Modern World History [pic] Project and Presentation

Purpose: Although the superpowers of the Cold War (U.S. and NATO vs. USSR and Warsaw Pact) did not directly go to war against each other they did indirectly in “hot spots” around the world. This project/presentation is to understand the different “hot spots” or “battles” of the Cold War and then to present that knowledge to your classmates.

Task: To identify a specific “hot spot” during the Cold War; its causes, course (major events) and key consequences/results. As well as, to share your knowledge with your classmates through a visual aid and a 1page study guide/summary.

1. In a group of 3-4, choose one of the following “hot spots” of the Cold War to research:

Choose from the following list:

Berlin (Wall 1961, or spying or Blockade)

Korea (War) 1950-1953

Vietnam (War) 1955-1975

Nicaragua (Contras vs. Sandinistas)

Afghanistan 1979-1989 (War and Taliban)

Space (Race) (1957-1975)

Cambodia (Khmer Rouge 1975-1979)

Chinese Civil War (1945-1949)

Cuba (Missile Crisis 1962)

Suez Crisis of 1976

Research: the main causes, course (timeline with some explanation), and major consequence(s) or results and/or effects on the Cold War. Some suggested questions:

• How did it start? Who was involved (people, groups, sides)? Why did it happen?

• What happened (a brief course of the conflict)?

• How were the two superpowers involved? How did they intervene (military or financial aid? Other?)

• How/why did it end? What were the consequences and/or effects on the Cold War?

The following are some of the best sites out there to do your research. I would start with Wikipedia () for background knowledge and then move on to these sites for more in-depth research:

Produce: a visual aid (powerpoint, Prezi, other) to help present/report your findings to the class. Include a 1 page summary/study guide/chart/diagram for your class mates (not to be read out during presentation nor should it be the “script” of your presentation). Short clips from films and documentaries are ok in addition to.

NOTE: Higher marks for not just telling what happened but analyzing why it happened and how it affected the Cold War world and today’s world.

Presentation: Present your findings (each member of the group presents their own work/research) to the class using the visual aid in a 10-12 minute presentation.

Value: Test/Project/Summative Assessment

Due: Presentations will begin the week of May 21st


I. What/Who? Description/Explanation /25

- How clearly was the “hot spot” introduced and explained?

- Are there a variety of relevant examples presented in support of the

statement's made about the cause(s), course and consequence/results of the “hot spot” and relevant major events?

- How clear and effective are the examples in providing evidence/supporting your findings?

- How clearly and effectively has the “hot spot” been addressed?

- Was the presentation complete (cause(s), course, and consequences/results/effects)?

- Ultimately, could others use the presentation and the summary/review sheet to prepare for a quiz/test/exam that includes questions on the “hot spot”?

II. Visual Aid /15

- Was there a visual aid used that supported the presentation, helped the presenters in their presentation, as well as the audience to understand the “hot spot”?

- A visual aid that was easy to follow, and that made the presentation interesting?

- How well and how clearly does the presentation illustrate the description or

explanation of the topic (use of pics/charts/models)?

III. Presentation/Requirements /10

- Was the presentation within the time limit (10-12 mins) or does it show poor presentation/organization and as a result went considerably overtime.

- Was there a study guide/review sheet posted/handed out or emailed?

- Were a variety of relevant sources used in the research?

= _____________ /50


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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