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Delivery Boy APPUser App:Register:User can register with valid Phone number or Email id.OTP verification is available.User can also need to provide their name and email id.Referral credits options is available.Book your delivery:For booking process, user need to enter pickup and delivery location (by default, app will take user current location as delivery, later user can change it).User need to select vehicle type in the top of the screen like Truck, Van, Bike, etc.Delivery Now & Delivery Later:After setting pickup & delivery location, user needs to select the Delivery timing options.Delivery NowBy default it will take current date and current time to book a Delivery.Delivery LaterUser need to set pickup date and time to book a Delivery.Confirm Booking:User need to select package and payment method.Package will be different based on the vehicle type choosed.Payment method:WalletOnline (Paypal integrated)CashFor extra distance or extra time of delivery, user need to pay additional charge.My Deliveries:User can see the booked deliveries and the status of the Delivery by clicking “My Bookings” button in navigation screen.By clicking the Delivery, user can see full details.User can see pickup & delivery location, driver details, Delivery amount etc.Here user have the option for "Tracking" while the delivery is in corner of the detail page, there is a menu icon to see the invoice for the Delivery. It will show only if the Delivery finished.User can give ratings to driver after the Delivery finished.User can cancel the Delivery by long click the Delivery in "My Bookings" page while the Delivery status is in pending.If delivery was finished and payment was not done, then while user clicking the Delivery to go for payment page.My profile:User can view their profile by clicking “My Profile” button in navigation screen.User can edit their profile by clicking “Edit” button in top right corner of the page.User can save any four contacts as emergency contacts. For only the saved contacts, user can transfer the wallet amount.Wallet Management:Users can see their wallet details here.Wallet amount will be credited based on the referrals.Referral credits per referral will be managed in admin side.User can also add money to wallet via "Add Money" option.User can transfer wallet amount to their friend's wallet with "Money Transfer" option. Rate card & Support:User can see the rate card about the vehicles in "Rate Card" page. User can browse these details based on vehicle type.In the support page, it will show the basic FAQ's about this app and booking process.Both are managed by admin.Live Tracking:User can see driver location after the Delivery accepted.User can make call to the driver.There is an OTP displayed here and it needs to be verified with driver once the delivery gets finished.Driver App:Login:Driver can login with valid mail id and password.Forget password option also available in login form.New driver can register by clicking “Register Now”.Register:Driver can register with valid E-mail address and PasswordDriver can also need to provide their name, phone number and vehicle details.Driver need to upload the photos of the required documents.Home page:By default, after login driver’s current location will send to server.Driver need to make him available by clicking switch button in the top of the page when he is not in Delivery.Bottom of the page, driver can see the total number of Deliveries completed and total amount received in current day and overall Deliveries also.By clicking photo, driver can change his profile photo.New Delivery:When the Delivery request notification arrives, Driver need to click “notification icon” in top of the home screen.Driver can see list of Delivery requests. By clicking any request, driver can reject or accept the Delivery.Pickup Points:After accepting, there is an list of pickup points will be displayed.Driver needs to click the locations one by one to start and finish.If all the pickup points are finished, then user click “Go to delivery”.Here driver can make a call to user for any clarification. Go to delivery:After reach delivery location, driver need to click finish button.Then alert box will be appear for asking OTP.Driver need to get OTP from user. (OTP was displayed in tracking page).After submitting OTP, if OTP matches then amount will be calculated.Amount Calculation:Total amount to be paid will be displayed in the screen.If delivery takes some additional distance or additional time when compared with package choosed, then it will added with total amount to be paid.User needs to pay additional amount only if user Delivery extra distance or extra time.Delivery finish notification will sent to user.There is a button “Back to home” to go back for the home page.My Deliveries:Drivers can see their finished and accepted Deliveries in the my Delivery page by clicking “My Deliveries” in navigation screen.By clicking any delivery with status of accepted & in progress then driver will see the pickup points.By clicking the “on the way” delivery, driver will see the delivery location details.Delivery Report:Drivers can see their monthly Delivery report and payment status.Driver can see each Delivery total amount, admin commission and driver amount.Admin commission per Delivery will be managed in admin side.Manage Vehicle:Driver can see and update their vehicle details in this page.At the end of the page, list of document's photos are available which are uploaded in registration time.By clicking the photo, driver can be able to change and upload it again.My profile:Driver can view their profile by clicking “Profile” in navigation screen.Driver can edit their profile by clicking “Edit profile” at the top right corner in action bar.Driver can change their password by clicking the “password change” at the top right corner in action bar.Rate card & Support:Driver can see the rate card about the vehicles in "Rate Card" page. Driver can browse these details based on vehicle type.In the support page, it will show the basic FAQ's about this app and booking process.Both are managed by adminAdmin Side:Key Features:Admin DashboardUser ManagementDriver ManagementVehicle Type ManagementDelivery ManagementMonthly Report for DriversDriver PaymentManage commission per Delivery and credits per referralFAQ's ManagementManage ReviewsGeneral SettingsContent Management System ................

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