeal?

The longer the topic can stay relevant, the better. Think 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and 5 years from now.

Can you think of at least 25 blog post ideas?

Make sure there's enough to write about in the future and that you can come up with new things to blog about and keep your content fresh over the long term. Check social media and your keyword research tool for more topic ideas.

Can you make your content different from others?

Think of ways to make your content more unique, appealing, engaging, entertaining or interactive. Some examples of unique content include: performing research, adding a video, or taking a picture.

Is the topic easy to show up for in Google?

Google is the number one source of visitors to blogs. In your keyword tool, check the difficulty score to see if you can actually show up for the topic. A score less than 30 is low difficulty.


Congrats, you now have your winning blog topic!

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How to Pick a Blog Topic Checklist


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